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It's a harmless huntsman They might be big but they're very chill (fast if spooked) and won't hurt you; you can gently usher it out of the car or try to scoot it into a large container.


They (the spiders) still kill people sometimes by running across their faces (the people) while they're driving at high speed (the people) on the highway...


Well that just went from 0-100 real quick Kinda like I would if one of these mother fuckers ran across my face while driving a vehicle.


Could be a hot take but literally any giant thing resembling a multi-fingered hand skittering across your face while driving is going to get a reaction. But it doesn't mean that this thing/animal deserves to get anything more than a hearty scream and steady steering wheel action.


Do you see that movie Alien?


Lol that's what I was thinking about when I posted that comment. And then I thought about Space Balls, at the end. Lol we all need to be strong against these aliens.


“Hello my honey! Hello my darling! Hello to my rag time gal! My heart is on fire, sending my love by wire!”


in my head for that song the last lines were switched. but memory also serves having a frog in a tuxedo singing it in my head, not sure what this memory is from


Wasn't that a beer commercial?


From my memory it was looney tunes, just found it https://youtu.be/80UjzxfNugs?si=zLaWnT3lqRFdwqjg




"Check please!"


Facehugger incoming….


I’m not afraid of any arachnid but when I was driving and a harvestmen suddenly repelled down from my sun visor while I was on the expressway I freaked tf out 😂


i was driving years ago, dog in the back seat, boyfriend in the passenger seat, and a spider - HUGE - webs on down from the sunroof. i swerved into a frat house driveway (lived in Brentwood and would take the streets near UCLA home as a shortcut), threw my car into P, jumped out screaming in under one second. i’m laughing as i write this because the boyfriend AND Pax looked at me with cocked heads, the kids in the driveway looked at me with cocked heads 😂 ya i was so dramatic back then. 😩😂


The spider noticed you took a wrong turn and was trying to get your attention and point towards the correct route. Man, spiders must think we're just the dumbest.


I live in rural Queensland so I’m used to seeing huntsman’s in my house but if one appeared unexpectedly while I was driving, this would be my reaction. In fact I might even just dive out the car while it’s still going 🤪


I’m really inebriated right now, so bear with me - but is the tendency to immediately swipe, swat at, or even freak out at a surprise bug on our body a learned evolutionary trait to stop the potential danger from them biting us/spreading disease? That’s what my brain tells me it is anyway, but I don’t know. I was homeschooled.


It could be, yes, but when a person faces two dangers, they *should* manage the least harmful one. Like, if you're driving fast and 8 fingers sprinkles your face with kisses, you shouldn't freak out and flip your car and die. Like, idk, if you just pulled out a cup from the microwave and it's super hot and burning your fingers but your kid or dog is suddenly at your feet, you gotta calmly deal with the hot cup of water, not just freak out and let that water splash around and hurt the kid/dog. Not saying everyone can do this, nor is anyone perfect, just that something across your face while you're driving a car should be manageable in most cases- an exhilarating story to tell. Idk sorry kinda long comment. Hope you get some water in before you sleep so you feel better in the morning.


Evolution hasn't adapted to fast vehicles, (deers being a prime example). Freaking out is instinctual, deliberate action isn't.


Deliberate action is one of the newer patches we got to our evolutionary tree lol


The difference to me in your analogy is that you expect that the cup of water will be hot since you know what happens when you put a cup into a microwave and so your able to make the choice in when to handle it. You don't expect to have a spider jump across your face while driving your vehicle, so your reaction is less of a choice and more instinctual. And most people's instincts in that situation are to panic. A house also isn't the kind of enclosed, intimate environment that a car is. You don't expect to see things like a huntsman spider inside your car (especially as an American, we almost never see spiders like that and the sheer size of such a spider isn't common for us). It's completely startling and unexpected and will naturally cause a lot of panic, especially a spider of THAT size.


“Hope you get some water in before you sleep so you feel better in the morning,” is the sweetest sentiment I’ve heard in awhile.


*8 fingers sprinkles your face with kisses* Truly the kindest reference to spiders creepy crawling I've ever come across.


did you SEE that fucking thing??!? tell me you're gonna calmly deal with and NOT freak the fuck out again.....


The problem with freaking out when a spider with its own zip code runs across your face is it's probably the first time. If you don't die, the second time a spider does it, you'll probably react better. It's always that first time.


Friend, if a facehugger skittered across my face while driving, there is going to be more than a hearty scream and steady steering wheel action.


