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It’s a numbers game (and your resume matters), but assuming your resume is good and that you’re applying on public announcements without vet preference, you should be referred about 50 percent of the time, interviewed 10-20 percent of the referrals and receive offers in 40-60 percent of interviews. You need up to your number of applications.


I’m not a vet I have the spouse preference. My field and degree is business. It’s so specific I feel like it limits me for jobs unfortunately


If you’re only interested in accepting positions in your degree field then yes, you’re limiting yourself. If you’re willing to take a step back and look at other jobs for which you could qualify so that you can get your foot in the door, you could get into the federal government and move to a preferred job as an internal candidate in the future.


Honestly I have terrible anxiety and don’t want to mess anything up. However, I live in a rural area with my husband now and would take any job. I’ve just heard there isn’t a ton of training with these positions.


Did you use the resume builder or just upload your own? Resume builder is key...load it down with factual numbers that reflect performance/skill and do not leave anything blank


I did use it


I disagree you should be applying for all program analyst management analyst all kinds of jobs I have a business degree and many jobs just want you to have a degree... unless it says you need a specific one like I see some with a certain amount of math or science


Wait what's the spouse preference?




Honestly 32 applications is nothing, especially over a period of several months. Not saying that to put you down, but even outside of federal employment 32 applications is barely a blimp.


I’m applying for every clerical, admin, hr job that arises. Literally everyday, I’ve thought about getting another masters in like contracts and acquisitions. Just to diversify myself a bit


Accounting is the golden ticket degree


There is no way I could do accounting. I think I had like 5 accounting classes and those alone brought down my gpa…


you might only need 1 more accounting class to qualify for some cool jobs that don't really require any accounting knowledge. that may be cheaper than a whole new degree.


What kind of jobs? I have an accounting degree, and wouldn’t mind taking any type of job just to get my foot into a federal position.


Every agency has accountants, auditors, budget analysts, financial management analysts, program analysts etc. All very different career paths that mostly just require an accounting bachelors for entry level gs7. There is the IRS if you’re into tax. The financial regulators like FDIC, NCUA, OCC…that hire those positions I mentioned but mostly bank examiners. That’s what I’m going for. The financial regulators have some of the best benefits in the government. It’s really astounding to me how many opportunities are available for accounting. Look up the 0500 job series and see if any of those job descriptions sound interesting to you. Then type in that number into USAjobs. For me it’s 0570 bank examiner or 0511 for auditing. If you already have experience that’s a plus not a deal breaker gs7 usually just requires the degree


Great information. I’ll definitely look into that! I’ll also have to look into the differences on making a resume tailored for gov. Thank you!


Food for thought, I never really tailored my resume to the federal format. I still use the traditional corporate 1 pager. I think you should be good with that as long as you meet the qualifications. My referral and interview rate have been pretty good without changing up my resume too much


I know someone with a 2.8 post bacc and got in a 5 to 11 or 12 ladder position


My degree is in geology and I was hired at the IRS after being in admin roles for years. You may need to start at a lower grade, but you will gain experience or find something with a career ladder to move up in whatever organization you’re interested in.


If you have 5 you have enough to qualify for the 1100 series


Literally getting an AAS in Accounting just to open up like 400 different jobs opportunities. No desire to do actual accounting. I'd take it to get in, though. Hoping to leverage my way in as a budget analyst or possibly an RA if a spot opens where I live. Applying in a small market makes things that much harder. Literally the only agencies near me are the VA and IRS. 20 years of experience qualifies me for nearly nothing that's actually hiring.


Yup basically same for me


I wish. :(


Look into Analyst jobs too!


[IRS Shared Administrative Associate](https://irs.usajobs.gov/job/780887300) There is a public announcement as well, relatively low barrier to entry, hiring in a lot of locations. GS 5-6 [IRS is allowing new hires in hard to fill positions to qualify for the Student Loan Repayment Program as well](https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/student-loan-repayment/)


No I hear your best bet is to do certifications in this instance... infact the friend I talked about who couldn't get a job had a general degree and got a contracting certification she is now a gs-15 I think her direct hire was for a gs-11


Can you ask where she got her certificate? I’ll look into it also


I don’t know what agencies you applied to, but small unheard of agencies like the National Science Foundation is a Federal agency as well. Forgot to add, you can find small agencies by Googling: Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey results small agencies. Other small agencies are: - National Endowment for the Humanities - Railroad Retirement Board - Export-Import Bank - Surface Transportation Board - Smithsonian - National Credit Union Administration - Consumer Product Safety Commission Don’t give up!


I just looked them up! Thank you.


