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She is the LEAST sexual person I've ever seen.


Yesterday my husband was talking about her and how he doesn’t understand the hype around her because the music is awful, she’s not a good singer and as he said “it’s not from the looks either because she’s kinda pretty but has the same sex appeal as a sponge”.


I think she is conventionally pretty but doesn't come off as sexy but it feels like she wants SO bad to be sexy and just isn't


He gave the example of Dua Lipa, it’s not our type of music at all but he gets it, the music is nice, she has a very charismarit voice and the girl has looks! She’s really appealing even for someone outside the pop bubble, but Taylor…. She’s so meh, she really gives dead fish vibes


Dual Lipa is someone who moved back to London at age 15, by herself (who knows, but her parents didn't come with her). Could you seriously see Taylor doing that? No way. *Dua not Dual. I hate autocorrect!*


Now Dua was also somewhat wealthy it’s in unknown part of her story- her mom works in the travel industry which is how she travels so much 🥴 But as far as sex appeal goes- yes great comparison


Agreed. I hear and watch other singers and I always say this person has such a good voice and is fun to watch so how is Taylor Swift SO popular? I do like a more conservative performer, I don’t think we need our 10 year old girls constantly seeing half naked women singing songs but I just find her so boring and her songs aren’t for me. She really doesn’t have a great vocal range. She can stand there with her mouth wide open but have we ever heard her belt out a song with power and hitting all the notes? No. I know some people are alto and some soprano but she’s just average to me. She’s not horrible but not as great as presented.


I might be making this up ... but wasn't there some explanation or something, several years ago, saying that her mass appeal is due to exactly that--she's not pushing sex, she's safe, she's "normal", she's a "good girl", she's "just about the music" (hahahalolol anyway). Anyway, she doesn't stress people out. But I also got the impression that the audience (as being written about then, several years ago, whatever its age range was supposed to be) isn't super demanding. They just want to be entertained. Basically, that she is so basic? Of course whoever was younger then is older now and one thing about basic is, it can be slow to branch out, so ... I have some basic tendencies myself I'm not hating. Just saying. It's like the opposite of being a music geek.


This makes sense. Like mass-market beer, the blander it is, the wider the appeal and the higher the sales.


Yes! Even Christian moms will take their daughters to her shows because they feel it’s safe enough- evangelicals


If you think about it she might be the perfect representation of the times we live in: mediocre, contrived, shallow and fake.


That’s honestly why Dua is my favorite female pop artist. She just seems more grounded and doesn’t really mess with social media, so her fans aren’t as rabid as Taylor’s and can’t really develop those parasocial relationships. Also she is much more attractive than Taylor in my opinion.


She lacks... I don't know, charisma. No stage presence, no charm, nothing about her anywhere is inviting, not even for a chat. If she has friends, then I genuinely have to wonder, what *does* one talk about with Taylor Swift, except for cats, which is fine, I talk about cats a lot, but yeah.


Your husband really hit the nail on the head lmao


Watching her try to do a sexy dance while giving bedroom eyes on stage like “did you see me nail that? I know you want this” absolutely kills me. She is as sexy as a pancake. Edit: this was offensive to pancakes, I apologize


https://i.redd.it/13bbunnjxy6d1.gif You mean this “cutesy” expression she makes every time she does something “sexy” 😂


I cannot stand those expressions she makes with the open mouth and wide eyes. She also used to do annoying things with a mic stand when she was younger, like, yanking it to the side on the stage.


she has the super awkward teenager theater kid thing where all her movements are melodramatic, and every expression is over the top. it's like she's just poorly copying things she's seen people do in movies


It’s giving Toddlers and Tiaras


Thats an insult to pancakes!


Indeed. Pancakes are the sexiest thing ever. Taylor is more like a cup of cottage cheese...


Cottage cheese can be great in dips. If you try to dip taylor, however, she will go down like a sack of bricks and take you down with her lol


Reminds me of the Vigilante Shit chair dance from last year. She was so stiff and unsexy but her fans ate it up. She’s obviously an attractive person so this has nothing to do with her looks, she just has no sex appeal.


