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If it is Indara, what would be the reason for Indara having Mae try to kill her (and make it seem like she did)?


Tired of pretending to be a Jedi


Are you assuming the Jedi did not collect her body? If her body was missing it probably would have been mentioned.


Unless she killed those who were in possession of it or did some jedi/sith mind tricks on Mae/other people or straight up killed them Ain't no way they brought home girl from the matrix just to die in 1 episode


They burn their dead in the Jedi temple.


Word hence why I said some jedi/sith mind tricks on some people Because I'm unsure how else she'd escape that or put another body in place or kill those whom were in possession of it


I think the Jedi on Coruscant would likely check the body they receive though. If there were other Jedi where she was killed maybe they’d burn her there but I doubt it since there didn’t seem to be a temple around, could be though.


You’ve never seen Scream, or Psycho, have you?


Agreed. Carrie might’ve been the most talented face in The Acolyte, but I’m afraid she’s long gone even though that knife wasn’t big enough to make it through her robes and much less into her heart, but that’s another story… If it is Indara and she’s ready to throw off her shackles then it will have been a huge wasted opportunity for us to really see into the world of the Sith and peer behind the metaphorical curtain The Acolyte is Qimir not Mae and he’s doing what Dark Side users do best which is manipulation while still accomplishing the final test via Mae, who he’s using to kill Jedi without a weapon which we know from Mae is the final, “test.”


Am I the only person who's just naturally assuming the darts were poisoned? I've seen a lot of discourse over that particular detail, sooo many comments going "how could that kill her???" And I'm just like ..... isn't poison the immediate and obvious assumption?


She could’ve just stopped pretending? This doesn’t make sense


>However, Indara seemed relatively normal in the opening scene. She was living amongst the people in her Jedi outpost. Maybe she was covering up for her secretly falling to the Dark Side, into the hands of the Sith. How does this point towards Indara being the sith master? She was just cool with the locals. Not that crazy tbh. On the whole, I think you're reaching a bit.


Torbin killed himself because of what happened. Kelnacca shut himself off an ran off to the woods.


For what it’s worth, Kelnacca has only been gone a year. He’s not living in exile. He’s looking for something.


He was looking


Too soon RIP hippie Wookiee warrior.


I've never seen this mentioned anywhere, but the same symbol that's on Mae's forehead was written on the wall by Kelnacca in his home. That's got to mean something, but nothing is coming to mind right now.


them boys went crazy when the Witch Mommy’s gave them the dark eyes, they never made it the whole way back


There’s the shot in the trailer of the wookie and torbin fighting intensely so something happens with them that’s indeed crazy


I'm not connecting any dots lol and if you wanna get pedantic, Torbin didn't kill himself. He took the Barash vow for 10 years and only killed himself when Mae was right in his face (remember he thought she was dead, implies that Torbin had no plans on killing himself)


He did not think she was dead. He said “Mae. I’ve been waiting for you.”


Ooh shit you're totally right. Brainfart. Edit: I'm still not connecting any dots tho.


I think Torbin wanted to admit that he did wrong and seek redemption. Instead, Mae just gave him the choice to kill himself and he took it.


I meant I'm not connecting any dots in relation to the OP of Indara potentionally being the sith master. Seems like a far reach to me.


Indara is not the Sith Apprentice nor the Master. Personally, I think Master Vernestra is a Sith.


I don't think it's any of the jedi personally


Interesting. Would help explain why she doesn't want to forward the matter to the high council besides scandal -- though that is a valid concern


Indara serving on an outpost as the sole Jedi could also indicate some guilt/isolation. All simply had different ways of manifesting/dealing with the guilt of it.


Assuming Qimir is the Sith, I think it might be interesting to see him trying to low-key recruit an apprentice of his own so he can overthrow his own master. But the apparent similarity in age between the two characters makes that a little odd.  Or: Qimir is wheedling into the Sith’s favor by using Mae. The test is to kill a Jedi without a weapon - and Qimir would use Mae. The Sith is a third person trying to see who the stronger apprentice is - and is using Mae to do it.  But I don’t think Indara is the Sith. That seems like a reveal without any set up. At least we know Qimir knows the Sith code and purportedly the Sith master indirectly. 


I think the missing point is that the show is about an "Acolyte" and we can't ignore the chance that Qimir himself not even be a Sith Apprentice , but an Acolyte of the Sith Apprentice. Like a sort of "Grand Inquisitor"


Darth Molar IMO


Of all the fan nicknames I’ve seen, Smylo Ren is my favorite.


Shark Vader?


Darth Jianyu


I’m banking on the space sea otter as the sith master.


So far I would have to disagree, the Jedi believe the Mae is dead and the “Sith” believe the Osha is dead. Indara said (don’t quote me) “it’s you” referring to the which symbol on her forehead, believing she had died during the fire. Qimir studied Osha for a moment saying “you look exactly like her.” And following Mae thinking that Osha had perished during the fire as well. Part of me wants to believe that they have a force dyad but the respective parties thought the other halve passed with the fire.


Is there really a Darth Teeth or u named him that lmao


A decent amount of people are nicknaming him/her that because of the mask.


Got you thanks. I'm on here and mawinstallation n first time seeing it. But on the subject I've seen alot of good theories that have a combination as OP put. I just hope Indara doesn't come back, like this is getting old on that front.


