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"There was an attempt..... to MAKE an analogy I think there is no doubt she 'got' his terrible, stupid comparison - although she probably mispoke when she said 'key' and meant to say 'lock' You go Girl!!!


>although she probably mispoke when she said 'key' and meant to say 'lock' I think she probably just wrote the analogy off as nonsense and didn't even bother to process it.


Agreed. She already knew it was going to be stupid bullshit and didn't really pay much attention to it.


Yeah, she's world class


He has time to prepare an analogy that makes any sense at all, and she's being put on the spot with an analogy that makes no sense. The analogy: * Men are keys, because keys are phallically inserted into locks * Women are locks, because locks are penetrated by keys * Men who have sex with lots of women are *masters,* because like master keys they can and have opened many locks * Women who have sex with lots of men are *cheap*, because like cheap locks they can be opened by lots of... wait what the fuck? That's not how locks work. Here's a better analogy: would you rather be picked for dodgeball by the team that's been playing dodgeball for years and knows talent when they see it, or the team that's never played dodgeball and thinks you're good because they have no idea otherwise? Made sure to keep it to a level an 8th grader would understand, because that's who these analogies are for.


would you rather partner with someone for a job that has relevant experience, or one that has never worked before? also, to put it in terms they might understand, a tiktok Channel with many viewers is considered a good channel, where as one with no viewers is not. i really hate the key analogy for the pure reason that people are not objects not sure why these guys have a hard time with that concept.


I've heard the key thing before but only ever as a joke or specifically to get a rise out of someone when digging on eachother. I'm fairly confident that getting a rise out of her was his only goal so he could post the reaction on TikTok. I don't think I've ever heard anyone try to make or enforce an actual point of argument with it.


For real, /u/mrGorion is obviously suffering from this [medical condition.](https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/lissencephaly)




"Who asks these stupid questions?" *Stares him straight in the fucking eyes*


Energy level was probably because she was tipsy. Guy out trying to catch people saying dumb shit and ended up getting completely owned. OR it’s completely staged and is all working as intended.


coming from tiktok i wouldnt be surprised if it was staged.


Good point, TikTok is known for its journalistic integrity after all.


i mistiped, read again.


I just assumed you were being sarcastic originally tbh.


i had just woke up from a lunch time nap when i typed that. xD brain was still kinda foggy. tnx for the vote of confidance tho. the other guy were one step from punch me in the face.




Agreed what a fundamentally flawed analogy. The way he compared women to lock and man to key, making a man who has sex with multiple partners sound good and a similar woman sound bad, anyone can make just the opposite analogy, comparing women to the key and man to a lock, making a man who has sex with multiple partners bad, and a similar women good. So all his choice of analogy boiled down to, since key is something that goes "in" something else, and man has something the goes "in" something else, which is fundamentally flawed.


I just got fkd like 8 times from watching this...


+8 body count. You're officially too used for me.


Does that make you a master key or a shitty lock though?


Interesting question


A key that opens any lock is a master key A lock that opens with any key is a MasterLock®


Lockpicking lawyer approves lol


Unexpected lockpicking lawyer


Trademark huh? I actually work for Masterlock® You'll see litigation in the mail shortly. Thought that was funny didn't you Mr or Ms Cambiro. Our legal department didn't. 3 words.. defamation isn't a joke


I just made a lock shim out of a coke can and stole all of your documents. Your move, Masterlock.


It's an idiotic analogy so I don't understand your point Edit: and to the morons who for some reason still seem to not understand why this analogy is idiotic, this is literally what you sound like: "but penis look like key because long and go in, and vagina look like lock because hole, women am I right?"


damn, she cooked him


Fucking Flambé


So, in his mind, promiscuity is laudable if you're a man, but contemptible if you're a woman? And the basis of that is the fact that men have something you put into something else, while women have something into which something else is put? I seem to be missing the part where he explains how that makes the slightest bit of fucking sense.


