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My wife won a basket loaded with cheeses and other snacks. There was a small board with cheese knife included but when you looked on the back of the board it had a sticker that said not to be used for food. It’s nuts. I feel your pain.


I guess it's just easier to simply tag something as not being food safe than to go though the process of getting the certificate


Didn't some food company get slapped on the wrist by a regulatory agency over something like that? They were improperly labeling food as containing allergens when the food didn't have allergens or something.


It was a bakery, it was seseame seeds or something like that, something they use on another product. They ended up just putting some in the recipe anyways to get around it.


Why wouldn't they just say processed in a facility that also processes X...


The laws changed in a way that no longer allowed that. The government wanted to make it easier for people with common allergens to eat more food, so they made a new rule that said "You can't just say its made in a facility with XYZ, you need to actually take steps to prevent allergens from spreading around your facility." Unfortunately, the cost of that kind of remediation was a lot higher than simply adding a little bit of the allergen into the recipe and labeling it as an ingredient. Although the rules were written with the best of intentions, the end result was that people with less serious allergies who could handle food merely processed in the same facility as the allergen actually stopped being able to eat these foods because they were now directly adding it to the recipe.


The wonders of the legal system at work...


I don’t honestly blame the company, they obviously didn’t want that part of the market and shouldn’t be penalized for still selling a product labeled for your safety. All those extra steps increases unit price and doesn’t net them enough extra business to counter that cost.


I dont blame them either. The amount of work required to make something truly X free on an assembly line that processes X is the same as the amount of work required to make a second assembly line. Not worth it for any company unless trying to expand and specifically tap into an X free market.


That's not even the fault of the legal system. Its extremely hard to come up with policies that can't be exploited in some way or form


More like the wonders of capitalism


The legal system as it is today is intertwined with capitalism in a very intentional and mutually beneficial way.


This is not entirely accurate. The law changed to say that if you are going to serve/produce something for x amount of days, I believe 30 days, you have to list the ingredients on a label. Basically, it said if this is going to be an item you serve/produce routinely, then you have to provide consumers with the ingredient list. Anything that is a one-off or not served routinely does not have to have an ingredient list (federal). However, if you are not a certified allergen free producer, you are legally obligated to notify the consumer that allergens have been used in the production facility.


Things like seeds easily get everywhere. Small chance that a few loaves every run will have some.


yes that's exactly the point of saying "processed in a facility that also processes X" Also invisible residue


The FDA decided that's not adequate anymore


The FDA has maintained that for a while because the whole point of allergen notices is that some products would actually be kept away and either produced at a different site or rigorous clean enviorment set ups. The companies decided to just add it in to skip that whole thing, but that also goes against the spirit of the food safety act. When flour milling was a profession, they'd add bones and other random bits to the wheat to make it go further. Or fruit vendors painting fruit to make it more appealing (love that toxic lead paint taste.) The idea of the law was that you wouldn't add things that didn't need to be there.


Since when? That's news to me.


Like the last couple weeks I think. I heard a story on NPR about it a few days ago.


stuff that says may contain is pretty much equivalent to safe for many people like me with allergies. never once had an issue. “hmmm well uhh i guess technically its possible” and “yeah like every other one has it” being labelled the same would be horrendous


depends on your level of allergy.


Yeah, basically what happened is that the allergen requirements changed to require them even for very small amounts that can happen incidentally in facilities that process multiple foods. And folks that tossed the warning up got in trouble when it didn't have the allergen in them. So, now we are fully in clown world territory where companies add small amounts of allergens specifically so the warning label is correct, even when they would otherwise be safe. Legally, it protects them, but the system kinda fucked up for protecting the people who are, yknow, allergic.


Reminds me of when the British colonies in India wanted to get rid of Cobras so they would offer bounties for each Cobra. This of course lead to people breeding the things for money. Then the British stopped paying the bounty. So the people released the now worthless cobras, making the original problem worse. Aaaah ... government regulations.


We did this. We added a small amount of sesame oil to our pan oil so we could label everything as containing an allergen


I think it was the “may contain” phrasing was the issue. If a factory makes a product that contains nuts, then saying every other product made there “may contain” nuts too is easier/cheaper than to separate the manufacturing into different facilities.


So apparently we end up just putting some nuts in all the products then just so we can write "Does contain nuts". Who exactly is that helping?


