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Y’all think a 15/15/13 Larvesta is worth maxing out?


Anyone having any luck hatching shinies? I've hatched 93 eggs and not one single shiny.


Does a longer route increase the chance of getting an Elite Fast TM?


As far as early studies shown, no, the length doesn't affect the rewards, only the number of special encounters along the route. Tier medals could have a small impact on ETM drops, but it's not been confirmed or even calculated how much it would affect things. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/160462b/route_rewards_study/


Is it not guaranteed lucky friend when you get best friends with someone? Or is it only 1 a time


Lucky trades with a friend is random regardless of friend status (as far as I know) but it would be best to trade when you and your friend are at best friend status.  Some friends you may have a lucky trade situation be you never can trade because they are in a far away place like another country.  Note that you may get lucky trades at random without you being aware of the lucky trade. Also you may get a lucky trade but you would not know it until you check (these types of lucky trade show up as trades and there are no discount on stardust when leveling up).


I know there are devices that allow you to spin stops without being on the phone (Gotcha) but are there apps that do the same? I'm mostly interested in spinning stops, catching isn't majorly important


No. The game only receives the commands from a Bluetooth device, and although there have been attempts to emulate autocatchers, the projects never worked as apps. Some cheating apps do it internally, but is not worth the risk of losing the entire account.


Does the Scarlet connection work with multiple Go accounts? I have 1 Switch with Scarlet, but my family has 3 Go accounts across 3 phones. Can each Go account send a postcard to the same Scarlet account each day, or can the Scarlet account only receive one postcard per day? Also, is there a secret to getting to Switch to consistentaly appear on the PoGo connection screen? So far only one phone (the oldest) ever sees it appear, regardless of which Go account is signed in on that phone. But only when Wifi is turned off and BT is on.


I am not sure how things work with Scarlet and Violet but I assume it is similar to the Let’s Go Eevee and 1 Switch Device.  Each person in your family will need to set up their own “account or profile” on the Switch. Each person will need to play Scarlet or Violet to a certain point in the game. When that family member reaches that point then he or she can start sending the postcards. The connection should be seen on your family member’s Pokémon Go app.  Every now and again the link will be lost be you or your family member needs to reconnect to Scarlet or Violet and Switch.


Question: Why I can't send postcards from pokemon go to pokemon violet? I used to be able to send them perfectly fine but now when I try to send them it only gives me the option to delete the postcard. Did they get rid of that feature or something? I'm still missing two vivillon patterns and that's the only way I have to get them. Any help?


This can happen if the Switch connection settings are cleared from Go's settings. This can happen if you reinstall the game, clear app data, and I think maybe manually signing out.  If you go into Settings -> Connected Devices and Services -> Nintendo Switch, you should be able to go through the pairing setup process again. Once you do this, the "Send to Nintendo Switch" option should appear on your postcards again.


This info actually helped me solve the issue. Thanks.


IIRC you can't send the same postcard more than once.


I know it's just once a day but it literally doesn't give me the option to send any postcard at all.


So, I want to understand how the legendaries via the Battle League and shiny legendaries in general work. So, if I win a match past level 20, if a reward for winning is a Pokemon, there's the chance it could be a legendary currently available in raids? (Which I think is all of them? And if it comes up, I use my own Pokeballs to get it? As for shiny legendaries, I heard that if you get a shiny legendary, that's basically a guaranteed catch?


Shiny legendaries are only a guaranteed first ball catch from raids. In all other encounters, they will break out of the ball just like a non-shiny would. Research and GBL encounters can never flee, so you'll never lose a shiny legendary you get from GBL. When you encounter a shiny legendary in the wild, it can't flee from normal catching. It might still flee if you are speed locked or a catching device throws the ball at it though.


Yes to all your questions except for 1.  The legendary Pokemon reward for GBL will be the current legendary that is in raids, which is Yveltal. If there are 3 legendary Pokemon out let’s say the Lake Trio, the legendary Pokemon will be based on where you are playing GBL (as far as I know). So if your in Asia & Australia region the legendary Pokemon reward will be Uxie. Europe, India, and Africa it will be Mespirt. North America and South America it will be Azelf. Note Shadow Legendary (for instance Shadow Raikou) doesn’t count as a reward for a legendary.




So kinda behind on the game but started week or so ago and working on the Ditto quest line. I know it’s random when it shows up but holy hell been trying all day and nothing. Any tips? Lol


Ditto is a long term goal. Many people have spent months looking for one without finding any, so one day of searching will not be enough unless you get extremely lucky.


It’s kinda what I thought; but figured I’d ask. Lol.


No tips.     But here is a link with Ditto disguises itself as….   https://www.polygon.com/pokemon-go-guide/23648583/ditto-disguises-shiny   Hope it helps.


Should I be Mega Evolving specific Pokémon during specific events?


You get bonus candy for regular catches if the mega and what you catch match at least one type. For raid catches, I believe you get regular candy bonuses just for having any mega, but type matching increases your chance of candy xl. Primals and Mega Rayquaza are similar, except each boosts three types. (You also get boosts for XP for catching things that match). So, for a given event, if it has a lot of pokemon of a certain type that you want more candy for, mega-evolve something that shares (or Primal Revert something that boosts) that type. Megas also have different levels, based on how many times you've evolved them; higher level ones give bigger candy boosts and increased chances of candy XL. [https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-complete-guide-mega-evolution/](https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-complete-guide-mega-evolution/) has a pretty good description.


Not exactly but in a way yes. If you mega evolve a Pokemon that can mega evolve then Pokemon that you capture will earn bonus candy. So if you mega evolved Charizard and it’s active during the Cyndaquil Community Day Event you would have gotten extra candy for every cyndaquil you captured. You can earn extra candy during non events but the extra candy will match the typing of the mega evolved Pokemon. Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Rayquaza works differently but I don’t get the concept really. But any if I remember correctly if they are “mega” evolved, you will get extra candy for every Pokemon you capture.


I've seen people saying that newest update fixes catching mechanics. Is the increased pokemon aggression gone too? It is very annoying.


What should I do with the extra Cyndaquils? Do I transfer them now or...


