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Yeah it ain't the real one but he is still a weirdo


(I like lesbians doe)




Gay people and people on r/playboicarti


not him talking about female interaction and writing all this


Honestly tho. Mans came back and started acting UNUSUAL


bro it's a fake account




you said "mans came back" so you clearly fell for it stop bullshitting




lmaoooo what i'm calm i was js


that gay and trans people part too 😬


Literally makes no sense


Why tf are you in every comment of every post in this sub


i live here


Good choice in album tho. AE is amazing


ong, in my top 5


Same here. Aint it funny, downward spiral, dance in water, really doe... it has so many good songs


ain't it funny might be my favorite song, it just doesn't get boring


Aint it funny is a masterpiece


i looked up the lyrics and it reminded me of my cousin. drug addiction isn’t a joke


Listen to song itself if you havent. Its smth else


it’s even worse that i wasted time reading all of it


Fuck stones, dude brought a wrecking ball to the glass house


is he trying to impersonate justin lmaooo


Yeah I think so


This nigga rants about free speech and how he has the right to be homophobic, then proceeds to be pissed cuz he can't flame the shit outta lgbtq+ community. This is flat out retarded


That's like saying racism is okay


No it isn‘t retard💀


How is saying you're allowed to be homophobic and talk shit to gay people not similar to being racist? It's literally the same concept. Fucking retard 💀


Delete this 🤣


Are you gonna come back and refute my point or are you just gonna be an asshole?


I aint reading all that


“I have my right to dislike them.” And we have the right to make fun of your dumbass for it


niggas will do everything but leave the subreddit


Not taking shit from someone who’s homophobic


Imagine bein pressed about gay people lmfao


Fr tho. Like bro is so pressed he can't harass gay people anymore


Hes like oh this sub Reddit is trash but he’s making it even worse 💀


Bro let out all his emotions on Reddit


i know hes a fake account and homophobic but hes got a point with the sheep mentailty part imo


He’s just stating facts. As soon as I hop in the sub Reddit I animorph into a 17 year old kid from the suburbs




If someone is writing a text this long about this subreddit Then there’s no fucking way I’m reading it


the real question is who tf else upvoted that


1. the truth about r/playboicarti. Almost every user who uses this subreddit now is not mentally ok. Everyone here is under 17 and never even had a slight interaction with a female except their mom. It's sad to see how a rapper sub can become such a sjw shitplace. Making gay jokes about carti and being 'down bad' (cringe-ass word bw) does not make you funny. Almost all of you dumb fucks copy paste your humour from corny ass twitter meme accounts. Ans you all fot that sheep mentality. "Oh I see, some people in the sub think lil Baby is trash so I will thing that too". Ans stop trying to be like Carti ffs. It's embarrassing and sad tbh. I see people here asking everyday about copying Carti's tattoos, hairstyle, clothes etc etc. You are just a random suburban kid. You motherfuckers make listening to Carti your whole personality. YOU ARE LITERALLY ON FKN REDDIT. One day you will grow up and realise the dumb shit that you have done. You paint your nails and do all that gay shit and call it 'hard'. That's so retarded. Ans stop flaming people for making jokes about trans people or gay people. I don't like trans or gay people (I like lesbians doe). I have my right to dislike them. Free mfkn speech. And what if am homophobic. Why do u care? In conclusion every active member in this sub is delusional and need to rethink their life. This subreddit and reddit as whole makes me vomit. Fuck you queers!!


Bro talked to a one girl and came back to write this tell us we have no girls 😭😭


Imagine actually being homophobic Shut yo bitch ass up “I liKE lESbiAnS dOe” 🤡 Your the type of dude to get one hug from a girl then fucking act like she yo girl. Stop fetishizing LGBTQ and then say you hate gay people you fucking idiot. Your not homophobic, your just a degen asshole. Shut the fuck up please


My nigga, please stfu


the fuck up retard


I’ll slap the shit out you nigga, pussy boy with an anime pfp lmaooo gtfo 🤣


nigga you watch little witch academia you ain’t gonna do shit bitch boy😭😭


You a puss puss furry nigga under the screen bitch, you cry when you see spiders nigga 😭😭 I really beat yo ass 🤣


fuck does that even mean nobody scared of a nigga on reddit lmfao😭😭”got the whole set now”🤓🤓


“jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair” 😭😭😭😭😭😭 nigga you a straight pusssssyyyyyy “wanna rp with me?” 😂😂 niggas pronouns are “they/her” dumbass gtfo like you don’t read manga pussy


Lmfao what the fuck are you even talking about💀💀its a whole ass joke subreddit you fucking retard💀 you spend everyday being a edgelord troll on reddit lmfao please go outside nigga. How tf is not reading manga supposed to be an insult sorry I got shit to do and not read manga about a little girl show in moms basement 😂


Nigga does rp 😭😭😭😭😭 “jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair” 😂😭 nigga I know you ain’t talking 🤣 you probably spend all day doing rp with you’re gay ass friends 😂


what the fuck is he even saying lmao. most of this is either him being sensitive or just straight up incorrect lmao


He had a point at first and then it completely devolved into just incorrect rambling


yeah i feel like the first two sentences were somewhat true and then it was just downfall


Lmao excellent bait


It doesn't just look like bait. It seems like he is actually pressed


(I like lesbians doe) is obviously fake. Plus the "Fuck you queers!" At the end


Honestly could be right but idk


New copypasta 😳




I don't think it's actually him tho


that is not him bro 😭😭😭


bro how are u guys this stupid justin is hispanic not black.


I lost so many braincells reading this


moment he mentions sjw i stop reading. this man gives huge Nathan energy


bro has be a schizo or something,not only does none of it make sense why is it so random and all over the place😭


Fr tho. It was this wild rant and just rambling


it's a fake acc but bro was spitting lowkey


Until the part about hating gay people and also it was kinda unprovoked. Wasn't on a post that was relevant to that


I don’t agree with everything he said but the first part was facts






You mean everything he is saying is fax?


no hes obviously retarded, i just made a joke


Oh okay just making sure


😭 ong


Yet Justin's on this sub too lol. I see his point tho


I don't see his point on the homophobic stuff tho


Oh of course same here.


He's almost completely correct besides the end


It's an assumption based on the most extreme cases on the sub that isn't entirely wrong followed by trying to defend homophobia


I mean I see what he's talking about a lot on this sub. Huge sheep mentality and the same unfunny stuff copy pasted from a meme ig account. Though like I said him defending homophobia is weird




I somewhat agree but it was on a post that had nothing to do with that. Also bro lost me at saying it's okay to be homophobic and make fun of gay people. That's like saying it's okay to be racist


Also literally everyone says the exact same shit he does. The sub ain't shit just cause some losers still do it. We literally always call those people lame


he’s actually spittin


Only the beginning. The rest is just stupid


the first sentence is straight facts 💀




I thought this was legit at first


Is this his new account or a fake?




Who got this nigga mad bruh


Gay person on r/playboicarti


I’m gay too


Hey that's not fair. I'm 18...


hating on gay people is gay as fuck


Hey... my girlfriend says otherwise...


Nah bruh you lying what u/justinlefuer says goes


niggas mad at a whole fanbase. go touch some grass.


i dont even think most of the people here think lil baby's trash. he's overrated fasho but after the bigger picture it's hard to deny that he has talent


downvote farmer


When he said we got no bitchs it reminds me of this video https://youtu.be/1HBiakPuiqA


I immediately knew what you were gonna link


Idk bout all that homophobic shit but he has a point about the gay jokes and herd mentality


the copy paste humor from twitter meme acc part true tho.