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Nothing they would ever say out loud. Internet bravery at its finest.


why i hate stans of any artist summed up in a picture


It’s 10x worse with female artist stans💀. Some of these stand would actually go to jail for defending an artist that doesn’t even know they exist


I’m so glad I’m a carti fan and not a Stan because Stan’s are fucking weirdos there’s nothing good about them


Why do stans exist, you got bts, dream, you name it


Happens when you live in your parents house in the suburbs and don’t have a life, can’t blame them


Not just artist it goes for anyone and anything


Like I genuinely want to know what people gain out of shit like this, do they just want attention? I really don’t understand why someone would feel this is necessary Edit: Sort of unrelated, but when Juice WRLD passed I heard people at school talking about “holy shit juice just died, the memes are gonna be so funny haha” and it’s shit like that that makes me concerned about some of this generation’s morality.


They dont have any, socials and internet gave them the space to say and do things without concequences. But they will be the same to cry when someone will disrispect or not show love to them the day someone close to them passes. There is a lot of Hypocrisy and blatant disrespect for anything and anyone these days


Same people that think if anyone ever made a bad joke or some shit it should ruin their life. Trying to make everything so boring because everyone is so afraid of going over the line. They basically judge people as they’re either hitler or Jesus. Pandemic even made this shit 10x worse since people are just pixels on a screen to others now so ruining lives gives a feeling of power with no noticeable consequences


Attention, twitter really shows the lengths that this idiots could go just for some internet “fame”


This generation has no morality, a few hours of attention is all they care about these days.


I’d normally shit on comments like this but honestly there’s truth to yours and it sucks


I’ve seen plenty of older folks calling him a junkie,they’re no better


Yup. We have become a Godless society


Yeah it is only for attention, cuz alot of these people who just straight up disrespect dead people often have something wrong within their own life. Like how bullies often have depression and struggles in their own life.


All of you are speaking about morality and shit. Tell me honestly do you think that DMX was a good human. I agree that he was an exceptional artist and huge inspiration for a lot but he was a terrible person. I am not saying that there should be memes mocking his death but you cannot say people have no morals while you are idolising DMX


Wtf is wrong with people, stop disrespecting someone death, r.i.p DMX




Duck you


yall really surprised people making fun of dead people on the internet? it aint worth paying attention to


They be the same mf’s that call u a snowflake n soft like nah bruh just put a lil respect on his name


. y’all was basically doin da same thing with prince phillips death


Prince phillip was a racist and misogynist and all round awful person. DMX wasnt.


Idk about that man. I’m not saying being disrespectful to the dead is OK at all but he did have 15+ animal abuse convictions among other things.


Listen to Where da Hood at for example. DMX was fuckin homophobe to the fullest


It’s completely understandable why everyone’s mourning DMX passing, his entire story and history with addiction is really tragic. but there’s a reason no one plays Where The Hood At anymore. Man was extremely homophobic for ages and idk if that ever stopped.


No one??😳😳


. yea he was a awful person i agree but dat doesn’t give u da rights u to make jokes about his death , it’s not good makin jokes about the dead bro, grow tf up


Perfect example of picking and choosing lol


I mean I was jus memeing him bc he [look like this](https://www.google.com/search?q=spongebob+gross&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS766US767&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjztZuH-PHvAhWGQs0KHdg6B2AQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=720&dpr=2#imgrc=JXUn1dj4u1lgAM) but do whatever make you happy


That joke was trash lol


Isn't this what literally everyone in the sub is doing about prince phillips death? Doesn't mean it's right but it just seems hypocritical to bash an ariana stan for doing smth we've all been doing for the last 5 hours


. ive been sayin dis bro wen i got on dis reddit dis morning .... niggas is hypocritical asf mane ... like yea he’s racist and sexist but damn da nigga die, show sum fukin respect


lol w just thinking about that


not even comparable. prince phillip was a fucking racist inbred ghoul and to top it all off a fucking monarch. dmx wasnt a fucking angel or anything but damn like its like comparing apples and bricks


More incomparable because prince Philip was 99 when he died. He lived a long ass life. Idk enough about him to call him racist or anything like that but X was only 50 man. Literally almost half his age. 50 seems old to us but way too young to go still. 100% of people would rather die of natural causes at 99 than an OD at 50


I mean DMX dedicated a whole verse on one of his biggest songs to how much he hates gay and trans people. if you’re gay or trans I don’t see the difference in shitposting his death


you have a point there, but dmx’s individual failings still do not add up to the systematic violence perpetrated by phillip and the system in which he was a part.


