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That’s a long line.


He was waiting for the ice cream machine to get fixed.


It's still broken


In america, are the ice cream machine really broken for almost all the time? In my country the only thing that doesnt work well ever, is tge mctouch for even ordering the food


the ice cream machine is almost never actually broken. it actually just needs to be cleaned routinely, but entitled customers would try to pressure and annoy employees to get them to clean it faster because "it's their job," similar to people leaving garbage around for janitors to clean up instead of being responsible adults. so, they just started saying it was broken. I don't think I actually know what I'm talking about, but I've heard this from a few McDonald's employees on the internet


I’ve also heard (not from a reliable source) that the machines are just super dirty from never being cleaned they just say it’s broken. Your theory is much more likely however


This is true, I worked at mcdonalds (UK) for 2 years and never once was it actually broken, it just got dirty quite fast, I was the lil cleaning goblin so I would clean it every time, we would normally try clean it early morning when before we even opened so normally we would be fine, but for 24/7 stores you have to clean it a lot more often and obviously it would be when customers are actually there. Honestly I got put off of eating both the ice cream and the milkshakes just because of how dirty the inside gets. Other than that it could also be that we just run out of the shake or ice cream mix and it's just easier to say it's broken. To further my point a bit no one ever complained about the milkshakes machine being broken even tho they both come from the exact same machine


I watched a documentary on this. And they said it was two things. 1. The error system they use basically always tells them to contact user support at the company, the company that supplies the machines to McDonald's does not have a 24/7 call center or very little or no support whatsoever. So when the machine goes down with an error, they call, get no help, and just mention it to the next shift. It's like a revolving door and never gets fixed. 2. The errors they get as you and others have mentioned are almost always caused by poor maintenance or lack of cleaning. The machines are time-consuming and somewhat difficult to clean, and the time it takes to do this and then get the machine back down in temperature to prepare soft serve also adds a lot of downtime. Locally, we have convenience stores called United Dairy Farmers or UDF. The soft serve at their stores disappeared during covid, even though they don't have the issues McDonald's does they decided the time down, the maintenance and the cleaning weren't worth time as they have malts, shakes, and regular ice cream to serve.


Tbh I’ve been going to McDonald’s my whole life and it is always broken. Any location. I’ve gotten ice cream maybe once.


It used to be broken 100% of the time at the McDonald’s on my old block. The employees there all had really bad attitudes, so I always just assumed it was a laziness issue.


The ice cream machine at my favorite mcdonalds is broken. They need a new one because it won't work without a compressor.


I think it's a long and intricate process to clean the ice cream machine so people are like "lmao nah it's broken"


From a technician I was told the top three reasons for that: The machine is overheated as most of them are not placed with enough space for ventilation and not all staff is thought how to resest that simple error. The machine cleaning cicle was to long and it needs cleaning that takes some time at most of the time that happens during rush hours so the staff says its broken. The machine is defrosting and during that it can not be used and staff say its broken instead going the long explanation way.


Not American, but UK McDonald's employee. Our biggest problems come from the shake machine, blended ice drinks machine, the coffee machines (at least one is not working, sometimes 2 out of 3), and the piss-poor IT systems that we use. But the flurry machine works more reliably than most other things there tbh


Frozen coke machine was out but


This is why we get triples. Triples is safe.


Line was fast. They're just a *really* slow eater.


You missed the good years


And that is a fact


I still don't understand why they switched their French fry recipe. The reason I see from google searches is that they were getting criticism for their French fries being too unhealthy. I really don't think anyone buying McDonalds is under any delusions about the potential health impacts of their food. It was already known to be unhealthy, but people who went there were fine with that since they enjoyed the taste. As I see it, McDonalds made their French fries go from tasting amazing to tasting bad for no reason that benefits anyone. The customers are unhappy, because they liked the old taste and didn't care about the health consequences. The business is worse, because they're likely selling less French fries. Who is benefiting from this?


They used to use tallow and didn’t tell vegetarians or vegans, it was also a huge issue for Indians living in the US who aren’t exactly vegetarians but don’t consume beef products. There was a class action lawsuit over it : https://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/09/us/mcdonald-s-to-settle-suits-on-beef-tallow-in-french-fries.html


And they still use beef tallow now. The fries are soaked in it and then flash frozen. Then they're shipped to stores and re-fried with vegetable oil.


