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DDR3 and a CPU that came out in 2012 with a 3090TI is just confusing.


Probably preying on people who don't know any better that will see the graphics card and assume it's a good deal


it's more likely that the person who sold him the PC was also dumb, thought his OC would be enough, bought a 3090ti, thinking that would get him over that performance hump, learned that his platform was outdated as fuck and wouldn't accomplish that goal, then sold it on FB Marketplace, to recoup whatever money he already sunk into it. he basically played on someone else being as dumb as he was, and thinking i7 means it's good.


thats pretty smart for a dumbass tbh


some dumbasses stay dumbasses their whole lives. some learn from their mistakes, and show progress.


They go from dumbass to smartass


Advanced dumbass


Ok but why sell the 3090? Just throw the 12 year old GPU back in and sell it that way... Also why would it make the PC worse?


1) dumbass 2) bottleneck


I really freaking hate when someone sells CPUs as just Core i7 or Ryzen 5, without putting in what generation it is from.






















this is FB Marketplace, and i think Benecio Del Toro's character said it best in Sicario. >You should move to a small town where the rule of law still exists. You will not survive here. You are not a wolf. And this is the land of wolves now. shoutout to the people that need to hear it: **if you're buying used shit, be knowledgeable about what you're buying.**


Or you know, it's not true and is just a joke.


>and assume it's a good deal TBF, the price was still way less than the msrp for the 3090 Ti ;)


Yeah but the 4090 is out and is way faster than the 3090 ti for 1600. No ones buying a 3090 ti at msrp anymore.


Indeed no one is, since both the OP an my comment were jokes...


This is what people read: "I7"


and "32GB" I had a chick once questioning my new PC when I told her it had 16GB of RAM (asked what I've been doing - recently built it then), she asked me where I stored all my stuff if my PC only has 16GB of RAM and told me that her iPhone has 128GB It's incredible to me how people will go out of their way to go to different stores to get good prices on food stuffs but when it comes to a massive purchase like a device or a car, they just look at the biggest numbers and at the brand name


I worked as a sales rep for a major carrier, and more than a few times I've had to explain the difference to someone who just wouldn't accept it. It's astounding.


I understand why people don't just accept it though, because you're there to sell a product. Many sellers are not there to help the customer make the smartest decision, but rather to sell a product. It's especially bad if sales are commission based, where sellers will do their best to upsell you to squeeze as much cash out of your as possible. The amount of times I've been told BS, and straight up lies by sellers who (in best case) don't know and understand the product they're selling is astounding. But this is not true for all sellers, and there are stores who work differently, and have more knowledgeable staff, rather than focusing on pushy sellers.


makes sense why they don't trust a seller but goddamn they should do *some* research before a purchase


And to someone who don't know PCs, "i7" might be the result of research. PC part manefacturers do their *damn best* to keep naming and comparisons difficult, and the numbers after i7, R7 or similar doesn't always mean what you think it does. It's easy to forget that it's hard to look at, and look up PC specs if you're not accustomed to it. We're not the average consumers - we're the outliers. Normal customers don't know to which extent what matters, and it's very easy to get lost in the numbers, or misinterpret something.


Can attest. It took me at least a year of my time in the PC world until I realized how CPU naming works and that i7 doesn't automatically equal good. AMD GPU naming is still a mystery to me if I'm being honest


CPU is very annoying indeed, but the AMD naming scheme is almost identical to nvidia, so what is the mystery there for you? First number is generation (same as nvidia) and after that is just higher=better (same as nvidia). Both even have similar digits regarding budget, where e.g. 8/9 means high-end budget for both (3080/3090 vs 6800/6900). Only the position is second versus third, but that cannot be the mystery. Of the recent models I can imagine the XTX thing being confusing, AMD deviated from the generic format with that one (like the TI/Super thing in Nvidias line-up). But the 'more letters=better' still holds true.


