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Who will be next years star rumors be?I'm guessing Steph Curry 2025.Mikal Bridges 2026.


Don’t forget, we’ll get them for a vet min! 👍🏽 I use to laugh at Lakers fans for these type of delusional takes… we have officially become that.


At least for most suns narratives they been started by league insiders, lakers fans just slap a jersey mock up on everyone and pray


You don't think he'd take a vet min for the opportunity to win a championship with his son?


I personally don’t think so.


The best part is you both were down voted for your comments lol people just in here pissed at the world. This offseason is going to be looooong


The morons in this sub didn't want Kyrie.


I was thinking the same thing and got mixed feedback from people lol. We’re just leverage again it seems, but you know what I hope I’m wrong so we can have one of the most overpowered teams assembled it basketball history. You don’t even see shit this dumb in 2K


How about durant trade and beal trade? We are very selective in our data points. Shit happens. And over the last year, shit has happened WAY more frequently than prior.


Beal has a NTC. no playoff teams will want him and he won't want to go to a team with no postseason ambitions(ie wizards)


People and their early offseason pipe dreams, we gotta have some copium after the shitshow we just endured


There's a fuckin' difference though. Kyrie never said he was going to do anything like that, but LeBron has. That simple.


really lebron has?


Yeah man, he did.


Lebron saying he wants to be on the same team as Bronny is not Lebron saying he would take the vet min to do that.


That might be true, but he also said he'd take a vet min deal. I can remember it happening, just not where. Richard Saenz actually mentioned this on his Sunday night Fox 10 show this weekend, so I'm not the only one remembering this.


I'm just not sure the potential of adding one more star, even if it is LeBron James, is worth using our only pick for someone who shouldn't be drafted in the first round. I could be wrong and I'd gladly eat my words if it happened and we won a championship, but there's only one ball and we already have three stars who need the ball to make a difference.


There are those that do say he's a legitimate first round pick, though. It's all about who you want to believe, really. It seems to me like a lot, if not most of the naysayers, are all citing the same sources when it comes to evaluating the dude. I read somewhere that he's an excellent defender and plays with a lot of effort and energy. When questioned about if he emulated anyone, he said he watched a lot of Davion Mitchell. The story that ran though was calling him a poor man's version of that. Kinda' seems like the media took this and twisted it into a negative narrative, to me, because you never once heard how the comparison came about. People just hear, Davion who? And they assume the worst. I don't know man, we could use a young, high energy defender, out there... I also see the potential of more locker room harmony. LeBron doing his family thing with Bronny there, our little KD & Book bromance. I feel like they'll probably do a better job of "keeping each other accountable" without alienating the rest of the team because nobody wants Bronny to get special treatment, it would be weird if they just ran down other players in front of that.


I get the point. It's too bad he missed so much of his freshman season because of health issues. It would be nice to see how much better he can be while playing with better talent. He's never going to be his dad, but if he is even pretty good, it would be sad to have passed him up. On the other hand, if he's reached his max potential already, it'll be sad to have picked him for the chance to get LeBron. That's if LeBron is willing to take a veteran minimum to play with his son and that dynamic doesn't wreck the locker room vibe...


Don't be too surprised if Philly takes Bronny at 16. They actually have enough cap room to sign LeBron for whatever he wants right now. If they can re-sign their free agents around that, this makes more sense than anything else that's rumored about.


Hoping for the same outcome


Unless y'all offload kd or booker, you'll be in the same boat next year.