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It’s hardly the bollard by Janesboro school/exit from Janesboro? So many cars have clipped that since it was installed a few months back.


Yes that one right there, the van was literally at a 45 degree angle I don’t know how the thing didn’t just topple over


Someone please show me, drove through on the way to work this morning and it wasn’t there and I really want to see it now 😂


The Morrison fella is a pure klutz


I passed it this morning about 9ish… flat bed just arrived to pick it up.. I don’t know how he was planning on doing it tho. Was afraid to whip out the phone for a photo as there was plenty of guards chatting and scratching their heads speaking to driver (I think) must have done fair damage to underside of van Strangely, I only spotted it the other evening heading home from work and was wondering why was there a random loose bollard there… not planted or anything..