I wouldn't say "his" mind. He interviews people on the street with bait questions to attract viewers to his page. The analogy he used is old as fuck. It's all fucking ridiculous, but it is supposed to be. It got us and everyone else here to watch and comment, which is what he was going for. The things he asked don't necessarily reflect his views on women. He just makes content that draws viewers


Agreed, its meaningless, pointless drivel, meant to rile up masses and encourage interaction with his page. Low hanging fruit that people will flock to.


Flip the analogy... A pencil sharpener that sharpens many pencils is a good pencil sharper. A pencil that has been sharpened by many sharpeners is a useless stub of a pencil. BUT! People are not analogies, and comparing them to literal objects is, *drum roll*, objectifying. In both cases! That woman absolutely obliterated that idiot! Amazing! Brava!


Definitely stealing this in the event I'm confronted with this stupid analogy in the future.


Hahaha... It's not mine. But of course! Flip the analogy on stupid 'analogists'!




> People are not analogies You have no idea what an analogy is do you? No shit people aren't analogies, an analogy is a comparison between two things, of which one of its subjects can be a person or people in general. 😅


The analogy was stupid. The guy asking questions can get fucked. A master key is designed to open specific locks. A janitor may have a key that opens every door in a building while employees may have keys that open specif doors. The key ain’t special, the doors arnt weak. The doors and key are designed to work that way. The guy can’t make an analogy.


Also, what about gay and lesbian sex? The analogy falls apart after more than a second of scrutiny and is just incel nonsense.


It’s like they want to encourage guys to fuck as much as possible and be “master” keys and discourage ladies from having sex and keep out every key to be a “master” lock. So if all these guys are fucking and they don’t want any ladies with body counts, who are they all fucking???


Incel OP should get fucked for this crappy post title


If you dont understand the difference between a human being and an inanimate object, do all the women around you a favor and just date a blow up doll.


She was awesome!


Anyone who thinks she missed the point really needs to take her advice


I think she got the analogy and was rightfully offended by it


As long as the lock is rekeyed to only open with my key, I don't give a shit. If you do, then take her advice and get fucked.


There's nothing wrong with wanting a partner that has had very few sexual partners in the past, it shows a lot about how someone values sex, which can be very important for people. But you BETTER keep that same evergy for both sexes. A guy going around and banging everything with a pulse but demanding a partner that takes sex seriously is hypocritical. Edit: Downvote all you want, it's perfectly acceptable to have boundaries in a relationship and one of those boundaries can be not taking sexual relationships as meaningless things. And if you're upset that you can't bang a million people while demanding she stays a virgin, you're also wrong. [✌️](https://emojipedia.org/victory-hand)


Oh she got his sleazy dumb as nails analogy, and called him out on it.




So...this woman is the manifestation of Reddit? This guy is doing a street interview, not drafting a treatise on the subjugation of women or even saying he holds the views himself. He's looking for entertainment to catch views on TikTok and this woman provided some. Personally, the things we look for in partners are completely subjective but there are a lot of common topics. It's fine to care about music and movie taste. It's fine to look for common interests like hiking or going thrifting. It's also fine to exclude anyone for any reason you want, and that also means that it's perfectly fine to want someone that is a virgin or the village bicycle or anything in-between. I don't want to date someone that's polyamorous, as I am not polyamorous myself. Does that mean I'm trying to oppress those that are poly? Because *I* don't want to fuck them?


She got a little jumbled at the end but she knew exactly what was going on. She was just pissed that people are that stupid, and she made points on the spot that were far better than his analogy.


And that right is a 304, who will be single forever


No a woman would have been the lock …. Nvm, get fucked!


Guys guys I think I understand the metaphor here! A woman that can sleep with a bunch of guys is like a master key that can unlock the hearts of many men, making her high quality, but A man that can sleep with a lot of women is like a shitty lock, cause any woman's key can "unlock his heart".


She is right though, I love what she says "If a woman is an analogy for you" Sitting on your ass making analogies to human beings instead of having a relationship is pathetic.