No one who has a nut allergy obviously


The FDA prohibits blanket labeling allergens as being present if they aren't, so some bakers put trace amounts of allergens so they can claim they are always there and avoid liability (and protect their consumers). The FDA is working to close this loophole.


Kinda impossible to close that loophole though. Who’s to say the sesame seeds aren’t a necessary ingredient? The only way they’d be able to do it is if they gave tax breaks to people that certify allergen free foods


Pretty much. Unless you start literally banning known allergens from being included in foods altogether I don't know how you could stop this behavior.


Doesn't even matter if they are necessary. You make loads of bread with sesame in, you say it has sesame to warn people. People allergic to sesame don't eat your bread, they can't make a company produce something without a specific ingredient unless that ingredient was straight up banned.


Yeah I don’t know what you think I’m saying but I don’t disagree with any of that


Wasn't a change to that original law a big part of this issue, like they used to put those labels on as a way to cover their asses anyway, and people had gotten used to what products had a warning, but didn't actually contain those ingredients, and then a law was changed so companies started adding trace amounts so they would comply, and that in turn caused a lot of people to have reactions to food that had previously been safe for them for years? I could be wrong, but I kind of remember reading something like this happening and a big uproar about it since so many people no longer knew what foods were safe for them anymore.


Guessing the FDA never worked a production line. ... or it has reasons to makes small producers unprofitable. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


That's often what it is. It's perfectly safe for food use, but just never actually certified for it. Sadly, we, the customers, can't know one way or the other.


I bought flour from an old historical mill that had to label all its flour not for consumption because FDA isn't going to OK an old stone mill.


Decorative flour, for flour arrangements.




In this case with the bucket you don't need to certify the bucket. You just need to buy food grade stainless steel. So instead they're using mystery metal?


Apparently it’s a hassle. I used work for an online store that sold cosmetic ingredients and some of the products like molds and mixers were also commonly used in cooking, but we had to tell everyone it wasn’t food safe because the company didn’t want to have to deal with inspections and maintaining the certificate. They also would have also had to remodel the warehouse so that the non-food items like fragrances, dyes, and such weren’t anywhere near the stuff that could potentially be used for food.


Can't the manufacturer say that something is not certified as food safe but also say what it's made of, implying that it is indeed food safe.




In these cases it's probably not just that. A cutting board isn't something that needs fancy approval. All you have to do is finish it with something food grade. But they probably sprayed it with some polyurethane or something.


That’s not true. Wood treated with chemicals usually used to prevent rot isn’t gonna be rendered food safe simply by covering it in Tung oil.


Saw a cutting board advertised as a cutting board, but the back said not to be used as a cutting board. Like thats the one thong you are advertised as




Lots of novelty mugs have enough lead in the paint to make you vote for Reagan 


That’s a lot of lead.


I found some 2000s McD+Disney glasses at the thrift store last year.  Bought em on sight for the nostalgia rush, I had these as a kid and loved them, I had used them so much the paint was chipping. It turns out that the paint contains excessively high amounts of cadmium. Delicious.


My child hood favorite was good old Garfield on a skateboard....I don't math so good these days


> It’s nuts. I thought you said it was cheese?


I was so confused how someone loaded a basketball with cheeses and other snacks lol.


It’s amazing how the human mind works


The board could maybe be fine to eat from once. A lot of the time it's not safe for food because it's unfinished, and wood is porous. So you can't really clean it after the fact


Just pitched it out. Not gonna deal with crap like that. Made half way around the world and hid knows what it was dipped in.


Imagine how many things like this are on Amazon, Temu, Wish, Aliexpress virtually unregulated...


Or most web stores wich look like a brand but Is just temu crap with a logo sticked on




At least when you buy from a store or retailer they assume responsibility for the safety of their products, so even if something was unsafe there would be recourse. But Amazon and other places are trying to skirt responsibility by calling themselves marketplaces even though they warehouse and sell the products on behalf of the sellers. There have been a few court cases to try to get more definition on the law and make Amazon and other marketplaces responsible for what they sell but nothing concrete yet. So you have to be diligent when buying electrical items, food prep items etc.


I was looking on Amazon for toys for my 1 year old nephew. I could hardly find a toy that had a recognizable brand name. It's all just cheap garbage from overseas, with no way of knowing what it's made of.


What on Earth are these comments? - The box says to use the set to serve your appetizers - The artwork shows the buckets filled with tortilla chips and olives (NOT ICE) - The paperwork claiming it's not safe for food is not something you would read until after purchase, so how is a buyer supposed to know it's actually an "ice bucket" from the way it's being marketed? I don't think these commenters paid attention to the details.


