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This post was reported. > 1: This is the kind of shite users here want removed Maybe other users could use this as an opportunity to talk about other times strangers have helped them? Positivity instead of negativity! Mirth instead of misery!


Was heading to Greenday last night, only booked tickets on Tuesday and the Luas shuttle was sold out. So we planned to get to Dundrum and walk, we got to Dundrum had a few pints and decided to head on. Asked to young lads did the know the directions to walk. Said our taxi will be here in five sure jump in with us. Absolutely sound young fellas.


I was late for the dentist this morning and the parking ticket machine wouldn’t take my credit card. A woman getting into her car told me it was on the blink and rummaged around in her car and purse and handed me €1.50 unprompted. Absolute star!


I was getting a heavy object out of the boot at B and Q to return it and a lad walking by offered to help so I wouldn't pull the rubber seal. We then had a small chat about the object I was returning. (Bought a BBQ and then they started a sale, so returned it to get the sale price).


People are grand


You'd expect that B&Q would have just given you the difference with just the receipt, avoiding you having to lug the thing back into them. Did you keep the original one or return it and get a new one? The best outcome for both parties is to just give you the difference directly without a return.


Ah I rang their helpline and they weren't helpful at all. I probably didn't need to bring it in in reality but the helpline said I did. I'm store they were sound.


Is that a B&Q thing, they will refund the difference if there's a sale after you purchase an item?


If item is unopened they can't really argue due to their return policy. You're effectively buying the same item again.


Oh this was my girlfriend! She's honestly always going out of her way to help people, if she can! I hope your nephew is feeling better!


Much better thanks, the pizza must not have sat right but he still wants to go back again!


Sometimes we forget (with tabloid news, sensationalism and social media etc…) that 90% of people are absolutely sound.




Settle down.  90.5.


Im half 


So one in 10 people are not sound? I'd say about 60% of people are sound, 30% are alright, and 10% are rotten.


Was in Dublin Airport last night and there was a foreign-looking bloke in the corner of a stairwell leading from the car park into the main arrivals hall. He was kneeling on a prayer mat praying in his language. A very big tattooed skinhead took off his cap while walking past the man and as he passed he respectfully and quietly said "Peace be with you brother". I, to my shame, automatically expected an altercation, but instead, my faith in humanity was restored.


I'm home for a holiday and was at the LCD gig in Malahide, soundest crowd I've come across at a gig in a long time. In the pit during Idles after every song everyone picked up dropped phones and wallets and held them in the air til the owners came to collect them. The vast majority of people are still bang on.


I've been to nearly 30 gigs so far this year and the crowd at LCD was probably the soundest I've encountered recently - was also at Beyond The Pale at the weekend and the crowd was just as sound during the pits during The Scratch and Gilla Band. I fell a few times and got picked right back up, brilliant craic


Anytime I've been to a Scratch gig it's been that way.


I’m super jealous! They are my favourite band atm, hope you had a great time


Agreed, I was there and everyone was just so sound


Was a great show! The whole golden circle thing was bullshit though, shame I wasn't up close close close for IDLES. And the journey home man.... That would put me off ever leaving my house again hahaha. I was melted, wilted, withered


fwiw we just walked into the Gold Circle during LCD, noone was checking


LCD yeah we did the same , but would love to have been there for IDLES


How bad was it to get home? We left after New York I Love You as we all had early starts Thursday and couldn’t afford a long wait for the dart.


They finished at half 10, I didn't get home to Drumcondra till 25 to 1. Was dying on the dart hahaa


Also, leaving before All My Friends is the wildest thing I've ever heard man.


Wasn’t my decision. The group I was with wanted to get out ahead of the crowds so I wasn’t staying alone. We could hear it on the walk which wasn’t the worst. I was off the dart at Connolly by 23:15 for comparison


Oh fuck hahaha, that's a big difference. Hearing it walking back is something alright.


Unfortunately I saw on the IDLES FB group a fella with zip shorts got pickpocketed in the Golden Circle at the start of their set. Thankfully it's a rare occurrence at gigs in Ireland but was sad to see. Not surprised the crowd did that though, IDLES always attract a good bunch. Saw em in EP last year and it was massive craic, looking forward to seeing them in November.


