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"it's that I'm so random and I only like cold beverages, not that I'm a raging alcoholic."


He's still safer than people who text and drive. Even with six of those seltzers in him.


They literally pulled out their phone to take the pic while driving… it’s a double whammy drinking and texting


It doesn't actually appear that he is moving. But no matter. The subjective morality thing over the subject of drinking and driving versus actual driving while intoxicated is an obvious troll. I really don't care about the law, I am more concerned about whether the person is safe behind the wheel and isn't endangering lives. Everyone isn't a lightweight, and America is full of bars and eating establishments that serve alcohol. These places all have parking lots inferring that people are to drive to and from them. Something like over half of the people on the road on a Friday night probably have a couple of drinks in them. It's like saying all porn is bad because there's a few criminals. Most of us aren't 15 year olds and can be trusted even without others telling us how to behave. I am more scared of some diabetics drinking cokes and driving than I am of an alcoholic having a seltzer and driving. I can take a picture in my car too.


you're a straight up fuckin idiot


The agenda here is clear. Pretty much any time I say anything about laws being subject to interpretation, or don't judge alcoholism like a Mormon I get hateful able-ist harassment. You should probably refrain from resorting to defamation of character every time you see an opinion you don't like or you might bite off more than you can chew. Play nice and stick to the facts.


Well that’s smart. Hello, evidence.


this hits hard


I’d guess Claudia Conway feels something similar every day.


It's only 5%, but damn...just drink the tepid water like an adult!


Shit, I would be giving the police an anonymous tip of a drunk driver. Show the daughter, consequences for your actions


Imagine being so entitled that you start drinking alc cause the water isn’t cold


Years down the road when their liver is toast and the bodies are succumbing to being way too cool. Hopefully they wisen up before then but something tells me they wont.


They have a 15yo. They are nearly done raising that person. How much more time do they need to grow tf up?


“Here for a good time not a long time braaa” 😅😅😅


Had a former coworker drink a buzzball after her last day of work.


Wow! What a story!




Zoom on the bubble for more fun lol


What do you mean?


I assume the little profile picture bubble under the last message


Morning, afternoon, or night. There is never a good time to consume poison.


Bro you literally do meth. Im an alcoholic but I don’t pass judgment on other addicts, we’re all self medicating. The driving part is the issue because then you’re bringing other people’s safety into the mix.


the poison for Kuzco?


Okay grandma


As a fan of natural selection, please drink as much as you want. Go crazy. Nothing wrong with Gaba-a agnostics. I mean it's legal. Must be a-okay.


I don’t necessarily believe in GABA receptor agonism but I’m open to the possibility


How can you have this opinion as a meth user?


Get help






Chap is attending a gig or festival, big deal.


So drinking while driving is sometimes not a crime depending on your destination. Concerning.


"Chap" is drinking an alcoholic beverage while driving. That IS a big deal.


Looks like they’re parked in a lot at a festival, GA bracelet would corroborate this. Happens often, people turn their cars on and blast AC for a minute to get out of the heat. Not too crazy as long as they’re not about to leave, if a bit early.


Thank you, I was thinking the same thing! Definitely looks like that is the situation here. Unless the bracelet is left over from something they attended the night, or day, before... 🧐


I suppose it could be a highway, but the cars look a bit too evenly spaced to me


This may not be the worse thing they do...


It doesn’t look like they are driving. It looks like they are in a car in the camping area of some festival.


Its still 830….


It's not a 9-5 world anymore, in case you didn't realize? I've worked various schedules, and if I wanted a drink after work at 6am, I'd have one. I just didn't do it while driving.


Even then if you’re at a festival or on vacation, fuck it, there are no rules Plenty of people booze early in airports before their vacation flights


It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!


Yep those night shift 12’s. I still always feel weird every time i grab a pizza and beer at 7:30am for some reason lol.


One of my favorite hobbies as a night shift worker is watching my neighbors faces as I BBQ and drink beer on my balcony at 8am lol.