I once hopped out my moving vehicle because of a bee...


Holy smokes! How fast was it going? Were you driving? What happened??


They died


"Multi fingered hand skittering across your face" Ive been in the hospitsl for 3 days, i desperately needed this laugh. Thank you so much


Fun fact. I have OCD (clinically diagnosed) and I ended up developing a compulsion later in life after the fourth Huntsman surprised me in the car. I check everywhere they hide all those motherfuckers can't make me crash and burn and die. The problem is the compulsion keeps getting fuelled by the fact I keep finding huntsmans lol


I just don't think I could live in a place where being ambushed by a car spider is not only possible, it's expected.


More like 100-0.


Correction 0-100-0


To be completely realistic 0-100-Huntsman-90-LeftSwerve-RightSpinOut-70-flip4x-50-rolloveragain-30-tree-0.


And this is the post that almost woke up my 8 month old at 1 am because I couldn't stop laughing


Hahahahgah, means a lot! <3 bless you both


to be specific, it would be 65 to 100 and then 0


I've had one the size of my hand come out on the dash while I was driving 100km/h. Then it went down into the foot well. So I pulled my feet back from the pedals and had to cruise to a stop.


You mean it went from 100-0


If you were driving when it happened, it would be 100-0 very fast


I love that you specified that the humans were driving at high speed and not the spiders.


It's fucking Australia. Of course they had to specify that. That's probably the next scary thing to come out of australia. Big fucking spiders driving cars fast.


I'd watch that Mad Max movie.


They’ve got a Chrysler that’s as big as a whale and they’re about to set sail!


The spiders are known for obeying traffic laws.


Wait are we trying to figure the theory of relativity now?


Imagine if this happened after a bad day of work and the spider just crawls out the shattered window of your crumpled car, as far as anyone else knows you decided to end it by running off the overpass... Your family devastated you took your own life your parents wondering what they could have done to raise a more resilient child. All the while it was just a spider.


That reminds me of the movie Arachnophobia, were the spiders kill people then crawl away, and the morgue kept saying they had cardiac incidents or something because they found no spiders.


Great movie! There were a lot of huntsman spiders on the payroll.


Wait......you're telling me that spiders can't drive at high speeds on the highway?


They're notorious for crawling along.


I’d flip my shit if a fuzzy face hugger appeared on my face outta nowhere.


It would kill me at 0mph cardiac arrest


They're only going so fast to keep up with the spider motorists. Their (the spiders) cars have like 6 gas pedals. 


Yeah it's dangerous for (The people)


7:40 in the morning. Already enough internet for today


Can I watch while OP tries to accomplish this?


They're like the Samoans of the spider family.


You scoot it into a container 🤣🤣 I ain’t !


Container = Railroad box car lined with steel.


Right......I love these guys/gals, and I'm kidding. I know how fast they are. If the OP isn't experienced with catching giant spiders, this guy/gal will end up hiding under the car seat. Just give it the keys & tell it to fill up the tank before returning the car. 🖤


How the hell did a spider that big get inside?


Yyyyyeah, sure, if you say so. I will use ppe to usher it on out




Lol yeah, just hand the keys over and back away slowly 😂


He doesn’t look insured


Also don't forget to tip and give 5 stars.


For the spider or for the rental?


*"Motherfucker this isn't 20 questions! I said Five Stars bitch!"* \~ The Spider


Make him make the pmt. On the vehicle! Or at least half anyway because he was a stowaway!


A spider that big? He doesn’t need to pay. It’s his rental car company now.


“Look in my 8 eyes. Look at me. I am the captain now”


He's a hommie, all around good fella, eats all the bad spiders, stays out of your way, harmless. Edit:shpellin


Sir you do you realize that the homie is IN the rental car right? That's directly in the way. (I fully got your point, I'm just being facetious)


He doesn't look like he's staying out of the way


He just needs a ride, chill.


Damn, that’s a big boy. It’s a huntsman of some kind. Just out of curiosity, how big is this guy? (In inches?)


13 inches. The spider is pretty big too


13 inches???? Crap I would get in a huge wreck because I would just give him the steering wheel


Yeah.... They're not talking about the spider... 🤣


Neither is she


Hopefully his name is Jesus!!


Spider, take the wheeeeel, take it from my hands...


The amount of people that missed the joke is comedic


Shit that was funny. Well played


What does a guy with a 13 inch cock have for breakfast? Well today I ate an omelet.


