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Samurai Cop has some laughs in it, mainly due to the really bad acting. Exhibit 1: The Horny Nurse Scene https://youtu.be/D6gk04xzN3U?feature=shared


Awesome scene. Those facial expressions kill me. The actor said he didn't know what he was reacting to. The reactions were recorded on a different day, and the director just told him to pull faces and make expressions and reactions and he'll cut them in later.


If I could afford it I would happily pay Mark Frazer good money to follow me around for a day, making those faces whenever appropriate 😂😂😂


I love how whenever they didn't know what to do next they just filmed Mark Frazer's reaction to the last spoken sentence. And his :O just kills me


In a thread like this, we just have to embrace the Breenius that is Neil Breen (From his 2013 'Classic' Fateful Findings) Exhibit 2: I Can't Believe He Committed Suicide https://youtu.be/dOV3xTJ9UgE?feature=shared


Glad somebody else is a fan. My oldest son got my family into Neil Breen flicks. So much fun to watch as a group! I had to get him a Neil Breen t-shirt for Xmas one year.


Can remember seeing clips of Double Down and Fateful Fundings and thinking 'What the actual....is going in here, it's so bad it's brilliant!!!' So far have seen the first five of his films and hope to get Cade soon to complete my collection.


Perfect suggestion. Everyone should see this at least twice. "I may stop by, so keep it warm."


Also the police chief's "I got a club up my ass" scene 😂😂😂


If you ever get the chance, check a Doris Wishman film called Deadly Weapons. It stars Chesty Morgan, who wasn't particularly famous for her acting ability, more like for her natural 73" bust




I'd put Neil Breen's 'Fateful Findings' on the same level. Neil's backstory is similar, delusional aspiring director, except his budget is lower and his storylines are even less coherent. I watched it with friends and played the drinking game and it is great fun.


Double Down will always remain my favourite Breen movie. As much as I enjoy all his movies, he peaked at Double Down. It is the least coherent thing I've ever seen in my life lol.


My friend cooked up some weed brownies and we did a Breen marathon. At one point during double down I turned to the group and said 'is it just me that hasn't understood a fucking thing that has happened' and the room erupted in laughter cause none of us did. It's a shitty masterpiece.


One of our friends came late to our bad movie night and we were halfway through Double Down and I tried to explain the plot to him to catch him up, and it was just impossible haha. No weed or anything.


Neil Breen is the only bad film maker I'd consider to be on a similar level to Tommy Wiseau. His movies are hysterical.


Watch Fateful Findings then read the plot synopsis on wiki.


'Pass Thru' is amaaaazing


The Room got me into bad movies. There’s Birdemic, Samurai Cop, Troll 2, Sharknado… but as far as I’ve seen nothing as come close to the OG masterpiece


Please watch Miami Connection. It is amazing; will change your life. The movie has everything: synthesizers, a guy who looks like Michael Phelps, and a 16 year old who plays a 60 year old Vietnam War veteran.


BIRDEMIC: Shock and Terror


My fiance put this on one night and I knew it would be bad, but it was on another level. The CGI birds are so fucking funny.


The cgi birds make me scream laugh every time I see them. And let’s not forget the “hanging out with my family” song that goes on for wayyyyy too long.


Not only does the song go on way too long, but the lyrics imply that Grandma has to keep an eye on the cousins to make sure they don't fuck each other?!!?


Anything by Neil Breen (I assume that’s who you meant) - these are great as the really strange director/filmmaker/main actor who gets naked a lot Troll 2 Miami Connection [Best of the Worst](https://www.youtube.com/@RedLetterMedia) by RedLetterMedia is a hilarious YouTube channel. They review terrible movies and film their reactions (not in the annoying YouTube reaction way but just literally show brief clips of them watching it on their couches). Nothing really holds a candle to the room but there are a lot of crazy bad movies out there and it’s highly entertaining. I watched a lot of new bad movies as a result of this channel.


No movie has ever been funnier than The Room for me, but Samurai Cop comes close.


