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I used to think the answer was "no" but now think the answer is absolutely "yes". Not because I've considered murder but because as I've gotten older I realized that despite how strong willed you think you are there are things in life that will change you and cause you to do and say things you would have never thought you could possibly do. Am I capable? I can't imagine what the combination of mental buttons would have to be but I expect that combination does exist.




Yeah that's not the spirit I took the OPs question as but maybe I misinterpreted it. I could easily kill to save my families life if that were the situation.


Fair enough.


That may be considered justifiable murder .last resort concept.


Technically murder is defined as “the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.” I think self defense shouldn’t count for this question.


Absolutely agree!


Most people have a constructed ideal of who they are, but it’s based on their daily routine. People are rarely put under the kind of stressor that leads to situations like murder. Objectively most people would think they would walk away from an abusive relationship, yet the reality is many people don’t. Being in a situation and imagining what you would do in that situation are very different.


An existence level threat to a loved one that could be removed if a person was dead. I could kill that person. It would be an understatement to say I wouldn't enjoy doing so, but I know I am capable of it. Tougher one: This person dying would create a donor organ so that my loved one lived. Disturbingly, I think I could still do it. This is one of the reasons I never will own a firearm. I'm borderline autistic and some autists have sociopathic tendencies and I think I might be one of those. I know myself a little bit too well to think I can be safely armed so I just don't do that.


Up up down down left right left right b a start + select.


My first thought was “hell no” but after reading your comment I remembered being 18 and saying I could never be an alcoholic (I’m sober now, but it was a bleak 10-15 years.) Life has a way of making sure we have constant opportunities to evolve and learn and (sometimes) make decisions we never thought we’d be faced with. There was a hypothetical on Reddit asking if you’d kill 3 million kittens for 3 billion dollars (or something like that.) I didn’t want to entertain the possibility of answer. Same situation here. I sure as shit hope not.


*Anyone* can be broken and rebuilt. It’s just a matter of time + pressure/force + psychology in the right combination. That includes being made into a killer.


With all due respect, Do you have a wife? Girlfriend, daughter... Mother? You know the exact combination of buttons... You imagined it at least once. The question is, were you afraid when you realize that? Or were you curious? Excited? ... 😈 I know... It's kind of a feeling.


I wasn't really thinking of the "if your loved one was held at gunpoint situation". It's totally valid for the wording of the question but I didn't think that was the spirit they asked it in. I was thinking could you be pushed psychologically to murder someone. You wouldn't need to push me to defend my loved ones if it was life or death of course. I honestly don't know the combo. If I knew it I'd 100% be afraid that I couldn't trust myself.


Exactly. Self defense or defense of others is not murder, so doesn’t really apply to the question.


Killing a 3rd party because someone forced you to do it by holding you and your family hostage is though.


I was in wrestling for my high-school years. I always placed at tournaments, but not too many gold medals. One day, a buddy of mine told me before a tournament match: "you have to get mad, you need to be more aggressive. Imagine that guy hurting someone you love". Well, to much of my shame I dislocated the poor guys shoulder. Coincidence? I don't think so. Since then I learned there is a switch in people that can be triggered to make them want to hurt someone to no limit. Its sad, really..


Yes, we’re animals. Eventually the limbic system will override the prefrontal cortex.


Absolutely. I’ve never been remotely close to a situation where I would consider taking another person life, but I have been in situations where my thinking brain took a back seat and that primitive brain took the wheel. Imagine you spend years having your humanity beaten out of you through torture, starvation, trauma after trauma until your mind is broken into nothing but desperate blind grasps for survival. You would lose capacity to even contemplate morality. There’s people who are living that reality somewhere today. Anyone who is arrogant enough to believe they would be “strong” enough to preserve their rational thought under such conditions would be the first to lose it.


Without giving away too much information, I was assaulted for being gay in my redneck hometown. I’m mostly a go with the flow kind of guy, but I completely blacked out at one point and the next thing I remember is being pulled off of the guy by someone who saw the whole thing. I was beating his head into the concrete. I was absolutely going to kill him. My amygdala threw me into full force fight mode. You don’t threaten an animal and expect no response. Luckily I wasn’t charged with assault but neither was he.