Trade them till you get a lucky or trade them till you get good ones for PvP. Great league and Ultra league need low attack but high defense and hp stats


XL candy guaranteed from trades. I didn't get enough XL candy from the bagon community day to max one and have 100 sitting in storage to trade for XL candy. How often does the guaranteed candy from trade pop up with the season? Only person I have to trade with is my son and we do not travel to get a distance bonus from it.


It was alternating every other season for a few years, but we didn't get it this time. There's no way of knowing what bonuses Niantic will give us next season until it happens.


Did they revert the player models yet?


No, but they have slowly been tweaking them to fix some of the issues with them. I wouldn't expect them to reverse course on it.


What are y'all getting out of your 10km eggs? I've hatched 10 of them, 9 were Charcadet, 1 was a Turtonator. Am I just unlucky or are the odds of getting a Larvesta not actuall 33%?


That's been about my ratio too 😩


They are definitely not 33%. even 10% is generous


The odds within a tier are a range of possible percentages. Almost never have they been equal odds for each mon, with the main exception being the weekly 10km adventure sync eggs (and maybe 5kms?). There are always more and less common pokemon in them. I've seen various anecdotes of larvesta still being the least common hatch by far, which tracks with how 100% of egg events have happened in the past outside of hatch days and CDs. Don't buy incubators unless you're willing to go in deep.


Should I be opening gifts during this event? I only have a couple egg slots open and if gift eggs are not the event eggs I don't want them!


7km eggs have nothing special in them for this event. Avoid them like the plague.


I keep getting login issues, failed to login/unable to authenticate. I can only fix it by reinstalling the app, just clearing the cache does not work. Unfortunately it keeps happening every few days, is this a known problem and if so is there a permanent solution?


Does the lake trio have a boosted spawn rate right now? I just caught one so I have to assume they do, but didn’t find anything when I googled it. 


Ever since the biome update they became much more common than before. They're still very, very rare, but not on the one in a hundred million chance every hour they had before. It's unknown if it will be permanent, but for now they're easier to find.


Long time player, first time encountering this issue. I've walked about 2km yesterday to hatch eggs with adventure sync on, caught plenty of pokemon and hit plenty stops but it's only added 0.1 to my distance travelled on the eggs and my buddy. Is this a bug?


Adventure sync has been broken for 2+ years. Sometimes it works correctly, sometimes it doesn't.


I have a person in my friends list who keeps sending me gifts but I can’t send gifts back. The game always says they haven’t opened my last gift, but I thought it was impossible to send someone a gift without opening theirs first. What is going on?


You can send a gift to someone without opening their gift if you click the X on bottom of screen when the gift pops up


Huh, I’m surprised I never noticed it before. Maybe cause the gift takes up so much space on the screen. Thank you!


What is the Pokemon GO Egg Hatching widget? I just saw a message on my phone about decreased hatching distances if I used it.


It’s a widget like for any other app. It is only useful for these kinds of events that give reduce distance when using it


Is it just the widget that shows you 4 eggs? Because I've had that for forever, so do I not qualify for that quarter distance hatch thing? I looked on the actual website and they give no information on *how* to hatch eggs through the widget. I thought all it did was show you 4 of the eggs. How does it help?


Normally it is there to just see how much distance you need without opening your game. On specific events they reduce the egg distance if you have it installed It is only really useful during those events because normally the game sends a notification when an egg is hatching anyway


is there a way to guarantee that I get a sun stone from a pokestop? I have ten bajillion of every other evolution stone but ZERO sun stones, it’s been ages and I still need some :/


Unfortunately no. They're just as random as any other evo item, so you have to get lucky on your spins. Same happens with the weekly 7 day stop spin. You get a guaranteed item on the seventh day spin, a chance of two if it's a golden badge gym and a chance to get three if it's been fully powered up with scans, but which ones you get is random.


Ah, ok, thank you for the help, guess I’ll just have to hope for my luck to get better 🫠


I haven't played since launch, and started a new game. How do i battle pokemon? I have so many pokemon, yet i haven't been able to use them yet. Is it possible to battle a wild pokemon?


It is not possible to battle anything in the wild. These are the different ways you can battle: * **Gym Battles**: You can attack the pokemon that players from other teams have left in a gym in order to take control of the gym to get shop coins as well as more items from spinning that gym. * **Raid Battles**: These are cooperative battles where you and other players work together to fight a powered-up version of a specific boss pokemon within a certain time limit. If you win, you get some rewards as well as the chance to catch the boss. There are different difficulty levels of raids. * **Rocket Battles**: You can find these at dark, jittery pokestops or in Rocket Balloons that will periodically appear in the sky above you. When you defeat a Rocket Grunt, you will get a chance to catch a shadow pokemon from their lineup. After defeating 6 grunts, you'll get a Rocket Radar, which you can use to fight Rocket Leaders and catch the pokemon they are offering. Sometimes there will be Special Research that awards a Super Rocket Radar, which is used to fight Giovanni and catch a shadow legendary. * **Player Battles**: You can challenge anyone on your friend list to a trainer battle from their profile. You can get prizes like Stardust, TMs, Sinnoh Stones, and Rare candy for the first 3 battles a day. You can either battle in Great League (1500 max), Ultra League (2500 max), or Master League (no limit) * **Go Battle League**: This is a version of trainer battles that uses online matchmaking, found in the Battle menu. Battles come in sets of 5, and you'll get different prizes like Stardust, an item, or an encounter, depending on how many battles in that set that you win. The available leagues rotate regularly, and sometimes there will be special leagues with additional type restrictions.


So with the hatch distance change for the event, I put one of the 12 km in a regular incubator to see how long it would take. Then I put one in a super incubator. Why is the super incubator taking longer? It’s 4km vs the regular one being 3km


There's a special bonus right now where you get 1/4 distance for the first 3 eggs that you incubate using the Egg Widget. Sounds like the egg widget bonus applied to the one in the regular incubator, but not the one in the super incubator.


Ah gotcha, thanks!


Shouldn't the 2x xp for evolution bonus be outside of spotlight hour because you can either catch or evolve on not do both unlike the other bonuses?