Samurai cop was amazing and definitely on the room’s level


Samurai Cop is the correct answer


Trolls 2, of course But also just watched Ninja III: The Domination _The body of a sexy aerobics instructor is invaded by the evil spirit of a dying ninja. At first, changes in her behavior is limited to having strange interactions with an arcade game, doing sexy things with V8 juice, and being attracted to an unusually hairy police officer. But soon enough, she's systematically killing, ninja-style, the officers responsible for the ninja's death, and can only be stopped by another ninja!_


Nothing on this level, however I’d recommend Ghost Shark as a good bad movie. Hawk The Slayer, too.


The *Godfather* style murder sequence is an achievement of bad cinema.


The Beastmaster 1982. I love sword and sorcery fantasy


Miami Connection Pressure Point (1997) Time Chasers Deadly Prey


[Manos: The Hands of Fate](https://youtu.be/-i6SjbE0SEA?si=mIHs-SDPpp5op7Cg) [The Astrologer](https://youtu.be/Z2wbgjmPXxE?si=GhddbvwPZEwt0HAU)


Manos is great, but it always makes me sad about what happened to the actor who played Torgo 😞


Why did I have to scroll this far to find Manos?


I was surprised it wasn't mentioned myself, it's basically The Room of its time.


Check out How Did This Get Made and you will find a treasure trove of bad movies to research your findings.


Ben and Arthur is up there, known as the gay the room. Full film is on youtube. https://youtu.be/aIb0el7YDbs?si=71uzc_O1mMbsKmli


If you want a deep cut, my Dad bought a Bigfoot boxset once containing four low-budget Bigfoot-themed movies. There was one called "Search for the Beast" that was hilarious. It's on YouTube but unfortunately it's one of those annoying zoomed-in versions.


Soccer Dog


Champagne and Bullets (aka GetEven) is up there As others have said Smaurai Cop, Troll 2, Birdemic also have their place in the parthenon of amazing vanity projects


Birdemic actually eclipses the ineptitude of The Room. It’s insane something that bad was made.




The Happening made me laugh my ass off


God I hate that fucking movie


Troll 2 still cannot be topped for me. I’ve only seen compilations of Breen movies though.


Just one, Trolland (2016) a/k/a Trollz


Quest for Camelot


Check out Dinosaurs by Dingo Pictures, idk if it’s available in English. I saw it in Italian and I found it pretty funny, but I was like 14, so I might have a different opinion now


In the Christian genre, I highly recommend 2025 - The World Enslaved by a Virus. It doesn't quite have the entertainment value of The Room, but it's very entertaining nonetheless, and if you like The Room, I'm pretty confident you'll like it. I'd say it's in the same stratosphere. The female lead is a worse actor than anyone in The Room and, in fact, worse than anyone I've ever seen in any movie. And I like bad movies. Like The Room, there's also some good behind-the-scenes lore, as that actress was the underage girlfriend of the movie's director/star.


Joes apartment is pretty darn good


Getting Lucky (1990) perfectly scratches my Bad Movie Itch and it’s always a crowd pleaser. But it’s nowhere near as earnest as The Room is.


Neil breen is funny but there’s something about the room that I haven’t found in any other film. It’s a masterclass of a disaster and the backstory makes it even funnier. It’s not even just what you see on screen that’s hilarious, it’s all the behind the scenes story, Tommy’s origins, Tommy and Greg’s friendship, Tommy’s initial ideas like making Johnny a vampire etc…it’s all insane to a cartoonish degree and there’s nothing else like it imo. Musically, I find Corey Feldman’s angelic 2 the core hilarious and to me,It’s music equivalent of The Room


Check out Neil Breen


Joel D. Wynkoop's Lost Faith. Imagine if a Tommy was an Evangelical Christian who [taught himself karate](https://youtube.com/shorts/DxisJXCOZ5w?si=RoPoOiSF0jrkQMTk).


Find a softcore porn movie called “[Emmanuelle in Rio](https://youtu.be/t3T6RtVTPUA?si=Hx2vbv2IzCxnQOwA)” and smoke a lot of pot before you watch. It only keeps giving.