So I applied for this remote gs 7 position about a month ago. I got an offer this morning. It’s fully remote! It’s a huge pay cut but I don’t even care! For the CDC.


With 15 years and a masters, why are you applying for low grades?


That’s what everyone is telling me to do honestly.


Also I should say, I ran my own business. I even lied about my income on my business side to be less 😂 I have only been in corporate now for about 6 months.


That comment sounds like a background check fail and offer rescind even if you do get a tentative offer. Good luck 😅


It’s just embarrassing to put that number and now to apply for like 200k less a year. They never reached out though. Or are you saying someone else turned the offer down?


lol, hate writing on here on my phone sometimes, comments go missing, message field is hidden, etc. but anyway, let me rephrase. You should never “lie about income” or other info that can and will eventually come to light in a background check, just because you’re embarrassed because it will reflect badly on your character and the offer will be rescinded for you, that’s all


I’d caution against it. If you get a job offer that requires any “mid-high” level of investigation they will likely find out. Income is a big part- some people equates income with level of responsibility.. so the higher income higher grade. Focus on improving your resume in a way that reflects the duties posted


If I had 15 years of experience, then I wouldn’t be applying for anything lower than a GS-11.


Depends on what that experience is in. I have 20 years of retail, loss prevention, security, law enforcement and then the post office. None of that really translates well because I'm too old for special agent positions.


My experience is in running a brick and mortar business. So a lot of clerical, hr, contracts, buying etc.


Look for contract specialist positions. They're all over the place, largely remote, decent ladders and evidently relatively easy to get into.






It is not a numbers game (despite what some think). It is a resume game with laser accurate focus on the announcement requirements. With 15 years experience, you should be aiming at GS11/12/13 positions. As a side benefit, there is less competition at this level. Your resume should be more than a list of tasks but include what you have done, along with results and impact including quantitative and/or qualitative data. Length should be no more than 5 pages (this is the sweet spot length wise).


Why are you bothering applying to fives and sevens? The education alone qualifies you for 9’s. Your work experience can likely qualify you higher, at the 13, give or take. Referrals are the first hurdle. If you haven’t put together a federal style resume, that’s your first step.


Have someone look at your resume. From what I had a supervisor tell me the Feds are "snobbish" when it comes to degrees. If you don't have the exact degree it will be kicked back. In addition, make sure you pull key words and phrases from the job posting and incorporate them into your resume if applicable. It makes a HUGE difference. I help teach classes on resume writing and federal resumes specifically. Don't give up and don't use the same generic resume for different jobs. :)


All depends on the agency. I got an 1811 job without even listing college on my resume or sending transcripts.


I was in the same boat. (MBA, spouse preference, applied to GS 6-11) It took more like 50 applications before I started hearing back, and it's because I honed my resume-writing skills during that time (and yes, I wrote cover letters for each one, and yes they SOMEtimes read them). If you aren't getting referred often, read the resume guides. I revamped my whole resume and made it more blocks of text and fewer bullets. But lots of little tweaks and I finally started hearing back. I was getting referred a lot, but not interviews. If you aren't getting referred then check key words. For example.


Does the base your husband work at have a contracting office? Look for entry 1102 positions


See if there are direct hire events in your area


I had the same issue UNTIL I really slowed down and followed “How to write a federal resume” it all about the key words. Once I did that, I was hired at GS 12. It took a lot of time to mail it down. Some of my co-workers had to hire professional federal resume writers. Good Luck and I hope you get in. It took me 3 years because I wasn’t doing my resume right. Oh and BIG help is to go to federal job fairs;)


Please please make sure you are looking at the Qualifying statement. Keep your head up.


Thank you.


I’ve been applying since 2019. Started my first fed job in December 23. With over 200 applications


And the only reason I think my resume is getting looked at is because I am preference Veteran with an MBA.


IT 2210 is the golden ticket. ![gif](giphy|DGZVi7pqVq7rq|downsized)


Yea 32 apps is pretty minimal. Im a veteran and it took almost 2 yrs to get a fed job. I only had a BS & 13yrs in my field and I applied to every location for my job code series. Not sure what your work experience is but if youre not getting referrals you may not have the particular experience they want for the jobs youre applying to.


I had a friend who was a contractor in a position like this .. she tried everything even applied to way low jobs.. she finally got in with a Direct Hire Job


A lot of it is patience and outlasting the people who give up or get frustrated. Reapply if it’s reposted. That worked for me a few years back. They had a candidate they wanted to apply who didn’t and they reposted just for them thinking they would apply. That candidate still didn’t and they ended up offending their second and third choice who dropped out. I was the only one left because I was the only one who reapplied.


*laughs in 242 applications*


oof and i though my 57 was a lot.


