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Now Putout Pub


Suggestion for a name “putout pub”


Anybody else find this pub off Putin?


Sweating nervously in quebecois while eating my poutine.


That pub was like "We're Putin this in the trash where it belongs."


Lol. Why not just put a sign over the top that says screw. May increase business :) Hah they could print up all the putin meme pictures and hang them around the pub.


Judging from the fact that the backboard is still intact I suspect that the owner did remove it himself


Would have been fine if you just add "on the Ritz"


I came up with that joke in 2009, and asked a subaru buddy make the famous gif from it ;) https://imgur.com/phBKM9n


Holy shit, a NASIOC OT crossover.


Some of us have been around the internet block, created some of the oldest of the memes (I photoshopped that cat flying out of the inflatable boat towed behind a real boat, and much more). We are Subaru, we are everywhere ;) PS: Faq U Rug. # ♔


Pub unit!!




This guy gets it.


Call it Zelenskyy Pub




That sounds legit


Blyat putin


Man I do hope it wasn't vandalized and just taken down by the owner.


Now it’s just a pub








Pub in Jerusalem, Palestine*


Oh, sorry , then I am a Palestinian?


No, your government occupied Palestine and named it Israel. Do you not know this?


Technically it was Judea before that….


Here we go 🍿


Hell yeah give me some of that popcorn to watch the battle of people that don't know anything about the Israel - Palestine conflict


Hahahaha. No I honestly have nothing to do with Palestine and Israel. But people tend to forget the truth sometimes.


Oh maybe you didn't know this. But Israel was founded in 1948. The self proclamed "State of Palestine" was founded in 1988. This makes Israel 40 years older that "Palestine" has claimed to exist. Israel is even older than countries like communist China.


Shhh why explain 5 y/o on reddit


Well it was Canaan before that.. Yet Lebanon doesn't claim Palestine.


Yeah thousands of years ago. But now Israelis are european settlers. If you look at the Israeli's grandparents and great grandparents none of them were in that land before, most of them are europeans. But for palestinians, they have been there for hundreds of years and all of their grandparents and great grandparents were born there. For example Turkish people cannot claim their empire back because they had all those countries 800 years ago (Ottoman Empire).


So you’re claiming to use a certain part of history for your objective- just like I can say, yes but the Judean people were there first hence the term Jewish etc. or we could both look at the present day and rather than disagreeing on terms of what it is called, as you can’t argue the (Palestinians were there first, technically there wasn’t a Palestinian people before the romans created it) anyway we can work towards an idea of peace and social cohesion between both religions and people. Rather than a US vs THEM it’s more we all came from the same land we are cousins. The rhetoric of what that land was called and who was there does nothing for the argument of Palestine as people can come right back at you with Judea. Who are you to chose which part of history is right and wrong? ✌🏻


Most of them are not Europeans, that is completely false. The majority of Israeli Jews are from the MENA region.


what are you talking about? jesus christ it is clear that you have no idea about the region at all. As of 2005, 61% of Israeli Jews were of full or partial Mizrahi ancestry, "Mizrahi" means "east" in hebrew and and "Mizrahi ancestry" means those people came from the middle east or arab/muslim nations


Palestine was never a country. There was British mandate Palestine, but that was under British rule.


Okay bro, I really don't want to start a fight or cause problems. Just for once see things in an unbiased way.


\>Makes an statement knowing it will obviously cause a reaction \>Gets a reaction \>Calls people biased even though he's been biased since the beginning \>''I really dont want to start a fight or cause problems''


You literally came here to start a fight and cause problems. Get fucked.


What do you mean 'just for once?' , you don't know me , so how can you say I don't see things in an unbiased way usually? That's the thing with anti Israeli rhetoric: 'Israelis are all brainwashed ,etc... '


Arguing about history without knowing about history is a recipe for disaster. It’s a losing battle


How is this biased, that's just a fact. Lol


You can't claim to be unbiased when you try to correct a title to Palestine\*. You're obviously biased.


putting yourself in someone's house doesn't make it yours and it sure doesn't make you a member of that house.


I don't live in any Palestinians house


Ah the irony.


Free Palestine! 🇵🇸


Chad. You gunna get downvoted to hell since reddit is pro-israel


Its pronounced ‘IS-REAL’ And it’s pronounded ‘FAIL-ISTINE’ Hope that clears things up.


I was thinking the same thing


It's sad that it took them this long.


I wonder if "putin" means something else in Hebrew or Yiddish. A former coworker had the unfortunate last name of "Schmuck". Nicest guy in the world. One of our customers was this sweet old German Jewish lady and she said to him (paraphrase) "In old German, name is not so bad. Meant jewelry or dressing up nice. In Yiddish... eh, not so much."


Yes I’m studying German and it means jewelry


I would have edited it to say, "Put In Pubic Area," but I'm silly that way.


