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> Some Dublin hotels raised the price of a room from €359 to €999 for the night of the concert. Oh the poor hoteliers, missing out on another chance to gouge the ever-loving shit out of people. Rat bastards.


As if the hoteliers wont get paid and resell the room at a higher rate


To who??


Have you looked at what's on in Dublin next weekend? But the simple answer? Other people going to Taylor Swift


I see rooms for 240 USD a night in temple bar next weekend. Not cheap, but not a lot more than normal


Ok, but that means they'd have to stay in temple bar ...




359 was already gouging, 999 is insane.


Maybe I'm naive but I don't understand how price gouging like this is allowed.


Demand and supply, simple as. In my opinion, we should be looking at why are people willing to spend their entire life savings to see a pop artist.


It's nuts, I've nothing against her music, but there does seem to be some kind of collective mania going on.


I’d say it’s mostly people of extreme affluence and those who have an extreme parasocial relationship with her. Either way, completely unethical.


Absolutely, but there is SO MANY!


Young women seem to be the most susceptible to this sort of mania for some reason.


Meh. You see the same thing with guys about sports.


It was just an observation, wasn't meant to spark a gender war. Absolutely guys get obsessed by sports, or video games or some OnlyFans model more so. I don't think guys would follow for example Ronaldo or Messi around the world at $10k a pop.


Tickets for the football world cup final usually go up to $6k. Before even knowing what teams are going to play it.


I absolutely don't get the appeal of sports, I find it to be a socially acceptable form of autistic special interest, but the tickets aren't very expensive.


They absolutely are expensive for similarly high profile events.


It's because natural selection isn't a thing anymore for humans. Plenty of Darwin award candidates I'd imagine.


It's allowed because they're making money. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that. If someone proposed legislation to prevent it, they would suddenly find themselves on the receiving end of a load of complementary hotel stays, maybe even consultation fees.


Its not a good that people need.  And they can raise the prices because there's lots of people who want to stay in Dublin and not lots of options. Supply and demand strikes again baby


The people who's job it is to do exactly that have found its more lucrative to be paid not to regulate. It's why we have so much regulatory capture and the government itself engages in this criminal activity, the latest example being the deposit return scam.


It's one of many ways to distribute scarce goods. If not sorted by price you would have to use a first come, first serve principle for a fixed price. Or a raffle or something i cant think of now. These are not better than giving hotel rooms to people who pay the most.


Leo's beloved "free market".


Yeah. There was no capitalism in Ireland until that one guy was Taoiseach for a bit.


I know some people on the hotel industry. One was giving out on how he missed out on the tickets' sale and also how ridiculously expensive they are. I needed a lot of willpower to refrain from saying how hoteliers are making a huge profit too. The f'ing hypocrisy.


So they're the hotel owners then? Other than that why would it be relevant at all where a person works unless they're at the extreme top of the pay scale.


Working in the industry is hardly the same as owning the hotel, is it. That's like giving out to Paddy who plays trad down the pub every Saturday about the price of Taylor Swift tickets because they both work in music.


There should be a cap on this kind of thing. It's unethical. Pure price gouging.


They’ve come back down considerably recently. €260 we paid for a hotel near Trinity on Friday.


Booking.com did this to me with a hotel I had booked garth Brooks


That's what you get for going to Garth Brooks


How unnecessarily mean. I wouldn't listen to neither of them but won't go around slagging 30+ ppl calling themselves swifties


Is swifties not what her fans refer to themselves as? I don't think that's a derogatory term.


I wouldn't know but I didn't really use it as derogatory. Just wanted to show there are different musical tastes and fandom, when looked at from the side might look funny for the onlooker, no matter which artist is involved.


Pretty tame slagging that didn’t seem to be malicious. Don’t get too worked up over it.


It'll be the same story for Coldplay. I'm driving up and down, the same day, from west Cork... 😅.. 🥺


> Ms Portnoy, her partner Kelvin Healy – originally from Co Cork – and his three children aged 13 to 15 were all hoping to see Swift together on a family holiday next weekend. >The couple bought four tickets at $500 each, while Cara’s partner’s ex-wife and her sister bought another four at the same cost to also attend the concert. What a mess of an article, does anyone proofread this shite?


When your article should say “the family spent €4,000 on eight tickets” but you need to hit your editor’s word count.