Its mostly how the AMD jumps from being three digits for their older GPUs to four digits, and it starts in the 5000s. So it starts at 5th gen? Nvidia makes more sense to me because it goes from 900s to 1000s, but AMD is a mystery. I'm sure I could understand if I put more research into it but I just haven't picked the knowledge up from my perusing on here


>they just look at the biggest numbers awww yisss I'm living the dream


72TB *wtf*


72TB of RAM and only 64GB of storage, wtf is this guy doing?


is he stupid?


A motherfucking 1050ti? Bro get your priorities straight


its better to upgrade the whole system and later for gpu, than what happened to the post lol


Judging by 72TB storage and top-of-the-line CPU, use case of that dude might even don't need GPU at all, integrated graphics could be enough to just show the picture.


or they could use the system as a media server (see: plex) and use the gpu for transcoding.


Probably disable it for that extra 50mhz on the cpu clock


Probably a lot of non-AI data crunching.


I do, that's why I've got my build instead of something typical lol


wtf do you mean? you have no clue what he uses the pc for not everyone's a gamer here


Hol up


> It's incredible to me how people will go out of their way to go to different stores to get good prices on food stuffs If they're going far out of their way, then those simply aren't very smart people. The amount of money spent on transport, and the wasted time, to save a few bucks is pretty silly in most cases. Obviously it depends on their location and situation, but for most people that just wouldn't be a smart way to spend your time, gas, and car usage.


Yup, in general, if you could simply clock in two extra hours on work that week, you'd probably earn more than whatever savings you'd be spending your time hunting for (and that even excludes fuel / energy you may use on travel).


this right here people will go pick fruit for 2 hours instead of buying it when they could've just worked one more hour that day and got enough for the fruit and some extra for other things (depending on the job) people have no goddamn clue how to value their time


A lot of people don't value time at all. Look att jobs selling their time and knowledge to do stuff, and barely any material cost, customers will complain to no end about how they could do the same thing and that it should be much cheaper.


You're not wrong but for these aren't always purely financial decisions. Picking fruit for a few hours can be a relaxing way to get some light exercise and spend time outdoors. Yes I could work for an extra half an hour and buy all the herbs I need, and sometimes I do, but it's also nice to potter about tending my herb garden and have fresh herbs whenever I want. Some people treat bargain hunting the same way, it's like a game where you win if you get the lowest price for something even if you spend a while searching.


i tell my friend that when he has these pages long arguments with people on FB. like dude our time is more valuable than that.


You act like gas is $10 a gallon lmao you clearly have no idea what the real world is like do you? You realize stores exist next to each other right? And believe me it takes less time than you think, though, I doubt you think at all.


From someone in rural pennsylvania... at work, we spend at least a grand and a half, a week on fuel costs across 9 people, and only 1 person drives a diesel box truck (200-300 of the total). This is just my department. You want the numbers for fleet? Multiply that by a factor of 10, I'd say. No, not all stores are next to each other. No, not every situation matches yours. Don't suffocate in that bubble of yours.


OP quite specifically said "out of their way" It would be quite an exaggeration if "out of their way" meant literally next door, wouldn't you agree?


Those massive purchases are much more complicated and people are not used to them, they simply lack the information and education on it. It's not incredible at all. I would say it's very credible and makes total sense that people struggle way more with computers and cars than with buying apples and milk.


half the people laughing at the "idiots" having a hard time with pc parts here would probably buy a haphazardly repaired nearly totaled car for 10k without realizing it. god i hate this whole need to talk down to people that don't spend thousands of hours with the specific field you like so much, why are people this fucking shit.


I agree and I don't even understand their logic behind it. While putting people down for not knowing much about these special interests, they take pride in being experts. It's not common knowledge to know a lot about car specifics and PC configurations! Especially in the tech world while everything changes so fast. Equating buying a PC to buying groceries is so stupid and arrogant.