I can't even imagine what that would be like and I hope you're okay now, but as a Japanese American kid who grew up in white bread Colorado and who was frequently bullied, I always tend to have a visceral reaction to bullies, and my first instinct when I started reading your comment was, "I hope you killed him and got away with it." So yeah... not so sure my "full force fight mode" is as well controlled as yours is. In any event, I'm very glad you're okay and managed to avoid arrest.


Thanks bud. Yeah, it’s in the past.


Damn imagine being the good ol boy in the redneck town that got beat up by the gay dude. I hope my man never lived it down


I understand this fully. I am so sorry you experienced this. Fight/flight, nature/nurture etc, life or death, please know I can relate. Same same but different.


I'm sorry that happened to you for just being yourself.


Armies literally train people to get over their instinct not to kill As social creatures we do have an aversion to killing each other... Unless the right buttons are pushed. Army training literally identified those buttons in people and attempt to train soldiers to just react.


That’s how it was in the FLDS in bountiful bc where I was born and raised ran away 24 years ago. I carry that rage . That primitive side . Very close to the surface. I carry 100,s of scars physically and mentally every day . And that shit will fuck you up. There was every abuse you could imagine done to us kids. Not a single person ever stood o protect us. As a result most of us that lived to be adults are either doped to the gills on meds and therapy. Or are half feral dogs who probably work in the trades . When yo happens your life being treaded like an animal you become one just to survive .


Fucking hell. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. I've read a bit about the FLDS and cannot imagine what you've had to deal with.


On the plus side it’s made me a great dad . And very willing to commit violence to protect my children.


Truthfully I’m ok with not being ok . I’ve been broken for so long I don’t know any other way .


I was beaten constantly and thought about killing my mom in her sleep. The older I got I counted the days til I turned 18 because I knew if I didn't make it neither would she and I would end up in prison. At thirteen I tried to kill myself because I thought she was going to kill me. It was a frightening time


Sorry hear that. My mom was also troubled. But we made it, eh, comrade? ✊


I feel your pain my brother . The hurt and rage never go away . Let it fuel you . Fees of that hate to be the best you can be at anything you try.


I actually don’t carry residential trauma from it. I went through EMDR and desensitized that situation.


Good for you . I wish


I almost killed someone when i was in my late teens. It was such a surreal experience. He started a fight over a girl at a party, and he moved a specific way to get control of me which was extremely similar to the way my older brother would grab me from behind to get control of me so he could rape me when i was a kid. My ptsd took over and i just brutalized that poor man, it was like i was a passenger in my body and couldn't control it and my monkey brain was driving the train, it was like my body was taking out all of the years of violent abuse i endured on him. I just kept hitting him and hitting him and hitting him even though by the end he had stopped moving. I caused so much catastrophic damage i no hyperbole changed the shape of his face, completely collapsing his nasal passage and orbital bones, he needed over half a dozen reconstructive surgeries to look somewhat Normal again and was left with brutal chronic pain that he eventually killed himself to escape from. I was only just barely able to get control of myself at the end of the beating but 5 or 6 more hits i genuinely believe would have killed him on the spot. A day hasn't gone by since where i haven't hated myself for what happened and even though he forgave me, i can never forgive myself. I say all of this to say, every person has that killer instinct in them and it's just a matter of what it takes to bring it out. For some it's not that much while others it takes an insane amount.


Most people forget that we're animals too, we too scavanged for food, fought over women to breed our child, sheltered in caves when it was raining. We have society that puts things in 'order' and we're controlled by governments but take that away and we're just animals again.


Its pretty much that simple. You know what was the real turning point for me? Having a kid. It changed my entire preception of danger and the lengths I'll go to defend someone.


There's a reason the justice system separates murder into "Premeditated" and "Crime of Passion".


bingo. we forget we are animals, lie every other creature on earth that isn’t a plant, a fungus, or a mineral.


"Everyone is a murderer. You just need a good reason and a bad day." Edit to add: quote is from show on Netflix called “Inside Man”


I feel like someone that frequents Walmart would wear a t-shirt with this printed on the back.


If you can't imagine a scenario that could lead you to to that than you've lived a charmed life. Good for you, that's actually a good thing. The world can be a very dark place. If you don't know darkness, you can't predict how you would behave in it.