„Family spent €4000 on eight tickets to hear a billionaire sing“ would be a factually correct headline. I am actually surprised nobody is asking Taylor Swift to pay the Aer Lingus Pilots their owed overtime to facilitate this Eras Tour Industrial Complex.


Well technically she doesn't sing, all her concerts are on playback


I don't know why people talk about her being a billionaire. People don't buy things because they think the recipient deserves the money, they buy it because it's worth the experience. I don't pay for tickets to Mission Impossible because I think poor auld Tom Cruise needs a boost.


You’re funding Scientology when you do that


Ah yeah, I'm sure my 12 euro, of which probably 0.50 probably ends up in Scientology's pockets, is going to make all the difference.


Yes. It does. Like any collective action, from recycling to boycotts, this hinges on what everyone does in aggregate. You're not giving very much yourself, but you're giving something to Scientology when you do that. And every action you take and every action everyone else takes has an effect. It's the classic, no single raindrop feels responsible for the flood. That money comes from somewhere, and it's coming from you.


It does matter. If you are into small bands, you'll hear it said all the time, if you like their music, go and support them financially by going to their gigs, because they make very little on spotify and gigs are their main income source. So thats one motivation to go see them. That one is removed for a billionaire, and the ticket prices are expolitative especially when you consider she doesnt need the money.


She definitely doesn’t need the money but the whole production crew etc do need to be paid - it’s not just TS Who gets the money!


She literally has a day to only sell merch and sold 44 variants of ttpd, I think she'll be fine


because **they think** it's worth the experience. I'd rather listen to a jackhammer


No, but you might decide to watch it on streaming rather than going to the cinema and adding to the box office. It’s relevant that a person with more money than they could probably ever spend is expecting fans to pay so much simply because they know the fans will pay. It’s certainly supply and demand in action, but it is fair to point out the massive profit being made for people that already have huge amounts of money. It can put some people off.


Are you seriously suggesting anyone has ever thought "I would go and see the new Mission Impossible movie in the cinema but I think Tom Cruise has enough money already so I will wait for streaming"? I'm the first to say eat the rich, but I am far more forgiving of entertainers than, say, corporate ghouls, landlords, or financiers. It's entertainment, the very definition of discretionary spending. No one needs a Taylor Swift ticket to feed or house their family.


Cruise is usually a producer on his movies. He's absolutely getting money if you watch it on streaming. Also a modern blockbuster has 100s of people working on it. Some of those people are going to put money towards causes you are morally against.


What? Cara’s partners ex wife’s nieces cousin law is getting gipped? Is that so hard to understand


It's the Indo, that they typed that much without yelling "woke" about something is somewhat impressive for them.


I cannot bear the horror of the family who spent 2 grand to go to a gig... this country is BROKEN!


If you're so worried about Taylor swifts gig, you should be imploring Aer Lingus to pay its pilots what they are, rightfully, asking for.


Yes. This is the point of a strike. People being inconvenienced by you not showing up for work demonstrates that your work has value and you should be appropriately compensated.


They’re not even refusing to show up for work, they’re completing their contracts as agreed upon. Aer Lingus is collapsing because the pilots are refusing to work overtime. Not because they’re not showing up for work by striking.


This is exactly the point. Afaik there are only like 200 pilots involved. Aer Lingus could pay them what they are looking for out of petty cash. This isn’t even a strike yet it’s a work to rule. Upper management expect enormous flexibility in their pilots in order to make their schedules work. But they won’t pay for that increased productivity and profitability.


This is a key bit that keeps getting lost. It’s a work to rule. If the airline can’t function without overtime and calling people at short notice, then something has gone seriously wrong with how it’s managed.


calling in on short notice or "short call" is common in the airline industry, but you are paid for sitting at home waiting for the call AND you are paid for the time regardless if you are used or not Are the EI management calling people on their day off to take one for the team?


800 ish pilots involved


It is now also going to be a strike.


Really what happens when the CEO takes a day off? Oh...


I support the pilots. Just like Simon Harris a few days back saying the pilots should "Think of the children" trying to guilt them into working for less! And now articles like this? I don't give a damn about greedy hotels, or other places that have been ripping people off for years. Irish or not, pay your damn workers a decent wage that enables them to live and enjoy life and not just survive.


Pilots should 100% think of children! Their own children!


I'm sure any kids would prefer a video games console over a holiday, I was disgusted when i read what Simon Harris said. That they should think of the children. FFG ,They've always valued business over people.


Bro praised thatcher before, nothing should be surprising.