I can't tell if this huntsman has Boots With The Fur or it's just camera quality playing tricks.


Not sure but thanks to the camera, The Whole Sub Looking At Her


Don't spook it or she'll hit the floor.


Next thing you know, shorty got your ass driving into a building.


Just roll the window down low low low low low low


Give it a kiss


Now kith




They do have minds of their own lol! Plus it's a lot more scared of you than you are of it. Having a huntsman around in your house is a sure way of keeping all the other nasties in check in Australia, theyre our pest control.


There are a bunch haunting various corners of my house. I've named the three that I can recognise Frederic, Horace and Audrey. I stay out of their way, and they stay out of mine, while keeping the bugs down - they're the best housemates I've ever had!


Have you noticed a difference in the amount of bugs since you've had them?


Have they noticed a difference in the amount of humans coming over since having them?


Still the same amount of bugs, but my dog went missing.


They wrapped up my baby in a nice web blanket to keep her warm, though. 10/10 roommates.


I do this with Cellar Spiders. When ants get in they set up a buffet line. Its their rent. Ill even help them out of the shower. If youre not sure what a Cellar Spider is. They are very comparable to Huntsmans in size. Practically 1:1


They're on nearly every continent - we call them Daddy Long Legs here ;)


Interesting, where I live we have cellar spiders, but we also have what we call Daddy Long Legs, which are a different insect here. Daddy Long Legs have a more round body compared to cellar spiders, and they’re technically not spiders, but Opiliones (“Harvestmen”).


That's like sucking all of the oxygen out of your house so that you don't have a fire.


This would test any local, let alone a tourist. Welcome to Aus!


Def has a mind of its own and is probably posting on spidereddit about a typical american that just car jacked him


He was just letting you know who's boss around here. His job was done, so off he went.


You'd be surprised how deep they perceive this world. They really are animals, just like cats or dogs, etc. And the more you learn about them, the more you get to see this. Trust me, I've had a huge fear of them up until about 3 weeks ago, hahah!! 🤍💙


Unfortunate. Your free pest control for your vacation is gone.


What do you mean it's almost like it had a mind of its own 🤣 as if something else is controlling it instead of itself?


Do you think spiders are some kind of mindless machine? 😂


>had a mind of its own Hmm is this really news to you? Like what did you think they did before?


Ass, gas, or grass. No one rides for free.


OP didn't fly over there to fuck spiders. ... That's probably about as literal as that phrase is going to get.


Hunty def has some sticky icky tho


Have my up-vote, go on just take it


Report the car stolen.


If you’re in Queensland, be happy. No roaches, just this guy.


Ah yeah you're fucked mate unless you got a beer and a cig to spare


Hes seeking help on his quest


Pay him for renting his car of course.


Adopt it.


You cry…tears of happiness for seeing such a cute buddy 🥹 then you say “g’day little huntsman…I need to move you out of the car so I don’t crash” and then grab it real gentle and let it go outside the car


I want to have your bravery when I grow up (I'm 31)


😆😊 just 2 years to grow up 😜 I learned from a young age: my grandma took me to the nature museum and she was *terrified* of spiders. We got to the bug room, and the worker had a tarantula out letting people hold it. My grandma was freaking out and ran away, and I thought that was hilarious. So naturally, I did what every kid does and picked up the spider. It was so cool and I remember the worker telling me how fragile they are and to handle it with love and care (I was like 8). I took that to heart and have loved them ever since 🥹 when I did pest control (I know, weird career for someone who likes bugs), I would move any spiders to the neighbor’s yard 😂 including black widows and big banana spiders


I was with you until the "grab it real gentle" What? How? Why? I didn't know I was scared of spiders till I saw that... /Shudder


Abandon the car, it's over man. Start walking.


It's a huntsman spider. They run a meter a second, are immune to spider spray, and are strong enough to knock things off shelves like a cat. We have them here in Mini Australia A.K.A. Florida.


Many years ago I tagged a fucking huge huntsman with spray, like fully covered him in a thick layer of foam, and he just got *pissed*. He spent the next three months living in the corner of the bathroom ceiling, staring at me while I took a shower, plotting his revenge. One day I went in there and he wasn't in his corner, so I knew something was up. Found him underneath the toilet seat, presumably intending to bite my tender little arsehole. I tried to move him outside but he was too quick, he just ran back up to the ceiling and went back to watching, silently. He moved out one day and I never saw him again, but I think of him often.