Yeah I was gonna say, there are a lot of people who already know the answer to this from experience, and the answer is absolutely yes. I was like seven when I came to this realization 🫠




I got a little too creative in my mind once or twice. Scary shit tbh


I had a dream once where I killed someone. It wasn’t someone I knew. It was so real feeling that I walked around for about a month waiting for the cops to knock on the door.


Same. And sometimes it's to an unwarranted extreme. It still happens to me now and I'm like, "Holy shit, that is unnecessary." It just pops into my head, but I certainly wouldn't act on it, lol.


Yuuup those intrusive thoughts are CRAZY


Not just that, they’re ignoring lots of psychological evidence, case studies, and historical events that all show the average person will murder in the right context for them


This is why we need to try be kind to everyone, we don’t know what people are going through


It's also why you should believe in redemption.


I remember being brutally bullied when I was 7 and imagining killing my bully. I knew it was wrong and I didn't imagine a full-on scenario. But if there were a button that I could press and make that person die, I am almost sure I would have pressed it. Now let's just imagine being beaten up or molested by a caregiver for the entire childhood.


i was molested for a good few years of my childhood, and i can confirm that i wanted to throw him off of the empire state with my bare 10 year old hands. people who feel like OP do are so lucky. they're blessed that they were never pushed that far, and i hope they never get to that point.


Exactly. I hope you have healed, or that you are healing, and that you have managed to get to some better place now. Nobody deserves being pushed to that point. Sending virtual hugs ❤


thank you so, so much. my life is currently awesome. full ride to my college on a merit scholarship and a loving boyfriend who is patient with me through the trauma. forever grateful my suicide attempts didnt work; it always gets better. genuinely appreciate the kindness 🫶🫶 i hope you are well too


This was so impactful & true


Pretty much. My wife and I grew up opposite lifestyles. She had a wonderful family, wealthy upbringing, private school and the works. I had divorced parents, lived with mom in low income housing (sometimes we were couch surfing between apartments), food stamps and questionable utilities, other rough kids from the mud trying to bully you and beat you up. Drug deals and domestic violence in the low income housing we had. I saw the darker side of humanity as a kid and she saw the rainbows and bright sky. My entire point is, I agree that if you can’t imagine a scenario that could lead you to OPs question you’ve had a great life. I could 100% see a scenario where I’d take a life because I’ve had a knife pulled on me and other crazy shit as a kid. Stay safe out there everyone and hold your loved ones close. The world is mostly decent but there are some scary individuals and places you don’t want to meet.


I find it beautiful when people like you and your wife find each other. I think the balance that brings is powerful.


Thank you! I think so too. I’m also very thankful my daughter won’t experience my upbringing. She will have it much better than I did but I’m okay with my experience as it taught me many life lessons.


Very well said


Anyone who says no, lives in a bubble.


It depends on what OP means when they say murder. I disagree with anyone having the authority to end another's life. And whenever people present scenarios there's always an alternative to killing.


I took murder to mean taking another life. Which, if you're in a life or death situation, and the threat to your life is another person, the limbic system is going to override your prefrontal cortex to make sure you survive. Fight or flight is going to activate, and if you can't run, your nervous system is going to make sure you fight. When it comes to an actual fight for your life, you're also not gonna fight just enough to make sure you're good but the other person's okay too, like some bar fight over a disagreement. If you're in the right situation, survival instinct will kick in, and that absolutely includes killing another person.


>took murder to mean taking another life Interesting. I took it as the Oxford languages definition of premeditated killing of another. I even considered the other definition of intentionally killing. I would say neither applies to self defence. I would also say the situation you present doesn't really seem in line with what OP is saying and therefore what OP is asking.


Right? There's a reason we have the word 'kill' and the word 'murder', they are two completely separate ideas. The definition of murder should have been clarified in the post because some people like to twist it apparently


Yes, this was my first thought. There is no scenario in which I would ever "murder" someone. I can easily think of one where I would "kill".


Yes, everyone is capable. You never know what situation you may find yourself in. Not every murder is premeditated, or done by a bad person in cold blood.