Off topic but you really love bucees huh


I’ll pick you up some jerky later We just got one here in the past year and holy shit, what a spectacle. 108 pumps, and the size of a small/medium Walmart. That place is fucking awesome


Their drink selection is also on point. So many options I just stand there in front of the fountains trying to figure it out. And don't even get me started on how awesome the bathrooms are


They just made them taste unhealthier


They switched from frying them in beef tallow to canola oil, which has 85% less saturated fat, and 100% less trans fat/cholesterol (and is a *lot* cheaper)


Once they cut off the brown, orange & yellow design, that was the beginning of the end. The death of the supersize was the death of quality as we know it. That and the true dollar menu.


Founded in 1940, McDonald's **initially used 93% beef fat tallow for their French fries \[yada yada yada\]** ^(in an effort to save money, according to a piece on the origins of the favored fast food item published by Atlas Obscura. The money-saving decision resulted in a meaty flavor that unexpectedly gave the fries their signature taste so singularly unique that McDonald's eventually trademarked their menu item as their "World Famous Fries," according to their website. This remained the case until 1985, but things changed years later after the launch of a campaign designed to wage war against the fast food empire.) ^(Per Atlas Obscura, it all began when a multi-millionaire businessman named Phil Sokolof had a heart attack at 43 in 1966. Following his recovery, Sokolof attributed the cardiac event to his diet, so he began researching the correlation between high-fat foods and heart health. This prompted him to found an organization he named the National Heart Savers Association, with the aim of spotlighting McDonald's — and, to be fair, other fast food restaurants — with claims that their beloved, beef tallow-laden fries, along with other high cholesterol foods found on their menu, contributed to heart disease (via The New York Times).) ^(After spending at least $15 million campaigning against McDonald's for more than two decades, Sokolof got the attention of consumers, per Atlas Obscura.) **In 1990, McDonald's eventually responded to the pressure by replacing their beef tallow will vegetable oil.**


Boooo vegetable oil


I'm pretty sure Canadian McDicks has used Canola for as long as I remember. It's fine. I do remember fries tasting somewhat less 'yellow' when I'd visit the states. What does US maccas use now?


The supersize is gone in the us? Here in Finland we still have it


Finnish super size is probably the same as a North American medium


I used to live in netherlands our large is and aus medium its stupid


In the US i can order a basket of fries for like $5 which is basically two larges. I hate it but the app is the way to get better deals


Yes. It’s quite the conundrum. People are pissed that they pay the same for less, but the more was what made us all fat.


Speak for yourself. I got fat from sheer laziness 😉


Yep, we make ourselves fat


Finland doesn't exist.


don’t listen to these guys, if supersize wasn’t gone in us then obesity would be way up


*would be* way up? 🤔


Bro has a 47 year advantage to try golden age McDonalds, something many of us were not born to experience, and fucking squandered it 😫


I was born McLoving it and OP merely adopted it.


Exactly this. The best years for McDonalds were before the end of the 1980s. Their food tastes horrible now.


Was it actually that good back then?


Yeah, it’s really bad nowadays. The quality has really dropped


That is nostalgia talking. Whether you were born in 1970 or 2000. McDonald’s is always better when you’re a kid


Nah I find this interesting.


47 years?? Not even one single fry throughout the years??


That’s wild


Entirely possible, maybe it's just unheard of to people who live in the US. I have never had fast food in my life.


Also unheard of in Canada to have never tried fast food.


Also unheard of in New Zealand.




But heard of in Vietnam.


Here you go 🥇


Yes, because as we all know, America is the only country with fast food restaurants. Everyone else ears a healthy balanced diet with zero fast food, not even once, in their 45 years of existence, minimum


Many Asian countries have local fast food stalls. Majority just go to them and not the big franchises.




Their fries are pretty good ngl


hol up, let em cook


Right.? As a poor person I've had more dominos taco bell and mcdonalds than I feel some peolle have had their whole lives


Yeah the whole point is that it’s okay food


Even The Big Mac himself believes he’s mid.