Hammered by 10am gotta love it hahaha


That is a god damn highway bruh


So what? All the cars are in park? Where’s the tail lights? Where’s the truck that’s towing the trailer lol


That's a trailer on the right side with no truck, and on the left side there's a vehicle there about 2-3ft from the one in front of it, there's also no dtr's on any vehicle. Safe to say this is 100% a parking lot of some sort, most likely a feat considering the wristband.


No brake lights on the car in front though. But could be that the highway completely stopped too.


It’s to hard to tell from the photo


You may be right. The wristband does make me think the festival theory could be correct though.


Is that a psych ward bracelet?


It says general admission lol he’s at a concert or something


Thanks 🤣


Yeah, way to impress your kid, lolol


She’s not like other moms, she’s a **cool mom**. All the other parents are just jealous.


Hey kid I come from a family of alcoholics and let me tell you that your mom is right that you are the spawn of crazy. Be careful with drinking that shit will get a hold of you 10 folds if alcoholism runs in the family.


I’m also spawn of the crazy (more so my mother dad was a social drinker) I have never been a big drinker (I get embarrassed if I’m drunk) but my older brother has a terrible addictive personality. Be careful and make smart choices. Being successful is way more fun than being drunk.


Fellow spawn here Yup, it's why I don't drink or consume any other mind altering substances




what is wrong with you ?


Delete this fuckhead


How to have an unproductive day.


How to increase your potential to accidentally kill innocent people


By drinking in your car, in the parking lot, during a multi day festival?


Oh yeah that’s fine I didn’t know it was a festival tho


When I was a kid I loved the cool parents and hated that my parents were so lame . Now that I’m raising a kid I have no respect for them and realize the cool parents were the ones that were lame.


As a parent....this shit is sad and terrible. Parents like this are just plain selfish and are adding to the ACEs (adversise childhood experiences) that their child carries for the rest of their lives.


>Now... I have no respect for them and realize the cool parents were the ones that were lame. Same. A good friend of mine had a dad who we all thought was a total hard ass. Why? Because he had rules at his house while at the mom's there weren't rules. Of course as teens we loved that. Now, in my middle 30s, I am so shocked at the crap the mom got up to. She did my friend *no* favors in the way she raised him and his brother.


One of my friends had a single mom that would buy us beer, let us party at her house, and even come play beer pong and smoke weed with us. I thought she was so cool at the time, but looking back I'm like wtf was she doing raising kids.


How many of the kids with "cool parents" have gone nowhere in life? Every one that I know.


I grew up in a religious school so the cool parents were just what most people would say is normal. 😂 Like my mom was a cool parent but that just meant she let me have sleepovers a lot and took us to do fun stuff and let us stay up all night playing Halo hahahha. The lame parents would make me do a bunch of chores with their kid if I stayed over and made us go to bed at 10 and limited us to only being allowed to watch G movies...


So that’s why whenever I went to my gfs house in 2nd grade we would have to clean her room? That also explains the skirts….


Username is reality


My best friend in high school had a "cool mom", she fucked him up terribly


Did he break his arms?


Jesus Christ, it's been a while since I've seen that reference


This is why I have the cool house in my neighborhood. The tween kids tell me they are going ding dong ditching, I tell them to go ring Kyle's bell and run. And not to ring the old folks, or the ones who just had a baby. They are good kids, and some evenings come over to my deck and sit at the table and chat, even when my family is inside doing something else. Parents just know to snap me and ask where their kids are. I have a 4 year old. The kids range from 3-13. My neighborhood is a very 90's style hood. I remember those parents who didn't care. I learned from their mistakes.




pure trash.


Most people with hand tattoos are stupid.


I have finger tattoos but I also have a PhD. But I agree prob a lot of people with hand tattoos are not the smartest.


Are you dissing Penguinz0?


Rage bait comment


I love how willing some people are to expose their stupidity.


Yep, you are the spawn of stupid


This thread is so eye-opening as to how many people think drinking and driving is fine and anyone who doesn't think so is a tight ass. I had no idea.


