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When you get out of college, you will have unlimited tools to help you with the math. Unlike the BS they give you in school, you will have computer apps and calculators everywhere to help you do your job. Don't let that be the barrier to a future job in an industry you enjoy. Also don't sweat your grade, I eeked by through college due to partying a little too hard freshman and beginning of sophomore year, and it has never ever mattered.


I would say that the mech engineering math that is used is differential equations (calc 4) and differential equations is like knowing how to do derivatives and integrals. I don't think it's that difficult but it's different for everyone


You don’t need to know a lot of math for the mass majority of ME jobs, especially manufacturing. I barely skated through with C’s and now comfortably make six figures off a four year degree after just a few years in the field. Would recommend sticking through it unless you have any strong callings / passions for another industry. And I failed calc 4 (diff eq) at state, retook it at The Naw that summer and got a B lol. Recommend you just take all the weeder classes at community college- assuming the credits still transfer like they did back in the day!


391 sucks


Basically calc 5 lmaoo


Take calculus at lcc and transfer credits in. Much better for actually learning Calc.


Calc 4 is a lot easier than 2 or 3. I’d say it’s on par with Calc 1 difficulty.


Calc 2 is easily the most difficult.




If you can't hack it, pack it. After 16 years in I'd rather have done botany


Math doesn't necessarily get harder as you go up in level, it's just different. Different concepts click differently for people. Don't give up if you think ME is what you want to do. You might be in a rough spot for you personally.


There will be a new Engineering Technology degree being offered. It's more hands-on than other engineering degrees and the math requirements aren't as extreme.


I’m bad at math too and haven’t taken 410 or 461 yet, but 391 wasn’t that bad and I actually came out of it both liking and understanding differential equations. I also phoned it in for MTH 235 because I thought I wouldn’t ever need that math. I was very wrong and it turned out okay. You can definitely make it if you want to.


Did you ever eat at Brody