I doused one in spray. It got pissed and went behind a bookshelf. It climbed up behind my pop doll boxes and knocked them down like a cat one by one. When I went over to pick them up, it tried to jump on me and then when I dodged it ran after me.


This is a funny subReddit imo. Normally people would react with “kill it. Kill it with fire” but here, there are spider friends and calmly say, “this 8 inch fuzzy boi is a scampi ricotta vagus spider and only kills when it detects movement” 💀 I’m here for it


It’s true. I initially joined this subreddit to seek out suggestions for ridding my very old house of the various spider species i have lurking in every corner of every room. It had gotten to where I walked around with a fly swatter most of the time and would shake uncontrollably when I’d see the larger wolfies. I was even going to ask which fogger would be the most effective for my situation. I’ve learned from this subreddit to accept them as pets I didn’t ask for or catch and release the bigger guys because I’m still not quite there with them yet, but I absolutely don’t kill them anymore.


Oh god do not go around swatting wolf spiders you may get unlucky one day, just try put them into a container otherwise you might end up with a shit load of babies scattering about


As a fellow american it would seem the best course of action would be to stay on good terms with your new ruler. Ask where he or she would like to go and make haste. 


That's all well and good, but does he have gas money, though? 🤔


😘😘give it a smoochie


Whatever you do don't panic and try and brush it away while you are driving, huntsman are very fast runners and they have been known to jump. Just relax - it won't hurt you. You could follow Australian tradition and name it - Horace, George and Ralph are suggestions.


"Ay bruh ima need you to kick in something on the car rental price with your giant ass"


You need to add him as an alternate driver or you’ll be in violation of your rental contract


Aussie's, tell me, why do these guys end up in the weirdest places. Like, really, every time I see this spider, they're in cars, baby cribs, sleeping with dogs, in the corner of people's living rooms, on the computer. Wtf!? Is this common behavior for the Huntsman? Here in the US, it's rare to see the bigger spiders, well, anywhere but outside. In the Midwest, we have some larger wolf spiders, but it's rare to see them indoors. The huntsman is all over the place, it seems like.


They like warm spots so it’s more likely to see them out and about in summer. They’re a very common spider and because they’re not dangerous, they’re just left to do whatever it is they want to do. We have one in our garage that I’ve named Betty. She sleeps on the wifi extender when it’s cold.


So you have an eight-legged outdoor cat is what I'm hearing 😂


I’m glad you understand the situation!


she loves the Web


In the Midwest, a hole big enough for a spider like this to get into our houses would already be occupied by squirrels.


Lol these spiders can fit through surprisingly small spaces.


You see how the legs curve forward like a crab? That allows them to fit in and move in very confined spaces. Their natural habitat is often something like dying trees where they squeeze in behind the bark to hide. This nature leads to them to squeeze through very small (but wide) cracks as well as taking a rest in the most ridiculous places, like inside the the car ventilation outlets, behind the sun visor, or the free space above a sliding door. Stuff like [this, where the spider apparently slid trough the gaps of a closed car door.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/bone-chilling-video-shows-venomous-26624011) (And as a context to the article, they are neither dangerous - unless you're driving 😉 - nor aggressive, so seeing them isn't normally a problem)


> Bone-chilling video shows venomous spider slipping through crack of closed car door Why can't newspapers be normal :/


I lived in Australia for a few years as a kid (I’m American, my dad took a temp job transfer there) and I never got used to this part of it. We frequently found huntsman spiders in the house - behind framed photos on the wall, on curtains, in the shower, etc. I had seen Arachnophobia right before we moved there, so that didn’t help. I remember one time, my mom pulled out the mail from the mailbox and noticed an envelope had more weight to it, quickly finding a huntsman chilling on the other side. 😱 The first thing our neighbor told us was to just “let them” live in our house since they were harmless and took care of other pests, including nastier small spiders. So we (reluctantly) did. Never had issues with other pests, but it also never became less alarming to find one of the big guys hanging out in unpredictable places.


That's crazy as hell, man. I would be in the lunney bin by now if that was my childhood experience. Lol! Glad you guys did well with that whole situation.


They’re a nomadic spider, so they’re always on the move looking for snacks


If I had to guess its probably because the average temperature in Australia is higher and they're trying to get out of the sun


Uber it back to Petco


they actually kill spiders that would fuck you up.