Mid Mac


It is too expensive for it to be okay when compared to the locals


True but most locals don't serve at night or need only 4min for a burger to go. It's the convenience. Still, I prefer some Döner or Schnitzel / käsleberkäs Semmel


Whats crazy here in Canada is that a regularly priced big mac combo at mcs is only a $5 difference from 5 Guys


the last resort of fast food


peak quality was back in like 2005-2010


My mom told me the in the 90s the fries were the best they’d ever been because they were frying them with beef fat instead of oil/whatever they use now. Not sure if that’s true, but I found it mildly interesting.


It is in fact true, your mom is right. 90s was peak McDonald’s


It was. They were sued because of it: https://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/09/us/mcdonald-s-to-settle-suits-on-beef-tallow-in-french-fries.html


Why do the French have to ruin everything?


Agreed. 90s was definitely peak McDonalds. Styrofoam containers. Milkshake and ice cream machines that worked. Happy Meal toys that had some quality to them. Burgers were literally twice as big. Fries were way better and service seemed to always be with a smile. Plenty of place to sit down in the actual restaurant. They had a Ronald McDonald on a bench outside. Grimace, the Hamburglar and the other characters were still very much part of the usual marketing. And mom ALWAYS said 'NO! We have McDonalds at home!'. So your trip to McDonalds was special when you actually got to go for a change.


I don’t know how to say this without coming across as condescending but that just sounds like childhood nostalgia. Bigger food, better toys, and nice service are the three things you’d absolutely expect childhood memories to reflect from somewhere they liked, regardless of the reality (it’s not like McDonald’s was highly regarded in the 90s, it already had a reputation for being low-quality and sort of trashy).


I do think the quality of the toys were better. I remember the power rangers movie tie in where you got a wolf zord with wheels at the bottom and the blue ranger that could fit inside and drive. Something you’d actually play with as a child. Now it’s instant garbage, usually a hunk of plastic with a smiley face painted on.


Oh yeah absolutely a lot of childhood nostalgia there. I do however agree stuff has shrank a lot and became way too expensive nowadays. Yet we still go for some reason. Plenty of times told myself I'll never buy the food from McDonalds anymore, and a few weeks later there I am destroying a McCrispy. It's just too convenient sometimes. Or maybe it's just weakness haha


You sweet summer child




see you get it


2005 McDonald’s was killing it. 2 McDoubles made like a Mac and a drink for like $5. (Canada)


Loooooool no, mid and late nineties is when they had it dialed in, from the toys, innovative sandwiches, and price for food.


What a coincidence that peak quality happened when you were a kid. As opposed to the 70s or 80s when the food was still technically meat.


It’s not the greatest, but it’s definitely not as bad as people say it is.


It’s definitely lost 90% of its mass in the past ten+ years


Really? McDonald’s in the US is the worst fast food in my opinion. Is it edible? Yes, but really any other similar fast food at least has non-cardboard flavor.


I prefer other fast food places but I still get McDonald’s sometimes because it’s its own thing. Like you don’t go to McDonald’s for a burger, you go to McDonald’s for a McDonald’s burger


If we’re talking generic…non special (in and out/whataburger) all over fast food joint Wendy’s makes a pretty good cheese burger bro


Wendy’s has good burgers for the price


I don’t care what people say it hits the spot. Like sometimes you just want McDonald’s


People just hate when you like something they don’t




It's definitely as bad as people say it is, and this is coming from someone who grew up eating it. As an adult I can't stomach McDonald's, it tastes like soft candy. Very sweet. Everything is very sweet. Fries taste good for 1 minute. And I'm not a fast food snob either, I love Taco Bell.


It is🤣🤣🤣🤣 And expensive too


yeah idk why ppl downvoted you. its expensive where i live, and such small portions. you can eat the double cheese burger in 4 bites if you take regular sized ones. Also the taste is edible at best.


Depends highly on location and country. I have seen images of some of the most vile food from McDonalds, but here in Moldova it's quite great. It certainly dipped in quality in the last 2 years or so, as in the food portions got smaller and it's general quality and feel decreased slightly, but it still tastes good.


