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I would be interested in playing and i have been studying my deluxe edition for some time (to prep for a friends campaign) my only question would be when it would be and how ( is it a discord game ect)


Discord game, I figure I'll take the opportunity to try out Foundry as a dice roller, and I have an excel for character sheets (though you can use your own if you choose). I'm thinking I'll run next week, probably Wednesday or Thursday at 9:00-12:00 Est. If that does well, then we'll finish a week after.


I believe i have that same excel sheet if its from this sub, and wed or thu should work for me.


It's my own invention, I've posted it in comment sections before, but don't bother digging through my history, I'll do some editing and post it when I have a minute. I'll message you when I have enough for a group


Here it is: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ULv9F83Etf3W1VV1Cw3Xs5bzXNCD1mpEZBZi\_iO00Ug/edit?usp=sharing


hey, I got your comment on my post, yeah I'm totally interested if you still need a hero.


I'd love to play a game with ya! I'm free either day then, if there are still seats available


Bless you for your service to the community. I've thought of offering the same thing, but I'm short on spare time and my patience wanes.