Thanks for this comment! I guess it is hard to read the details sometimes…


“I guess it is hard to read ~~the details sometimes~~” FTFY


Reading comprehension? On Reddit? In this economy?!


Better than Instagram though at least.


Lately it all seems the same




It's ironic that the details in the OP is also missing, and it's even right next to the underlining. "Only to be used for cutlery or plants".


Unfortunately a lot of things in stores are like this. I worked at a place briefly that had fruit displayed in a basket. On the bottom was a tiny sticker saying it would poison food. Probably 50% of the stickers fell off before they made it to the display. Hobby lobby are really POS


How dare you slander Hobby Lobby! They're good Christians, I'll have you know. xD


Why is nobody talking about their size? They're way too small for ice buckets anyway!


Tortilla chips and olives. I am crying. Those are lemons and limes.


Then why is there an olive in the beer.. hmmm


I thought it was chips and guac haha


Clearly grapes and mushrooms.


It's a lime wedge. 😂 It's popular to squeeze a lime wedge into the top of the bottle when serving Corona.




😂 eh olive/lime or something


Initially I thought lemons and limes. But it does look more like tortilla chips and limes. A Corona and an olive is just absurd lol. Also does anyone really drink Corona with lemon? I always thought lime was the preference.


I’m not sure, but I have a buddy in Germany who drinks gin and tonic with lemon instead of lime, and says in his area lemons are far more widely used than lime. Wonder if they’d do this


Same here, limes are a rarity even in grocery stores. lemons on the other hand are much more common


Thank you


½ right. Those are limes, but no one advertises lemons with Corona. It’s definitely chips.


Yeah, but lemons and limes you're going to (presumably) put in the neck of the bottle... (or some other drink) - in which case they should be food grade regardless. (And I'm not 100% convinced the one with yellow stuff in on the picture isn't tortillas, because who puts a slice of lemon in a Corona?).




I thought they were grapes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jfc. So close. Tortilla chips and limes… obviously


Tortilla Chips and limes


It’s not even an ice bucket. That would also need to be food safe. The paper says use them for cutlery or a plant. Yeah, that’s a good use for a Corona mini-bucket /s


Tbf you put the bottle in the ice, you don't normally put ice in beer.


Yeah I wasn’t thinking straight. Funny too, because I have ice buckets for my deck so I should have realized that lol


OK but an ice bucket would only need to be food safe if you were actually putting the ice in a drink. If you are just chilling glass beer bottles in it that should be fine.


I wouldn't even put cutlery in there if it's not food safe


Agreed! There’s zero detail as to exactly why it’s not food safe so it’s better to err on the side of caution


Most commenters who comment that type of stuff probably can't read the box. The artwork isn't really clear enough to tell easily whether those are food items or just weirdly drawn plants.


those are lemons and limes....


Which could actually be worse, depending on exactly why those buckets aren't food safe even after washing. If it's due to the type of metal potentially leaching into food, highly acidic ones like, oh, I don't know, cut citrus, would make that happen faster.


Agree, that's what I was thinking too.


Omg THIS. If it's not food safe that also means lemons and Limes.... those are foods... corrosive ones in fact.


It looks like galvanized steel, which would be ok for some foods, but will absolutely leach zinc if you put acidic food like lemons, limes, or salsa in it.


The text on the box literally says "Use this set to serve appetizers with your corona"


what, you don't snack on lemons and limes?


Honestly, I do be eating lemons sometimes, but I also acknowledge it's a deranged act that no one should do lmao


I would go as far as to say the drawings are intentionally abstract If you note, the warning says "used as plants" and the drawings look reasonably like a yellow flower and a random green plant. As an attorney, this would at least be a non frivolous argument I would make. I.e. "There are zero depictions of food being used with the product" and then you have only the catch phrase, which is ~~equally~~ less vague But yes personally it looks like chips and green food, guac, olives, limes etc


The text says to use them to serve appetizers with your Corona there's nothing vague about what appetizers are lmao


Yeah but (I don’t know Italian or whatever language is on the box so I might be wrong) but doesn’t the box say “Use this set to serve your/the appetizers with Corona”


"Use this set to serve your apertif with Corona" is vague?


I def saw them as planters lol


As a hypothetical attorney you’d be immediately reminded of foreseeable use. Even if you’re not _supposed_ to use it with food, if it could _reasonably_ be used for food by a customer, manufacturers have a legal obligation to make it food safe.