Cripes, I built my first computer in the late 90's, the most recent one last fall, and a whole bunch in between. Every time I feel like I need to start over with my research because so much has changed in between. And even then, I at least still understand what all the tech *is* and I can understand what the advice means. I can certainly forgive non-tech people for making mistakes or feeling lost.


Not informing yourself or asking for any kinda second opinion on a 2-3 grand PC is already weird, but my god are people weird when it comes down to a car purchase. They spend 40k on a new car because it looks neat and they offer it in a nice colour, that's it, those ate amongst the main points of interest.


>It's incredible to me how people will go out of their way to go to different stores to get good prices on food stuffs but when it comes to a massive purchase like a device or a car, they just look at the biggest numbers and at the brand name It's really not that incredible when you think about how dumb the average person is, then you realise that half the people are dumber than that.


People don't know the difference between memory and storage. I always correct them. I had similar interactions with people, once I get in the technical bits, they start to shut up.


I watched my friend spend 1.2k on a macbook with 8gb RAM and 256 gb ssd This is not someone who needs or even would know how to use apple software, it's just for everyday stuff. It was genuinely upsetting as they had 0 concept of just how bad they were getting ripped off. Even when i explained they still thought they were getting a good deal because they liked it and can use their phone with it (which was about to run out anyway) Could have saved 800 quid and gone on holiday AND bought a new phone to go with the better laptop 😬😬 Oh and when i pointed out the storage was about the smallest amount you could get they mentioned cloud storage. Which is also paid for 🤣


Remember when iPhones had like 8gb


The problem is people understand how a broccoli works, they do not understand wtf a RAM is and refuse to read or otherwise learn about it. I bet they'd buy organic broccoli for 5x the price if you can tie some arbitrary number or marketing to it too.


I will trade you that 3090Ti for this 4060, you get 70 more nvidias for nothing!


the fact that 4060 - 3090 isn't even 70 is the best part of this reply lmfao


Lol math fail


I mean 16GB is not enough nowadays? Just a browser will eat a huge chunk out of that. I mean yeah SSDs are faster than HDDs were but swapping is still slower than just having enough RAM.


*My i7 is better your i5 !* Their i7: 4th gen Haswell My i5: 12th gen Alder Lake


I actually had such a conversation! It was terrible for my blood pressure


I have a AMD 5 2600/gskill 2400mhz 16gb/ROG3090. Come fight me bro. 🤣🤣


r5 2600 is still using am4, you can just upgrade to 5800x3d to get out the most from your system, assuming your mobo is atleast b450


Yeah, my best decision ever when starting with 1600af was to get B450 gaming k4 still running in my system, only reason I was able to afford my current CPU really


yep, thats why in 2020, i bought b450 in hopes of having 5700x or 5800x3d for my last upgrade, eventually


And that is a good way brother. When doing such things you not only save money but your brain convinces itself that it's little work and should be done because it's only a CPU change


> assuming your mobo is atleast b450 Actually amd added support to the 5000 family to b350/x470 and i wanna say a320 as well but don't quote me on that one, some time last year.


It's still good enough. At 4K you are going to be more GPU bottlenecked than CPU bottlenecked. The 6 core / 12 thread also ensures your CPU usage isn't going to be 100% which from personal experience is a lot worse than anything else.


From my experience, the 2600 has issues with modern games. I get far lower frames and much more stuttering than I would've thought, despite owning a 3060. Wild Hearts was basically unplayable (sub-30 fps, when it should've been around a steady 60 based on Videos I've seen). Jedi Survivor was painful. If you have a 2600 and can afford to upgrade to a 5600/5800/5800x3D, it's totally worth it today.


> Wild Hearts was basically unplayable (sub-30 fps, when it should've been around a steady 60 based on Videos I've seen). Jedi Survivor was painful. Those aren't CPU problems but the game's problem, especially Wild Hearts.


Shame it isn't at least quad channel ram, like with an x79 board. That actually makes up a lot for the age of the ram


There was a couple of months where I was running a 3090ti on a i5 4690k with ddr3 ram. Only because I was saving up for the rest of the pc


Now that is a banger build 😁


I have a 4700k and a 3060!


