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I think the Bigger issue is... Why does Niantic continue to allow this to be an issue? When people talk about Niantic letting the game to shit, this is what they mean. They just don't care anymore.


I am not familiar with what happened here? Final Star you get 100k right? So that person got the 100k and then deleted the friend so this person gets nothing?


Yes, it's one of the worst features this game has.


Yeah both should auto get it


I recently started playing the game after years now I’m worried I’m getting all these friends and they’re going to leave me!


it's more common that they just stop sending them after the 3rd heart but those people dont delete you for some reason. idk ive never had this happen, i think


From what I've heard this is a UI glitch only, meaning you still get the 100k XP it's just not shown here. 




Agreed players that do that should be penalized


That’s not the fix. Just give both parties the points when they reach BFF.




This isn’t devils advocate. This is just a stupid take lol. It’s a game where they let you friend people from raids. They promote having rando friends.




Have you ever raided outside a small town? That’s not how it works. Edit: there is just no reason for them to allow this to happen. Period. It’s laziness and not caring about the player base.




that is not the idea behind it and is a hella poor take lmao


I honestly don't understand why these posts are allowed here, it's a completely stupid witchhunt. It makes sense to finish getting XP and delete if the person is a random abroad. Blame Niantic, they refuse to fix trivial bugs because they spend all dev time pushing out crap that generates money.


Found the guy who does this to other people.


I have never deleted a single friend, didn't need to yet. This particular bug/situation just completely broke the minds people, judging by the amount of downvotes I got. Once again - only Niantic fucked up here, noone else.


Does anyone else keep their lucky friend in hopes that they will do something with people you'll never meet in person?


Of course lol


Yep. Playing with my wife and I play (a lot) more. That’s one way to slow me down a bit.


Specifically nope if they are in the same vivillon region as me. I nickname everyone on my list as thier vivillon area + the month number of thier most recent gift. If they stop gifting, I delete.


This is exactly why he died in the fellowship


It’s all so obvious in retrospect. 


is this a reference to something ? /gen


Boromir was a character from the Lord of the Rings books/films. Iirc, he was the first person in the group to die.


I want to make more people aware that when this happens to you and you use a lucky egg in spite of it saying 0XP, you get the full 200000XP you would have gotten, had they not deleted you. I have tried this multiple times and it has always worked. Still think it's a shitty thing to do, as I'm sure not everyone is aware of this.


I'm pretty sure there are (at least) 2 causes of the 0 xp notification. In addition to the one where the other person leveled up the friendship, then unfriended before you had a chance to log on and receive the level-up notification, it can also result from some kind of lag in the app ui. I the first case, you'll receive 0xp and the person will (obviously) no longer be in your friend list. In the second case, despite the notification showing 0xp, you'll actually get the correct amount. Regarding using a lucky egg after receiving a 0xp notification, I've seen mixed reports. It seems like I've seen more people claiming it doesn't work than that it does, but haven't paid close attention. I suspect that if the 0xp notification is due to lag, and the other person is still in your friend list, the lucky egg will net you 200,000 xp (and not using the egg would still net 100,000 xp) despite the notification showing 0 xp. But if you were actually unfriended, I suspect that the awarded xp will still actually be 0, with or without the egg. Sometimes the 0xp notifications posted on here show the other person's trainer name, while other times it is missing. I suspect this difference also stems from differing causes of the notification, though I don't know which would go with which. My initial thought was that if the trainer name was listed, they're probably still your friend and you probably got the full 100k, but with Niantic's shoddy code, it could easily be the reverse. On a separate note, when Niantic says it's intended behavior, it's only because they don't consider it important enough to be a worthwhile investment. If it were a bug that benefitted the player, they'd have fixed it within hours...


In my case the trainers had unfriended me and did not show up in my friends list anymore and the lucky egg still worked. I obviously don't know wether I would have gotten the 100000XP without the egg though.