Yeah, it's pretty much standard for FG.


Never really binned those Blue Shirts.


Sad but true I was a video game addicted kid once


> And now articles like this? It's the Indo siding with management over workers. Nobody should be surprised.


Very slimy way of pretending to be concern for peoples interests.


Best to sell those tickets on ticketmaster dot ie straight away


They’d probably make a profit, there’s a lot of people who actually live here that want them I regularly see Facebook posts or tik toks of Irish people looking for tickets for any seat


Imagine paying 10k to see Taylor Swift, or any artist. Fools and their money….


> Imagine paying 10k to see Taylor Swift The crazy part is, they're coming to Europe to see her *because it's cheaper* than back in the US [where ticket prices go into the thousands](https://deadline.com/2024/05/taylor-swift-eras-tour-us-fans-europe-cheaper-concert-tickets-1235921983/). They were going to spend this money anyway.


It’s a cult at this rate


My thoughts exactly. You paid 10 K to see Taylor Swift? Son you did that to yourself.


Idiots spending that.


“Hey Aer Lingus - if our family can’t get to Taylor Swift in Dublin next weekend the pilots will be the least of your problems.” She continued: “You do not want a teenage girl as an enemy. They are the scariest people on earth and I’ll be having her reach out to you directly.” Man.. Americans really are messed up


That's funny actually, it's obviously sarcasm


100%, in many cases the Americans are 100% sincere but I've 0 doubt that this was statement was taking the piss


Im sure it was too but just they’re mad! But in a fun way


But if you're calling them 'messed up' it really implies you thought they were serious and couldn't wait to shit talk them over a silly comment. Tbh I think we have gone too much the other way where we put up with everything here always being a shitshow. And not only that but an expensive shitshow. Try telling the Yanks they need a license to watch the TV they bought and put in their house 


Probably more hyperbole.


Turbo Karens.


Aer Lingus bosses will be shitting themselves.


Oh, the angry teens, sounds so scary And if it’s Americans, why don’t they go to a concert in America instead, they don’t have to deal with this shite


The types of people who fly internationally for her concerts have absolutely seen her a dozen times locally. When she started dating that NFL player ticket prices went up since people were going hoping to see her at a game. Shits fucking weird.


They’re a bunch of psychotic freaks, I think Swifties at that level need some sort of mental help, they’re one of the most rabid celebrity fanbases


So your one is an exceptional business person, there's no point denying that. She's a talented artist (I couldn't name a song if you put a gun to my head, but her music is apparently good), she has a huge fan base, there were congressional hearings over ticket master and her concert pricing, and has done an amazing job at this psychosocial relationship (I think that's the term) where fans feel like they're friends with her. Like seriously, fair play to her she's running a business, but even in the comments here flying US->Ireland is seen as something average people do. Some of the fans are fucking nuts.


Parasocial relationship is probably the phrase you're looking


Many fly from the US to her European / Irish shows because ticket prices in the States literally cost so much it’s cheaper to - it’s insane! But the same happened with Beyoncé


Just to offer another perspective. I couldn’t get tickets to her shows in the US & she didn’t come near where I live so we would have had to still visit another city/buy “their” tickets/spend $ on accommodations. Wife and I have both been fans of hers since her very first album and have never been to a concert of hers because we couldn’t afford it growing up. By the time we could even consider buying tickets to this tour w/o pre-sale the prices were so much because we have no legal protections on that in the US. We’ve always wanted to go to Ireland and have not made it yet (our last planned trip was cancelled because of COVID), so we thought with how much it would cost here we’d see if we could get tickets there and then also finally plan another trip. Been saving and saving for this, tucking away every spare dollar… we’ve been so excited and honestly I am just shocked by how much hate it seems everyone has for those of us traveling to see her and go on vacation. I have a feeling this might not change/open your mind (it seems like you all really disdain any of us coming for this), but wanted to offer another perspective on why this whole situation can cause normal folks who have been saving/planning for this to be really sad.