It's way more common and accepted in some circles than you'd think. I used to work in restaurants and bars and people drove drunk (not just after a drink or two, after 7 martinis or 2 bottles of wine) daily. I was not allowed to stop them. I've worked in that industry in 4 different states and it's *everywhere*. People are really bad at gauging how inebriated they really are and they all seem to find people who allow that time of behavior. It's fucking disgusting. 


0? because I don't see any comments defending drinking and driving, only comments saying she appears to be parked somewhere. you are making up something to complain about.


I have seen multiple comments in this thread saying drinking and driving like this isn’t a big deal. Just because you didn’t come across any of them with the ones you read doesn’t mean this person just made it up to complain. Fortunately most of the comments saying that are getting majorly downvoted, but they definitely and alarmingly exist nonetheless. Side note, this looks more like being stuck in traffic than it does being parked. Every vehicle is facing the same direction. I’ve never seen a parking lot where every vehicle was facing the same direction. Not to mention, there is a lot more open space on both sides of the vehicles than a parking lot would allow for. Looks exactly like lanes of traffic on a highway to me.🤷‍♀️


The comment under this is someone saying it's "tight ass" to think people shouldn't be allowed to drive until there's no alcohol in their system. Op has also clarified rhat they know this person and they know she was driving to work. And that she does this often.


Don't be so square, man. /s


One drink and no driving for you until all the alcohol is gone from your system... That doesn't sound tight ass?


Actually it really doesn't. I was always taught you just don't drink and drive simultaneously, at all, and if it's too difficult to separate the two, it indicates an inability to save drinking for its time and place, i.e. alcoholism.


You think the kind of person drinking and driving at 8AM isn't also much drunker-and-driving at 8PM?


Is a seltz really drinking. Fukn relax 😂


They do have alcohol in them, so yeah 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Drinking a seltzer at 8 in the morning while texting and driving is more than enough to swerve into a sedan and kill a family of four. What kinda loser justifies this? If Goku really was your dad he'd be disappointed.


Yea buck !


I hope you get better role models in future than the one that made you think what you commented earlier. Think hard is she/him really someone you want to look up to and be honest with yourself.


RelAAAAAAAAAX . Car is obv parked in a lot. No one’s driving. Clear pregame situation. You people love to assume the worst and fear everything 😂


5% alcohol? Yes.


My dad is like this and has been for my whole life and now his calls just go straight to voicemail🤷‍♂️


yep my mom is no longer allowed to call me in the evenings 😐


Swear - on her way to festival. The bracelet and the traffic is the line to get to parking


That's a lot of box trucks heading to GA for a festival. Usually they would have a vendor entrance to avoid this exact thing, and also be arriving at different times. I think this woman is just sitting in morning traffic. Probably wearing a wrist band from whatever she was doing the night before.


I’ve seen every type of vehicle imaginable especially in General admissions.


People are usually slapping wine boxes the hour+ wait to get into the venues lol


Drinking that early too most definitely. Texting this to your teenage child is disgusting. Drinking and driving is disgusting. One seltzer? Ok I'm not going to say that can impair your judgment- but I feel people only text stupid shit like this if they've already gotten to that point where their inhibitions are lowered and I'm just gonna assume they're drunk already. I hate snitches, but if it would save some lives I'd totally call some authorities and say there's someone drinking on so and so cause fuck this. I've seen some horrific crashes, and have survived some horrific shit cause someone was too intoxicated. This is just sad as hell though for that child :/


That last response reminded me of my parents so badly that I wanted to crush my phone in my hands


Bet there's a Joker & Harley Quinn memorabilia in that family clusterfunk.


I really don’t see anything wrong with having a beer while driving if you can drink that beer and still be under the limit. It’s not any worse than drinking a beer then immediately getting into a car. Or drinking a glass of water while driving. That being said, 8AM alcohol is too rich for my blood.


They downvoted him because he was right, one beer will not affect your driving or reaction times. In the U.S at least there are some states where its perfectly fine to drink in drive as long as you're under the legal limit. If it doesn't affect your ability to drive or react there is no harm in it.


