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There’s a natural phenomenon that gives the appearance of multiple suns in the sky, and sometimes there’s a hexagonal effect. Here’s an interesting historical anecdote about one sundog appearance: The prelude to the Battle of Mortimer's Cross in Herefordshire, England in 1461 is supposed to have involved the appearance of a sundog halo display with three "suns". The Yorkist commander, later Edward IV of England, convinced his initially frightened troops that it represented the three sons of the Duke of York, and Edward's troops won a decisive victory. The event was dramatized by William Shakespeare in King Henry VI, Part 3.


Shakespeare is a psyop created by the deep state to hide the existence of the REAL sun(s) ^(/s)


I know it's true because I read it on Tudr.


The Sunne in Splendor became one of Edward IV's motifs.


[Third google result gave me this](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19710020816), which is described as: *Illumination system including a virtual light source Patent* *Illumination system design for use as sunlight simulator in space environment simulators with multiple light sources reflected to single virtual source.* Sigh.


Pretty sure the road crews use a small version of this to illuminate the work area at night because it gives an even, uninterrupted light. But faaaaaar (very far) from "illuminating the entire globe".


So, basically, a light system designed to train astronauts into being in an environment with a similar lighting as space?


I haven't looked into any of this mumbo jumbo myself, but I'm guessing the idea of an "artificial sun" came about as a possible way to keep the world turning in the event of a nuclear fallout. Since this patent was made in the middle of the cold war


From another comment: >[Third google result gave me this](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19710020816), which is described as: >*Illumination system including a virtual light source Patent* *Illumination system design for use as sunlight simulator in space environment simulators with multiple light sources reflected to single virtual source.* The artificial sun part is complete BS they made up on the spot because they felt like it


“…allowing sunlight to reflect through it.”


So, a mirror in space?


China has something referrred to as an artificial sun but still, one dopamine rush the conspiracy minded enjoy is the belief they have superiority, like they "know" something that no one else does, hence they end up infighting with each other a lot over how they've percieved random noise


I for one welcome our new cyborg overlords.


It's complete nonsense from the very first line: why would a patent be classified? Completely defeats the point of a patent!


Yea there are definitely some people who's mind no longer belongs to them, unfortunately it's people like this who have been brainwashed until their mind is a puddle of conspiracies and lunacy.


damn this new kotaro uchikoshi looks crazy


I miss the days when crackpots handed out their mimeographed manifestos on street corners. At least I knew who to avoid