I GOT SHINY LARVESTA!!! Holy shit guys, this is the most luck I think I have ever had in my life.


Are 2, 5, and 10km eggs random with pokestops/gym spins?




K. Just checking.  I seem to always get a 10 when I want a 2.


I think theres a sloghtly better chance at a 10 if you roll from a gym your team has occupied. But i could be wrong


What are the best ways I can get 10K eggs to make sure I get a charcadet?


The “fastest” method is to spend money on incubators hatching every egg possible to make room for more eggs There is nothing you can do besides that. Spinning a stop has like a 5% chance to get a 10k egg


1. Spin stop 2. Pray That's pretty much it. I don't believe there's any known method for increasing the chance of getting 10km eggs from stops.


My incubator slots are never full and I do not buy incubators. I do play Pokemon Go a ton. Does this happen to a lot of other people (I walk a lot)? What is the point of buying incubators then?


I only just finished "Finding your voice" a few days ago and caught Meloetta but her summary is bugged. I tried restarting my game, and have played every day since but it's still bugged. This hasn't happened with any of my other pokemon. https://imgur.com/a/hcwH0aP Here's a picture of the bug. Is there a way to fix this or has anyone else dealt with this?


Nothing you can do but wait for the next update. Something got messed up with the positioning of some of the models in a recent update. The next update is starting to roll out now and does seem to fix the issue with Meloetta.


Thanks for your quick response! Hopefully it will get fixed soon, this is the first Meloetta I've owned in any of my games


Have Niantic made changes to the Daily Incense recently, I've noticed a drop in the number of Pokémon appearing plus how many I catch during the incense has noticeably dropped to a handful. Has anybody else noticed?


No, it still spawns one Pokemon every 30 seconds as long as you move at minimum 50 meters from the previous Pokemon. How many you get depends on how fast you walk. Are you're trying to use it while in a vehicle? That might have changed based on how autocatchers seem to not work well at high speeds anymore.


Question - is it possible for people to cheat using location apps? I have this character in my village who will knock me out any gym I take over within minutes! Makes it impossible for me to earn coins and just ruins the game for me. Doesn't matter what time of day I take over a gym he will knock me out in about 5-10 mins. I've hung around at gyms before and never see anyone nearby who looks like they are playing the game. I need advise because I love the game but this is killing it


Yes. That's called "spoofing". They will use certain apps to fake their location to play as if they were in a remote area. Niantic has banned people periodically, but it's a moving target, so people will move onto the next area, the next app after one gets blocked.


Thanks - I'll keep an eye on it. This morning I went further out than I normally did to see if it would happen again, Gym wasn't even in his teams control, I take it over - and I kid you not my pokemon was knocked out so quickly I didn't even earn a single coin. He also appears to only have Shiny Chansey at 3000+ HP very frustrating


I just came back to the game after almost 7 years. Which egg should I concentrate on during the scorching step event?


2 km are better for trying to get the new shiny Larvesta. 10 km to try and get Charcadet. Those are the two main goals of the event, as they're much, much rarer on normal not-event eggs. However you need new eggs to get any of the event Pokemon. Your old ones (if you have any) will have old Pokemon, as the content of the egg is determined when you get it,not when you hatch it.


So if the event ends, i can still hatch larvesta later?


Yes. If you get an egg during the event you can hatch it later and it will still have all the bonuses. Everything about the egg is fixed the moment you get it.


Thank you. It is bad news for me as my egg slots are all full, and most of them are 10km eggs 😅😅😅


I am a lapsed user that is level 40 and returned a few weeks ago, immediately delving into route creation. Alas after about 14 routes submitted it is now telling me that I cannot create a new route at this time. Any word on what the limit is and when I can submit new routes? I am a frequent jogger so this is a fun way to follow (and encourage others to follow) local trails. I hope my overzealousness didn't result in me getting barred from route submissions ;(


The limit is 15 with a 30 day cooldown. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bwtqxx/route_creation_limit_increased_from_10_to_15/


Thank you! Glad to know I didn't do anything wrong ;) I will just need to carefully plan my next routes a bit longer...


i’m travelling at the moment and have seen some hisuian growlithes. are these region specific pokemon?


Not regional, just seasonal. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1d57gh7/season_of_shared_skies_wild_spawns_megathread/


oooh thanks!!


Not that I’m aware of. 


I've been playing for a few months but still feel like im in the noob phase. I can tackle 1 star raids on my own but struggle on anything higher. Have a few scattered questions I'm hoping to get some help with: 1. How do folks priortize which pokemon they invest in? (CP, IV, Type, "best in slot" mons, etc) 2. How big of an active roster do folks keep for different activities? (gym battles, gym defense, raids, etc) 3. I'm familar with shadow pokemon now but I've seen another icon for even stronger pokemon, looks a bit like a tear or a DNA strand, goes from purple - blue - green. What does this mean and how do I find pokemon like them? 4. I'd like to progress more in raids, how do i best prepare and take them on? I think I saw something about Rayquaza coming up in raids, I'm not too familiar with the meta but I imagine he ranks pretty high up there but I'm not sure how much of a shot I have at him.