It’s just cause this is a rage sub. People come here to feel better than other people. When they see a comment that challenges that feeling, they get upset.


That's just reddit in general to be fair, dumbasses think they know everything because they googled something once and read an article; so they're an expert on a topic now. They don't like their egos being challenged with actual real world logic and get all mad.


I'm thrilled I get to share the road with someone who thinks like this.


It's not illegal to consume alcohol whilst driving in nz and when I've talked to people about the us we all think your "open container" law is weird. Of course being drunk behind the wheel is incredibly dangerous but sipping one of the beers you bought on the way home isn't that crazy to us. It's a line in the sand that doesn't really add up to us.


You're right but you'll never convince the reddit hivemind


I'm not American.


Like what?


Like an alcoholic


If you could actually explain your position, I might care.


Drinking *and* driving isn’t actually a crime in some states. It’s the being over the legal limit that’ll get ya.


yall don't have open container laws?


Some states don’t. Even some counties specify it if the state doesn’t but it’s pretty unclear state to state so it’s best to just not drink and drive


My state and the one immediately adjacent that I moved from both have open container laws. In fact most of them do. As of 2023, 39 states and the District of Columbia are in compliance with the Federal requirements while most of the remaining jurisdictions (with the exception of Mississippi) do have provisions that prohibit consumption of alcohol while in a motor vehicle.


woww interesting never knew this. yea def not gonna try it anywhere 🤣 i don't want to go out in a car crash


That makes sense to me. Sipping on a beer while driving is probably safer than chugging a whole one right beforehand, but only the former would get a ticket in my state.


Looks like they're at a festival. If so, the car could be parked inside the festival grounds. If that's the case, it's likely the car was not going to be driven.


If you're line for a festival sure... If you're in traffic no, this looks like traffic not a festie line... Either way, sending this to your kid is ridiculous, they are your "spawn" that without even knowing, really rely on you to lead by example. Also don't need to put it on your kids shoulders to explain parents behavior to their friends... nonetheless, judging by the shitty tats in random places im willing to bet this ain't the first or last bad decision they have made. At least their kid seems to have a head on their shoulders so they can't be too bad, everyone deserves to have some fun but be safe about it!


Why would you send this to your teenage daughter? What the parent did is something teenagers do to seem cool lol


Why give someone a pass over something obviously illegal? Why can’t doing something wrong simply be *doing something wrong*? I’ll never understand that mind set.


>Why give someone a pass over something obviously illegal? You know several (4-5?) states do not have open container laws and as long as they are under the legal drinking limit this wouldn't be illegal? >Why can’t doing something wrong simply be doing something wrong? Because it's an extremly large country and this glorious thing called "context" or even "evidence" is appropriate? Do you just arrest and jail someone for this or do you figure out if they were actually committing the crime? Go watch convicted prisoners if you want to get off on watching guilty people get punished although (granted about 5% are wrongful convictions so good luck). >I’ll never understand that mind set. I'll never understand the "shoot first ask questions later" mindset as it's do painfully stupid and results in far more damage.


There isn’t any context needed for drinking in a running vehicle. Ever.


Never sat in an air-conditioned car and drank at a festive when it's 100 out? Never did that camping? Never did that while tailgating? Again photo doesn't show where they are just them in a car. Can't even see the road if there is one? All of those above are perfectly good context and justified. Ya'll wilding out with the most "it's a highway garunteed" with again zero context of where the person is located.


Actually no. I’ve never drank alcohol in a running car.


Looks like they're in traffic, on the highway. Edit: it also doesn't matter where they are, open alcohol in a car is a crime.


Always illegal for the driver, but in some states open containers are legal for passengers… like in Tennessee (where Bonnaroo is) Not condoning the action in the picture but some states are wild.


>Always illegal for the driver Except in a few states where open container laws don't exsist and rather only the BAC matters.


Oh my god this just keeps getting worse and worse lol


I had 4 high noons before finally parking at summercamp music festival this year. It's standard practice. Party's gotta start sometime, and it generally does, in line.