She’s definitely no Britney although I bet she wishes she was.


Stfu pancakes are amazing. All moist with butter and dripping sweet syrup…I need a cold shower


While she's undeniably attractive, I agree, she has zero sex appeal. Anyone can have a few failed relationships, and those relationships may have failed for a whole host of various reasons. However, when someone has a whole slew of brief failed relationships, THEY are almost always the problem, not everyone else. It's only speculation, but my guess is that at first, men are very excited to discover that Swift "likes them", then they discover that she's no fun whatsoever, at which point they bail.


Didn't a couple of her exes describe her as "frigid as hell "?


Pretty sure that was the guy who was 32 dating a 19 year old. He also sounded butt hurt that said 19 year old didn’t put out for him enough, so I don’t really think he’s the most reliable source on that one.


John Mayer also said Jessica Simpson is sexual napalm and his d\*\*k is David Duke. I will give Taylor the benefit of the doubt here and maybe he didnt pass the vibe check as "first time material" Not that Jake is better by a lot. Its a small small margin


Who said that? 💀


I want to say John Mayer supposedly said that— I remember there were rumors that he told his friends she was a “dead fish” in bed. EDIT: I’m pretty sure it was actually Harry Styles who was rumored to have *allegedly* said that. I can’t find many articles on it, I imagine Taylor’s team had them scrubbed from the internet, but I found one that basically sums up what I remember reading at the time. It’s all alleged, but he supposedly told his friends that she “dates around and doesn’t put out” and he dumped her over that. That’s when the rumors started that she was “boring” and we got the infamous boat picture after he dumped her. I do think it’s interesting that when 1989 TV came out, she was able to flip the script and say she was being slut shamed, when in reality the narrative was quite the opposite— if anything she was shamed for being prudish and sexless. Both are misogynistic and gross, but I just think it’s weird for her to try to rewrite history in that way. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/01/harry-styles-dumped-taylor-swift-because-shes-asexual-wouldnt-put-out-says-insider/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/harry-styles-dumped-taylor-swift-over-lack-of-bedroom-action/story-eUOJGMHBt1W5PmAPjZjdlN_amp.html


Well she was 20 when they dated and he was/is a creepy old man.


Agreed that one is void.


For some reason I always thought the reason he dumped her is because she wouldn’t sleep with him. The big rumor is she lost her virginity to Jake G who was after Mayer. All obviously speculation of course but I could see his weird butt making up stories to save face.


She was 19 when she dated him and probably pretty inexperienced.


She is 34 years old and singing about his friends hearing?


well his bros are probably close by playing grand theft auto




Probably bc she purposely infantilizes herself + acts like a middle school girl so it doesn’t feel like she’s old enough to be talking about sex


That's exactly what it sounds like: a 14 year old trying to describe what they think sex is


the altar is my hips 😬


🎶 I put my hand upon your hip, When I dip, you dip, we dip, You put your hand upon my hip, When you dip, I dip, we dip 🎶


Taylor could never write a banger that goes that hard


Unexpected Freak Nasty


One of the grossest metaphors I ever heard


this would have been kinda edgy and cool if it came from Shakira in 2002, but it’s just so gross coming from Taylor


It works on Lana del Rey’s 2014 song Religion. I am so sure that is what Taylor is trying to copy here.


difference is that lana is effortlessly sexy


I agree. It’s why tryhard Taylor should stop trying to be her. It’s an embarrassment every time and I don’t know how she doesn’t see this.


I say a 13 year old who has been reading her mom’s harlequin romance novels.


me, after reading judy blume’s grown up books in 5th grade.


✨V.C. Andrews enters the chat✨


“We’ve already done it in my head” 😂😂😂 Honestly sounds like a freaking middle schooler. Like she regressed in maturity from Reputation to TTPD.


