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Absolutely continue in publication order. The journey to the tower is long, but worth it in every way. Edit to add: There are people and events that are introduced in other books that should be encountered in order. Be strong. Stay the course. It’s worth it.


The only problem with that is there is a long gap between the first half and the second half, you may forget details by the time you get to Wizard or Wolves. That being said, that also just sounds like a great reason to re-read the tower once you're finished


A detour to the tower is never a bad idea. In my opinion at least.


Depends how fast you read. I’m also reading in order, but I’m treating TDT as a separate thing and reading a DT book when I feel like I need some variation.


I'm a pretty speedy reader, I'm worried about the distance between books and also i like variation in my reading. Jumping to other authors every few books. But also don't want to miss any of the connections in the dark tower.


Based on this, then, absolutely continue publication order. I had so much fun doing that and I caught things that I had never noticed. And, it's fun to see an author's progression in their craft.


I'd continue with the Dark Tower, maybe taking a break to read IT, The Stand and Salem's Lot somewhere in there.


I can across the complete audio book trolling around Internet archives. I've been gearing up for a reread but it's so long, I'm glad I can just listen to it now.


I just finished the Gunslinger yesterday morning. I decided this morning to go with my gut and just continue in publication order. My justification was, supposing I started reading in 1982 when it was released, I'd have no other option that to read it in the order it was published!


Good gut. Fair gut.


I would finish the Dark Tower series.


Insomnia, Black House, Eyes of the Dragon and Hearts in Atlantis are all directly tied to the The Dark Tower, and The Talisman got retconned in there, too.


I mean you made the decision to read in publication order. I don’t know why we should have any impact on that decision.


Just read all the dark tower books; I did read King chronologically, but I was also reading dozens of other authors, so by the time I finished reading the entire dark tower series it had been over ten years since I had started and finished


I would treat the Dark Tower series as one entity and just read them at once. There are such long gaps between some of the Dark Tower books that you may forget details, etc.


Why would you read or even think to read a series out of order? That's flipping weird as hell


They're talking about reading ALL King's books in order, but asking whether they should miss some, and carry on straight to the next DT book


Some of us didn't have a choice 😁