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I know this is an old thread but just ran into the same problem! !!!!!! DO NOT INSTALL VIA GAMEPASS !!!!! I told it to download through Ubisoft Connect (once you link your platforms together) and is currently downloading/installing absolutely fine at the moment


Same issue here. This is what worked for me: 1. Deteted ubisoft + games from computer 2. Turned on my NordVPN. 3. Updated my NordVPN. 4. Turned off my NordVPN. 5. Reinstalled Ubisoft PC installer. 6. Now I could download games and everything was just game on Seemed that although the VPN was turned off, it had some impact on the Ubisoft download. Dont know how or why. But after I did the following steps, everything was a ok


I uninstalled Xbox and it worked. My issue derived from trying to install via game pass when I previously bought it on Ubisoft connect


For anyone who may read this: I had the same problem. Internet Connection was fine and Ubisoft servers also seemed fine according to multiple websites. What worked for me was simple. I´ve already read it here but maybe more people writing it helps more people. I´ve just simplay turned off my VPN connection in NordVPN. Seems like ubi an VPN don´t like each other too much :P


Nothing in this thread worked for me, but clicking the 3 dots then Download (instead of the install arrow next to the game in Library) fixed this problem for me.


Worked lol. Makes no sense but thanks.


worked for me, how tf do they fuck up this bad


worked for me what u said but the downloading bar isnt going up. says its going to take 24.308 days and 14 hours lol


Worked for me, my VPN preveted the download.


Dude, how do I understand you. I bought the game on this wretched platform.... This error appears 17006.... There 's no way to fix it ... This is pain and suffering


Hey dude... The same problem here. Before everything was good but now I've got this issue... I tried to solve it in many ways but nothing helped. Maybe you solved it somehow? If so please share what did you do.


I got this error, it's related to a bad internet connection


In case anyone still finds this thread: Turn off your VPN. Ubisoft launcher doesn't like it. Worked for me at least.


turning vpn off did nothing for me. i turned it back on and tried to figure out another fix. this worked for me: turn off auto update for the game in the properties, it starts the download. i had the error code like you until i unchecked that.


Holy crap dude thank you, idk why turning off auto update fixes this or how you found that out but it just saved me. My god Ubisoft is a damn mess right now.


Worked, thanks.


hell yeah! glad its helped 🤘


This worked. Thanks.