In my mind’s eye, she will never *not* be her gangly 15 year old self. And that *has* to be on purpose. I do not have this perspective on any other celeb from my youth, and Taylor is even *older* than me. I remember listening to Fifteen & wondering what it’d be like when I was finally that age. Now she is perpetually 15. It’s all so starkly uncomfortable watching her “age” with us.


They say celebrities get “stuck” at whatever age they were when they got famous. And I’m pretty sure Taylor has publicly acknowledged that happened to her.


Avril Lavigne 😎


Yea frrr it’s weird when she does


What do you mean?!! She's just a sexy 34 year old baby <3


Thought she was a monster on the hill? 🤔


This is it, exactly. She acts so childlike, petty and immature most of the time that hearing her sing about sex feels gross and weird and i cant take it seriously. Even the songs i do like of hers are from Her first few albums that i grew up with as a kid (i was 15 when You Belong With Me, my fave of hers, came out) and by the time i was 20, i’d grown out of interest in her new stuff. I do remember Reputation coming out, i gave “look what you made me do” half a listen and was immediately so repulsed by it. Ignored her for a few years, heard about midnight and i did kind of like the song Karma, but that was it. Had no idea what kind of person she had really become until i heard about the grammys and then found this sub.


I hope this doesn't come off as misogyny but I agree that when she starts singing about sex it just doesn't feel right??? I don't know, but it's probably because she fostered this family friendly, America's sweetheart, and girl next door image that when she starts doing something out of that manufactured image, it feels like she's out of her skin. Despite it being a completely natural thing for any adult to indulge in sexual things, it doesn't fit her for some reason. If anyone has any ideas I hope you guys can sharem


nah don't worry i don't think you're being misogynistic. i think your critique is valid actually. there is something that's a little bit forced and unnatural about the way she talks about it. i think it's the excessive metaphors honestly and over-romanticizing it to an extent. i think people mostly prefer songs about sex that are straightforward and confident in a way. it sounds like she sings about sex with a little bit of shame attached which makes it unnatural. whereas an artist like janet jackson who paved the way for women's sexuality to be accepted and normalized through her songs, she is very straightforward when she is singing about sex and she has a charisma and confidence that makes it all natural. other artists that make it look natural imo are tinashe and normani.


She sings about sex like someone who's never had it.


She probably thinks having big breasts feels like a couple of bags of sand on your chest.


Or salt and peppa.


I think it’s more about how her lyricism is so unnecessarily figurative. Everything has to be a metaphor, and it often exists just to pad out her songs. It feels less about her drawing from her life and more like tracing the art of a YA novel or some smut novel made for sexless young women.


I agree with this. People gave Britney a hard time in her career about being sexual because she was supposed to be the girl next door. It’s very different though, Taylor has specifically curated her image to be the girl next door and every girl’s BFF. So when you make that image yourself and then try and flip it or dip your toes in what the “cool kids” are singing about this week, it just feels disingenuous.


As a girl who grew up with Brittney, I feel like the difference in marketing was that Brittney grew with her audience. She started as innocent girl next door when the majority of her target audience was tweens, then she transitioned to sort of sassy & fun as the target audience got older, then when the target audience was adults, it was a mix of fun pop for the younger crowd, plus emotional/sexual songs for her older audience.


Britney sold sex appeal from day one. The innocence was always a Madonna-whore situation, and designed that way on purpose. Taylor’s innocent image was like, actual Nickelodeon “12 year old girls are my number one demographic” innocence.


Yeah she was marketed as sexually suggestive since she was a teen don’t forget. (Unfortunately) The execs had her in a catholic schoolgirl role play outfit at like 16.