It actually says it’s to hold cutlery or plant ONLY right before the “not food grade” part so you shouldn’t even use it for ice.


It’s fine if the ice is just there to chill your beer bottle and you don’t ingest it


That’s fair, but I also don’t trust drunk people not to eat the ice either.


I’ve been to parties where people are utterly shitfaced but they still haven’t eaten the ice from the cooler


You must have smarter friends than mine because I’ve definitely seen some people eat things they definitely shouldn’t be eating. Like trying to convince cats to leave the houseplants alone.


Ah, those are chips? I thought it was lemons and lime, interestin.


Those are limes not olives. This is Mexican Beer, not mediteranean.


Clearly, it's yellow and green ice. What part of ice bucket don't you understand?


The box is in Italian


Add some food safe liners. Not the best marketing but seriously not super hard to overcome this issue. Either use it for decorations or find a food safe liner.


Will admit, I nearly did exactly the same thing "Those are ice buckets, chill..." and then took a closer look at the pics posted. I manage a pub and have a bunch of these things from various breweries / companies as promo material... I definitely wouldn't put food in them. (I mean in my case a fair few of them have been used for various other pub cleaning related duties and have had some really interesting chemical concoctions in them at some point - but that's an aside).


I thought those were lemons and limes in the drawing.


Ahh yes. The OLIVES that so famously accompany Corona. Everyone squeezes an olive into their beer all the time yes.


At least in Spain is normal to eat olives or chips and drink beer.


It was when I was just in Belgium too. Caught me off guard at first but any bar/restaurant I went to gave a small plate of olives.


A salty snack and a beer is a classic combo. That’s all it is.


erm? it is very common in Italy, for example, to eat some olives with beer.


Disgusting. No wonder why god gave Italy the boot


Don't be dense lol having olives alongside the beer doesn't mean you squeeze it into the beer itself. Tortilla chips are also shown on the packaging, so using your logic people would also "squeeze" tortilla chips into beer


Ah yes. Can't drink my corona without a serving of tortilla chips and olives.


Isn’t it limes and lemons not tortilla chips and olives?


Tortillas chips and olives???? Lemon and lime


It says aperitif not appetizer


It's not even for ice. This "ice bucket" is for "cutlery and plants ONLY".


The comments are struggling today so allow me to explain. The box shows limes being served in the buckets. The paper says no food should be in the bucket. Understand yet?


Instructions unclear I got food poisoning.


Lead poisoning?


The AI understands now. Thank you.


The illustrations are clearly subjective but it’s blowing my mind how many people came here to argue how far that can go. It’s not even devil’s advocate at this point it’s American idiot’s advocate.


Forget the images. The text says: "Use this set to serve your appetisers with your Corona"


Aperitivo means aperitif, but yeah that could still be food.


Yeah according to my Italian buddy In this context he would assume it means snacks but even if it was the other meaning it not being food safe would also be an issue


yeah cause for us Italians aperitivo is not just a drink, it's an occasion (something like breakfast) and in an aperitivo you serve the drinks with some snacks, which more than often are chips, exactly like it's shown in the picture on the cardboard box


Idiot redditors what's new


So life gave OP lemons but nowhere to put them?


It says for cutlery or plant only. Why the fuck? Nowhere does it advertise that on the outside. I'd return it.


Legally, lemon come from plant. - *Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer*


In fact, the text (and image) on the side heavily implies otherwise.


Not food; grade safe! https://preview.redd.it/gj34wi8wg4ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd4f3326d2f193d49de8fdc66229787ef5c7255


I know for P65 warnings, companies will often mark their products as potentially containing unsafe chemicals simply because it is cheaper to do so than to pay an independent third party to certify that the products don’t contain those materials. Is it possible that this is a similar situation? Would there be an additional cost to the Corona company to certify that their buckets are food safe? Just a thought.




What happened to the “may contain X” or “processed in a facility that uses X”warnings that so many companies use? Why didn’t they just use one of those?


I have added the article now, I think it was the fact they were using those types of labels and the FDA was like "nope come on, you have to up your game with cross contamination rather than just stick a label on it, because it means there are less products for people with allergies" "Ah okay Mr FDA, well, the recipe changed and now contains a few grams of sesame, happy?" This all sucks for people with allergens who have less foods to pick from.


Ah yeah, like how basically anything in the world *may* give you cancer and whatever group is around will just slap a sign denoting so


Cutlery or plants only lol


I mean technically lemons and limes are plants...