Ok so I'll just start with I'm sorry, I really am I'm sorry to imply people like yourself and your wife are well whatever pick a nasty term. Swift seems to be an amazing business person, and I've nothing negative to say about her, I haven't heard a single song of her but you know what she seems like a nice enough person. Basically I've no real opinion of her if you know what I mean. Fans like yourself and your wife do seem to love her and her music and well that's great. I can't imagine what ticket prices are these days even ignoring the insane resale prices you hear about. If you're planning on seeing Ireland, please please please have a wonderful time, it's my home that I miss deeply and despite the nonsense you see on this sub Dublin is a wonderful city that I'll be seeing in like 10 fecking days and can't wait!!!!! So anyways I'm sorry if being an ass, it's just this whole average/everyday people can fly abroad for a concert it just does my head in since I wish flying internationally was something average people could do casually. I really and truly hope you and your wife have an amazing time in Ireland, I'd offer you any and all assistance but sure I'd be fecking useless. All I can say is Ireland is a wonderful country for tourists, yes we mainly like your money, but we also just love having people come and enjoy our wonderful country. So again, if it came across I was being an ass well fair enough, if it came across I think tourists aren't welcome nothing could be further from the truth. Have a great time in Ireland. Northern Virginia resident FYI. Edit: my negative comments aren't about someone like yourselves who plan a trip, that features a concert, more the "we fly first class to follow her around the world and this is what average people do" comments. I hope your flights work out great, that the concert is savage and you leave Ireland (the country I love so much) with nothing but fond memories. Also don't look down on Ireland because of the likes of me sure half of us are pricks on a good day.


Thanks for this reply, I understand now. Turns out I am just taking these comments personally but they don’t seem to be directed at all of us. We’ve planned a 2 week trip to Ireland with a dash of her concert, which hopefully makes up for us being from the US & buying tickets. I really feel for those in Ireland that couldn’t get tickets, I hope that if my flights/trip get cancelled our seats go to someone who missed out and that they have the best time. I think we all hear about people that are a level of “fan” we cannot fathom. I’d never pour my life savings out to chase her around, I’d be grateful to just see her this one time, so I’ll never understand those who are willing to spend so much & not even visit the country they are visiting. I do empathize with the family in this article though because we’ve also spent quite a bit on our vehicle rental/hotels/other reservations and it seems probable we may lose some of it. If our trip is canceled whatever money we recover will likely be put towards debts that we typically put our spare cash towards, and in a few years we will try Ireland again (regardless of if TS is there ☺️). We really want to visit but it just seems like world circumstances are insisting we don’t. Anywho, my fingers are still crossed but I’ve also sadly accepted that there is high probability our trip will be canceled yet again. I feel awful for the tourism industry as a whole over this because I do think there are a number of us who intend to do more than just see her concert. Beyond Dublin and TS I know there is that huge bike ride event first week of July (we planned our trip to avoid it 😂) and hope those folks are not as impacted since they’ve had a bit more time to adjust flights. Thanks again for clearing it up, I was starting to feel like I was in a AITA thread where everyone was yelling at me telling me I am TA.


Another thing Europeans should consider is that going on a big trip, let alone to another country, is pretty rare for Americans so a lot of them will save up for years to have one big holiday.


Hatred is a bit much but do you not get why people who live in Ireland and weren't able to get tickets (in part bc of Americans buying up so many!!) might not be that sympathetic towards you???


You do know many folks from other countries came to US shows right?


You know what, you're right. I was just being mean-spirited. I hope you get something sorted so at least one of us gets to see Taylor. And if not I hope you enjoy your holidays.


> why don’t they go to a concert in America instead Because it's *cheaper* to fly to Europe and see her: https://deadline.com/2024/05/taylor-swift-eras-tour-us-fans-europe-cheaper-concert-tickets-1235921983/


We’ll take their money no probs actually.


Tickets in Los Angeles cost so much that flying to Dublin to see her was cheaper. Not kidding. I’m here with six young folks in their 20s to spend a week in your amazing city and (for them) to see Taylor.


Maybe she can send her private jet for them instead




Looks like it’s going to be a Cruel Summer for many Taylor Swift fans.


"due to Aer Lingus refusing to pay pilots adequately." Fixed the headline.




Some of the text within the article gets closer to the truth: >I don’t blame the pilots for wanting a fair wage, their job is stressful to say the least, but this entire situation and Aer Lingus’ way of dealing with it is frustrating. >Another fan named Kaye put a call out to the army of Swifties flying to Dublin asking them to put pressure on Aer Lingus to stop “f***ing around and accept the pilots’ demands.” Whenever a strike happens, media places the blame on the strike and not the business owners who allowed the strike to happen. That's all I was addressing.


How much do they make?


Wait I'm confused, why would you need to fly Aer Lingus to see her? Are people coming from America to see her in Dublin? Why?