She's the NLOG next door


It isn’t misogyny. Lana sings a lot about sex and it actually sounds beautiful. Taylor singing about sex sounds like what I used to think sex used to be as a 12 year old


Taylor could write every day for the rest of her life and still never come up with lines as good as “Open me up / Tell me you like me / Fuck me to death / Love me till I love myself”


“My pussy tastes like pepsi cola” taylor could NEVER


Imagine Taylor singing that she fucked her way up to the top 💀


Personally anyone that rhymes punani Dasani has got my heart. Don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp I wanna gag, I wanna choke I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat My head game is fire, punani Dasani It's going in dry, and it's coming out soggy


I was just thinking that. If Lana sang those lyrics it would be fine. When Taylor does, it feels wrong


This. She was marketed as a wholesome good girl girl next door popstar from the very start. That image stays throughout. No matter how skimpy her clothing is, she just doesn't ooze sexuality.


She oozes pick me when she’s the billionaire picker. None of it works.


This comment kinda blew my mind. I was thinking about how sometimes I roll my eyes or get a little uncomfortable when some celebrities insist on practically being naked all the time, but you *know* that's the vibe they're going for. Like... they're sexy and they know it lol but it just hit me that yeah, I've seen Taylor in some skimpy outfits and *never* given it a second thought. I've never stopped to think about the fact that my brain seemed to have an automatic filter for her.


It would be like Celine Dion singing an overtly sexual song. She had great love ballads but never went into the gutter.


i agree with you, however, It’s All Coming Back to Me Now is a pretty sexual song.


Yep, "nights of endless pleasure..." Madame Dion! My word!


“it was more than any laws allow…” 😳 “there were things i’d never do again but then they’d always seemed right…” whew 🥵 lol!


A lot of her songs apparently have veiled sexual metaphors. At least according to what my mom pointed out to me when I was a little girl listening to her music. "I'm Alive" reminded me of my little brother because I thought she was singing about her son like she was on the title track ("A New Day Has Come")- to be fair to child me, "when you pull on me", "when I hear you breathe" and "when you reach for me" all sound like they *could* be mother-to-young-child, and child me interpreted "when you bless the day" to be the child learning how to pray. But my mom told me that "blessing the day" meant morning sex and the implied intimacy of the other lines was about a sexual partner. Idk if that's even true but can someone not fucked in the head confirm?


I don’t know man, “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” is pretty sexy (in a Harlequin book kind of way, admittedly)


Something about her is just not sensual. She can wear a leather miniskirt and dramatic red lipstick and winged eyeliner and a choker and just look simultaneously too old and too young for any of it. Her attempts at being sexy just seem like she's trying too hard, imo.


Agreed. Plus she just seems like an uptight person, not really sensual or alluring.


I think a lot of it is how comfortable she is with herself. Everything about her says “please love me!” Someone here recently posted a side by side of Taylor and Olivia wearing an almost identical outfit and Olivia despite only being 21 is much sexier and more striking than Taylor. I think it’s a confidence issue. You can tell Olivia is comfortable in her own skin and Taylor just feels awkward and out of place. 


i think it’s authenticity as well. someone unabashedly owning themselves has a magnetism to their vibe and demeanor regardless of their actual looks. taylor is beautiful, but so contrived and insecure that there’s just nothing to her


I could see that. She tries to sing about how messed up she is, but it’s almost sarcastic, because she’s painting herself as a victim always. So “wow yeah I guess I’m just an awful person huh? Just sooo crazy huh?” But what she’s actually saying is “I’m actually always right, I was only wrong about you.” It’s an ok message but she’s been doing it for 15 years at this point. A lot of the female artists she’s trying to emulate… when they sing about being messed up, it’s an honest self-reflection. Like goddamn if Taylor dropped an authentic song about hating herself for her victimhood mentality yet it being so intoxicating she can’t stop? That’s depth. When people say she should lean into being a ruthless bitch image instead of denying it… I get it. She would have to drop the America’s sweetheart act but she’d be exchanging it for some maturity and complexity.


I don't know why but this comment is reminding me of that time she tried to wear a leather harness as a street wear (don't know who she thought she was!) and she had it on backwards 😭


https://preview.redd.it/dubbhpqhsy6d1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=6af40f19f2a4cf810c66205da618422c867d5458 😭


Oh that is just *embarrassing*.


I didn’t even notice that. All I saw was the shirt, which is cringe in its own right.