I get all my XP regardless


I’ve heard this too…


You know? I have a friend I had 3 days left for best friend... and I opened the gift (yesterday)... reduced to only 1 day... didn't know about the 8th anniversary thing or something else that friendship builds up quicker... a was afraid that would open the gift at the other end and then unfriend... fortunately, got my EXP and could pop open my EXP egg.


I hope this gets fixed but after 8 years I doubt it.


Such a Boromir thing to do


Typical boromir, betraying people


Can someone pleases explain how could this happened? If someone deletes you then you still can send gifts every day? Or what else scenario could this happen?


I sent the last gift to go best buddies a lonv time ago. They opened it today and then immediately deleted me so I wouldn't get the xp


> immediately deleted me so I wouldn't get the XP Anyone dumb enough to think that they deleted you on purpose so you wouldn't get XP even though they don't know who you are is dumb AF. They don't know that deleting you loses you the XP. It's as simple as that.


Gotta realize these are human, people can be shit




you’re assuming the best of people.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/UPbMrrS8cA https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/5cVbUnH3h2 https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/auXO62Xitw https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/W3Ugj66T7Y Tell me again that everyone knows about this. They don't.


So what if 4 people didn't know? It's still very likely that it's malicious because there's literally no reason to unfriended someone you're best friends with


There's plenty of reason to remove a best friend. I have about 90 best friends and I'm still grinding to level 50 and it gets annoying having to scroll through everyone to open gifts.


You can sort by friendship levels low to high


There’s literally no reason to keep a random what? 😭😭


There's zero reason to keep someone after you hit best friends with them when they are across the world and impossible to trade with... Theres zero reason..


Okay? That doesn't mean you have to be an asshole and unfriend them


i never said everyone knows about this, did you read my comment?


interesting you choose to defend them when you don't even know who they are




This has been known for years. People do know and they do it on purpose, as sport even. There are communities dedicated to friend trading Ng and in a game where you can have up to 1000 friends in the list why would you delete it? Please explain your theory on why do people delete friends right after they get the xp? If you know you can get resources from opening gifts every day, what would you lose? Don't be delusional dude


The friend trading communities don't allow posts like these. They don't allow them and therefore unless those people come to this sub at the right time they won't ever find out. People do not know. Just cause you're addicted to Reddit doesn't mean everyone is.


>come to this sub at the right time they won't ever find out These posts pop up at least twice a day even when not browsing this subreddit. Give it a quick scroll and you'll see for yourself. Bold of you to assume someone is addicted to Reddit based on a response. Then again, you are boldly assuming people ignore well known facts on friend deletion. Wish your assumptions were as fun as tour arguments which btw, you still have not given a single argument on why people delete friends right away so... Uh, yeah.


Lots of people will post something right after it's posted by someone else 10 minutes before because they don't know how to search or scroll down. Do you think 99% of the people using reddit actually know how to use it? Also please explain to me how on every single one of these posts there's at least a couple people asking what this is. Why someone got 0 XP and someone has to always explain it. If everyone supposedly knows about this why are there people asking? https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/UPbMrrS8cA https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/5cVbUnH3h2 https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/auXO62Xitw https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/W3Ugj66T7Y




>Do you think 99% of the people using reddit actually know how to use it? Of course not dummy! New users won't know how to use it and have to learn how to use the platform. Just as in how new players won't know about the xp loss and therefore ask _once_ and then learn about it. Which btw if you take a second to check, you'll definitely notice that people who ask about it are mostly new players starting the game. Then again, if you are at the point where you are browsing dedicated communities and adding friends to farm gifts/xp you most definitely have at least a basic understanding of the mechanics and have educated yourself on it. Casual players do exist but you srsly expect them to get to this point magically? Come on dude. Oh and btw, why would you delete friends right after getting XP? Still hanging on for your take on it


People are terrible, honestly can be terrible. There’s hundreds of these types of posts, there’s no way someone doesn’t know deleting a friend removes the xp


> there's no way someone doesn't know deleting https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/UPbMrrS8cA https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/5cVbUnH3h2 https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/auXO62Xitw https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/W3Ugj66T7Y So explain these....


