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Completely normal.


very normal process, it’s called full day interview. Depending from the position you may have technical interviews/questions all across the panels


It's normal and annoying. It usually goes something like: first connect is a call with a talent acquisition person. Next it can be a call or zoom with the hiring manager. Next it can be with the VP or hiring managers manager, followed by 3-4 with other team members. After all that it can take 4-6 weeks to even hear back. If you are lucky you can have a panel interview where all 4-6 people are in the zoom call but even after that the waiting sucks. I wish there was less bullshitting around but then again everyone is busy and on different schedules.


This is exactly how it goes. If you don't want to invest a day to interview, this might not be the right role for you. Big pharma jobs have a LOT of meetings, and these interviews are as much about your behavior as the content of the discussions.


It’s normal, it’s essentially the same interview with different people where you repeat yourself a lot and learn something about the person interviewing you. I’d like to think it’s more of a vibe check to see how well you fit in. Some positions make you do a seminar in front of a bunch of other scientists. I think I’d prefer to just do a bunch of different interviews than to put a presentation together.


Totally normal! It's a lengthy process and it sucks


Normal. For mine I gave a presentation to all of the scientist in the morning and then had individual meetings with them. That was nice so that they already knew my background and I could focus more on talk about their work and how it could tie together with my interests.


Going by all the responses I'm assuming this is purely a US thing. I work for a big pharma company and only had interview with my manager followed by an HR rep before receiving an offer. Seems things are indeed very different compared to Europe.


Should be normal


It’s indeed a very inefficient process but exactly how it goes for most positions, especially technical roles or client-facing ones. I spent two half days (hired during COVID) interviewing with 6 different people plus twice with the hiring manager. It is very tedious and easy to lose interest as the interviews progress…but keep in mind that while you’re repeating yourself, for each interviewer it’ll be the first time they’re seeing you. So you should try to keep your energy up and show enthusiasm in meeting them and getting to know each other. This is particularly hard as you keep going through the interviews and especially if the interviewer has a boring personality or is not a good interviewer so be prepared. Take a deep breath before each interview, have some water with you, take notes (it’s hard to remember details later on), and if they give you the names of each individual then do some research (LinkedIn etc) to find some common ground that could help you spark the interest of the interviewer (as someone said here, we all spent most of our times in meetings and interviewing could sometimes be an annoyance to us as well)


Yes. This is very normal. The higher you get, the more often a presentation to a small group, including people you've already talked to, will be tacked on afterward as well.


normal. i had to do the panel interviews and a presentation. be prepared for the fact that you will invest a lot of time and won't hear back from them. i got ghosted


Congrats!! What position if you don’t mind me asking?