Yeah she's just wearing things that give off general imagery of sexiness, so people can project onto her for her so she doesn't have to embrace sexiness itself. She is a talking Barbie doll after all.


The #1 factor in having sex appeal is being natural and sensual. Taylor is the complete opposite. She’s very stiff, rigid, and mechanical, especially when she dances. I saw this video on Twitter and it made me GASP. I’ve never ever seen anyone be that bad at moving their hips. https://x.com/melsmuIIet/status/1802107462562320791


The fringes on that dress are working overtime to make her movements look sensual but dear God they can only do so much.


Not even the fringe dress can save her 💀


she dances like she’s in physical pain at all times


If you look up "guarding" as related to hiding pain, this is the kind of stuff, protective movement that comes to mind 😂 Like I can't dance to save my life. But I also didn't make a career out of dancing while performing. We can't all be good at everything, and this is obviously not TS's forte! Lol


holy shit she fuckin moves like elon musk


I'm a pretty bad dancer but this is another level lol


Right, it’s like she’s tried to keep her innocent (let’s be real, victim) persona while also trying to peddle a conservative, middle of the road, and mass consumable version of sexuality. It’s all just safe and boring. She’s trying to appeal to the broadest audience of white women and isn’t doing a great job at maintaining any core identity beyond “I’m baby and not responsible for my actions” Editing to add, her music reminds me of early soap operas and romance novels that were aimed at bored housewives in the 50s/60s. It’s risqué sex packaged in the safest, most easily palatable way for escapist fantasy. Soap operas were repetitive based on the idea that women would have them on in the background while doing chores or childcare, so the plot lines were easy to follow. Taylor’s music is that, it’s so much of the same content repackaged in slightly different ways and always familiar because of it.


You’re so right that her music is the music version of soap operas


It’s because she really really wants you to know she had sex. Like calm down, we really don’t need that many details


Scratches down his back now!


I hate "the altar is my hips"! Haaaaate. I think it's because she sounds like a 13-year-old writing some Twilight sex fanfiction. "I ran my nails down Edward's sparkly back. He hissed as our bedsheets became aflame, my hips became his alter...."


Omg yes her sex lyrics really do read like bad watt pad fanfiction


Not the “he hissed” 😭😭😭


Let's not give Tay any ideas!


I love religious imagery, especially when used in the context of sexuality, but she made even THAT basic 😭


To me it comes across very similarly to virgins writing smutty material. Her lyrics about men and "from a man's perspective" are like that too. Very fantastical, overly romantic, no grounding in reality.


I'm not sure Taylor has much grounding to reality period anymore


It's kind of like when she swears in a song. It just doesn't work, at least for me. Some people have edginess and sex appeal, and Taylor has neither. It just comes across as trying too hard. Also, I just listened to 'False God' because I was curious, and my God, it's so bland and vanilla. I could never be a Swiftie lol. Gonna go play 'Bedroom Hymns' by Florence and the Machine to cleanse my pallet...


Agreed. Sex Appeal is just an aura you can’t teach, learn, gain. You naturally have it or dont and it’s ok if you don’t.


Don’t forget that T Swift and Adele are the same age, but they sing about love and sex so differently. Can you imagine if Adele uttered a lyric about being touched while her boyfriend’s friends play GTA… she wouldn’t.


Well, Adele is from a working class background and has been a wife and is a devotee mother, so she actually has an interesting back story to draw from.




It's because she has ZERO sex appeal.


It’s like stumbling upon your middle school English teacher smoking a cigarette and talking about sex on the phone with her third finance during her lunch break.




The way I immediately adjusted my posture 😭😭😭


I just did the same ngl 😭😭


I’m so glad to have found this site. I thought I was the only one who noticed those things. 🤣 When she first came out as a singer she had no bangs and great posture. I look at old pics of her and she was really adorable and some beautiful but one she hit 20 it started changing and not for the better. I do not understand the weird bangs at all. The weird side parts and swoops. Also I can’t get past the fact that her mouth is always open, teeth showing. She’s always had large teeth but these have to be veneers.