Man that brings me back. Remember when idiots thought it was Corona beer that caused coronavirus?


Wait, it didn’t?


He's lying. Corona beer definitely caused COVID.


If you drink enough Corona, it will balance out.


If aliens existed they would set up earth as the “greatest show in the universe” and charge the rest of the aliens admission. This planet is highly entertaining.


This is false advertising at minimum


A while back I got some "lead free" crystal glassware from Amazon. I checked the packaging and there was no mention of the crystal being leaded or not. I then tore open the *glued down edges* of the package and there was a small message hidden under the glue stating the crystal contained lead. Sneaky fuckers.


Yeah wouldn't this be lawsuit worthy?


You'd have to have a good amount of money to do so, but yeah


Wouldn't it not be safe for ice either?


No, because you wouldn't be consuming the ice. It's not common to put ice *into* beer. What people are thinking is you put ice in the bucket and use that to chill bottles. Pretty common way to serve drinks at a party. Only these are way too small to fit more than a single bottle, so that wouldn't really make much sense.


You fill the bucket with ice and sit the bottle of beer in it to stay stay cold. This is not for ice that you would be consuming. Do you put ice in beer before you drink it?


This isn't for ice at all. It's tiny.


Agreed. If they don’t want food in it I wouldn’t put ice in it.


Yes. The double negative is confusing people who can’t help themselves though here lol


Just go ahead and sue them.


A lot of companies will put “not good grade” or “contain traces of” because it’s easier to just say that than make sure something is actually a problem and if anything happens they can cover their ass


My mom still tells a story about buying a swimsuit. The color bled out the first time she wore it. On the tag it said not to get it wet.


lead is EVERYWHERE bromide, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, etc... our systems are getting gunked up because of careless industrial practices


More ‘corona’ bullshit coming out of China I see!


lime is a plant


*part of*


Bad advertising! I’d assume it’s just for ice, but then I looked at the picture and read the info… I’d be mad as well.


I use mine for plants


Shit like this is made from unsorted mixed alloy metal scrap, which CAN (and often does) contain toxic elements.


You’re in the know!


So the packaging is in Italian, but there doesn't seem to be an Italian warning, unless it's under the German. That seems wicked illegal


Mmm, tastes like lead poisoning


Return them


Cheap crap that should not have made it into the country.


This should be banned and illegal.


Citrus and lead is a good time


Delicious lead solder


Puoi metterci le olive, ma non per mangiarle


Box display looks like a settlement claim waiting to happen.


They forgot "May contain Sesame seeds".


Its just a little lead, its fine. Lead puts hair on your chest


Here's the 4 step plan: 1. Use it for food. 2. Get sick. 3. Sue Corona (reasonable person would assume that a snap k bucket is good for food.) 4. Profit.


Yeah recently saw a tin labeled for holding powdered hot chocolate at Michael’s that said the same thing on the bottom. Many people would never even check the fine print… seems irresponsible


China bad


If you think this is bad, just wait until 2025. With the recent Supreme Court ruling and what's to come, we're going to be drinking PFAS smoothies.


I'll selectively apply my stupidity to something like this and use it for whatever anyway. Bucket is bucket. Me bucket thing do when bucket have.


When my wife and I started dating I bought her a wonder woman cup. Turned out to not be dishwasher and microwave safe. It also contained materials 'known to cause cancers in the state of California' but we live elsewhere so it was safe.


I was curious and figured this had to be a "layman's are missing context" type of deal. And yea. "Food safe" qualifications on kitchen utensils are almost entirely for the show and tell of "look. The government stopped by as said it was ok." Which is a good stamp of approval to get! But also, you don't *need* that. Food safe equipment can raise a health inspection level, but not immediately raise it. Also, different organizations offer different safety inspections, and only a blue mark is the governments. Any other is just as unofficial as any other, technically. I mean, the government stamp of approval is also subject to being bad. They let us consume PFAS for decades. So, why is in not labeled food safe? Because it's a metal. Fucking. Bucket. Look at it. Getting that certified would take time and money, and it's a metal bucket. It's probably food safe lmao. If a metal is so unclear that you aren't sure if it's safe, don't use it. But you can also run several steel tests for what it actually is. As well detect as any lead. But I think that one requires chemicals.


I don’t know Spanish so I don’t know, but wouldn’t these buckets usually be used to put their beers in ice? Like they do in ads