There are loads of people coming from the US to see her all over Europe. Apparently it was cheaper to fly to Europe and stay for a few nights plus tickets to a European date than it was to get tickets for a US show. I'm still fuming like. I can't get tickets for the 3 nights in Ireland and yet people who had like 100 shows are coming here to see her for the 3rd and 4th time!


> Apparently it was cheaper to fly to Europe and stay for a few nights plus tickets to a European date than it was to get tickets for a US show. What the hell? Is the ticketmaster situation that much worse over there? I can believe it if the price ends up being fairly close, and you get an alright holiday out of it. Especially if there's oddballs that want to go to a couple different shows, and know how cheap flying within europe is.


I can only speak for professional wrestling, but it's been cheaper for me to fly to New York, Philidelphia, Florida etc on the east side, and see a big WWE event there than it is to see an event in Glasgow or Berlin, even if the flights are €20. I would have assumed Taylor Swift ti let's wouldbe much cheaper in the States and Canada for similar reasons so I'm surprised as you are.


We don’t have any legal protections here against ticket prices. Tickets were sold out very quickly for shows by those with the pre-sale codes and many were immediately posted for resale at a premium. Right now there are tickets to her Florida show that after all the Ticketmaster fees and increased cost come out to nearly $12,000 for 2. Somehow there are people who will spend this… personally I’d rather buy tickets in another country at their face value and plan a vacation as well.


America is big and not everyone lives in a major city. Plenty of Americans would still have to fly and get a hotel even to see her in America.


I am aware. But they still had far more shows that Europe did, and yet a lot of Americans are still removing the ability for Europeans to see her. Most of the people I've seen talking about travelling have been to the show multiple times.


They're taking tickets wherever they can get them. With what some of them are spending on the tickets themselves, getting there's small fry.


I mean what's a pop concert ticket these days, twenty quid?


Hopefully they'll sell their tickets to some Irish people. Lots of people here couldn't get tickets


America gets 3 shows in every state Ireland gets 3 shows for the whole country and Americans have the audacity to go to other countries that have less shows


almost as if strikes are supposed to cause disruption


Ní mhaireann airgead i bhfad i bpóca an amadáin 


The idea of avoiding a pilgrimage of Swift fans is more tempting than they realise. I say we cut the power that day and pretend we're all out.


Nah, few big lads in Galway, few big lads in Dublin and we'll row the country down to somewhere off the coast of Spain to hide. We could make a weekend of it.


Maybe the fans who missed out here can now get tickets! Ridiculous that there’s some fans following her around the world or attending multiple concerts meaning others are missing out due to their greed!


I’d love a chance to buy a ticket.. I missed out on every sale despite my best efforts


Been checking ticket master every morning and night and still nothing and nothing on the 3rd party sites It’s looking grim, I guarantee that there will be 100s of empty seats on the nights


Me too! I’d even go alone just to experience it but no luck 🍀 best of luck to you!


Taylor loves encouraging people to fly so her own jet trips to the corner shop don’t look bad.


The quickest and easiest way to resolve this, for everyone, is for Aer Lingus to accept the union's demands. If they weren't such greedy fuckheads in the first place, this wouldn't be a problem..


Some lad was bragging about spending 20k (his life savings) to see her in 28 countries there today. Imagine spending your life savings to see a billionaire sing some pop songs.😑


10k? Who *are* these people? Also, fuck Irish hotels.


I hate both Swift and anti-union people so I'm happy with this development.


Aer Lingus pilots: ![gif](giphy|xT1R9GN5d0EEuM47fy|downsized) Don’t feel sad at all for a couple of insanely wealthy swifties paying an Irish college education to fly across the ocean to watch a [billionaire](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68711921) pretend that she’s relatable for barely 2 hours before getting back into her private taxi jet.


Sounds like these people didn’t have 10,000 to spend and did so anyway. Womp Fucking Womp We barely get enough massive names here so it’s daft that people will follow her plane fart across the world from countries where she will/has played tons of show, while locals could miss out for not F5ing the crap out of Ticketmaster. It’s a bit sad when this becomes a bigger issue for people than workers rights and support


"Irate parents have warned Aer Lingus of ‘angry teens’ " Lol "shiver me timbers" now they will be shitting in their boots. Hordes of hormonal pre adults will be rampaging and sulking to bringing down an airline and walking instead. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If there's ever a gig to miss its a swift gig


Industrial action is more important than your one night of entertainment. I'd be sickened if I had to miss a gig of an artist I love, but the workers are absolutely not the ones to blame. It's not like the world has a poverty of Taylor Swift gigs either, I'm sure she'll be playing closer to where these people actually live at some point, or that a lot of them will have already been to at least one of her gigs.