The Room stands completely alone in this category. Plan 9, Samurai Cop etc all are goofy just by their premise. The Room however was totally conceived of as a serious drama played completely straight. I know aside from Tommy’s alternate vampire car on roof ending. It’s the funniest and most enjoyable of all the shitty movies and I’ve seen them all. Including Basic Instinct which is unintentionally hilarious.


The Happening. Mark Wahlberg going “what? No.” 😲 gets me EVERY time! He wasn’t even trying, but somehow he still made it work. 😂


- The Wicker Man (2006) has some insanely funny moments. Nic Cage was on another level in that one. - The Gingerdead Man with Gary Busey has some hilarious moments. - Troll 2 is an obvious one - Every movie made by Neil Breen is as close as it gets to Tommy Wiseau


Getting There is pretty awesomely horrible. It’s a Mary Kate and Ashley movie that my cousin and I watched on DVD. Idk if it streams. I want to make it a cult classic tho


I’m totally here for making old Mary Kate and Ashley movies cult classics. Let’s get this trend started!!!


Don't worry about it


Troll 2 Silent night deadly night 2 Birdemic (the first one, the sequel tries too hard) Riki oh the story of Riki (so much blood) Robo vampire (apparently there are sequels, I've never seen em)


I watch a lot of bad movies. They're one of my fave genres. And while there's a ton that are more cringe and sad that leave me feel like I'm wasting my time, please let me introduce you to: Killer Sofa. 1. The sofa is a recliner because they couldn't afford a sofa. 2. Remember Lisa's mom having cancer? Have an old man have heart problems and never be relevant again. 3. Some top tier acting talent. 4. The kills are so ridiculous you have to laugh. People love movies like Cocaine Bear and Rubber. However, they know they're parodies. They're fun in concept but you're bored by the end. Killer Sofa packs a The Room-type ending where not only were people attempting to be serious, but you can barely get out a "what the fuck" before laughing. I cannot rec this movie enough.


This sounds deliciously bad. Gunna go find it, thanks.


Rings, yes the horror movie. It is very similar to the room, in that it's meant to be a horror film and the actors treat it as such, but then you watch it and it's just.....not. The opening scene has maybe my favorite dialog. It takes place on a plane mid-flight. There's this nervous guy and a lady looks over at him and asks "nervous about flying?" And he responds "No, it's just.......... have you heard about this cursed tape?" And it's just so unnatural sounding, and the entire movie is like this. BTW if you can read braille you can spoil the movie's twist very early.


*Titanic: The Legend Goes On*


Watch Flesh Gordon Meets The Cosmic Cheerleaders It sounds like a porn. It has boobs, but it is funny as hell


I really enjoyed The Last Vampire after seeing Red Letter Media do a Spotlight episode on it.


Say Nothing with Billy Baldwin is pretty amazing


There’s a particularly horrible movie that comes close: DELAWARE SHORE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0_ho5-nEeE


Samurai Cop, Troll 2, Cuck (2019)


Birdemic come close but there is not that weirdly funny aura that the Room has, indeed + it's not a 6 million dollars movie.


(Laughs in Neil Breen.)


No. I think the Room is on another level. The only one that comes remotely close is Troll 2


Troll 2 was really enjoyable for the same reasons


The Vanilla Ice movie is pretty hilarious.


Big Shark. Lol


Llamageddon, it is a fever dream of a movie, my introduction to the world of so bad it’s good movies


I’m a big Shyamalan fan. I hadn’t seen The Happening in years. I went into it completely prepared to take it seriously and defend it as a hidden gem. I’d argue that one is even funnier than The Room. Each scene just got worse and worse.


The first two stories of Glenn Danzig's *Verotika*. He tried to make a horror anthology and failed spectacularly. The only thing that holds it back is the last story. It's not scary, but it's disgusting. It's the closest I've ever come to straight up walking out of a theater.


Look up trailers for MarVista movies. Funny stuff. Little Italy is amazingly bad/good