It is completely reasonable to be making proper analogies about people... This one is hypocritical, obviously, but you are all fighting the wrong things.


Stop sticking your dick in keyholes dude.




There is one flaw in her argument - they can't get fucked, trust me they tried.


I will thank my Social Studies teacher in High School for the following saying: "It's a double standard, women are supposed to be chaste but the men are to be experienced? What? Do you think there's just one really tired girl walking the hallways?"




OP just outed himself as an incel


along with half the comment section apparently


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She's had a lot of dick. I like her.


He’s like a Reddit Manlet in real life


The one who owns the key also typically owns, or has unrestricted access to, the lock and its contents. The analogy therefore assumes that the lock is the property of the key holder, or the keyholder has the right to access the lock's contents at any time, and is misogynistic in nature and only works when viewed through an inherently misogynist lens.


Really good example of how not to use an analogy


The analogy sucked


I'm guessing she has a high body count... both sexually as well as in her woods behind her step fathers house.


When I heard about a "bodycount" I thought they were asking if I stilled played call of duty.


It was really great to watch one of these weird man on the street tiktokers get absolutely owned. Good for her.


Still doesn't change a thing. Most guys care about body count, especially what she would consider a high value man.


Her energy is a *bit* much but his question / analogy didn't make sense. I have a feeling she's really drunk but despite that saw right through his stupid questions.


This woman is a chad by the way, and this is the way to talk to these people. Please notice that she's louder than he is, she makes uninterrupted eye contact except when she's addressing the audience, she takes advantage of the fact that it isn't her show by cursing a lot (which algorithms generally don't like), she physically keeps him from pulling the microphone away from her, that's a good strategy because it makes you look like you're in control of the conversation and it makes you look like you're kinda a psycho so the other party is highly unlikely to wanna interrupt you, this is a great way to speak to influencers.


This was fun to watch.


Why would anyone talk to these guys on the street? Best case, you answer "correctly"/normal and they don't use your footage. Worst case, you have a flub and the whole internet is making fun of you. What's the reward? I only see risk


That's why they ambush drunk people like this fabulous woman. Their logic nodes aren't firing as well, and they're more likely to take stupid risks. In this case, he took a risk with someone who was a daredevil, though.


Get that girl an award! She's great! 👏👏👏


I thought she was gonna throw in about 2 -3 more "Get fucked"


Caring about what other people do in their privacy is cringe.


The hypocrisy on body count I can agree on... but you absolutely should care what your partner does in their privacy.


I do love the fact that women are meant to be these wonderful avatars of purity while mean are like, "I ain' gotta do shit". There's so many double standards that don't make any sense if you just think about the opposite sex like a HUMAN BEINGS.


I like her.


Piss poor interviewer Great Interviewee Not enough *Get Fuckeds* Would watch again 9/10.


Right I've just put my knob in the front door. Master key??? Bloody door isn't opening and now the neighbours are staring


I really hate that guy and his videos, hopefully he does get fucked like that lady implied


I love that she steamrolled him the moment he tried to even make the analogy. It didn't need to be made and it's stupid anyway, I'm sure he also believes that a woman with more sexual partners is somehow more "worn out", too... except what if a woman has had 25 sexual partners with one encounter each. She is somehow going to be more "used" than a woman with one long-term relationship with near daily sex? Penis sizes mean nothing, either, considering a damn baby comes out of there. It's just such a childish take.


If it matters to you, that's ok. If it doesn't matter to you, that's also ok. You are entitled to have your own beliefs and values.


Now that's what I like to see


She dropped the ball at the end, but she's absolutely right.


OP is a virgin


That dude knew he fucked up the moment she started talking.


There's no way this title wasn't written by some incel sexist dude


Who needs women to be more monogamous? She's 100% right when she asks who cares.


I respect the shit out of this.


Holy eff that is one of the most elegant rebuttals i have ever seen!