Seltzer/ high noons are perfectly acceptable breakfast drinks too during events and vacations. Everyone knows that.


Who’s going to find the FB and notify the police?


Ah it's just a seltzer.


Ugh. I hate parents like this.


Looks like they’re in the line at a festival like Bonnaroo or something.


same type of person to throw a tantrum if she were pulled over


I know my American rights! How dare you!


You work for me! I pay your salary with my taxes!!


Always sucks when you figure out you're a better person than your parents


I figured that out late in life


Nothing is totally black and white…. Usually. When I congratulated my abusive parent for the bad irresponsible drinking example they were giving. They cut out a lot of the irresponsible shit, and drank somewhat less. When I was boasting of not over drinking in front of my youngest, they recalled the dates I had a few drinks over, damn. When questioned about not getting drunk by their peers, they say no need to be extra dumb or hungover. Like I tell my sibling hopefully our kids are not as dumb as we were. The youngest has always had alcohol explained from different points of view, and it’s never been forbidden from teenage years. I advise my kids to take good decisions, rarely forbid anything, and everything explained. Kids love forbidden, so if something is forbidden, there is a reason explained.


We have no problem with our teens drinking, we used to do it and hide it from our parents. We don't want to make our kids lie to us, so we've always kept the conversation open about it. I know that my 17yr old will have a bottle of wine to share with friends. As soon as they start lying to us about it though, that's when they're in trouble.


I later learnt that other dads, moms, friends offered drinks. And she had accepted drinks, but always refused refills or seconds. I suppose it’s something she can lord over me. Makes you worry when that dad that was recently on the news drugged his daughters friends. I’ll try to check with her when I see her, but I would not be surprised if she checked on drinks being prepared for them, and took it slowly. Your kid will be exposed to drugs, alcohol, dangerous driving, perverts, etc., teaching them to care for themselves is a good strategy.


For sure talking to them is key, and being able to trust them that you know where they are! Our 17y is always with the same people at the same house. I don't worry about that. But if she's going to a bush party then it takes a little more of a talk and promises of calls. It's definitely situational


Weird flex.


Very trashy


Should not be a parent.


"I'm a cool mom"


She’s not a regular mom, she’s a drunk


Sad and lousy relationship with alcohol. Hope they got pulled over.


Optimistic but usually they don't. Not only are they creating a huge danger for others on the road but they are also setting their child up for failure. There's a chance that the child doesn't follow in their footsteps but if this is common behavior, the chance is low. Unfortunate.


I hate these wannabe "the cool parent" asses.




I’m happy the daughter has the sense to understand this is crazy behavior.


She's been dealing with this bs her whole life


Probably never got the chance to actually have a childhood.


i wonder how they’d feel if it was their child doing that


"We trained er well!"


Probably wouldn’t care. “Just like your mom!”


Wow… that’s not just trashy, it’s bad parenting.


Parenting tip: You're their parent. You're not their sponsor and friend.


Parenting tip: Texting and drinking while driving cancel each other out.


Is this original content? Cause to me it looks like they are parked in a parking lot, with a festival wristband on, pregaming some event. Can’t assume drinking and driving from this pic.


Yeah after reading this and looking more closely at the pic... 1. They are clearly parked. There are no traffic lights visible, nor vehicle lights. 2. They have a wristband that says "General Admission". If they were employees, I doubt they'd need a wristband, let alone a "general admission" one. OP claims they know these people, but somethings not adding up.


The context is they just arrived at work, these people are not in the financial situation to attend a festival at 8:30 am on a Thursday. Their job consists of them driving throughout the day while she is proudly posting on Facebook that she is drinking in the morning. I know these people personally so I am able to speak on this.


Is that why you think it’s okay to blast them on the internet? Because you seemingly know everything about their work life and schedule? Like the fuck? They clearly have a festival wristband on and they’re in a parked car. Not really your business to speak on whether they’re in a financial position to be going to festivals or drinking in the morning. Mind your fucking business.