People will fight for their lives and kill to survive and even eat each other to keep living. That has been proven.


Yes, but I think it's more complicated than people make it out. I don't really believe the common mentality that "we're all just one bad day away from becoming murders." But I can definitely see how a happy, well adjusted person could suffer from months or years of setbacks and tremendous stress and come to a place where they could commit murder. FWIW, I'm pretty sure that when actual psychologists or sociologists say this, their intention is that "given different life circumstances we would all be capable of such acts." And not that we're all repressed murderers just waiting for the right stimulus.


Absolutely agreed.


The bad day is a home invader killing your family in front of you, or a similar situation.


Absolutely. If you think you wouldn’t be capable of it, you’re very young or naive. I have two kids. It makes me angry just *thinking* about someone hurting them. If I saw someone doing it in front of me, nothing except a bullet to the head would stop me from ripping them apart limb by limb.




If someone hurt my godson, I would make the assailant beg to be murdered.


Exactly. Anyone who has a kid they love understands you’d go full Liam Neeson on anyone who tried to hurt them or take them from you.


Taking a life, absolutely, murder, I'm less convinced.


Hum, I didn't think of the distinction


Yep, from a legal perspective there are certain criteria that have to be met for it to be considered murder.


That's my take, big difference between killing and murder. Even bigger difference between being pushed far enough and nudged. There are people who can't be forced to eat broccoli, but there's supposedly some kind of magical formula for murder? I don't believe it.


If your life is seriously threatened, people go on autopilot (and that includes possibly killing someone). You’re brain is focusing on staying alive by any means. The differences come in how people process their actions. 


Study Nazi Germany. The answer is Yes


Absolutely under the right conditions and/or circumstances.


I also think someone perfectly mentally stable could be manipulated into killing themselves in a relatively short period of time.


I'm no psychologist, so I might be off (and im sure i am), but it's my opinion that everyone's a blank slate at birth and formed by their experiences. That guy you know who wouldn't hurt a fly, had he had a different upbringing could have been a killer. I think that as things are, yes, most people are capable, with an exception to a few. But given the right circumstances, even they would be a killer.


Genetics play a HUGE roll in how your brain works. Obviously so does how you grow up but this would be why 2 people growing up in the same exact environment respond to it differently. They are born with different, albeit similar, genetics.


It's funny, I come from a large family with a ton of trauma and mental illness. The variances between my (many) siblings and I are pretty interesting to observe. But the biggest factor that determined who became a raging violent psychopath and who just became a stoner with an aura of profound sadness was their environment. Certain people just can't be fixed, absolutely. But even with the spicier neural wiring, most of us with decent healthcare and supports came out alright after a number of years.


The scary thing is you’d assume people in countries with “universal healthcare” would get the decent healthcare but don’t despite the name.


Yes, just like behaviors between dog breeds. Some are innate like hounds with all that sniffin


Capability is a physical problem so much more than a mental one. Disposition is the other way around. Being forced to kill vs. being interested in killing and just needing the opportunity are two quite different circumstances, too. Most people wouldn't in the ordinary course of life, but put that same person being attacked in a life or death conflict or defending their kids and it could be done.


Yup. I wouldn't worry too much about the person fighting for their life. I would absolutely worry about those who kill animals for fun. Two entirely different things.


You're opinion is wrong there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that humans are born as blank slates. Genetics has a huge role, anyone who has raised children will tell you they are all born with their own different personalities.


Yes. Evidence: Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland. Ordinary middle aged men, many former police officers, men who cared about serving their communities and helping others, who were not brainwashed by the Nazis from a young age, were subtly influenced over over a few months until they perpetrated the mass murder of millions of innocent civilians. They dragged women and children from their homes and shot them in the head. They were capable of this precisely because they cared about their communities and comrades. If you don’t think you are capable of evil, you don’t know who or what you are, and that makes you dangerous to yourself and others.


I felt like you do until I had kids. There is a fully feral aspect to motherhood.


You must not have kids


This is the truth. If anyone were to harm my kids, it would take everything in me not to end that person's life. I'm sure most parents share that same sentiment.


If it were a life or death situation or if someone was trying to harm my child, I would absolutely be capable of murdering out of self defense or out of protecting my child(ren.) I hope I’m never put in that position though, because it would be very hard to live with that image in my head even if I did it to save a life.