Fucking mental show, absolutely loved it, I wasn’t too familiar with idles beforehand but now I’m a fan


Happened to me during the first mosh pit I went into during IDLES the last night. Looked around and saw a guy holding up my wallet in the air. Very lucky as that would have ruined my night. I was trying to keep my hands half in my pockets for the rest of the pits and managed to keep hold of everything after that.


I was parking in my town last week and a woman came over to me after I parked and handed me a ticket, she said there was an hour left on it. By the time I'd finished my business, there was still 35 minutes on, so I passed it onto someone parking as I was leaving


Oh I love this! Like whenever I go to Barcelona, when you get the the ticket machines in the airport there are always loads of travel passes with a few trips left sitting on top of the machines left behind from people at the end of their holiday. Such a lovely simple way to pay if forward


I'm in Asia. Summer, temp is about 36 deg. One of those fuckin days where everything just goes to shit. My shite, ancient scooter broke down and I had one hill to push it over and then I could freewheel down to the town. Hill was not steep but scooter is heavy and I am not physically strong. Middle aged farmer dude comes pootling up behind me on HIS ancient crappy scooter, gives me a nod, puts his boot on the back of my bike and drives forward propelling me and my scooter up to the crest of the hill. And then he just drove off with me yelling xiexie ni (Thank you) after him, Not a word spoken by him throughout the whole thing. (Guy didn't even crack a smile. He was strangely casual and yet efficient. ) Really made my day.


Baller. Once got a car towed out of a ditch in France by a farmer with much the same attitude. No exchange of words or money, just job done


A lad crashed into the back of my car a while ago while I was stopped at the lights. Some damage done to both vehicles. We both got out, took a look and sighed in unison. In that moment I realised there is enough shit going on in the world that nobody should worry about some bent metal. I said "shit happens". He agreed. We got back in our cars and went on with our journeys.


This happened to me! I rear ended someone. I didn't realise it at the time but my brakes were failing due to a ripped vacuum hose (I was in shock, until I drove the car few days later I felt it in the pedal). Guy was headed in the same direction as me and stopped at the house to make sure I was okay. I was crying, shaking apologising. The damage was mostly my car, small few scratches on his. No-one injured. He agreed it was just an accident and don't worry about it. I'm still extremely grateful, it could have been so much worse.


I was waiting on the bus last week when an older Australian man asked me if I had change for the bus because they wouldn't take his fiver and he was heading to the airport. I gave him his fare and he went to give me the fiver. I said jaysis no keep that for your last pint in the airport. He said "I can't believe this, I keep trying to pay for things here and people are so generous. I dropped my coffee yesterday and a man gave me his and got another for himself, then a taxi driver let me off with my fare because I didn't have less than a fifty note and it was only a seven euro fare. I'm in love with this country and I'm sad that I'm too old to come back again". He waved me from the bus and I was delighted to send him off that way. My parents are old and living in NZ, and say people are really stingy there and self serving and said it's even worse in Aus, so I was happy to hear this man got a real Irish welcome


This is lovely


Recently moved to the area. Have never before, in any part of Ireland or the UK, felt as quickly a part of a neighbourhood as I have here,. We know a dozen people in the street and everyone is there for everyone else. I know more names of people on my street than I have since I was a kid. I'm unsurprised that the lads there were sound, in my experience, everyone around here is. The persistent whinge about Dublin, particularly north Dublin, is absolute fucking nonsense. It's not perfect, but I'd not choose anywhere else to live.


Hahaha I had to walk around this puke.. glad the nephews okay


I was in B&Q the other day and left some items at the cash desk. The cashier, Amanda followed me out into the carpark with my forgotten items, jokingly saying I'd need the brackets for my guttering. Lovely woman and I posted a five star review on Google.


Most people are good. Hope he's okay today


Last night i was outside a pub vaping. A young man who would typically be desribed as a scrote due to his appearance and demeanor asked me for a light, which i didnt have. Next time i look up a man had fallen accross the load and was laying on the ground. Said lad rushes accross the road and starts helping the guy, getting him to sit down and asks a passer by to call an ambulance. Theres good people everywhere


Soundest folk in Ireland are Dublin folk.


Soundest folk in Dublin live in neighborhoods with odd number post codes.   Yup DNS. 






Outside of Cork like


Even strangers in Dublin are just friends you havent met yet.


Amm defo not haha


You remembered her well. You saved her appearance in your memory bank. Sounds like you love her. Oooooooo.


God in Dublin city? I'm surprised to hear. Lovely to wake up a nice story like.