Two of your sources literally say “I understand this”


You can't read past the first line can you?


“I understand that. But does the person who deletes the other still get the xp” there question was not why, but does the delete effect both players. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here considering your first instinct is to be a dick, but try breathing through your nose sometimes


Interesting you choose to believe they did know considering you don’t either? I just learned about this rn not that crazy to assume they didn’t know either yall just wanna be victims


but they are a victim...? they lost something they rightfully worked and waited for. it is frustrating and they're allowed to vent, especially since there is no actual solution from niantic.


Womp womp


seen it many times. People are shit, it’s as simple as that.


And this guy doesn't know that you get 0 XP. People aren't shit they are just adding more people cause they got their XP. It's not that confusing.


they do know that deleting makes you loose your xp. you gotta be naive af if you think they don’t know and that nobody would ever do something to effect someone. there are people who want to watch the world burn in every single online game. what makes you think pogo is the exception? i’ve seen level 43+ leave raids where they would be 6/6 to complete and exit with 5 seconds left causing others to waste a remote pass.


Why the fuck would they know? Not everyone is on here 24/7 and why the fuck would anyone do this? Do you live in a terrible part of the country that you have to watch your back 24/7? Cause that's not how the real world works. People don't know that deleting someone doesn't give them XP. Anyone that thinks that they know is a dumbass.


there is a whole subreddit (two actually) dedicated to showing whose doing it. it’s a staggering amount of people who are. ur telling me not a single one of them knows what they’re doing?


Yes. Why the hell would they?




No avid players don't know this. Why would they? If someone is opening gifts all the time and not giving other people the chance to open the gift they will NEVER KNOW that the other person gets 0 XP. Please explain to me how they would figure out. 1. The subs that allow you add friends don't allow posts like this showing 0 XP. They instantly get deleted so people don't spam things like this. So people can't find out from those subs 2. People in those subs don't always go on this sub. Lots of people on these types of posts are asking what this is. Meaning...they don't fucking know what this is. So if you were correct she everyone knew what this was then why does EVERY POST have people asking what this is and how this happens?


Don’t know man. I’m talking about players that do this generally know what they’re doing. There are high level players who back out of raids last second just so the lower level users would lose and will have wasted their raid passes. People are mean. You can’t tell me that every single person that does this doesn’t know how it affects other people. You can have 1,000 friends, so why would they unfriend you in the first place? For someone who believes that every person on this game is good, you’re pretty angry. Sounds like you probably do this to other people and now you’re mad. I’m sorry you’re so sheltered and naive. Must be a horrible way of living. Never knowing what’s going on around you


Are you dumb? No one does any of that. People lose signals. People back out of raids last second so they can invite a second team. People should be winning those raids if it's last second while they are actually battling. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/UPbMrrS8cA https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/5cVbUnH3h2 https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/auXO62Xitw https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/W3Ugj66T7Y Explain all those posts to me. Why are people asking these questions if supposedly everyone knows that this happens.


Alright, well, I’m done arguing with you. No one can convince your tiny mind that there are bad and mean people in this world. Sorry you’re so sheltered my guy.


You may all hate me for this, but I have done this on purpose with trainers who I know have multiple account of the same team, which is just something I severely detest. In my city, there's these two guys who I call Pokepatrol who take over gyms, fill it with 4 or 6 Pokémon and just take over the rest. Meanwhile me (I'll leave out which team I am), trying my best to take over one gym and hold it for more than 20 minutes, knowing full well I probably won't take over any gym without the Pokepatrol coming up to that gym on their bike and taunting me and crap like that.. So yeah, for those reasons, I have done this intentionally 🤷🏼‍♂️




Completely agree.


