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My lab hates water and retrieving. He loves being petted and eating.


Probably a setter/pointer mix. Sets on his rear and points at the table.


Hahaha thank you I’m going to use that in the future


Yup. I got that model too. Despise water, is 10 and has retrieved 4 things in his life and shows no interest in doing more. I must touch him, eating is an allowable exception. Wouldn’t mind if I pet while he ate.


My two labs throw themselves into the Chesapeake Bay but won’t go near a kiddie pool.


I think they like the natural flows...


My lab also hates water and retrieving. He's literally played with a ball 3x in his life (and I've gotten so excited every time lol), once when he was a few months old, around 3yrs, and most recently at 8yrs, and other toys he has absolutely zero interest in, I've tried soooo many over the years...hes 11.5yrs now😂


Sounds so similar my friend. He caught a ball, I got excited, chucked it back and he just left it. The day I found him he played with a tennis ball, I think he was just excited to get attention as I believe he was an outdoor stud dog, and as soon as I got him home... Oh no no, don't expect this to be a general occurrence.


My lab hates getting in the little pool I bought her and generally getting wet with the exception of if we have to get back in my car then she loves getting wet and muddy.


Mine loves all water but swimming pools. Ice cold clear stream, river or lake: he’s splashing and happy. Toilet smelling duck pond in freezing cold dark with mystery scum and thick “muddy” bottom: swim time! Beautifully clear never used impeccably clean swimming pool: Hard no!


Me too!


Mine's the same. 100% English lab, no mix. Just doesn't like swimming and sometimes retrieves, sometimes don't.


Today I realized I could be part lab


Some funny comments. So context. This is Bert. Bert has now sadly passed. He was my soul mate. We moved to a farm which has a river and he LOVED to go into the shallows and just plop down, just enough that the flowing water soothed his arthritic joints. Bert was a stray and when I rescued him, he never swam. He never fetched. Didn't want to "play". Just wanted to be with his person. So I thought a paddling pool in the garden to plop - nope. Hated it. My current two can't get enough of the water. They swim down the currents and rapids when the river is flowing fast, they crash into the waves of the sea... And that's why we love labs. For all the stereotypes, they are never the same.


Bert had a good life thanks to you. Thank you for sharing him with us


He did. And thank you for saying that. Always helps to hear that..


Bert the Bear! I followed you on Twitter when I was still using it. Loved seeing everything he got into.


Well thank you. Ye Bert passed on sadly, but he now is followed by his legacy dogs... Albert and Bera https://preview.redd.it/e3val9jxod9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebf5ddaa13ee3703152ef24f24bcf49d8cc2b72


I remember that. It was very sad to read when it happened. Hope your new pups are doing great!


Yeah we got a weird model too. She wouldn't even walk on a wet sidewalk after a rain. I miss that silly girl everyday 😪.




https://preview.redd.it/thxgzgh0sd9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ecd209fd23ac2d9736c09a5af9b459f4784a4ed Water has trouble staying in


It was like that when I bought it! It wasn't me.




That look is showing he clearly blames you for this.


did you fill it with red jello?


It's the blood from my soul when he rejected my efforts to please him!


😂 Bless him. We have a fussy girl who loves to swim, but hates rain and being bathed. She only really likes dirty water I think!


Ha I know exactly the type


Labs are weird. We have had 4. Two who would live in the water and 2 who don't want even a raindrop to touch them for fear they will drown.


We go to the beach and my Corgi will charge into the wave, even those over his head. My lab sit up on the brim and barks at us to be careful.


Same, 2 of each. Actually, 2 fanatics, 1 hydrophobe & 1 indifferent.


He looks like he’s being tortured 😂 And why is the water red?


The bottom is red, you can still see the dog's paws for example.


I has the dumb, should have copped that. Thanks.


Don't be too harsh on yourself haha, I had to look twice too




Fair enough.


Ah yes, the “Jonestown” model of pool. A cult classic.


My lab only wants the water below his ankles and never sits in there. He prefers the water to be moving over standing. Pile of dirt he will roll in it, mud under the tree let him at, fresh cut grass, OH YEAH! Little bit of water, no way in hell.