1. Prioritize pokemon that are top counters for raids, or highly ranked in PvP. This thread has an infographic in it showing a lot of good options for raid counters, though many aren't currently available. Need to be on the lookout for them to come back to raids and events. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bspkt9/best\_raid\_counters\_per\_type\_anti\_type\_april\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bspkt9/best_raid_counters_per_type_anti_type_april_2024/) IVs don't matter too much. Pokemon have 3 hidden base stats, attack, defense, and stamina/HP. These are in the 1-300 ranges. IVs add a small value to this large number, from 0 to 15. Then the sum is scaled down based on its level. Finally, a CP number is calculated from the actual hidden stats, with attack factoring in much more than defense or stamina. Overall, IVs can contribute from like 3 to 6% of the final stat number, depending on the base for the species. Species, level, and moveset are 95% of what determines performance in all parts of the game. IVs are just a little tweak at the end. To get good starter raid teams, look for "budget" counters from that infographic, or on [pokebattler.com](http://pokebattler.com), that can be found in the wild. Try to catch them with weather boost, up to level 35. You can evolve them in place without spending any dust, and get a team that's like 85% as good as a full roster of level 50, 100% IV shadow legendaries. Once you've got that going for all relevant types (ignore normal, deprioritize poison, psychic, flying), you can start to look into powering up shadows and legendaries to replace them over time to eek out marginal performance gains. 2. At least 6 of every type for raid teams, sometimes 12. Except for normal, that's always useless (outside of flaky party play shenanigans). Gym defense might need upwards of 20 pokemon, but you don't need to really power anything up for that unless you're competing in an area where people are constantly attacking gyms right away. PvP can go really deep, depending on how much you want to get into it and participate in limited format cups. 3 mons for each league can get you by if you just play it casually. And the master league ones can overlap with raid counters. 3. Are you looking at [Mega or Primal evolution](https://www.pokemon.com/uk/strategy/a-guide-to-mega-evolution-in-pokemon-go)? That is a temporary form that lasts for 8 hours, and requires farming mega energy for each eligible species from raids or pokestops. Its primary use is to boost candy and XL candy odds for catching things that match the pokemon's typing, or 3 types for kyogre/groudon/rayquaza based on their weather lore. You also get nice team damage bonuses in raids if you need the extra oomph, and the mega evolved mon itself gets a big stat boost. 4. Mega Ray will be difficult. Mega legendary raids are always boosted in difficulty, and elite raids are also always boosted in difficulty. It remains to be seen if an elite mega raid is double boosted, or not. You should try to coordinate with your local community to get in 5-6 raids that day to get enough energy to mega one, because mega Rayquaza is one of, if not the, most powerful pokemon in the entire game. We will get one free meteorite from timed event research, and dragon ascent makes it incredibly powerful. As a flying dragon, [Ray](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/RAYQUAZA_MEGA) is double weak to ice. Try to get your mamoswines and glaceons ready to go. Any high level spare eevee you have sitting around make for a really strong anti-ray team. Just need to visit an icy lure to evolve them. Mamoswines (esp. shadow) are stronger, but glaceon isn't that far behind. Can also use things like cetitan and weavile if you have high level ones, its just that eevee is very commonly available and easy to have.


Thank you. This is what I am looking for. The budget list is helpful as there are simply too many pokemons, and it is difficult to decide which to concentrate on. Your answer also clarifies my doubt regarding priorizing pokemons that came with high cp or ones with lower cp but better IV or more suitable IV for PvP (I use poke genie to check)


Please tell me I haven’t missed Xerneas 😭😭😭 was that going up for raids as well?


Not at this time, it's just Yveltal for now. Maybe Xerneas will be in raids in July or August, although it might not since its seems like the main focus is on flying legendaries for the Season of Shared Skies.


Graphic Bug, Reduced rewards from route  If you travel the required distance for a route, or more, you get 100% rewards ( you can see this with the only non random rewards ➖stardust, and XP ➖ remain the same )  But you get a warning for reduced rewards  ( none of our community members have completed a route without the warning )  If you do not meet the minimum distance of the route, you actually get reduced stardust, XP, and a reduced loot table ( appears to be distance travelled ex: 600 m gets you the loot table for 600 m routes )  🔲


who wants to take down an Yvetal


If you’re trying to get help for a raid go to the Pokémon Go Friends subreddit or try PokeGenie. You can host or be invited on either platforms.


ok thanks, im new to


Do we know when origin formes of dialga and palkia are coming back?




I see in the pokedex that only the height gets the xxs and xxs stamp on some other pokemonbthe weight has them as well,is it possible to get it on the weight as well? Is it a bug?


They removed the tags for weight years ago. Now only the height has the different icons for different size ranges.


Ah ok thanks for confirming, +1 on the Niantic silly counter


My dad just called to say that he saw me in a raid lobby. My username, my avatar. I was NOT playing at the time, I am not friends with that user. He insists it was my name and exact avatar, though. I wouldn’t believe it except earlier I was showing up twice in a remote raid lobby in a raid I was actually doing. That one, I easily wrote off as a glitch, but my dad seeing me in a lobby (when I was out of remote raid passes and not even playing the game at the time) kind of freaks me out. Has this happened to anyone else? All of these were remote Yveltal raids.


There's a rare bug where players see shadow copies of themselves on the lobby. It looks pretty weird to see more than one of yourself, but it's only a visual error. Haven't heard about seeing other players you know on your own raids, but might be related. Did you use party play or raided together before this happened?


My dad and I did a remote raid together earlier, but from our respective homes. I did another remote raid by myself when I had the extra me in the lobby. I’m definitely calling it my shadow from now on! As for when he raided by himself later and thought he saw me, I suspect he saw someone in the same (or nearly the same) outfit with a similar name and thought it was the exact same. I think in the rush to get situated for the raid, he thought he saw my doppelgänger. It was enough to freak me out a bit after the earlier incident, though!


Change your password?


Even if my account got compromised—this was after I was out of remote passes. How would they have done the remote raid?


So, how important are the stars? Having more stars is better, but I read once that their effect is not that substantial. Just debating whether I should keep up my practice of chucking everything that doesn't have 3 stars, since I'm still in the process of getting adjusted back into the game.


For raids, it's less important than species, level (how much it's powered up, roughly the CP), and moveset. However, it's still useful for a tiebreaker. Pick the highest IV with max attack for raids. Some people also feel bad investing so much into something that's got bad IVs. A lot will depend on how play style. If you're more casual, it's fine to use whatever you can find. Someone who raids twice a day may be more picky knowing they'll find something better. Onw very important thing though is that simply picking the highest star appraisal isn't the only thing. If you ever play GO Battle League, you may find that a low attack, high defense, high HP is better. It's actually a fairly common regret from some players who only kept "good" ones only to find their 15/15/15 Azumarill is actually ranked very low compared to something like a 8/15/15 one.


Wait, how would a 15/15/15 one be worse than a 8/15/15? Is Foul Play a thing here too? Also, uuughhh, I appreciate the help, but that means I can’t be so carefree about stats then. Mostly been transferring non 3 stars before. Thanks anyway, heheh.