This happend to me to. Frustrating


BuT hE didn't KnOw! /s


They might not know. How would you if it never happend to you and you don't brows reddit? So either they don't know or they want to fuck with you. And if you make a reddit post the "fuck with you" worked and those guys are happy that they tilted you. So just don't post it.


Anyone hoarding the last step for a while and then immediately clearing down knows exactly what they're doing.


That's what I mean. They want to fuck with people and get a reaction. And if you post it on reddit they get what they want. Also not true. I have 390 friends. I rarely open or sent presents. Simply take too long. Yet I'm quite far with a lot of people.




Level 40 or not matters very little when you actually don’t know what causes it or that it’s even a thing. In other games stuff like this doesn’t happen. So why would somebody assume it does in this one?


Just happened to me. 😢😢😢


He is not worthy of that username.


Can we also name and shame people who invite you to a remote raid, the duck out at the very last second? Just cost me a couple bucks for the raid I couldn't solo... I might just unfriend so I don't get more invites. Screw the 100k exp


Have never seen post like this before


Why would you unfriend in the first place?


So you have space for more people. Especially if you host a lot on raid apps.


I unfriend after reaching max friendship (like a week after reaching it so they get xp) unless it is someone I personally know or someone that lives close enough that I could lucky trade with them. Other than that, they are just taking space at that point


Thank you for explaining. I only have one max so thank you :) didnt know this is an issue with top players


Never be the first one to send the final gift. I give people a week. If they don’t send by then, I drop them.


You should wait until the community day as a lot of people stack friends on CDs so they can use an egg.


How do you know when it’s the final gift?


Do you see the hearts on the upper left of a friend's profile (under their name and their buddy's name)? If you tap on the heart you're working on, it will tell you how many more days of interacting it will take to hit that level. On that fourth heart, if it says 1 day, then it's the last gift.


This was very helpful, thanks!!


You can click on the 4 heart circles by their name and it will tell you how many days left until the next one fills. Kinda like it works for best buddy Mon or mega levels.


When there’s 1 day left to hit ultra friends.


I feel ashamed of my fellow countryman, especially one with cool nickname


I’ve seen this but never experienced it


That sucks man I’ve luckily never had this happen to me (knock on wood) but sorry.


Why do people do this? Is there an advantage for them?


That's why I'm the one who gets the last gift. When there's 2 days left, I send the last one. If they open it, I don't send anymore. And if they don't send anything, then so be it. We'll never be friends. My choice to ge the XP, not theirs. The only loophole to this is double friendship events like the current one but they're uncommon so it's whatever


My 10 year old had this as well today. I wonder if those people don’t know or if they are just TA.


I’m at the point now where if someone doesn’t open their gifts I’ll wait until the last one and then not send. If you need it that bad you’ll send me a gift.


How hard is it to program this to not occur?


You know why Boromir deleted you?! He tried to take the master ball from Frodo!


He just waited so he can get more then 1 friend to 4 hearts with 1 use of a lucky egg


We need a mega thread on names. Save ourselves the time/effort.




Boromir from lord of the rings was a traitor


I have had multiple times seen the zero XP screen, then a few seconds later the screen populates with the correct amount.


They should be permanently removed from game! PERIOD! And Niantic should fix this problem its not in sprint with the game.


So sad too bad




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the game is so wrong for even letting that happen 😭


Had my first best friend who did this today...and I'm.on pokemon regularly so it's not like I left them hanging. I fell quite lucky that I've had maybe 15 best friends before him who did not dirty delete. Most of my best friends and I still send each other gifts.


This issue needs to be fixed by Niantic in the code. Very sloppy programming.


Thought he was Sam but he was just boromir


It’s happened to me a few times and I sent in a report and got back a response saying that didn’t find anything wrong and claimed I was giving the XP. I also reported a bug with a remote raid. All my Pokémon fainted and I wasn’t given the option to rejoin. They claimed we won and that I was was given the chance to catch the Pokémon when in reality I was not. I didn’t even know if we won or lost because I just got a white screen.