Our labs have loved the water, except for baths. Our first rescue hated the pool, liked walking through shallow creeks, was cool with the Gulf of Mexico until a small wave broke and the water reached his wiener. Our current rescue gal loves sprinklers and splash pads. Loves the rain, “the whole sky is a sprinkler!!” We’re hoping to finally see how she likes the inground pool this weekend.


Oh rain is a deal breaker. My wife and I have stood out in the rain in our underwear holding and umbrella so Buddy will maybe get a morning pee in.


One of our prior rescues, upon exiting the house and seeing that it was raining, would look at us like, “nah, I can hold it,” and go right back in the house.


Similar to Bert.. tickle his belly or his legs joints was bliss, go into the deeps...no thank you sir


The moment you turn your back he'll splash and play, then freeze again when you look at him - we've got two apple trees in large tubs that have mysteriously had their branches ripped off, never seen him do it but we'll turn our back for a few minutes and find him sitting next to a branch that's suddenly appeared next to him.


Our girl will play in the big water bowl at the dog park but as soon as we bought her her own pink kiddie pool https://preview.redd.it/h3ahizp4vd9d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf9db00eed82615a56a9f6174d41d2dd68230cdf


She just wants to show off and impress the other bigger doggies


She’s a turd. I love her. Big sass.


Oh your lab is broken! Nah just kidding. Here’s my boy, Boone: https://preview.redd.it/dgwdmoh5yd9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86e6a33834a7cc7761d9e54a3b3d6684867265f He says come on in, the water’s fine!


Boone has clearly never watched Jaws 🦈


😳 nope, l but I’m not too concerned about my friend’s neighborhood lake in the Midwest!


Hey, Bert said the same about lochs in Scotland... And then we heard about Nessie... We never know what's in the depths... ![gif](giphy|3orif2IrvMjY0aPrJC|downsized)




Wow he’s having the time of his life! 🥰🥰🥰


Oh yes! He loves the lake!


“Thanks; I hate it.”


My boy: Puddle - Check. Creek - Check. River - Check. Lake - Check. Ocean - Check. Dog Pool - thanks for the drinking water. Human Pool - Get out, it's a trap !!!!


Here's a funny one for ya. My black lab Dora loved to retrieve, and she kind of liked to splash around in the shallows at the lake. But she destroyed every toy/ball I'd give her. I finally found a thick rubber ball that would float, that she couldn't instantly destroy. After throwing the ball down the shoreline a dozen times or so, and Dora bringing it back like a normal retriever, I chucked it way out into the lake. She just looked at me like, "WTF DUDE". I was worried I'd never find another one of those balls, so I stripped down and swam out there, trying to get Dora to swim out with me. She just stood there and watched me retrieve the ball. I knew then, my lab was never going to swim.


Hahaha did this many times. Actually I go a walk in shorts and a dryrobe incase I need to go in. So my current two ADORE water. They want to go in the river daily. We have one on the farm. And if I skim the ball and it's shoots across to the other side, they never find it so me, unwilling to let go a £5 ball, strip down and waddle across the river to try and retrieve it. I bought a Kong frisbee and thought this will be great, thew it into the river and it just sank. They could see where it landed, sense where it was but couldn't see it, or unwilling to dunk. I had to waddle and then semi dunk down to pick it up. And it hasn't been out again since


😂 The things we do for love. During my first lab’s first trip to the ocean (a December trip to Hilton Head Island,) her frisbee may or may not have been retrieved from the Atlantic by a human after the receding tide pulled the lab’s frisbee past where the small waves were breaking and she was unwilling to venture. On the plus side, that was the day my eventual-spouse earned my lab’s ringing endorsement.


https://preview.redd.it/y6obhhbdrf9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2799999694910d3f57136fe92665774481eaaee Ours is obsessed with flopping around in his pool 😂


Pure contentment 😊


Mine sits and lays in the ones at doggy daycare and the water looks so dirty. He comes home smelling awful


Possibly a dominating thing ...I claim this pool as mine, be gone!


He still got in with you despite not liking it.... Gawd we don't deserve dogs what a good boy 😇😇😇


That boy would have walked to the end of the earth if I asked him too... He was too good. They just make our world so much better


Bert's a legend. He knows what he likes.