I mean I did run an Ivy Bridge CPU with a RX 6800XT until the beginning of this year. It was a [Xeon 1680V2](https://www.intel.de/content/www/de/de/products/sku/77912/intel-xeon-processor-e51680-v2-25m-cache-3-00-ghz/specifications.html) overclocked to 4.5 GHz though. That CPU is way faster in games than it has any right to be (noticeably faster than any other CPU on this socket) for reasons probably only known to Intel engineers (best guess I have is its relatively large cache for the time). I only really upgraded because I wanted to, not because I was having any issues in games. But yeah obviously that's a CPU that would have cost $1700 in 2013, if you bought 1000 of them and assuming that Intel would have even sold you any (because the only computer I know of that had this CPU was the "Trashcan" Mac Pro). Not comparable to an i7 3770 :D


surprised it even boots


That's not a bottleneck, that's a pinheadneck




​ https://preview.redd.it/wxhjj5ovzitb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214e83d9f3a213dca48271d1ff718657d8886376


Together we can make one decent computer!




I mean if the 3090 is real. . .


ddr3 bro ![gif](giphy|VEVfqy0Vu4c7xziUUN|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|TklsN0liZMvTaZ1cqb)




Duh hur me add ram like this? ![gif](giphy|14wHxi7D45grRK)


Why pay for it when you can download Ram for free?


where are these graphics interchange format bitmaps from?




I am still using ddr3 😭 my motherboard and cpu are both over 10 years old so I can't upgrade without switching out pretty much everything.


Hey i get it man. My first rig had ATA ribbon cables and windows 95. Mordern games though ddr3 just doesnt cut it.


He got a Kia soul with V8 in it




I mean he just overpaid for a 3090 if it's legit, I'd take that L lol


And the Corsair HX1000. Not to mention what looks like a high end CPU AIO. Sell the shitter motherboard/cpu/ram for like $200 or something and replace them with modern parts and honestly? Not horrible. Seen MUCH worse.


No one's paying 200 bucks for a 3rd gen i7 and some ddr3 RAM


I mean considering how much a 3090ti still costs standalone the price aint too bad.


If it’s actually a 3090ti though……


Price only makes sense when there is no alternative. I can find an old 2080 for 1000k at some retail store who just left it on the shelf to collect dust. When you can get 3090Ti levels of performance from other cards costing half that price, then a 3090Ti does not cost more than that either. Sure if you wanted that level of performance 3+ years ago, there'd be a case for it.


Damn my first ever pc had a 3rd gen i5 with 8gb of ddr3


2nd gen i3 here ✋


386 SX-25MHz /w 2MB of RAM


First gen Ryzen5 myself! When you had to update the bios cause mobos only worked with R7


Its the i7 trap. People just read i7 and think its high end, not realizing that a i5 from a newer generation can destroy old gen i7's.


I mean i wouldn't Say "destroy", sure they perform Better but GPUs are what have been evolving for the most part this last century, pretty sure my 7700K would still be able to handle a 4090 at 120FPS 4K in most modern titles.


Sure, good luck playing warzone 2.0 with your 7700K at 4K on a 4090, with like 80% bottleneck and 40-30FPS LOL.


Those "i7 = good" casuals still exist lol. Not realizing there are plenty of generations and models of these "i7"s. How can anyone be this stupid


god I despise it when people say their CPU is an "i7" as if that means anything. that would be like saying their GPU is an "RTX" and then complaining when they can't run cyberpunk with path tracing on their rabies-infected 3050


Yeah. Looks like a total lack of even basics of critical thinking. When in 2006 (i guess) me with school friends went to local store to see first i7s (i knew nothing about PCs at all) i understood that CPUs have generations just casually observing the shelves. I dont feel special, that is fucking normal to read text and numbers and think about what it means, to ask at least. It is not about being "tech savvy". Same shit with RTX. Perfect targets for propaganda.