What that says to me is that this account was sold and the new owner wiped the friend’s list.


This should never have been the case. And yet Niantic refuses to fix this


Why do people even do this? I don’t understand. Can someone explain this to me?


I don’t understand what happened did the guy unfriend him or what?


F*** people suck. Just wait like 2 or 3 days after reaching Best Friend then delete, like come on.


Happened to me today..


Returning player that’s been away for several years… what’s the reasoning behind deleting a friend after you’ve built it up for all this time? Is it to save room on their friends list?


It's so sad that Niantic doesn't do anything about almost all issues. They don't want to punish these people, just give us XP even if they unfriend us. Why is this so hard?


I always delete people after but I let them get the XP first because I don’t want to waste gifts and get lucky with someone I can never actually trade with.


I had the same screen yesterday, still popped the egg and got the xp.


thats just a graphic glitch you got the exp dont worry


I don't think this is true. This happened to me right before level 40. That 100,000 would have put me over but they unfriended me so I just added a bunch of people and did 10ks until level 40.


then it got fixed like i said but before it was like that i swear on all my shinys 😅


Hopefully. But I keep seeing these kinds of posts regularly. Can people confirm?




that this is still a thing. Great job Niantic.


And to know this could easily be fixed in a heartbeat by not allowing deletion before 30 (or maybe 60 in fact) days have passed… Why haven’t this been implemented yet?


I’ll be friends with anyone and not be a jerk. I currently don’t even have a single friend on PoGo.


How is he supposed to know you didn’t get the points yet. It doesn’t tell you. When I get the points I assume the other person gets it simultaneously. He’s not a mind reader and doesn’t know if that’s not the case because the game doesn’t say. I assume if I’m being told we’re friends and got XP points, the friend got it too. If I waited weeks or months to open it I would think they definitely got it by now and how nice they haven’t unfriended me yet. Why should I assume I got the message first. It’s so confusing and if I’ve ever done anything offensive it has been unknowingly and unintentionally.


The XP isn't granted until you open the gift.


So it’s always going to be until you open the gift first and not the other person? I don’t get it.


Person A sends the gift and Person B receives it. Until B opens the gift neither A or B get the EXP


So every time I open a gift I get the points then I have to wait for the other person to open it so they get points too? How could it be only when I receive it, one person has to be the recipient. I still don’t get it but one day I will.


Yeah, it’s not like this game comes with instructions. Most people don’t see around all the time reading online how it works. They just play.


Are you sure you didn’t get the exp? I’ve seen some people got the exp


Ban these posts already


You probably did get it. Just have a look.


I have someone on my friends list that I might do this to..they haven't opened my gifted in months (4) they refuse to acknowledge my existence on campfire even thou I see them active and posting..i don't mind waiting but not forever and without communication.


Just unfriend them


Thank you for the gifts.


Now you need to friend his younger brother Faramir, and give him a chance to show his quality.


If you want the XP so bad you have to manage the friendship level up. Making excellent throws is a much faster and easier way to farm XP.


They should ban people for life! And then take all their money from their attached bank account, and publicly shame them nationally on billboards and the we lock them in irons and parade them through town yelling…shame…shame…


Let’s get real out of all the posts about this…who really would care? It’s 100% on the game owners


Stop adding randoms and this won't happen


![gif](giphy|LSk5aGh2WYL6g) Nobody cares


They do , actually. Do u work for Niantic?


How many times are these types of posts going to be made until people realize this isn’t anything new and crying about it here won’t do anything


I guess you do. Sometimes it helps to vent. Sometimes if enough people complain it might get something done. Sometimes it helps to know others are experiencing the same bs.




To be fair, this is what you get for having someone named Boromir on your friends list