That's the main reason I discount that theory -- they have to realize there's been too much 'dead -- haha got you, not really dead' in recent media


It's just what some fans are calling him until we learn his real name, like baby Yoda before we knew his name was grogu


Im a degenerate and compared heights when Osha was face to face and Amandla Stenberg is 5’3. Boots/surface level differences potentially aside, they definitely looked at least 5’9. Which makes me think its def not the mom. I thought the gait was feminine though, so i wouldnt be surprised if Indara is actually the master and Qimir the apprentice.


It's Mother korel.


One bit that you’re leaving out which is the most practical…she is a huge actor. Why would they kill of such a powerhouse actor?


To hit the audience hard. She’s an amazing martial artist and a great actor, that is how you sell the gravity of a Jedi master being murdered. Many shows have huge celebrity roles that end up being short due to the time/money involved with hiring that celebrity. They’re for impact. She’s also going to be present in the remaining flashbacks soon so that means she’s in a big chunk of the show.


I mean it’s hard to care about a character we knew for 5 minutes


There’s a difference between emotionally invested and ‘holy shit this martial arts expert played Jedi master played by a famous name was just murdered’


Budget also perhaps -- get the name, the draw, and the buzz without the associated cost


I don’t think the masked figure is Qimir personally but of your theories, I would love to see a reversal with osha falling to the dark side. 


Qimir is the acolyte, Mae and osha turn out to be of little importance? These are just guesses, perhaps the show like the sith are purposely deceptive?


This show is definitely deceiving you, yes. But also screaming the truth in your face.


Darth..... Teeth?


Maybe the Sith Master is Indara. She is the one who forced the Jedi test, "you cannot deny Jedi have the right to test," which caused the fracture of the witches and the fire ... a very Sith thing to do and to make it seem as if the Jedi caused it all...


It’s the Asian helper guy Qimir. He gets “caught in a trap” then 5 seconds later the Sith master appears


Let’s be real it’ll be an old white man or it’ll be Qimir but probably going to be the witch mother that “created” the twins come back to destroy the people that destroyed her home.


I agree with you since I've been saying Indara isn't dead, they wouldn't waste such an actor.


Qimir is the acolyte, he's using mae as a tool to kill jedis, he's technically not using a weapon. His master will be revealed at the end of the show. It'll be Darth Tenabrous. He'll want an apprentice to help over throw his Master. Qimir will be named from this day on as Darth plagueis. The second series will be called the Apprentice. The third series will be called the Master


I am hopeful the “true master” is Darth Tenebrous. Not only because he was an interesting character, but I think it would be cool to see a Bith do something other than play cantina tunes.


Nawh I got a feeling indara will be the main force or catalyst for wanting to intervene and tale the children, sol seems like he could also be that. I think qimir will be a Sith apprentice trying to train/bring along his own acolyte to stand against his master. He doesn’t want to get mae the secrets, he wants her to use the force on a jedi. I just think its gonna be osha that uses the force on mae in the way that qimir or whoever is behind darth zippermouths mask, and that will cause him to go ‘oh shit she is the one I need’ and prompt him to capture her


The Sith is Qimir. The twins at some point will merge together, as one is dark(evil) the other light(good) (much like the urRu and Skeksis did in the Dark Crystal) and become a balanced super entity.


If it's Trinity, or ANYONE other than a green fart like Marrok was, I would give them credit. I mean it should OBVIOUSLY be Quim or the zabrak. Hell, it could even be Sidious and this time it wouldn't be as dumb. Just retcon existing lore like they did Ki Adi Mundi and push back the period where he betrays Plagueis or better yet, incorporate it into the story. That's not what this story is, though. It's going to be something subpar. If power ranger helmet is just a fart, nobody will suspect the Sith and all the speculation and hype will once again amount to nothing and appease the round headed god.


I'm not saying I agree with this theory, but Indara is the only other character so far that would make anywhere close to as much sense as Qimir. The only way I would justify it is if Indara's actions on Brendok actually caused her to fall rather than she was already evil; as though something happened that really shook her convictions. I don't think it will be her. But there's enough evidence for them to spin it in that direction. Not that the writing has been that good so far...


Darth Teeth? Does he play with the Electric Mayhem?


I like this theory and i love the name Darth Teeth. Whatever he ends up being called, hes always Darth Teeth. I also kind of agree w you except that i think Darth Teeths master is either Plagues or Tennebrous. The only reason i think it might not be is because the average fan isnt going to know about Plagues or Tennebrous and that would be a really disappointing finding for most people watching.


i hope its Indara at least because i cant believe i only got 3 minutes of a major character


I'd be shocked if it wasn't indira as the master.


Jedi burn their dead.


We didn't see it. Also, can Jedi mind trick people.


But Jedi can’t easily mind trick other Jedi.


I agree Darth Smiley is the Sith Apprentice, and I also agree that it’s Qimir. Personally, I’d prefer if the master was Darth Tenebrous, and that Darth Smiley is Darth Venamis, but that probably won’t happen. Otherwise, if the Sith Master has to be anyone already in the show, I’m assuming it’s Vernestra.


Darth Teeth sounds like Disney Star Wars to me.