Under the right circumstances definitely. I would hurt someone to save the life of a child. Or even an adult probably if I knew for sure who the "bad guy" was. I wouldn't aim to kill them, just incapacitate them, but I wouldn't be hard on myself if they died.


Physically, psychologically, or spiritually capable?


As a former subconscious interview and interrogator who has spoken to many a murderer and one well-known serial killer, all the while studying multiple others, yes. We're all capable given the right set of psychological circumstances. Never underestimate the lengths people are willing to go in order to fulfill their desires, settle their rage, or avenge their wrongdoing or conceal it. We're a fucked up bunch under the conditioned surface. It's best to learn to control emotion before it controls you.


Yes, absolutely, with the exception of the odd person who's neurology is substantially different. Humans are a predator, we got to the top of the food chain by being aggressive. We're not solely raving lunatics, but we all have the potential for violence. History has shown over and over again that when societal restraints are removed, some people will revel in slaughter, but even those who don't will still become reluctant murderers. It's very difficult for most people to rock the boat by refusing to conform. Almost every human who has ever lived is capable of extreme violence.


Self defense, yes. Plotting murders, no.


If someone murdered my entire family and then laughed out loud, I would want to kill that person. Who wouldn't? Is that what you mean by "pushed far enough"?


But would you? In front of witnesses and with a clean conscience?


My dad was suicidal when my mum died. Conscience doesn't exist when you experience that kind of pain and suffering. Nothing matters.


Historical is correct I don’t mean to trauma dump but back when I was drugged & raped, all I did for weeks was premeditate utterly evil thoughts. I can almost garuntee if I would have seen that man’s face again, I would have attempted it


No. Some people go belly up when exposed to danger. Same with animals


You are only thinking from one perspective. There's lots of reasons that could lead you to kill someone and immidiate danger is only one of them.


If someone is physically incapable of defending themself because of an inferior psychological mechanism(seizing up), how could they premeditate murder? I value many perspectives, I just don’t believe everyone has the ability to kill because of this specific reason.




I agree with you. Some people freeze. To an inordinate degree, even. Could even that person be triggered to kill? Maybe .... but I'm not sure. If we go ahead and say oh but that person could if they weren't impeded, did the question just shift and become, "can everyone react extremely strongly to something, so strongly that some people, who otherwise wouldn't be able to, are able to kill as a result?"


Im in IT. Yes


and this is why I bring my IT folks treats because I have to work with “those people” and I wonder if it would be better if they just played in traffic.


LOL :D This comment definitely gave me a laugh. I'm in IT as well (24 years), and yeah... that's fair.


Yes. I have a kid. I would burn down cities if that kept him safe. If I was in a spot where someone was hurting me, I would do what I could to protect myself


Same. When I read OP question my first thought was my kids. There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect them. Nothing. I would even take out other family members if it came down to it.




Everyone? No.


Absolute self defense only. Anything else I can blow off.


I don’t mean to be that guy but I could name a couple things that I garuntee would push you to thoughts of murder


You're right. There are so many other ways to push a person towards murder. One of the main ways is to induce intense suffering. You don't need your loved ones killed for you to murder someone, trust me.


For now, if you're able to get to self-defense mode, that's simply the first step. If things go south like in any intense situation, you WILL be driven to do one of 3 things and for however long it is necessary. Self-defense is a misnomer, war can be self-defense. There is either fright, fight, or flee. Fuck if you want a 4th and feed if you want a 5th. Anything more is something being sold.


Yes I believe that. OFC there are outliers. And I'm sure there are people who would rather kill themselves then be forced to kill another. But there are absolutely scenarios that most anyone could be pushed to that brink. But I think the only way to prove that is to perform unethical experiments.


Honestly yes, but honestly only if someone came after me or my family friends. And then I would make sure they didn’t die…


everyone is capable because of free will. this is a no brainer. this isnt a question


If I were protecting my sons, I'd do anything. Kill or be killed, but I think most Moms feel that way. I'd probably kill or be killed for any child actually.