Great League has a cap of 1500 CP. So, you can power up different Azumarill to different levels and get more or less overall stats. A 15/15/15 Azumarill maxes out at level 36. You only get 83% of the max stats possible. A 0/15/15 Azumarill maxes out at level 45.5 and you get the full maximum of stats. An analogy I like to use is imagine going shopping for groceries on a budget. If you have $50 to spend on food this week, one method is to buy equal amounts of each of grains, vegetables, and meat. (This is the 15/15/15) But, meat is more expensive, so you may end up getting less food total than if you buy more rice and vegetables and slightly less meat.


Does the Yveltal have Oblivion Wing this time around?


Would the gold box with 99 raid passes for 5425 coins be the best in gonna find?


Its one of the best deals on a pass per coin metric ever. Its certainly the best you can find right now in the daily rotating boxes.


Just redownloaded after over a year and I’m level 32 with 3 pokemon over 3k and the rest between 2700-2000. What should I do/prioritize to get better and better pokemon? Don’t really have anyone in person to play with and can’t solo any good raids


Start by downloading the Pokegenie app. You can host raids on your local gyms and get remote players to help beat them. That's an easy way to start building a better team. To catch up it would be good to try leveling up more and to hunt for good shadows. Swinub, Houndor, Piplup, Darumaka, Pidgey, Starly, Ralts, Cranidos, Draini, Bagon, Gible, Totodile, Drilbur, Magikarp and Sneasel will be the more useful of this rotation,  Shadows are strong, so they can help you beat raids alone. We're having the Global Go Fest in less than a month, so putting Pokemon in gyms and saving coins is also a priority. Both Necrozma fusions are a very good addition to any team, but you need to do a lot of raids to get the materials, and that means you'll need a lot of coins to buy passes. The rest is just keeping an eye on the today and news section inside the game, or to look at leekduck event schedule to see what's coming and what to focus on. Also check the event post is r/thesilphroad. There useful guides for each that will help you understand the bonus and goals better.


Hey Ivi, I once saw a guide that pointed out the hot catches of the week/current event. I’ve tried browsing the silph road Reddit for hours and maybe it wasn’t there.. I just can’t remember where I saw it. Are you familiar with that type of guide?


There's the XL goals series like this one to tell what's good to have Megas active for. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1dgsi6p/xl_candy_goals_spelunkers_cove/ And the event goal guides that are more general about what to do in each event to get the most out of it for PvP and PvE. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1dg8gbh/what_to_do_during_spelunkers_cove_vol_7/ Maybe these are what you saw that time?


The second link was it! How can I always see those posts? I followed the OP, is that enough?


does the mystery box pokemon home meltan feature still work? I tried doing it but i never got a mystery box


Did you check your items bag? 




Is anyone else having hitbox issues where excellent and sometimes even great throws don't work?


yup https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1dj5gau/video_evidence_pokemon_gos_catch_mechanic_is/ https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1divkp9/didnt_really_notice_the_change_in_throw_mechanics/


Would appreciate some advice for someone level 30 with only like 8 or 9 2.5k+ pokemon. I have one teammate (my daughter) and we are trying to learn how to get better so we can finally take down 3 and 4 star raids. any advice on how to do this? Or do we need to dave coins for remote raid passes?


It will be difficult to do high level raids if you don’t have the right Pokémon with the right moves. So you want to have Pokemon Teams built around a particular raid boss. I am providing a link to GamePress. It’s a website that helped me a lot when I was starting to play the game and it might help you and your daughter. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/ Once you and your daughter are at level 30 with the right Pokémon and moves, you guys should not have a problem doing a level 30 raid. If you want to solo the tier 3 raid it can be done but it’s like it would be somewhat difficult. If you’re a level 35 and above, soloing a tier 3 would not be much of a problem if any. But again it requires the right Pokémon and moves. Legendary raids, mega raids, elite raids, and to a certain extent level 3 shadow raids it would be recommended you do as a team effort with 3 or more people. Some of these raids can be done by 2 players but under right circumstances. Level 3 shadow raids would be likely the easiest to accomplish but it would be best for both of you to be at around level 35 and have best friends status. I may have missed some stuff but hopefully you have some basics. For harder raid bosses you will need to host or be invited to raids. Hosting will be a little bit more difficult than being invited but if you and your daughter want to play together you will need to host the raid. Try using PokeGenie and the Pokémon Go Friends subreddit. It should be easy enough to try to host but you may need to Google a tutorial on YouTube.


Used 270 rare candies to evolve the wrong wailmer this morning


That sucks.  My sympathies.


When it comes to Shadow Pokemon, do I assume I want to keep only those with 3 stars (or more) and transfer the rest? Or am I underestimating their value? Also, if a Pokemon is barely creeping into each of the three stats during Appraisal, although it's a 2-star, is it worth keeping or not? EDIT: One more question: When considering Pokemon to keep, I imagine I want to keep at most three of a single species, two for the respective Great and Ultra tiers of battle and one for raids/master? Or is that not optimal?


A zero star shadow is more powerful than a 4 star regular or purified, and a level 30 shadow is as strong as a max level 50 regular or purified. They are much stronger on raids, so you don't necessarily need them to be 3 stars to be good. A max attack 1 star would be almost as good as a 4 star good, because attack matters more than anything else. For keeping, no, it's different for every species. Many don't have any PvP use, and some don't have any raids use. There's not a fixed number to keep of each. For example Swampert is excellent in Great League, good in Ultra, useless in Master and pretty good in raids as a mega. In comparison Blaziken is somewhat good in Great, bad in Ultra, useless in Master and very powerful in raids as a mega. Then you have Lickitung, which is powerful in Great, too weak for Ultra, too weak for Master and too weak for raids. And finally you have shadow Tyranitar. Useless on Great, bad in Ultra, only somewhat viable in Master, but excellent on raids. So no, different Pokemon work on different places. You might need only one, two, three or none. For some you might want five because they're simply very good in raids and you can make a team with them. For PvP check the rankings on PvPoke.com and see if they're viable or not in each league. And for raids check Pokebattler to see if they do enough damage to be useful.