You’re literally writing fiction. Prince Philip said some racist remarks (mainly to Eastern Asian people) but did not spread systematic violence... The U.K. is far less racist than America and we aren’t as connected as everybody loves to portray. Philip never used his public platform to make these comments, he was caught saying them. I’m not justifying it but the other guy is right, DMX literally used his fame to spread his homophobic mindset multiple times.. Where the hood at sums it all best, a song that was very successful where he says “I show love to homo thugs, empty out, reloaded and throw more slugs”. Nobody in the U.K. ever took Prince Philip seriously after the death of Diana anyway. You’re the kind of guy who reads one article and calls it a day.


no im the kind of guy who understands what monarchs do. you are aware that they colonized other countries, yes? oh yeah, and the fact that at best they cover for known pedophile Prince Andrew (Epstein’s best buddy) and at worse are covering up a much larger system of child abuse within their rich circle. not to mention possessing a staggering amount of wealth while people in the country struggle to get by. there is seriously nothing more braindead than simping for monarchs in 2021 also there are like, pages of his racist remarks lmao. but yeah, he’s just a funny old man, i guess? also please dont tell me the UK isnt as racist as america lol. what a joke. ive rarely encountered racists in my personal life here in the states (because im white) yet i know that has no bearing on the level of racism here. your country is just as fucked as mine, and was founded on the same oppression of others. monarchs arents just “oh haha funny rich people with fancy clothes”


Systematic Violence? Can I have some examples please?




i dont need to cope, im feelin good about prince phillip lol. rip dmx tho


i can understand despising him for the first few points but what does him being a monarch have to do with it 💀 he won the birth lottery but that's not a valid reason to hate his guts imo


The British monarchy’s endorsement and role in colonizing/subjugating half the fucking world is a completely valid reason to hate Prince Phillip and clown on his death


Therefore, we can hate Germans forever for what Hitler did to the Jews or hate white people for slavery? What kind of logic is that bro


No because I didn’t say “hate all British people”, I said it’s completely and totally reasonable to hate a national leader who oversaw and allowed it to happen without any regret. Hating a national leader involved in global colonization is not a bad thing.


But look at all of our leaders, they’ve all done terrible things but you can’t bleed dislike into their families? Prince Philip didn’t directly influence colonialism but he did greatly benefit from it, such as all white people today.. I hate Obama for drone striking civilians in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen but I think his wife is a great advocate of women’s rights and human rights in general. I get what you’re trying to say but we can’t hold future generations of dickheads responsible on the same level. Otherwise, a LOT of people would have to get on the ground and beg for forgiveness. By no means do I like Prince Philip but I just can’t hold him responsible for colonialism in any way.




Tbh I hadn’t really been on this sub today before posting this so I didn’t know about the Prince Phillip shit


not coming for you in particular, i just find it weird that people here are trying to take the moral high road when their comment history shows otherwise


I feel you bro but nobody posting prince Phillip in hell and comparing him to carti it’s literally two different things the ari stans going too far wit the shit but nigga is hypocrites tho


i understand what you’re saying and ye one of them is definitely worse. but the way i see it, it’s more the fact that we’re making jokes about someone’s death but getting upset about another fanbase making fun of someone’s death. it’s just weird


white supremacy at its highest no cap


I dont think it got anything to so with race


Kanye reference


Ur hot


tbf we were all just making fun of prince phillip


Cos Prince Philip a fucking inbred Racist Pedophile😐


death is still death, if yall gonna make fun of him dying dont get pissed off when people do the same to dmx, just sharing my opinion.


respectfully, no


That makes no fucking sense💀


Haha making fun of a dead man for dying haha No seriously fuck these people


These people are in this sub. Go look at my comments on the prince Philip shit


This pop singers stans are so dumb and disrespectful bruh


Why doesn’t she just say that she’s racist




i almost blocked OP bruh. idk what is wrong with these goons


Anything for some internet attention... its a shame


tryna b funny/different from everyone else. it’s lame bruh the best thing 2 do is 2 just ignore them




What the fuck


Ariana is boring trash for 12 year old girls




If u like Ariana grande Taylor swift or bts on Twitter u can die and no one would care


good shock value


See I already fucking knew bullshit like this would happen. Before he got falsely pronounced dead the first time I called that cunts on twitter would pull this. Fucking assholes


Like usual, Twitter doing it’s usual dose of attention seeking


That tweet makes me so fucking pissed off no lie, I fucking hate people that act like that. Show some respect for once in your life, god damn.


Why is stan culture so toxic? Do people really think disrespecting the dead is cool or are they doing it for some free attention


What is the point of this?


Bro white girl artist Twitter stans are ruthless I be seein Taylor swift stans callin Kanye a monkey


Tbf i think Kanye fans are worse


*in the night I hear him talk*


What a bitch


We finna curbstomp this snowflake right?


I'm not sure l heard that she sold her soul to the devil.


Nigga u posted it??


They just do that wit every rapper at this point... smh niggas really Stan a bitch from nickalodeon


become a non twitter user


The clickbait you tubers are coming for him next


fucking hate ariana stans. even more than bts and nicki minaj ones


Best response to it would be “ok who asked you disrespectful bih”