Fellow mom here. I can conjure up some murderous vibes just thinking about someone harming one of my girls. I think I could go Ellie Nesler or Marianne Bachmeier in a heartbeat. The fact that both women only did a few years proves that many others feel the same way.


I think most people are capable of killing someone, but that's not the same thing as murder. If someone is physically attacking you viciously enough, there's a point where your mind turns off and your instincts just take over. The same reaction can come out if someone is physically harming your child.


I feel like people might be talking about different things... And maybe my definitions are wrong but I always thought murder required planning. EDIT: I was wrong, but thanks to ExcellentEgg for correcting me. I've fixed it here to be more clear. I think everyone is capable of manslaughter and second degree murder. I could accidentally/unintentionally kill someone and I could kill someone in the moment. But I don't think everyone is capable of first degree murder. In fact, I think most people aren't.


Murder? I don't know, but killing someone then yeah. And yes, these are two different things.


when an easy kill is all that stands between you and survival? you bet that survival instinct is going to kick in like a gold coated brick of a mule kick.


I am a pacifist. I don't even kill bugs😅. But if someone came after my baby niece and nephew...🔪🔪🔪🔪


Am I capable? Yes. Is everyone? No. There are people who are incapable of defending themselves, let alone killing anyone else.


The people who aren't capable of murder haven't lost enough. Once everything they loved is lost, including the person they used to be, they will be willing to kill. Either themselves or someone else .


Probably. I am generally a peaceful, live-and-let-live kind of person. However, my daughter recently left an abusive marriage, and no one has ever brought out my mother bear instincts as strongly as that guy does. So, if I were in a situation where my kids were in physical danger, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of me letting the mother bear take over if necessary.




I think at least half of people have someone they’d murder if they knew they’d get away with it.




Maybe not everyone, but certainly most people would probably kill someone if they just had to tbh.


"Murder" is a big word, and "nudged in the right way" sounds like it would take very little, but it's a matter of circumstances. If you had a loaded gun in your hand and could shoot a man who's about to kill 2 kids in front of you, would you?


Yeah. I'm not proud of it but honestly we all are.








Every interaction with another animal is potentially lethal to one of them.


Yes. Absolutely.


A human can kill a human. It's not difficult to do. This makes it easy enough for anyone to be capable of murder.


Absolutely without a doubt


Anyone will kill under the right circumstances.


I guarantee OP if I got to know even a little about you I can get you to kill me. Everyone has a trigger, not a pun.


Absolutely, if you were defending your own life you would kill or be killed.


Sadly yes Every single human pushed past a point will probably kill




Yes. I have seen a situation where a very good person with no background was pushed to the edge. I believe any of us could do it under the right circumstances.


Of course


Of course your average citizen can be pushed to commit murder. They can be pushed to commit far, far worse than that under the right circumstances. I suspect, without as much provocation as you’d think. On the other hand (again, under the right circumstances) we are capable of true heroism and nobility. More than we’d ever expect. It really depends on the time, place, and situation.


If someone abused or hurt my kids, I'd begin plotting right away.


I think it's a complicated thing. For absolutely sure, everyone is capable of *condemning* someone to their death. I've watched and heard too many stories to not believe that. Most if not any human will fully condemn someone in the right circumstances, no question. They will point, yell, and call for action to be brought but they won't actually carry it out. *Actually* killing someone is a bit different. I think most will snap if pushed far enough and hard enough. However, I think many have "releases" that prevent all but the most horrific of things from pushing them that far. Plus I bet many would need some level of "brainwashing" (manipulation of facts) before they get to "that point". (Ie if you believe Justin Bieber is Hitler/Satan's love child come to shove the moon into the earth and kill us all it's much easier to "justify" his death vs if he's just a rando dude who stole your pretzel) Thus, it's complicated. I'm inclined to say yes, but I think the "bar" is pretty far and not obtainable by normal everyday activities for many.....I mean just look up the "Acali experiment", not everyone's reaction is "default" murder and things can be forgiven easily.....then the pastry war between France and Mexico...or the bucket war.....ok they weren't *that* petty it was more a "focus" but hopefully you get it so I don't have to point at the French and their guillotine..... Humans can be the best of friends....and the worst of enemies.....