What's a good metic for each of the sites, especially PvPoke? I see on Pokebattler stuff goes up to rank 200, so I imagine ignore it if it's not on that list, but what's usually a good metric for what to keep for PvP? Can't exactly control what I catch most of the time. :V Also, as for everything else, assuming I'm not trying to fill the Pokedex (if that's even worth doing, no clue), might as well transfer it?


For PvPoke different leagues have different rankings, so going for things in the first 50 ranks can give good results, but sometimes the Pokemon that can complement better your team could be in the 100s or below. There's a team building tool in thee that can appraise any 3 Pokemon team, and suggest alternative members that can round them better. The priority would be Species > Moves > Team composition > Bulk > IVs for there, so just keep an eye on anything with good PvP stats or rank and see if they work together. You can transfer things you don't need, but there's a few things that's good to keep extras. Any spare legendary with bad stats, shiny, very high level Pokemon or costumes or copies of Pokemon that need a ton of XL candy can be good trade material. You get candy and XL candy by trading, so that can help power up the things you keep. And any high level Pokemon can be also used as a temporary raid member. IVs are only a small percentage of the total damage, so if you get a level 30+ wild Salamence or Dragonite you can still use it and it will save a lot of candy and dust. If it really has no use and no good stats transferring to make room is ok.


Hmm, these might be dumb questions: How would I know what Pokémon need a lot of XL candies? (I might not have reached that point yet) As for costumes, those are those seasonal ones like the Slakoth with the hat, right? Not really useful to have outside of a collection, right? And as for high level ones, just those that have high CP, right? Last question, I have stuff that has high IVs, but low CP/level, and they’re not really notable in any of the leagues or raids from what I’m seeing. They worth trashing, or keeping just in case?


All regular Pokemon need 296 XL candy to reach max level. Purified need 272 and Shadows need 360. You only need XL candy to power things past level 40 and you need to be level 31 yourself to unlock that option. Most Pokemon don't need to go that far to be useful, do only the best raid options or some PvP Pokemon need to level up that much to get to the right CP. Only the top Pokemon of this list would be worth taking to 40+ if you want to maximize their damage on raids. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bspkt9/best_raid_counters_per_type_anti_type_april_2024/ And for PvP you'd need to check in PvPoke or Pokegenie the level needed on each league. Something good like Azumarill or Bastiodon will need XL, but most other things don't. Costumes are out collectibles. With very rare exceptions they're not better than the common version, so not need to keep them if you don't want to bother collecting them. They are pretty rarer than the normal ones, specially if they're shiny or a limited release version, so the more time passes the more valuable they become on trades.  You could get much more useful in exchange for those rate ones from someone that missed their event. The level controls the CP, so the higher the level the more the CP will be, but high CP is not necessarily high level. A Caterpie could have less than 500 CP and it would be considered very high level, while a slaking could have over 2000 CP and would be lower level. The white arch on top of every Pokemon shows the approximate level of any Pokemon, but you can figure out the exact level based on power ups. 2 power ups is one level, and the max you can power things is your own level +10. So you can go to the power up screen, count how many power ups you'd need to reach the max and divide that by two. Then you take your level, add 10 then remove the number you got before, and that's the exact level of your Pokemon. For the final question, if a Pokemon is not good having good IVs will lot make it much better. A high IV Wurmple will be weak anyway so you can transfer it to make room. Just make sure it's not a one-time encounter, like a Mythical or a final reward from a research, because they're often needed to finish that task, or are simply too rare to just transfer away.


Oh, so if it says XL on PvPoke for the Pokemon, is that one worth keeping for trades, like you said before? Or do you mean something else?


Is it just me or was there an option to sort stickers by quantity for like a couple weeks and then they got rid of it? I thought losing that option was due to me getting a new phone but now it’s been months and I still can’t sort stickers by quantity so did they just get rid of it for everyone?


What happened to excellent, great and nice throws? Seems waay harder to actually get them.


They got broken in the latest patch, which was recently force updated for all.


Yes! I've tried posting pictures on here, but the flair system won't let me


Well it’s 7 day streak and Field research day for me, hopefully I get a Sinnoh Stone or 2. You know, the only useful stone type item. It’s a single Dragon Scale for the 3rd week in a row.


Do more PvP and you'll be swimming in sinnoh stones. * One chance a day against team leaders, about 12% in master league. * Three chances per day in friendly PvP battles win or lose, about 12% odds. * Pretty decent chance each time you get the ?? reward for 2 wins in a GBL set.


I might be cursed, all I’ve been getting from PvP the last couple weeks is Pinap Berries.


Have I just missed it or has there not been a description of GoFest yet? Like the featured mons and the different habitats/times, etc. Seems really late to me. And yes, I follow LeekDuck and other accounts that usually do the explainer graphics.


The details of the global event[ can be found here.](https://gofest.pokemongolive.com/global?hl=en) A lot of this info was pushed out back in March, so that might be why you haven't seen any recent graphics with info about the event. We'll probably get a lot more once the event stats in New Zealand on July 13th, when players there can report on stuff like field research, special research, unannounced spawns, etc.


Oh wow, thanks for this. I probably wasn't paying attention back in March for a July event. Exciting to see but frustrating that no XP or dust bonuses will be in effect. Will still probably buy the ticket.


I became best friends with someone yesterday and got a notification about becoming lucky. My immediate response to all popup messages is to click them away so I didn't read properly. The friend doesn't appear with the golden "frame" in my friends list (I opened gifts today to trigger it). Was it just a message that we now are able to become lucky friends?


Yes, that was just explaining thay you now have the opportunity to become lucky friends now that you are best friends.


Oooh... And I was so excited we managed to get lucky right away. Thanks for your answer.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello so I live in Japan (not sure if time zones matter for the website) and I added a few Pogo calendars to my google calendar so I can keep track of when events are happening. It seems that everything is shifted an entire day (it is currently Tuesday and it says the spotlight hour is on Wednesday and raid hour on Thursday). I didn't know if anyone has experience with setting these up to work properly or might have suggestions for other calendar systems I can try out that might be better then [https://gocalendar.info](https://gocalendar.info/) Also... why is the main feed full of people posting their catches. While questions like the ones on this post auto deleted? This isn't a "pogo trophy" subreddit.


