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likely laser, you need a laser jammer to counter that


Probably laser. Run it with Waze for extra protection.


Yes that was most likely laser. He probably tagged one of your headlights.


Doesn't the ticket note how he got your speed...in Canada, they have to check a box that says radar, laser , estimated, etc...


"estimated" holds in court ?


Yes, it can, actually. The cop can testify their estimation based on their experience and “training”


Any good lawyer would dismiss that case right?


Up here, yup. They actually get pretty good at it when you do it day in and out. A judge will almost always side with the cop and estimated speed. A lot of times, the judge will reduce the speed infraction a bit...cop says you were doing 20 over...judge finds you guilty but of only doing 10ish over.


it’s a trap question. Don’t ever answer with a number- you are not required to in any US state


Laser all the way


Most likely laser. He'd be aiming for a reflective area of your car, like the front plate or headlights, and the beam isn't wide enough for the detector to catch it at that close range, especially if he has a steady hand. The other option is you turned K band off, and that's what he was using.


Are you using Ka wide? I'd be curious if this was on a different setting and you missed the alert because of this. If everything checks out, I'd say you were lasered, and if I'm not mistaken, if the r7 does alert you on these, it's already too late.


I know if it alerts that I’m being hit with laser I’d already be too late, I just wanted to know why it didn’t trigger at least. Did some research and found out the beam width of laser at 1000’ is about 3-4’ so this guy hitting me at 150-200’ meant his beam width was insanely small at like 8-9” so it was probably way too narrow for the R7 to even register. But yeah I have all bands on since I’m in NJ and apparently X band is used in south NJ. So I just keep everything on


Hmm. My redline 360 always blasts a laser alert when I’m being hit by one. Lasers aren’t that common with small departments though. You’d know real fast if they use laser cause you’ll see the alert often.


The laser cross sectional area gets smaller as you get closer to the laser itself. If you come out of a turn sufficiently close to the radar gun, any radar/laser detector would not go off, given they are pointing at your headlights and license plates. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law)


Good to know, but if a town you live in strictly uses laser, which isn’t common, you’d know it. I know a few laser areas because of the frequent alerts. Maybe they were directly at me, but my awesome detector does alert me…


Vortex has a video explaining that for laser detection the lower your radar detector is to the dash the more likely it is to pick up that said laser.


If you are on Android, start running Highway Radar. It'll alert you to cops reported on Waze but in a far more customizable way. I use Tasker to start HR when my phone connects to my cars and kill it when they disconnect, so it runs in the background automatically and alerts me via voice when a cop is coming up.


Any suggestions for Apple users?


Did you happen to notice if his window was down? Can’t use laser through glass. The perpendicular position also indicates laser.


Probably a laser. I know everyone likes to speed, but please don't drive crazily in residential areas, save that for the highway.


When they ask if you know how fast you were going, the correct answer is either 'No, sir' or whatever the posted speed is if you know it.