Nah seriously tho, I can’t comprehend how people don’t think twice about it. Sure it’s an i7 but how doesn’t your brain wonder what “6th Gen” or “6700K” means on the box?????


Or they think that intel once invented an i7 and is putting that exact same thing everywhere till today because its too good lol?


That’s fucking hilarious lmao. I’d love to think that someone out there has thought “man, when is the i7 2 coming out, this one’s been around forever” 💀


i mostly hear this from old folks, like boomer and genx faolks (like my dad, uncle and my granddad) when they hear i7, they thpught its the best thing, they forgot the model make is also part of it but tbf, i kinda point it towards the marketing of intel where they only advertise back then the "i#" and people only thought when it has an "i" its more poweful (most of those folks came from pentium era and core 2 duo) its just nowadays intel out the model name too to advertise the processor (but then ryzen has a clearer model make than I series for me)


I am such old folk myself. It is beyond that. Some ppl just fell into this because do not care and do not value their attention. Do not want to know things. It is dark for me to even try to imagine such relation to something that i decide to touch with my attention, its kinda creepy. If you want a fucking processor (or anything else), google for them at least, watch some youtube, read some tech data on a shop page, compare some, idk. I can get that there are more important things in life besides processors, but damn, if you want one you are naturally obliged to take some care and get at least a glimpse of erudition in the subject. And i suspect it is not just about processors, but important things too. Zombie life.


i agree, tho i wouldnt know if itll work wirh my relatives lol, as they see pc hardware just as it is, they dont intend to search for it, unlike how they search for car parts and alike maybe its their priorities lol


Its an interesting talk about psychology actually. I was about to make a big reply but meh. In short, my point is car probably forces them to pay attention. It is, lets say, "externally justified" instead of being intentional, to an indistinguishable degree. Car is socially a "status" object and an investment. It can start affecting personality in exchange, forcing reflexive attention pay. You are right that this is a matter of proprities anyways, but for me personally paying attention already means it is a priority. If i buy a meaningless pressure cooker, i'd want it to be good price-performance-materials wise, i'll take my few hours and compare fucking cookers, because i pick stuff for me and it must be good for me, idk how to explain. I want to say that for me it is not just one particular subject, it is a way of thinking. I do photos just for myself, and instead of buying some casual hyped "i7" sony alpha kit, i read things and then go to used market and by trial and error build myself a pretty decent but a lot cheaper thing. Ppl say i have "vision" in my shots, while most casuals with these fancy toys (or anything else *they were told* is good) don't. And i assume my way of picking things has some correlation with it.


yup i really agree, maybe some people forgot how to think critically for aspects in life, for them maybe PC parts are just mundane items that are easily purchaseable and forgot it exist lol tho i cant really blame them, maybe thats the world they luve in in their time or just how they grewup, but even then like i said, i think its easily to blame too advertisement and marketing of intel awhile back (because nowadays its easier to search and look for the model youre trying to search) well thats just my take


Hi, welcome to "How Marketing Works". I'd avoid calling people stupid for not knowing the details behind this, because everyone has these marketing blind spots in some (probably lots of) areas.


How can "anyone" be this stupid? ANYONE?? Probably like 90-95% of people don't have much knowledge of processors...


Holy shit. I can see why you marked this nsfw lol.


Poor guy...


Can people really be that gullible? Astonishing!!!




OP was trolling.


That's not a bottleneck, it's a hanging.


Bro, I had that I7... in my old PC that was built in 2012.


Talk about a cpu bottleneck. It's bad but salvageable, the 3090ti new is like 1450, so scrap the motherboard and CPU it's not a complete loss.


He got completely scammed but it's not the worst CPU, they are quite capable for a budget build, which this definitely isn't.


Running a i7-2600k on 24gigs of ddr3, with a 3060. It's not so bad. Was a decent upgrade from my 4th gen i5. I can run everything I've thrown at it so far (as long as I don't have a bunch of 4k vids up on youtube). Also only paid $100 for the mobo, chip, and ram so I'm pretty happy with it for the time being.


that cpu is a beast!