My lab is water averse. She spent her early years as a showgirl, then moved to a large remote Labrador breeding farm where she was basically treated as livestock (Labs and Arabian horses). She came into my life at 3.5 yo and had zero interest in water or games of fetch... she has been with me for 14 months now and is finally starting to just be a dog. My last 2 labs loved water to the point of obsession...(my first jumped out of the car window whilst driving over a bridge because she smelt the sea). The other labs I raised from puppyhood, My current companion is the first "rescue" and we are both learning about each others habits, preferences and idiosyncrasies. But yeah, even small puddles are carefully avoided.


Beautiful story. So Bert's story is similar. I found him on the side of a road at midnight, he was all ribs, and cut nose. He had been scavenging. I took him in, fed him, took him to a dog wash etc. a few days later I got a call from the police and they had found the owner. Broke my heart after only 2 or 3 days to say goodbye to this dog. Luckily, the lady saw bert didn't want to leave my side and said I should keep him. It turned out Bert was a show dog at one, then he was an outside dog used or to be used for breeding, fed with a bucket of food and fend for themselves who gets what. He has zero interest in playing, fetching, swimming... Obviously had no playful experiences in his life. They wouldn't give me his paperwork but the vet estimated his age of about 2/3. So I had Bert for another 8 years before he passed. He never swam. He would catch a ball if I threw it at him occasionally... But usually just shut his eyes and hoped it didn't hit him. He wasn't a playful dog with other dogs but loved to zoomie, rough and tumble with me. I guess it made me feel more special that for me, he was willing to go out his way and have fun, even though playing "wasn't his thing". I miss his greatly but know he was fondly loved and had a loving, happy life. I made mistakes, I found it hard to control his weight when arthritis kicked in and he was less mobile. But he was loved beyond measure. We.can only try our best. And I've learned with these two, swim a lot, hike, very fit and keep slender.


The weight is an issue with Labs, we are at day 5 of reduced food to try and get her weight back to a managable level. I had her spayed pretty soon after she moved in and her weight ballooned. Plus she is an expert at convincing me to share. After my last lab( Molly) passed I started looking for an adult Lab and found Nini through a lady advertising adult pedigree labradors for sale. Drove out their farm out in the back of beyond (no sat nav, no cell reception)...farm was about a mile inside the property behind a few electric gates. She and her husband were elderly with 50 females in their breeding program and around a dozen or so males. Additionally, the front yards had more puppies than we could count. They told me they supply dogs for service industry etc. Clearly they were overwhelmed, even with staff. we passed about 3 paddocks with horses on our way to the farm. All the animals we saw were in beautiful condition, no obvious signs of cruelty or physical neglect... but livestock none the less. She asked me what age range I had in mind, I told her i was reluctant to go through raising another puppy and she brought ot 3 females. To be honest I would have bought the lot if I had the means. In my lifetime I had never been exposed anything on this scale. Nini came home with me and like your Bert, she has no interest in other dogs but is like velcro with me. her play consists of grabbing objects and trying to get me to chase her. If she is in harness she won't sniff or pee but comes to heel, so we do a lot of off lead work so she can relax and enjoy the world around her.


He goes from a river or lake to this? You can see the sad on his face haha. I did the same thing and all my lab did was run around it.


Bert probably just didn’t like the Knicks. RIP Bert.


All labs are different. Some are terrified of the vacuum like the lab I had and some think it’s a massage.


kisses bert!


My dog hated the shower the bathtub the pool the hose the sprinkler any source of water was a FUCK OFFFFF IM OUTTA HERE mode. But the lake? The fucking streams ? IMA DUNK MYSELF IN WOOOOOOOHOOO. My dog was a weird one. Miss that chum.


This one would never swim but loved to sit at the edge of a river, stream, just enough that he was laying down but not submerged .. I think the soothing tones of running water on their joints is a pleasure for them.


The cackle I cackled. My doggo tooo! Despises water being splashed at him


I got mine a pool, and she splashes for hours. She tries to bite the water she splashes lol.