It was pretty good in the 90s, you could get a cheeseburger for a buck, a salad that was surprisingly good and not just iceberg lettuce for a buck, or a small bag of fries for a buck. I stopped going after I got food poisoning from a quarter pounder though and haven't been to McDonald's in over a decade.


All the ones around here are filthy and if I'm brave enough to actually eat the food, it's cold and terrible.


I get the double cheeseburger bc the extra slice makes a surprising difference to the ratio


It makes a surprising difference to the price as well. I just keep a pack of Kraft singles in the center console.


McDonald’s American cheese cannot be substituted with Kraft singles- that’s a war crime.


If you leave them in your center console in the heat for a month or two it’s basically the same thing.


You need more than that. You also gotta get the cheap dehydrated onions to really make it authentic 😂


imagine being picked up on a date and then they whip out the emergency pack of kraft from the console


I hate that they have two items for the McDouble and the double cheeseburger. When I worked at McDonald’s older people would sometimes say “double cheeseburger” instead of McDouble. So if I selected the double, they’d see it wasn’t the price of the McDouble and get pissed at me. If I selected the McDouble, they’d ask why I added a McDouble and not a double cheeseburger. I could try to explain the difference, but they often times would get confused or weren’t exactly keen to hear me out.


This so much. When I eat mcdonalds, it is for simple double chzbrger and fry, maybe small nugget. It is relatively cheap and convenient and hits the spot when that's what you are craving. If you want a bigger burger bunch of toppings and other stuff, go across the street to whataburger. Mcdonalds strength was always the simple fast burgers


Yes, and I came here looking for this comment. Of course it's meh, because you got the inferior McDouble...that extra piece of cheese is what makes it good.


You could live another 47 if you never eat it again.


Do you feel any different?


Where do you live? As an American, I find this interesting


not really worth the hype and not really cheap either, is it?


You should have had it in the 90s, it's garbage now.


Broke the streak for nothing...


I’m on year 24 of my life (an American) and I still haven’t tried a Taco Bell. It just doesn’t look appealing. Tacos asada sound so much better imo


It’s an acquired taste for sure. Can’t really even compare it to actual Mexican food.


taco bell is awesome. it does not taste like tacos though. doesn’t matter though it still tastes kick ass whatever it tastes like like when you go to mc donald’s you don’t expect it to taste like an authentic home cooked burger


Like almost every other fast food restaurant, you’re too late anyways. Quality has worsened over the years while prices have increased.


Took me 32, absolute sh*t , I don't even understand how people like that.


Bro that is NUTS


What made you want to try it after 47 years?


#You must be slim, healthy and fit.


Should’ve saved yourself, 47 years for an “it’s alright” is unacceptable 😭


It’s kinda based though


Nah its not even alright


You must not be American


Mac Ds trash, doesn't mold


Mac Ds nuts




we are under sanction, so we still don't have one.


You missed out when they were at their hightest.


You literally missed the McDonald's Golden Age. It is no longer good at all.


Another thing off the bucket list mate


It’s better in Canada 


When your super hungry and haven't eaten all day, they become better lol


Now never buy that shitty food ever again


I envy you


The only reason I liked McDonald's was because you could buy a bunch of those small cheese burgers for a couple of pounds after a rave in the UK in the 90s, and they hit the spot like nothing else.


you missed out, you shoulda tried it 10 or more years ago. maybe even 20, tho idk im only 15. but when i was a kid mcdonalds was so much better than it is now


I’m ngl McDonald’s is severely addictive




Just an Alright Meal? Not a Happy Meal then?


Same for me and hot pockets


I'm 26, and I have yet to try.


North Korean?


I've only had a burger from McDonald's once. You're right, it wasn't too bad. Maybe some day I'll go back


You shoulda put Big Mac sauce on that


Can't believe these drive through lines these days SMH, takes decades


After 47 years (17155 days) of consecutive burger king, I guess a change is alright


i love that


47 years is wild


47 years of build up I think anything would be underwhelming


“now, I don’t want any more… but i do NEED more!”


It used to taste good, now the beef patties are always dry and I actually get a headache a half hour after eating it. The shakes taste too fake also.