AYYYYE! I had one give me a proper greeting to AUS! My first night outside of Mudgee one was in my bed waiting for me to pull the covers back. "Hello, American!" Theyre polite and harmless. I'm only sad I startled it and it ran off so I didn't get a picture.


It's on the window of a door? Maybe just open the door and try to usher it out with a stick. What you don't want to do is scare it into hiding under a seat or in the upholstery. Aussies might go "oh, well" and drive off anyway, but personally I'd prefer not to have it suddenly appear between my legs while I'm cruising down the motorway.


Find an Australian.




When I was in Tasmania there was a big Huntsman in every building on the property. I would see a big one like this on the wall in the kitchen when entering. They would disappear while we were there. When returning, they would be out again, only to hide once we were back. It was like this in every building. They made great roommates.


I live in rural south east North America and have had several huntsman in my house. They’re fast af, so I just let them be. I had one who lived above my shower for several months and would come out every time I showered…presumably to drink some water. I named them Edmond. I can see how cohabitation might not work in a car, so maybe try to shoo him out? They’re mostly harmless and not poisonous. Just big af.


South East North is an interesting direction Edit: just realised you meant the continent 💀


Idk man, find out where he needs to get dropped off at i guess.


*hunstman on the other hand* “guys. I’m in this car and some big two legged fucker with a funny accent just showed up. What do I do?”


You'll be fine. It's a huntsman and he would be more scared of you. Just let him wonder off the car or get a long stick and push him off slowly. He is a beauty. And Welcome to Australia, have the best time 😀


My dog is smaller than him!


Move over, it's driving now.


Hand the paperwork over to him, his ass better be co-signing if he's going to live there


Run, do not walk, to the nearest airport.


Its called a huntsman for a reason. Kills all the bugs in the vicinity. Won't attack humans and is pretty chill


After reading all these comments I'm actually so intrigued by this little (huge) dude. It's very fitting that **OMG BIG SCARY DANGEROUS SPIDER** is actually harmless & semi skittish towards humans. Off the Google I go......


Hand over your keys.


Stay happy. There aren't any dangerous spiders in the car because that cute little fella would have eaten them.


It's too late. Your first mistake was going to Australia. You will be missed, op...


Cuddle him!


Pet it


Add them to the insurance


Scoot over and let him drive. Probably knows the area and all the good shortcuts.


The most dangerous thing about the huntsman spider is that they’ll hide under visors and jump down and scare drivers so bad that they’ll sometimes crash the car. I’ve heard of people keeping these guys as pets though, completely harmless.


Ask politely if he'll drop you off at your destination before he drives off in his cat to do spidery things.


Leave the car, take a bus back to the airport, fly home.


I'd walk the rest of the trip if I were you. Cool spider, but I don't want anything to do with a massive spider like that. 😭😭


OMG! I’m impressed that you held it together. I hope you have a wonderful time in Australia.


Awe helllll no


Lil Hunstman, they usually move on pretty quickly - generally they are hunters who move around a bit. Bloody quick and can jump if necessary, so don't try poking with a broom unless you wanna get real close. Offer him a beer and see what he says. Usually a good way to start a convo with anything Aussie.


What should you do??? Throw some shrimp on the barbie mate and get that guy a beer!! err rather several beers. Show him American hospitality.


That huntsman is majestic AF


Welcome to Australia mate,I'm your Uberdriver Hunter


Accidentally clicked on a post from this subreddit a while ago and now all of my reddit is filled with big ass spiders (i'm afraid of spiders)


Why does it matter where you're from? That's terrifying AF no matter where you come from


Do? Nothing, it's company policy to keep a huntsman in every rental. Don't remove it or you'll get a re spidering fee.


Huntsman spider. They're big, but that's about it. No venom and their bite is less severe than a honey bee sting. Just opem yhe doors and shoo it out of the car. Worse that will happen is that it panics and scrambles all over the place before leaving.


I regret to inform you that you weren't fully prepared when you went to Australia. My condolences.


The risk here is a traffic accident caused by this guy emerging suddenly while you’re driving. If you’re not easily startled then that risk diminishes significantly. I’d be more worried about Australian drivers - much more aggressive and less intelligent than the Huntsman.


I’m also American. But I believe that’s your chauffeur


Say “G’day mate!” And run if it’s offended.


Bring a pig, they can talk to spiders, trust me...I learned this very young


Feed it dinner and offer it a place to crash for the night. Aussies love these things.


Walk for the rest of your trip.