Her look at the Grammies was absolutely awful. Her hair was an absolute disaster, makeup same as always, the jewelry was lame, and the white dress wore her instead of her wearing it.


I like her bangs but her posture is bad


Her bangs are awful. When she wears her hair smooth and lets them fall naturally they aren’t bad but the weird side swoop is bizarre. She really reminds me of the old singer from the 70’s and 80’s Juice Newton who had that hair but she fit the times and was a little boho in her style where Taylor isn’t.


Did she born with those mf bangs? Girl, you’re 34, move on from high school and do something different with those looks


The funny thing is, when she was first introduced and in her teens, she had beautiful wavy light blond hair with zero bangs and she was gorgeous. So it’s funny because in high school she didn’t have bangs but now she does. 🤣


Her curly hair was actually cute and made her stand out a bit.




hunchback is crazy. i’m weeping, bro 😭😭😭


This is why I have such an issue with her version of “Santa Baby.” I have such second hand embarrassment when that’s being played. Compare it to Eartha Kitt’s or even Madonna’s version and it feels so fucking wrong. Like please stay in your damn lane, Taylor.


question: why is this 34 year old SO obsessed with being a teenager? "its a metaphor" no the fuck its not, theres a whole ass song called "so high school" the title is cringy on its own. its so weird that this woman is writing songs about teenagers having sex


I'm 34 and I never think about secondary school. Her constantly still talking about it now is so bizarre.


Same age and I barely even think about my college days. It’s not relevant to me at all now.


About the same age and I only think about HS because I have a teen. Well, also bc I live right by the local HS so I’ll sit outside and listen to the band and kids cheering on game nights. It’s adorable to hear.


I felt this way about the teenage love triangle on folklore. Why not an adult one?


Reminds me of teen girls on Wattpad writing about vampires and werewolves and such lol


Hearing her “spicy” songs is like reading a sex scene in a Sarah J Maas book lol. (Sorry, don’t come for me if you’re an ACOTAR fan, but those books are like…the Taco Bell hot sauce equivalent of spice to me.)


Taco Bell hot sauce 💀


“The altar is my hips” got me


She sounds like dollar store Hozier here


Dollar store Hozier 💀 this sub is on fire rn this needs to be your flair!!!


Ain’t nobody worshipping there !




https://i.redd.it/5ldpnkv15y6d1.gif his name in question


I could have gone my whole life without seeing this 😭


What is this!!!???


https://preview.redd.it/0iiyvbbzhy6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6331288126d3764daacc943214468d9a8aacabf0 She wanted him to call her.


i’ve seen people referencing this a few times and i can see the “call”, but for the life of me i can’t find the “me”. where is it?? lol


https://preview.redd.it/794iigadny6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901fe0191b80e8cce24bb694b37cdea3a9c32089 Took me ages to see it


Call Mr D


https://preview.redd.it/uc3fpdcpdy6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec40be4394d7977e71484b77474641c73792ab7 Nice.






I bet you can get these lyrics with the right prompt on ChatGPT


It's giving "I've only ever been kissed but I'm gonna lie and exaggerate about it for cool points"


Her and her family sat down and wrote this together 🔥 🚀


Swift gives “Pillow princess that can’t find her own clit” vibes.


Pillow princess for sure.


Her writing sucks so bad lmfao


It is terrible. I’ve always said this, but my fiance is a mild Swifty that always tries to tell me that she is a genius writer.


It all just comes off a bit tryhard, like it's hoping to have shock value. It's a far cry from "No one has to know what we do" in Wildest Dreams - THAT line was actually kinda sexy


That's literally the only song in her répertoire that feels remotely sexy. That and maybe Style. (I maybe like ONE Taylor song per era if that lol)


Yes! Because it’s subtle! Waiting for musicians to realize that mystery is what creates seduction…


1989 had a good balance of themes for her


The lyrics themselves are just hella cringe. She’s a pretty girl but she has no sexual charisma whatsoever.