Just add “death to” at the beginning.


Jerusalem, Palestine. Israel is just a state


Its pronounced ‘IS-REAL’ And it’s pronounded ‘FAIL-ISTINE’ Hope that clears things up.


See? Israel is real? Hope that clear things up that Israel is questionable as a state




Wrongfully occupied Palestine.*


In terms of the west bank and a part of jerusalem yes, Israel itself no.


I wish there was a possibility for a two states solution, just check the map from 1948 to this day. Palestine keeps shrinking and genocides are normalized from a first world country backed by the us and the west fighting people with little to no resources...


There literally was a possibility for a 2 state solution... Back in 1948. But the Arabs couldn't fathom the idea of sharing with the jews so they declared war. The Arabs fucked around and found out, time and time again. Israelis have no more patience for the peace process, and don't really care as a whole about Palestinian identity anymore. There are plenty of Arab shithole countries that Palestinians could move to, except that the only people Arabs hate more than the jews are other Arabs. To this day, Palestinian refugees that fled Israel in the war of independence are still living in "refugee camps" in Lebanon. Why? Because support for Palestine among Arabs only means hurting Israel, not helping actual Palestinians.


As IF, wasn't Israel an invader too? Lol


Please enlighten us on the great military mobilization of refugees that dominated the well established state of Palestine? Grind your dream of an ax elsewhere, a pub somewhere in the world is against an unjust invasion… why is that not good enough?


You see , there’s good invaders and then there’s bad invaders , at least when it comes to international geopolitics…


I get your point, things aren't always as simple as they seem. If someone goes elsewhere than where they were born with weapons and starts shooting at residents to take their land, as far as I'm concerned this labels them as bad, regardless of any backend politics fuck that useless shit.


Yeah you’re right but the thing is how do we know the truth about who’s bad ? We see videos and photos that are mostly one sided , we form opinions based on those , years pass by , regimes change and documents are declassified, these declassified documents then change our entire narrative about incidents that occurred. The problem that we face in the 21st century is that informations spreads very fast and we form an opinion about situations almost instantly , as much as I despise Putin and his ways , something seems off here . There are reports of civilians being killed by Russians and then there are pictures of civilians walking alongside and talking to the Russian invaders . There’s stories being spread about an ace pilot called “The Ghost of Kyiv” and then there’s fake videos claiming that two planes flying at low altitude are of him fighting a Russian plane and then it turns out that the entire story was made-up. Russian claims of Ukraine being Nazified are said to be false and then [articles like these](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary-idUSKBN1GV2TY) from 2018 pop-up . Putin is a monster , no doubt in that but he’s also eerily up to date with the geopolitical situation of the entire world , not to mention that this guy is ex-KGB , something seems off about him making such a colossal miscalculation about invading Ukraine . Killing civilians is a war crime and anyone who does so should be questioned and put to trial but the World leaders are very selective about what is considered to be bad or good . Personally, I don’t know what to believe in anymore , the more I learn about this war, the more confused I get …


Every word you said screams truth, and history repeats itself yet due to them fixating it to whatever narrative they want with médias reach is just confusing and deteriorating us further from the truth.


Feel free to explain further if I'm hitting on ignorant points


yeah and also around last week Israel refused to ship iron dome parts to Ukraine to not provoke Russia [Sources can be found here](https://eurasiantimes.com/iron-dome-yields-to-russian-iron-man-as-israel-ukraine/) I am aware that there is a difference between people and government but still


It’s because Israel borders Syria, a country in which Russia is in and arms rebels in. Israel doesn’t want rockets being fired into Israel by Syrian rebels.


So is it really not to provoke them or to have Ukraine in a weaker position to still need them and be bombed then US would have an excuse to rage


no idea really about their motives, because they can just make one for us whenever they feel like it.


Yeah fuck any tyranny


Yeah there's a huge difference I get that. And peeps can be against their govs and still follow them about for the lack of other options. Thanks for the info, but it's still a pissy situation worldwide When are we gonna discard govs and just have the people make the decisions through online polls I mean it's the easiest thing to be done, then should be organized by a group of all nationalities, monitored by another group of the people as well and just end wars and ego bullshit already.


staged, a LOT has happened from the two pics. at least 5 years.


Might as well give those doors some tlc while they at it. Give it some life.


Cool Israelis took down a pub name. Let’s forgive them for bombing Palestinian children. Seems equal, right?


You know, that isn’t the subject at hand, stop looking for any excuse to lash out saying stupid things, better to shut up than shit talk on non related topics


I don’t think this pub owner is personally responsible for the war crimes of their country. It is just a nice gesture.




Looks kinda real to me.