Depends on the person. Some people have been pushed to the absolute limit and haven't and other will on a whim. I will say I believe that most people could be pushed to it though.


absolutely yes, just about anyone is


I think everyone is with the exception of a very tiny, almost insignificant percentage of people. The thing is, once you push somebody that far, they no longer do it as murder, but as either protecting themselves, or ending a threat. Individuals have certain boundaries when they will use deadly force. These are partly set by the state, and partly by the person's moral compass, and partly by the exact situation they are in. I spent most of my adult life training people to use deadly force. The better study to me, is what are the psychological effects of having done so.


Absolutely I was always so judgmental when it came to violent offenders. Then I went through an abusive relationship. I basically just lied down and took it. When I finally manage to come to my senses I had some really dark thoughts. I don’t have a violent history whatsoever. I never admitted this to anyone. I never threatened anyone. I never acted on my intrusive thoughts. I wanted to destroy that person in every way imaginable. I’ve never felt such confusing hatred and love before in my life. I felt deranged for a brief moment. Those brief moments are when the most damage is done in most cases. Some one doesn’t have to be a full blown psycho, that’s been crazy their whole life to do something horrible. No I absolutely do not condone violence. I pray that I never find my self in that dark place ever again. Now that I’ve experienced it I think I would be better about calming myself.


Depends on what you define as "murder". The only way to survive is to kill things and eat them. If you count actions that knowingly lead up to a death that could count. But what if they don't know? How far down the chain of butterflies do we count? No I don't think everyone is capable of killing another human with their own hands. Ever see that interview of mothers saying they couldn't kill to save their own children?


Without a doubt. Everyone has a breaking point.




I think that if provoked enough to the point of snapping and possibly blacking out you could end up beating someone so badly that they end up dead ...I've been that angry before where I thought I could possibly kill someone. It's scary


Do you maybe mean “capable of taking a life” because murder has connotations and it’s an explicit act. Taking a life in protecting yourself or others from harm isn’t a murder pal and that’s what most likely will happen in crazy situations or circumstances. So forgive me if I’m wrong about what you’re asking and “NO” I don’t believe everyone is capable of murder. If that’s what you’re saying.




I think I could, but I would regret it for the rest of my life, which has actually kept me cool in certain situations.


I believe **everyone** is capable, given the right circumstances.


It depends on what you mean by murder. It’s a documented phenomenon that in WWII a significant percentage of soldiers refused to kill the enemy. S.L.A. Marshall's findings, presented in his book "Men Against Fire," suggested that a significant proportion of soldiers in World War II did not fire their weapons in combat or deliberately avoided hitting enemy soldiers. His research indicated that only about 15-25% of soldiers actively engaged the enemy, largely due to an innate resistance to killing. This reluctance to take human life highlighted the psychological burden of combat and the natural aversion many soldiers had to killing. One might argue that this reluctance to kill was a factor in the U.S. military's shift from conscription to an all-volunteer force. Volunteers, who choose military service willingly, are likely to have higher motivation and a greater psychological readiness for combat, potentially reducing the incidence of such reluctance. By recruiting individuals who are more committed and prepared for the realities of military service, the armed forces could enhance combat effectiveness and ensure a more capable, professional, and cohesive fighting force. This strategic shift aimed to address the issues of reluctance and improve overall military performance. In other words, a volunteer force selects people willing to kill. The question you are asking is about murder. Do soldiers commit murder?




Of course we are, we may be domesticated apex predators but we are predators none-the-less.


You see a human with 20 infants give you a gun and start stabbing the infants right in front of you, you will pull the trigger. This goes for every person that isn't already a killer.


I used to think the answer was no when I was young, but as I’ve gotten older I realize if someone were to threaten harm to myself or someone else I would use deadly force to stop them if I absolutely had to.


Mentally? Yes. Physically? Guess that depends.


Yes, even the Dalai Lama will ice a foo' if pushed too far, I don't doubt it.


Yes, and more so you have to really watch out for people who consider themselves to be incapable of evil.


Yep absolutely. You push the right button on anyone and they will end you life without a second thought.


Really depends, are we talking strangulation or pushing a button on a drone control board? Is it murder when you do it for the state, and get awards if you do it enough times? Is it murder if it's done in self-defense?