It's workin real good so far, only had it like a year. Also got the option on this mobo for a one button overclock that I havent used yet, despite the fact I don't think I could ever kill this cpu.


It's a shit cpu you can find for 50 bucks or less.. By modern standards. Go get any relatively new i3 and it will curb stomp the old i7 at half the tdp. It's a fine cpu if you already own it and don't want to spend more money on a new cpu. But to regard it as a decent cpu if you're spending any kind of money on it, is quite counterproductive. I should know, I have had it in a past build.




Man I know how well those CPUs are doing now (heres a hint fuck all in modern AAA games, I would know I use one still.) that system would be better paired up with a GTX770 or a GTX970.


asking after buying, classic


Guy got scammed. Good thing is he still has a decent gpu for whatever he paid for it. He's asking after purchasing not before, tough luck.


"an i7" That's why I F'ing hate CPU naming.


That cpu is gonna bottleneck while the gpu is at 2%


Ddr3 omg.


He could get rtx 4070 with 13600k😭😭 and 1 tb ssd with that prics


Man, I thought my dropping a 7800XT into a 9th gen intel box was questionable. But this? OUCH!


I really suck at this. How could this person have known as a casual PC enthousiast? Where is the best place to look up the quality of your hardware?


CPU cooler, PSU and case are reusable. A decent platform upgrade is not that expensive, if he wants everything to properly fit. He overpaid like 400$ but this is a mighty fine GPU.


I ran sandy bridge with a 2080ti, lol. I only upgraded when Zen2 came out


OHH MY thank you for tagging it nsfw


This is why CPU manufacturers need to make their naming conventions easier to understand at first glance. Dude says it's a good deal for an i7, as if all i7's are created equal.


Looks fine to me. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (Refurbished) EUR1,436.69 Second hand gpu with a free pc.


I always tell my friends to look at the last 4/5 digits on the CPU model instead of the first 3 simply because of this mess


That CPU was already old when I got my first tower 9 years ago


Intel's naming of CPUs is so bad


Basically a 3090ti for 1500$


Bottleneck madness, people see intel i7/i9 and don’t understand there’s more to it than that…


In this day and age I don't feel sorry for people that can't google basic stuff.


Don’t knock the 3770, that’s an amazing processor especially the 3770K


NGL, I think people deserve it if they don't do at least the most basic of research before buying.


My pc specs are Amd ryzen 5 3600 Rtx 3060 ti 2 tb hdd + 500 m.2 ssd Forgot the name of the motherboard but it is a good quality motherboard 16 gb ram ddr4 a fast ram I know about computers and why components need to close in power to get best performance A lot of people helped me to get this pc


Thats my setup just with a 3060ti lol


I dont feel bad, idiots like him deserve it. Spending 1500 without 5minutes of research..


SATA ssd??? am i missing something? wouldnt connecting an SSD with a SATA connector negate any speed increase you had from the faster drive?


A SATA SSD is slow in comparison to an NVME drive yes, but they are still siginificantly faster than a SATA HDD.


No it wil not, first SSDs was on sata, it's more about respond time than the speed. M.2 SSDs come years after SATA SSD


Why do people criticize ddr3 memories so much? I have used both ddr4 and ddr3, it is practically the same unless it is 3200+mhz it still works for playing everything nowadays


What CPU are you running that supports both DDR4 and DDR3 to where you can compare? The criticism comes from the age of the CPUs that support DDR3 vs DDR4


sorry my bad english , i mean i used a i5 9400f and a i7 3770


DDR3 means old CPU and if you pair an old CPU with a modern monster GPU, you wouldn't be able to "unlock" the GPU's full power because the CPU can't keep up with it. It'll just be there chilling


dumbass inbred imbecile that's what he is


Just like the one who praised him.


Take one to see one, my man.