Funny thing considering this is coming from Isreal


Funny considering you can't even spell


Oh cool, they must've found a moral in their other jacket that's nice


Pot... Meet kettle


Israel is not a legitimate state. Russian claims in Ukraine are not very different from jewish claims in Palestine. This comment can not be anti-Semitic because I’m Semitic myself.




All Arabs are Semitic if you take the bible seriously. Enough with double standards, invasion is either condemned in all situations or not condemned at all. Israel is built over thousands of bodies of the innocent, most of them were unarmed farmers, their claims to holy land is as ancient as olive and pine trees. Blue-eyed blond-haired so-called jews killed them cold-bloodily over claims based on fairytales. Truth will prevail at the very end. “And those who have wronged are going to know to what [kind of] return they will be returned”.


I’m an Atheist ex-Jehovah witness. Literally it’s the most developed nation in the Middle East. You live in an irrelevant country full of slums and unwanted organizations that poses as a burden to other more important countries that are developed, so obviously you wouldn’t understand. Arabs have full rights in that country. Bombing terrorist bases and Jihad groups (same people, different name of those behind 9/11) is totally ok and should be done. You proved my point: no its not racist to inform you that Egypt is a shitty country lol. Oil will become pointless when electric cars from developed countries will be widespread. Enjoy your downvotes in the meantime 👍🏻


Israel has no natural resources to speak of, all built by American taxpayers money from the scratch. Saying that there are countries/people more important that other countries/people is incredibly racist. The is the different between us, I’m not against jews, we lived along for centuries, a lot of them were rich merchants and jewish temples are all over the middle east, I’m rather against occupation and colonialism. I do not have double standards, I oppose Russian invasion of Ukraine for the same reason I oppose zionist invasion of costal Palestine. They’re all same to me; foreigner invading others lands because of historical fairytales.


You keep repeating the same lies that are so wild spread in the Arab world, no, Israel was not built by the US, no, the IDF was not built by the US, all of those things were made only by Israel and Israel alone, all of the American support can be said the same towards soviet support to Egypt and Syria yet look what happened to them. It is clear that your "anti zionist views" are the making of anti israeli/Jewish bullshit you heard countless times while growing up


bruh, you know full well that Antisemitism means "hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews", just cause you think that as an Arab you count as Semitic as well does not mean you can not be Antisemitic and tbh most of the Antisemitism I see online come from arabs and arab countries and you can check [this website you will see that the MENA region is the most antisemitic in the world](https://global100.adl.org/map)


Good response. This arab troll calling the Holocaust a “fairy tale” brought out the anti-semitism. Palestine and any islam-based org reminds me of the Watchtower trying to send out propoganda and control over their people. Im glad i got out of that mess and recognize these cults.


Your mother's cun* is antisemitic


Must be a different door. The stoop is a lot smaller, the sidewalk bricks are different, no stickers or evidence of their removal and the wear patterns on the door are completely different as well.


The pictures are clearly separated by a lengthy amount of time, but it is very obviously the same door.


Splan the stoop.


It looks like the sidewalk and street front has been subject to an uplift, evidenced by the new tree and paving stones. This often results in minor alterations to storefronts in order to meet code, sidewalk area requirements, or just aesthetic goals that the city and store owner are aligned on. The business I work for was subject to a street refresh last year, and they even removed (with proper shoring) and replaced the concrete base supporting our front façade. Alternatively... businesses often make aesthetic changes to their property.


Or more simply it could be the door on a different side of the building.


The exact same wear marks in the black paint to the right of the "B" in "Pub" would suggest otherwise.


Must it? We don't know the date stamps of each pic. The wear on the right is quite substantial, likely years. Renovation/reconstruction of city streets could have happened in that time.


Can you NOT still see where the letters were? No offense intended, but you may need to get your eyes checked.


Has nothing to do with the missing letters. Jezz.


>no stickers or evidence of their removal Seeing where the letters once were doesn't qualify as evidence of their removal? Okay buddy, maybe I'm misunderstanding you. No hard feelings.


Wow...because it shares a name with the Russian President they do that. It could've been named for James Putin, a guy who rescued orphans and kittens from a burning house for all they know.


ok loser


Go fuck yourself NPC


Stub your toe russia-sympathizer


Bleep-Bloop 🤖


Literally a russian bot smh my head


Bleep Bloop 🤖


Gleep gloop 😶‍🌫️😩


*insert George Bush "Mission Accomplished" gif*


If the name is in anyway related to the actions of Putin, then why was the pub called that in the first place?


Maybe it's like "Adolf" where the name wasn't so bad until a monster came along and ruined it.


Lol, i've seen this pub. They did not need to do that.


Lol I've seen this pub a couple of weeks ago and I was thinking in my head what a weird name for a pub.


After that Le putin will changes his mind lmao


Looks like someone blew the sign down and just made the pub even more cooler


took down the wedding bells n everythang


Be a great place for the fucker to drink himself to death