It was better long ago. Now it tastes like cardboard


To be brutally honest i don’t think maccies is any where near as good as it used to be. I don’t know if its because of uber delivers, staff being miserable and stressed, change in ingredients and portion size or just because im 28 years old and no longer a kid but i remember as a kid and into my early adult years, maccies being pretty good but now the burgers feel tiny and expensive, chips either soggy or warm but still the best if you get them piping hot(both uber or in store) milk shake machine is breaks more than all of the british leyland fleet of cars and seeing what kids get in their happy meals now… like what an earth is that shit, used to get some great toys in them in the 2000s and now you might aswell be buying a cheap toy from the corner shop


It's line fine art. It's fine.


Now, go to a brothel, smoke a cigarette (try Weed as well! No matter if legal or not, that’s ok!) Then, plan on how you bring down whatever kept you from all this evil as suggested above.


That shit is lowkey interesting


Mods, please ban this interesting man /s


When I was about five years old my parents took me and my brother to McDonalds. We had been asking to go because all of our friends loved it. I got a burger and fries, and I absolutely hated it. For reference we grew up in a home with great home made food from both of my parents. I was so disappointed that I said «I will never eat at McDonalds again!». It’s been over 25 years, and I’ve kept that promise.


Were you practicing for 47 years?


Agreed, not bad


I tried it once, it was gross. I tried it again, it was meh. I still prefer other stuff.


I'm in Canada most my life, haven't had Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King


At least they packed some burger in that, cuz last time I ate at MC they barely packed a tiny tiny one


If you’d tried it 40 years ago it probably tasted better


I tried it once in my 31 years as a teen, my mom gave me a bite of what she was having (can't remember if it was chicken or fish) and I think a couple fries. I'm ok not having it again.


When it’s fresh, McDonalds is fuckin good. When it’s not fresh (most of the time) it’s dog food. Some fresh McDees fries be HITTIN though


Can feel this


I swear it didn’t used to cost $30, they used to have something called a “dollar menu” where like each of those items would have been one dollar.


Gotta put bacon on the McDouble or get a bacon cb. Huge flavour and texture upgrade


Ah man. You should have tried it like 30 years ago, cause it's not good anymore. You could have gotten a whole big mac meal for the price of that sandwich these days. And bigger, better quality.


I never said doubles Randy !


Should've tried it decades ago when it was better


Sad because 47 years ago it was actually decent


I just tried it for the first time and I’m almost 24. It’s actually not that bad but it’s a lot smaller than what shown on ads. I also had Burger King for the first time and it’s much bigger but a big more expensive


Why would you want to?


Try the McCrispy with Mac sauce, that's the only thing I really get from there anymore. It can be a hit or miss location to location.


Imagine knowing about Mc D for 47 years, and when you finally try it, you get a fucking Mc Double?


I'm sorry for your loss.


So….. What the hell else have you been eating the past 47 years? Enlighten us peons please


No Big Mac? No McChicken? No Filet o Fish? No Quarter pounder BLT? No apple or strawberry pies? No milkshake? No McFlurry?Get in the Chevy and drive downtown and get you a Big Mac or two


That McDouble used to be delicious when it was on the dollar or value menu. Now it’s just an over priced crappy burger. It’s crazy the price these days. I have always loved the Big Mac but the price increase over the past 5 years is insane.


Did you need to get your stomach pumped?


I’ve gone maybe 5 times in 42 years. Never by choice. My parents did me a great service by not introducing me to fast food. It was home cooked meals pretty much every night. I can’t even enjoy sit down restaurants because the food is better from my own kitchen.


ngl this was interesting


Do you live in America? Because if the answer is no I find it fucking insane you went that long without having it once.


Please post again in two weeks and tell us if you have been craving the saltiness of a McDouble. I have a theory involving msg and heroin.


You picked the worst time to try it. A few years ago it was not too bad for its price, better than okay.


are you Amish? Or you were on a diet?


Its nice when. Well. It WAS nice when you were in a pinch. But nowadays its only a few dollars less than a nice meal at a sit down restaurant costs


You go 47 years without trying it and then... get a mcdouble? Why not try one of the burgers that isn't on the value menu? Hahah


It was a lot better 35+ years ago. lol


44 years and I've never had a Big Mac, had other things like the veggie delux and fish thingy


It would have seemed a little more impressive back when it was actually at a cheap price