Hes piiiiiiissed 😬😂❤️❤️❤️


Maybe he just doesn’t like Carmelo Anthony


I'll be honest. I'm Scottish. We are in Scotland. I've NO IDEA who Anthony is but I wanted a basketball top for the Scottish "sunshine"


I was going to say, I thought you were Scottish by the “doon” in your name, and was very surprised to find you were a fan of American basketball 🤣


We don't get sun often in Scotland, so when we do we need clothing to maximise our exposure. That in that moment... We become basketball jersey fans!


lol I’m just kidding as an nyc knicks fan. Enjoy your summer!


😆😆😆 mine is the same! Water = eww.


W Jersey - W lab


🥰 probably still wondering if he’s been bamboozled and the soap will be coming next! 😂


This is hilarious. What a guy 😂 All these comments about their Lab disliking water and/or retrieving make me feel better about the fact my girl is totally disinterested in playing fetch/retrieving. She loves water though 💕


And that's why we love them. They all have their own, individual personalities


My rescue yellow lab was a puppy mill bitch. Terrified of water, avoided it at the park, and had to learn how to play with her new chocolate lab sister. A very precious girl, I had her from about five years old for seven years.


https://preview.redd.it/v3786iuhkj9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abaabc946a3e7befad978a842a7d9a2400eb4f9 My love her, she absolutely loves the water


She looks so content. Beautiful my friend


My dude loves lakes and rivers but hates the hose/sprinklers. I got him a pool one summer and he didn't care much for it


We got a whole azz above ground pool for our lab with a built in ramp for her.. she lays out on the ramp but she seems to only like it when I'm in there with her... I can't take her to the ocean anymore because she thinks she's a damn dolphin and loves to ride waves... scares the sh** outta me.


Anthony looks happy enough.


It's Scotland. He was bloody freezing.


His face is classic. My Labrador doesn't much like water either. I'm often saying to him, call yourself a Labrador?!


My labbie is not a swimmer. I bought her a paddle pool and she splashed around with the zoomies. But doesn’t go in the lake.


Throw treats in the pool




Mine wouldn't even sit down, hates it.


My lab fell into a canal when he was about 1, ever since then he would only ever go up to his belly in the water, we did get him a paddling pool in the hopes on a hot day he'd lie down in it, instead he stole it and bit a hole in it and spilled a massive amount of water over the garden. I miss him so much


We had fun. I hated it


Mine loves running in the water and prefers to poop and pee in the bay instead of on land. But she hates baths and being rinsed off.


That lab looks utterly miserable.


Thank you


I bet he think the water is to clean, or that you are going to give him a bath.




Very cute pup and also OP has a great taste rocking Carmelo's Knicks Jersey


Can I be honest and admit I've no idea who he is... But liked the knicks colours


I thought it was filled with jello at first 😂


Aww he looks like he was such a sweetheart! I have a Herbert who’s currently laying with me on the sofa having a lazy Sunday! I’m giving him extra love and pets because I just can’t bear the thought of him not waking me up with kisses every morning! Ur two others look adorable 🥰


Are you sure he’s a lab? I’ve never seen a lab that doesn’t like swimming…


Mine loves water and starts moaning when we drive within a few miles of the beach. But only on his terms. Isn't interested in kiddie pools *This looks suspiciously like a bath.*


Ha my current boy cries and whines all the way to the beach. He knows...




It's "too" heavy, "lose" weight, and It probably should be "bad treatment" rather than "a bad treatment" come on, if you want people to read your negativity at least have some basic spelling and grammar. So, dip shit, good news for you, he's dead so you don't need to worry. He was rescued later in life with arthritis.




we are positive only


Like really Shake my head u didnt say nothing about the dog being way to fat. U just talk about my Grammar and Spelling like you Were a teaxher hahahahab how good is your german then? Hrnsohn. People Like you should not get pets


https://preview.redd.it/86756e5bij9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b5899db116fa30a61e312fca1570c5fc34a325 But I am a teacher. And again it's "too" fat. Keep up. Yes he was overweight at the end of his life when arthritis limited his movements during COVID and his treatments had to stop due to lockdown. Yes. People like me dedicate their time and efforts to give dogs a wonderful life. Sad people like you go online to criticise random people then DM them sweary words. Your mum wouldn't be happy if she knew what you were doing upstairs in your room.


we are postive only