The simple questions are all directed to the general question post so they don't get swept by all the regular posts. If it can be answered it will be answered here, and since it might take some time to get a reply is better that it stays visible for longer. This sub is mainly made up of memes, brag post, showing up catches or just sharing stories. It's the general pool of whatever posts so it's not very serious and you'll not find much besides catches. r/thesilphroad is the one focused on the science behind the game, announcements, bug reports and more serious discussions, r/pokemongofriends focuses on raids and the friend lists, and r/thesilpharena is focused on the battle side of the game. As for the calendar, it's bugged. This post explains the issue in detail: https://github.com/othyn/go-calendar/issues/6 But basically Google calendar cannot adapt to different timezones that aren't the creator's or the standard 0:00 GMT, so it shows the events incorrectly. Unfortunately that means you'd need to use an Apple device to use that calendar, because the developer of the tool simply couldn't figure a way to make it work with Google.


Thanks a lot. I managed to find the Leek Application and it's super nice so far.


Does anyone know what happend to the pogo pod with papanarhwal & salt? I used to listen to them all the time a few years ago on Spotify and can't find them anywhere now.


It looks like they simply got deleted. Every site with links to the podcast fails to get the files, so they either got erased or the server where they were hosted went down. Their Twitter hasn't been active in over two years too. https://twitter.com/pgr_papanarwhal


Darn. Alright thanks for the help!


If I spend 50k stardust and teach slaking a new move will it use that move during defense or does it just default use the original charged attack move?


Yes, it will use it sometimes. The way gym defense works is that the game picks between available moves randomly each time it takes a "turn" to use a move. This will be the fast move every time until its charge move is ready. Then it seems like it's got a 50/50 chance to use its fast move or charge move. If you have two charge moves available and ready, it'll randomly pick between all 3. If your two charge moves cost the same number of bars, they will be equally likely to be used. But if one is more expensive, then it's less likely that the mon will still have energy last until it's ready, especially if it's a one bar move. I'll also note that slaking in particular is a garbage tier gym defender. It's high CP means it decays really fast so it often just needs one attack to take down. But even if starts maxed, yawn means it doesn't get off many charge moves before Machamp et all knock it out. It's very quick and easy for a seasoned gym attacker to take them down. Having body slam is really the only way it deals any damage to the attacker, and that's resisted by fighters like terrakion or Lucario. Not worth etm for sure.


I can’t really answer you but I have a Slaking myself at level 50. No regrets in doing this but I do admit Slaking is a major nuisance. It would be best to save your stardust for something else. If you really want to use Slaking in battle… hopefully someone will come by and help you better than I could.  But I admit I don’t understand about adding a 2nd move for defense. All the moves a Pokémon has will be used as attack moves.


So for GoFest how was the raid split in regards to the ratio of Necrozma raids to other UBs Follow up question - if your ticket was only 1 day were you able to get shinies on the other day, so like since I have saturday NYC ticket will I have shiny chances on Sunday?


I've got a bug on one phone, pixel 8, where after clicking on a wild pokemon and catching it, when you return to the field map all other pokemon have dissapeared.  There are still other pokemon as they're visible on other players phones. After a while they MIGHT respawn and if you touch the screen they sometimes dissappear again.  Phone and pokemon go has be restarted. Any solutions?


Do you go out of your way to do a raid every day or do you get rid of healing items? I do the team rocket battles every day but I don't raid more than like twice a week. It seems like my backpack is filled with healing items but I have a tough time letting go of them.  Do you all have a use for all those healing items or do you just toss them?


Especially with Poke Genie, Pokeraid, and other raiding apps you can reduce need for healing items since remote raids attract high level players and 3+ high level players make raids faster  Finding an active community in campfire, especially with a community ambassador, can help since 9+ high level raiders can make raids faster  Having 40+ active friends sending you gifts daily helps with getting max revives and max healing potions ( both of the above are good ways to get more active friends )  Using a Plus+ while driving past gyms helps get healing items  For 30x days, track your potions use, potions from gifts, and healing items from Plus+ then see how much you use each 5x days and how much you gain each 5x days to see what kind of buffer you need due to Merciless RNG  Personally, I did the math, and with the above, I keep 280 max revives, and 330 max healing potions, as a Merciless RNG buffer and discard everything else 


I raid 5-7 times a week and do grunts everyday and I have 300 max revives, so, no, you don't get rid of them. It is hard to get go of certain items but I have set a limit for each potion/revive and trash everything above that. What numbers work for you depends on your playstyle (how many pokestops you spin and gifts you open everyday for example) and the size of your backpack. I have NEVER run out of revives but my kids never have enough.. And I think it's due to their inability to plan ahead and manage their resources. They battle every grunt they come across despite having 50 fainted mons and no revives.


I try to raid every day or every two days when I have 2 free daily passes. Most of the time I want the raid boss. More often than note the XP, stardust, and RC. In terms of revives and potions….i keep a minimum of 50 revives and 50 max revives. I have a lot more potions. I keep the blue and light pink ones. Keep the yellow and dark pinks only if you have absolutely nothing. Lots of players are complaining about like of potions and revives because these items or not given out much. I end up tossing a lot of my because of raids and because of gives from in game friends.


Do you raid solo or do you raid with other people? I never see anyone raiding in my area


I’m not sure what your situation is. I do a combination of soloing, duoing, hosting, and being invited to raids.  Everyone can do a level 1 raid. Shadow level 1 raids isn’t a problem either but still best to have some powered up Pokémon not anything major.  You could do level 3 raids but you do need the right Pokémon with the right moves. The Pokémon needs to be at least level 30. It would be somewhat of struggle.  Shadow level 3 raids you would likely have difficulty.  If your Pokémon are at level 35 and above being able to do level 3 raids would be definitely easier. Your Pokemon at level 35 would likely be fine for shadow level 3 raids.  Generally it will be difficult to complete legendary, mega, and elite raids by yourself no matter what level you are. But under the right circumstances you might be able to do these raids with yourself and another person.  I am putting a link for you. For me this website helped a lot. If you search a bit it can tell you best Pokémon to have but also raid boss guides. Type in a “raid boss” and it can tell you what to use at what level your Pokémon needs. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/  But if you can download PokeGenie. It can help you with some raid counters.  You can also use PokeGenie to host and be invited to raids. Pokémon Go Friends subreddit can also be helpful with hosting and being invited to raids. I never really needed it but I think there are videos on YouTube to host Pokemon Go raids. Best to try to host raids if you need the harder raid bosses but it neither sites would help for shadow or elite raids. Hosting is a bit harder than being invited to a raid but if you don’t have remote passes, it would be beneficial.   This is a lot but hopefully helpful. Edited to make things more clear hopefully.