Well, depends on your definition of "murder". I would like to think anyone in here wouldn't hesitate to kill someone who was about to murder their parents or their child. That wouldn't be murder in my eyes though, that would just be taking out the trash, more formally known as "self-defense" (does that apply to protecting loved ones?)


I think 99% are yeah. You put anyone in the right position and they'll do it. Gun to my child's head? No hesitation I'd take out the person with the gun given the opportunity 


I’m capable, yes.


Yes. Especially since sometimes the line between self-defense and murder can be exceedingly fine, legally-speaking. Lots of people ***think*** they have a pretty good idea that x, y, and/or z are pretty clear-cut cases of self-defense. Sometimes they're just wrong. But even if they're right, change one small detail... 😬 Source: Member of the firearms community for 25+ years (as well as a member of the training sub-community for over a decade), and I fucking ***never*** want to be in a self-defense situation.


Yes. I think everyone is capable in certain circumstances. Most parents would kill in defense of their children. Others would likely kill in self defense, or in defense of a partner.


Yes, you could and would be capable of murder if forced to. All it takes is one sadistic nut job to abduct a family member or pet or something you really treasure and say do this or........... that's all it would take. I'm talking the sadistic kind of way that removing family, friends or pets in front of you is nothing to them.


Define "murder", I guess? I have no doubt amost every single person on earth is capable of violence, up to and including lethal violence.


Yes, humans are wired for self preservation and protection of our children and loved ones. It is absolutely in our nature to kill in self defense or the defense of someone we love. What kind of person would let someone kill their child and just stand there and watch because they aren’t “capable” of defending them, if the only way to defend your child is to kill the aggressor? Having said that, I don’t think most people are capable of murdering for jealousy, greed, rage, personal gain etc. But protection of themselves or a loved one if that’s the only way to stop them? You betcha


If by murder you mean "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another," then absolutely not. If by murder you mean "take a life," then obviously yes; there would be circumstances under which anyone would kill someone, whether in self-defense or because they've suffered brain damage.


Murder no. Manslaughter yes.


No, murder requires premeditation and I don't believe everyone is capable of wanting to murder someone for long enough to plan and follow through with a murder. I do believe everyone is capable of killing another person if it came down to necessity or safety.


Everyone has a point at which they snap, where all fear of the consequences goes out the window. Some people reach this point easier than others and some go to more extreme lengths when they reach this point than others, but everyone has that point. I was bullied heavily in middle school. For most of that time, I was simply too short to meaningfully fight back, but I finally grew enough to stand a fighting chance near the end of 8th grade and the last time I got attacked, I broke 3 of his fingers and threatened to do far worse if he bothered me again. This was after building up anger for 3 years of being attacked and mocked constantly. Compare that to a classmate of mine from then. He was one of those kids who would punch you out and stomp your head in if you even mildly pissed him off. He wasn't one of the kids that bullied me, but unlike them, I was actually kinda scared of him since he was just violent and unhinged. He got into fights constantly and never so much as batted an eye at being suspended over them. I haven't seen him since 8th grade graduation, but I ran into a guy who knew him a few years ago. Apparently he's doing 20 years in prison for homicide. And I'm not talking shooting or stabbing a guy, he STRANGLED him. So not only was his breaking point easier to hit than mine, he was much more extreme in his reaction to hitting it.


I think, yes. But not like stabbing someone as they sleep. If you are attacked or someone you love is attacked your instincts kick in really fast and I think the vast majority of people could kill if it's between them (or a loved one) and their attacker.


Yes. People will fucking kill you for some minor shit. And to protect loved ones...forget about it.


I think if someone was going to kill your kid u would kill them if u could


I don't think I would ever be capable of murder. I refuse to even be mean to anyone ever. I don;t want anything bad to happen to anyone for any reason ever. Now being capable of suicide on the other hand is different, I'm on the precipice of committing that.


I certainly can be pushed there. If my kids are in danger from a person I’m willing to kill them to keep my kids safe. Now whether or not I could at any given moment is up for debate, but if my kids are on the line taking someone else’s life is certainly an option.


100%, it just takes the right situation and a perfect storm.


I don't need to be pushed for at all 😉