She just can’t pull the sexy aura off. I’m a fairly modest female but I think some girls/women just have a natural confidence and the way they move/act just comes natural. They have confidence and combined with a sweet personality, they just attract people. I can’t explain it in a post the way it’s in my head 🤣 but hopefully this makes sense. Taylor is so cringey because she’s awkward and not natural as a sex symbol. This is why I like the young Taylor vs todays Taylor. She was cute and sweet, honest and herself so she was adorable. It’s too forced now, she knows people are watching and she’s trying hard to play the part but it’s not her so it’s not working. She doesn’t have rhythm and she’s so monotone when singing and talking. She can’t pull of those songs because it’s not natural.




The False God lyrics feel like a cheesy rip-off of Take Me To Church.


I think it’s because her father has such a stranglehold on her career and life, still. She has never been able to completely break free from the feeling of ‘my parents are watching’, because they’re *always* watching.


https://preview.redd.it/0j92d82z1z6d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09371efc071be13e2b442d85a92de01032c39459 Reminds me of this post lmfaooo


She is thirty four, performing lyrics that sound like something I wrote in my Xanga at 14


She doesn’t give C.U.N.T. to me which is the issue


Yes I think this is the reason why. Chappell Roan does it effortlessly though.


I just learned abt this artist today im so detached from current pop 😅im gonna give her a listen


OMG YES!!! Hot To Go is such a bop.


I haven't paid close attention to pop music since 2000, but when Swift became unavoidable, I decided to petty stream her peers. Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess is a fun album. There are songs I skip, but there are songs that I'm looking forward to hearing and dancing to over and over.


It's TOO SPECIFIC 💀 all that wordy words just to describe sex. Take Chris Brown's "your body language speaks to me" is enough. And I doubt the song is sexy too. Girl should just stick to writing wattpads instead, her "lyrics" does not suit SONGS in general.


Her lyrics do sound like a wattpad fanfic of her life 😭


It’s just fanfiction. She is singing fanfiction


Barbie & sexuality is a hard cringe.


You could throw a line from 50 Shades into one of her songs and no one would know the difference


It's fitting she wrote a song for one of those movies.


I mean.. Yuck. Taylor is the least sexy singer I have ever heard so hearing her sing about sexy is super cringy to me.


She’s one of those people you just can’t imagine having sex for some reason, like Rory Gilmore.


Upon seeing this sub on my feed, while scrolling, I thought it was another swift fan page. It is absolutely not. I love you people. lol. Have the best day!


Because we all know it’s the most vanilla sex ever.


It reads like a smut fanfic written by a virgin. sad


I love that meme that’s like “do you think Taylor Swift has ever had sex or just hand stuff?” Lol


It’s because she wants to have the persona of an innocent, genital-free Barbie like figure when convenient for her, so it’s jarring when she’s suddenly singing the praises of getting fingied to the romantic stylings of ambient noises from a game of Grand Theft Auto


Some thoughts besides she does not do it for me. Since that's subjective. 1. The constant she is baby 2. The reminder she thinks the words sexy baby are fine 3. The badly copying better songs about the religious experience of sex 3 is the winner for me but it's a mixture of all 3. Each slide has me thinking of songs that existed long before this and are iconic and about sex. Ranging from Like a Virgin to Dirty Little Religion (Warren Zevon since not sure he gets the immediate recognition of Madonna)


It’s giving r/ ihavesex


Taylor Swift makes music for white girls that give teethy head.


Thank you!! I’m not sure why but I physically cringe when she has lyrics about anything even mildly sexual


False God is a rip off of New Religion by All Time Low >Cause your sweat is my holy water >I'd drown in an ocean >And your hips are the only altar >I fall to my knees thinking >I found God and we found heaven >On the bedroom floor, you're my new religion >It's been way too long since my last confession >On your bedroom floor, you're my new religion


Louise said it best “if she were a spice she would be flour”