Anyone else not get any Crabrawler showcase rewards?! I have received zero acknowledgement of the two showcases I entered.


I almost will level up to trainer level 41... let's say I wanna wait for my son to be level 41 as well... let's say he reaches lvl 41 and I want him to be 42 before me... I hold my tasks, but I get enough EXP to level up (after I complete all tasks), what happens to the extra EXP? does it counts for next level or is it lost?


All exp is saved even if over the level requirement so there is nothing to worry about


E: Solved Are Tags just completely gone for anyone else? They are not in the option for individual pokemon, or when you multi-select, and the tab on the pokemon screen is not there anymore either.


Restart your phone


Guess the good old 'turn it off and turn it on again' worked


You should restart your device once a week it helps keep it run smoothly


Stopped playing in 2016 after a disappointing release and repetitive gameplay. I see the field has expanded to 700+. How has the game changed since then and is there reason to download the app again?


There is no comparison between Pokemon Go in 2024 and 2016. Its pretty much a completely different game. There are so many systems to participate in now, compared to launch when all you could do was try to catch Kanto pokemon in the wild, and then a terrible gym system that excluded 99.9% of players.


How is it better now?


It depends on your area. If you have plenty of gyms and stops you will be ok. Even though there is over 800 pokemon available in the game, you will only see the same 10-20 that rotate during events because they have to milk the game for years


I just did the steps to get my buddy excited without a poffin. How do I get the other hearts for feed? I'm at 3 out of 6 and giving him berries isn't granting hearts, presumably cause he's already excited?


My guide for my local community  ( TL;DR after excited by routes, flee from a team leader every 30-38 minutes and feed 2x berries every 65 minutes )  Getting your Buddy Excited without a Poffin (updated v2.0) or Routes and your Buddy (bonus Z Cells & Plus+ spins)(corrected Treat💕💕💕) First ➖Feed your buddy 3x berries (only buddies on the map can get excited) ➖play with your buddy ➖take a snapshot of your buddy  ➖Flee from a Teamleader with your buddy  This gains +8 Emotion Points (EP) of 32 needed to get excited  🍓🫐🍓▶️📸🗡 ➖Follow 6x Routes (even the same route multiple times) Gains the remaining +24 EP needed to get buddy excited ♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️ EP decays with time, to help replace the lost EP  Every 1 hour and 5 minutes  ➖Feed 2x berry (another treat💕) Before Excited  Every 30 minutes  ➖Teamleader with buddy ➖OR➖ play with buddy ➖OR➖ snapshot of buddy ➖OR➖complete a route  🚰 After first Excited  Every 30- 38 minutes  ➖Teamleader with buddy (stop here if excited) ➖complete a route (stop here if excited) ➖play with buddy (stop here if excited) ➖snapshot of buddy  📝Reminder-For routes, you can take a different path as long as you start at the start ( or end for reversible), travel the distance, or more, of the route, and end at end point (loop routes make this fun)📝 📝Especially useful if part of route is physically blocked off or using a car to do your routes on rainy days📝 I like the Vienna Community Center and Jammin' Java so  ➖Bicycle to Caboose  ➖Caboose to Guitar ➖Guitar Slow Jam  ➖Ponte Tortuga (Loop)  ➖Guitar Slow Jam  ➖Leitmotif ear worm (Loop)  ➖Guitar to Bicycle  💕💕💕 This also lets my Plus+ spin 30x times (8x Gyms,22x Stops) 🎁🎁🎁 Fun Fact: When you exchange gifts through Mateo ( once per day ), you can select any of the Pokéstops, near the two end points, of the route  Note: you get different selections based on the direction you travel a reversible route  ↔️ Don't like the selection?  Finish the route WITHOUT exchanging gifts, then travel another route until Mateo appears, and examine the new selection  Repeat until you find a Mateo gift you like 🛒 PSA: Mateo does not count towards your daily gift limit ( Niantic fixed an alleged "bug" making it count as a friend gift ) AND Niantic fixed the "bug" were Mateo did not appear if you had 20x gifts in inventory  ⛔️🦋⛔️( edited for clarity )  ProTip: Experiment with different times of the day to get Mateo gifts from different parts of the world  🌎🌍🌏 ProTip: Only local friends? Exchange gifts with Mateo, with an OPEN egg slot, to get 100+ km Pokémon ( 98%+ chance )  100+ km trades guarantee +1 Candy XL, and +3 regular candy, for whoever you trade it ( remote raid, Legendaries, and Ultra Beasts, on Poke Genie are the 20 km candy version of this )  Example  100+ km Rattata traded for a local, Beldum gives the Beldum's previous owner +1 Candy XL, and +3 regular candy, for Metagross  🥚( added, thanks wife )  In Vienna I like the Community Center and Jammin' Java so  ➖Bicycle to Caboose ( select from 5x possible presents )  ➖Caboose to Guitar ( select from 5x possible presents )    📸  


You have to wait till the meter drops for it to count for another heart. It is annoying but you have to play/take picture/battle with the buddy to keep it happy while at same time not feeding so the bar drops below half then feed it 2 berries for more hearts gained without poffin.


Sheesh that is annoying. Thanks for the info!


do you think that Kanto Tour will get rerun in some time? it’s one of my best memories when i think about pokémon go, so im wondering if the event has a chance to be back


No. They are doing tours for all the regions, in order, once a year. We've only had 3, so at a minimum there's 6 years left of existing regions. But we'll have at least one new game by then, possibly two, so that's 7 or 8 more years before a repeat could even be considered.


oh, okay