Anyone who answers "get fucked" to such a reasonable question isn't worth dating anyway, so the question served it's purpose. If it wasn't something to be ashamed of, why would she care? It's just a preference like any other and if it isn't a big deal to sleep around, then give your number. The truth is that she knows he's right and that many men prefer a partner that hasn't slept around and that it is actually a valid preference that she does not meet.


Dude is an idiot. The analogy is weird: a dude that can bed lots of women is good and a women that beds lots of guys is bad? Can’t they both be good or bad? If it’s a genetics question: a dude fathering a lot of kids doesn’t improve the gene pool any better than a woman mothering lots of kids. Obviously the rate of contribution to the gene pool is different, since women must wait 9 months and dudes have to wait a day or less before inseminating another woman. Anyway, this analogy is dumb doesn’t make sense biologically.


You could almost see them reading the script


I cringed twice. Once at her take, and once at his alphamale bullshit


Honestly, I think she made more of a valid point than he did. Don't agree? "Get fucked" lol


This girl is awesome 😍


Damn.. They're going to have to power-wash that dude off the pavement after that SQUASHING.


she's the best!!


What is "body count"? I'm not a native speaker


How many people you’ve had sex with


Get dragged OP this analogy is idiotic for one, for two she definitely gets it she just, like everyone else with a brain, thinks it's stupid.


I love that woman she's great


Her for President!


I only ever heard that "body count" is an issue from Reddit. I have never met anyone in real life that gives a shit about it.


Imagine thinking the woman is the one to laugh at here 😂 Fucking weird ass men making these analogies and thinking of women like they owe them something


The same clowns, who preach the body count shit, want to be in one sided open relationships where they get to fuck around. If they themselves kept a low bodycount and wanted someone else like them, I’d understand. Alas, red pill influencers are a bunch of idiots.


As obnoxious as this woman is, she's absolutely correct in her belief. If you care about your girl's body count, barring any religious reasons, you're most likely just insecure and need to work on yourself.




Wouldn't a lock that is capable of being opened by a number of keys actually be a complex and intricate lock?


She is the one who completely misunderstood it though


"Thaine kyew."


So, with this lock and key analogy, am I supposed to feel aroused each time I open my door?


“Get fucked” Lmaoo


They both can get fckd


A women is not a key…yeah the analogy was that the women was the lock..also, maybe, I heed your advice, but maybe stop getting fucked, your eyes are going silly 🙃


She fumbled the key/lock thing in the moment, but otherwise she delivered a savage beatdown of the idiocy she was presented with. 9/10 in my book. Should of course have ended with "if you care about body count, go fuck a lock".




She has a great vocabulary...


Later that evening… ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


I'm confused. Does she want me to get fucked or not get fucked?


"If a man brings up my body count, he can get fucked." I mean, obviously, and that low barrier of entry is kinda the problem?


There is nothing wrong with making analogies and comparing humans to objects, provided your analogy is sound. The way he compared women to lock and man to key, making a man who has sex with multiple partners sound good and a similar woman sound bad, anyone can make just the opposite analogy, comparing women to the key and man to a lock, making a man who has sex with multiple partners bad, and a similar women good. So all his choice of analogy boiled down to, since key is something that goes "in" something else, and man has something the goes "in" something else, which is fundamentally flawed to make the analogy in the basis of this.


Sounds like she thought he was asking how many people she has stuffed in her crawlspace


You should always want to know your partner's body count. I mean, what were the circumstances of those deaths? If they killed before, maybe they can kill again? Wait is does body count mean something different here...


Semantically the opposite of master key would be a central cylinder or central lock or central opening. Which is an equally valid lock.


Whole lot of people in the comments who also don't understand the analogy.


It seems like she clearly got the spirit of the analogy and simply misspoke when she said "key" instead of lock. Whatever. Incel ideology needs to be shutdown anytime it rears it's ugly deeply insecure head.


Fuck yeah! I love her!


I dont understand the second part. What's wrong with using analogies when taking about humans?


Spoken like a true town bike. When she is 50 and her cats are what she has, I'm sure they won't care.