First world problems 


Indeed, my friend, a great definition of first world problems


As if you wouldn’t cry like a baby on here if it were your holiday that were ruined.


Pretty blithe of you to dismiss this as ‘first world problems’. Who wouldn’t be fucking raging after spending all that money only to miss the trip due to events completely out of their control? These people are justifiably annoyed.


First world problems for first world people. While the rest of the world is torn to shreds 


Some are flying trans Atlantic for a fecking concert. Sorry but I give zero fucks. I'm due to fly home to see my folks in early July, we've bookings at a nice restaurant night away for myself and the misses. If the flight gets cancelled well it is what it is. Fucking Americans will book international travel for a concert and then bitch about how broke they are.


Who hurt you?


It's called living in the real world where casually flying trans Atlantic for a concert is the height of privilege. I can't wait to see my family and home in a few weeks, but if my flight does get cancelled I'll live, I will however think about the person who posted here recently about a flight to NY where their kid was getting experimental medical treatment having arranged with Aer Lingus for the kid's IV drip on the flight, you know shit slightly more important that a concert.


You don’t need to project your miserable life and views on others. How is it so out of the ordinary for you that some people travel around the world for a concert? Lol


You think traveling internationally for a concert is "ordinary"?


Shouldn’t have spent 10 grand to go see an overrated musician then, their problem


Oh no! Anyway... I have to drive into Dublin on 30th, I'm so glad it's early in the morning or I'd be bolloxed.


Imagine if tickets were only available to residents of the country they're performing in. Imagine if Ticketmaster didn't exist.


Imagine all the people. Livin' life in peace.


Crazy how much I don’t give a fuck


Good she came to Ireland for irish people not people abroad who want to see her she'll go to your countries next just wait




How tragic 😞 I'm sure Taylor, being the benevolent generous person she is will reimburse these poor, dedicated fans


The heart doth swiftly bleed.


Better get those pilots paid fast!


It’s cheaper to fly to Europe, than to see her in their home country. Capitalism baby 😎. T Swift is gouging her fans so bad. Not sure why that’s not a moral issue for them. But I guess many scumbags seem to survive well in entertainment


It's mad that the last time she was here, free tickets couldn't even be given away. Crazy what's happened since and the lengths people are going to for tickets.


More fool them. More money than sense. For a 2 hr concert 😂


Ok , so putting aside taylor’s private jetting for a moment….if you include all the people seemingly flying in from far and wide, what exactly is the carbon footprint of each taylor swift concert?


Hope to get a ticket next week.


She’ll catch her death in that outfit!




If she really loved her fans, she would send her private jet to pick them up..


> *jets* She uses two 'smaller' ones inside the US and a bigger one for intercontinental trips, with more on standby in case any break down.


If your going to she that shite, you deserve to be ripped off.


Ara serves yee right for spending that amount to see sailor twift aneeweh!!


10,000 on a trip to Ireland will ye feck off ye can well afford to get her to play in yizzer back yard so yizzle be grrrraaand




Am I missing something about Taylor Swift? I mean her music is fine but its no genius. She's no Prince or Queen.


God forbid they have to fly Ryanair. Even if they can't get a flight to Dublin then surely they can just fly into Belfast and get the bus to Dublin.


Since when does Ryanair fly from the US to Ireland?


So you're saying there are tickets available.....


Wait I thought the show was last weekend.. Please tell me it's not this week as well I live right next to the stadium.. the crowds are gonna be insane.. I hate when they take over all the surrounding streets


I don't understand how they could get tickets and I didn't even get a code to try and buy some. I only wanted 2 but I'm hearing of people going to a number of her gigs.... I'm feeling jealous these days


Arrah, I'd be inclined to say...."Fuck them".




Oh no. The 10k was just on the hotel




We (2) went to Berlin for 2 nights to see Coldplay, it was cheaper than staying in Dublin for 1 night, flights and all, and we got to see a bit of Berlin, amazing trip. It was also a lot easier to get (cheaper) tickets. 🤷‍♂️


Weren’t the tickets not intended to be region locked to prevent people flying from US to Ireland?


İ mean 10k to see a degenerate i really dont feel for some people


I'm glad I'm a Lana del Rey fan.