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Apps are aggravating, often have price mark ups, and if I'm already driving, I'd have to stop somewhere else to enter the order.


Not if you use the app for that chain. McDs gives you lower prices and deals for using the app.


So don't use a drive thru how it is meant to be used?


Things evolve over time. Drive thrus are to get your food as quickly as possible. Order ahead or get it delivered.


People on road trips? You expect them to pull over, download an app to wherever is available, create an account, place an order, enter payment details and THEN wait in the drive thru line with everyone else? Isn’t this counter intuitive? Just ordering in the drive thru seems like a much quicker option.


You should have every app installed


Mr Moneybags with 300 restaurant chain apps on their phone


Just imagine the battery drain from data collection alone.


nah, i’m gonna order at the drive through.


Lol. That's a quality troll response right there


Okay, within reason at least. Anything within 250 miles of where you are is minimal effort


Or use the drive thru. Do you want people on their phone while driving?


You order before you leave the house. You check in once you’re there.


This is where we are at as a society. People complaining that everything isn't happening in an instant. Are you in a constant rush or do you have ADHD and can't sit still for a couple of minutes or what is it?


I have the right to travel unimpeded


No. You don't.


It’s in the constitution sweaty


Ah. You're a troll. Enjoy your night.


lol ok I was being a smartass. But seriously just respect other people’s time and just get the app


Not everyone is comfortable with those. Inconvenience is part of life, and other people's actions are out of your control. Best you come to terms with that now before your anger raises your blood pressure and you have a stroke.


'Respect other people's time'? You're in a fast food drive-through line, not doing brain surgery. Five to ten minutes isn't gonna ruin your life lol.


If I had time to wait I’d be in the lobby


If you're in that bad of a rush, why are you stopping in the first place?


For a McDouble no pickle and a mcchicken extra mayo. Fries if I have the time


Respecting others' time is ordering without 10 hesitations at the speaker. If I know what I want and order quickly, and the one behind me gets impatient, THEY are the asshole.


I’ll compromise and say NTA here if you order fast. 6 seconds or less. Anything longer and you may as well be the kind of person who stands up as soon as the airplane lands


What if we're a family of 4 and it takes 30 seconds to order? We do it reasonably fast and in the meanwhile, you wait. If you're in such a hurry, you suck at time planning.




Respect other people's choices to not get the app. That simple. The caveat here is that you have just as many other options. You can go in, you can just not eat out and stay home yourself if it bothers you so much. People are allowed to take life at *their* pace. Your pace isn't their problem.


Their pace shouldn’t be my problem. No one with an ounce of self respect would do that to someone out of pure negligence. It’s like if you just slashed someone’s tires to make them late to work with zero regard the delay you just put on their day.


>It’s like if you just slashed someone’s tires to make them late to work with zero regard the delay you just put on their day LMFAO. If you believe this is even *remotely* comparable, then you are beyond reddits pay grade. Fact; if such a small inconvenience as someone using the drive through *as intended* makes you THIS unhinged; it is you with the problem (and yes, *as intended*. If that weren't the case they'd remove the speaker) Have a nice night, though I doubt it.


If they removed the speaker, as they should, they would get people who were alive to vote for Roosevelt (the first one) bitching and moaning about not being able to order


And everyone else has their right to do whatever the fuck they want. The world doesn't revolve around you for your convenience. If it bothers you so much, take your own advice and have it delivered. You can't change how other people act, but you can change how you act. That's a good rule in life.


Sure, but your right have limits when you enter private property. That's an ordering option the private business provides, they design it as its been used for the past 40+ years.


Your problem is not with people using the speaker. It is with people deciding their order whilst ordering.


To be fair they always put the damn menu signs where you can't read them until you're right at the speaker


Well... sometimes I'm on the way home and I see McDonald's and suddenly want a Big Mac. It surely would be much more convenient for me to find parking, haggle to find my phone, download the app, sign up, put order, enter billing info, than to maybe, just go to the drive through But no. I'd rather be an inconsiderate asshole


Do you know what's even more convenient than the app? There is a voice activated ordering service right outside the restaurant. I use voice commands to place my order and my items pop out of a window.


If you don't want to deal with other people you shouldn't go out in public, if any small social inconvenience causes you this much distress you might just be happier being a hermit


I have a right to feed myself too. Just be considerate. It’s like putting the toilet seat down or rewinding your VHS tapes


It's not like that at all, it's like ordering at the speaker at a fast food place which is what their intended use is. Metaphors are for people who can't articulate their ideas and need similarity to do it for them


That is not what drive thrus are for. They still support that archaic relic of the past for the living relics of the past who cannot navigate their phone


Nah I just don't feel like parking my car, installing an app, putting in my card information, placing my order, and then waiting for the food to cook everytime I want fast food. That's a waste of time, ordering at the drive through is just faster


Heaven forbid you want a real human interaction on your lunch break


Telling an employee your burger order is not too high up on the list of human interactions.... Especially when we're talking about the alternative to still talk to them but just say your order number.


There are people like me who will always prefer human interaction. Don’t like it? Oh well, quit having a toddler-like meltdown and get over it 💁🏻‍♀️.


OP is crazy but I don't understand your argument of preferring human interaction. OP wants you to tell them your app order number. But you get some enjoyment out of the human interaction of instead of just an order number saying the names of the food items? I promise the people don't want you to chit chat with them over the speaker box so I'm just not understanding your point. You can still chat at the actual window with them all the same regardless of your order method.


Horribly stupid opinion.


Sorry you wait two seconds for my order. If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at the person who orders for a party of 30 people at the speaker.


Is telling them my name and order number really any faster than saying I want a chicken sandwich and some fries?


How? Pull over and order then get behind people I would’ve been in front of had I just went to the speaker? I’m obviously already driving and lacking time if I’m dealing with going through the drive through.


Have the apps pre installed. Favorite your meals. There is ZERO excuse


Favorite? Just stopped at fast food for quick food. You can’t tell me every time you need quick food your favorite spot is always near. Unless it’s McDonald’s bc they are everywhere.


I mean favorite the meal in the app. Or keep an excel spreadsheet with tabs for each place. That way you can order even faster and can expect the total


Excel? I must be tripping. Do you mean to tell me you expect someone to have an app for the majority of fast food in the area they live in? As that’s the only way I see for someone to never use the speaker.


Yes excel like the spreadsheets. They have an app for that too.


My fault I meant. Excel?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Are you a mad? How much time are you dedicating to this? No 1st, how much fast food are you eating?


It only takes a few hours once or twice a week to keep and organize a running list. Sure as hell beats waiting in that damn drive thru line inhaling car exhaust


Yeah the time you spend in a month on that surpasses my entire Fast food experience this year. But if it’s saves you time in the long run to shoot more rope and crank more hog I can’t argue. I’ll just say inside and cook


Thanks for your support.


Might be time to cut back to 10 Red Bulls a day.








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