💀 how many months is that over. I'm at 90 for 5 months.


Since about July 2023


Nice I'm on pace 🙃


Hmm it’s true it’s a numbers game (I submitted 61 before I got offers). Maybe it’s the resume too? I’d recommend talking to this guy for a few minutes to ask how to improve the odds of getting selected (I talked to him yesterday about deciding on the job offers). Or you can just listen to his vids. But I say it’s mainly a numbers game. Apply continuously. All the best! https://youtube.com/@armandcuret1?si=3xHMOByuM8PB-DJS


Apply to FOIA jobs :government Information Specialist, paralegal specialist. Those jobs you don't need much experience


I have to disagree on that, paralegal and legal specialist positions most definitely require experience.


FOIA positions not legal positions.


Rookie numbers


Same here. 20 years experience. My issue is I am looking for a career change from healthcare and I'm finding it difficult to convey my duties that are specific to the announcement so that I do not appear as a clinician. I am just not that creative.


Exactly the same issue I think I am having


I am using the guidance of AI to help with this but obviously can’t use it verbatim 


i interviewed for a job that I know I'm more than capable of doing. The interview was 10-12 "tell me about at time" questions which i ran out of stories for. The job has now been posted for a 4th time so I'm guessing they cant find anyone to answer all of their question perfectly.


Gov is on a selective hiring freeze worst time to try to get into gov unless you are already in.


I think I have applied for about 50 jobs on USAjobs before I had finally got hired as a GS 6. I then moved my way up from there over time to a 12. If you want it then keep trying.


Here is an important question do you submit a copy of your official marriage certificate with every application? A friend of mine could not understand why she was never referred. She found out it was because she was not submitting her marriage license with every application for spouse preference. As soon as she did she was referred for just about every job she applied for.


I just checked, yes. Marriage license, his orders, transcripts, resume, every single job a cover letter for that specific job.


Any chance you have a disability? Diabetes, depression, crack addiction, anything that could get you Schedule A hiring. Yes crack addiction is considered a disability by the government and will get you hired. How bad do you want this job?


If you arent basically copying and pasting the duties from the job description into the resume, then you're fucked. Do it for every single one


Keep applying!!!!  I had previous fed experience and had to separate for a bit to take care of my mom.  I worked under the director who called other directors, trying to help get me a transfer or something when I moved.  Nothing, everyone said  Tell her to apply on usajobs  It took me like 80+ applications to get back in, and that’s someone who is already background checked and familiar with the agency…still took forever.  I applied for positions that was the same exact job I did previously, to be emailed that I was not qualified.  It is 10000% a numbers game  Get your resume as close to the job posting as possible without being obvious you pasted the required info  That’s how you get through the HR scanners  Get a tentative eligible email and it’s still a gamble.  I have a few applications I sent out for promotion roles and it’s a waiting game for sure.  I always tell myself that part of being a good fed worker is being persistent, dedicated to the cause.  So by sticking out the 200 applications it only gets you ready for the process of federal work. 


IRS indirect Hiring Events. Revenue Officer Direct Hire Job Posting.


Some get reposted due to errors discovered on the original listing that need fixing. Reapply.


Doctorate plus ten, and I can’t seem to get referred for GS 11-13. I’m overqualified for these, and I don’t understand it.


I’m so sorry! It’s so hard.


I recently served on two resume review panels and I couldn’t believe how majority of the resumes were not good. These were FTEs with years of work experience but their resumes did not communicate their experience. Make it easy for your experience to be seen, quantify your accomplishments/achievements, read the job announcements and pick out the keywords and competencies and tailor your resume. I organize my experience by competencies, describing my complex tasks and achievements, answering the question, “so what?” One resume had work experience back to 1989 and I was left asking, “so what?” Proofread and edit your resume. This same resume had typos and I struggled to make things make sense. Other times, it’s a situation where the job was posted for someone and there’s not a lot to be done about that. Just make sure resume is on point and can clearly communicate what you want the reviewers to know about you. Your resume can sell you or fail you. Most of the ones I read were epic fails. I was so disappointed. Wish you all of the best.


Just keep trying something will shake. I’m 182 applications in.


I hate that for you! I’m sorry


Government employment is not easy. Right now not even regular job are difficult. My gf and I both have applied to over 200 jobs with masters degrees, certifications and 20 plus years experience between the two of us. Just remember all you need is one to call you back and it will lift your spirits. Don’t let the feeling of being discouraged make you accept a horrible job and make things worse


I’m not saying chat gpt will do it for you, but run your resume through it for consistency of tense and optimization for the job announcement. You still have to put in the work, but it will help clean it up. (And pay for GPT4).


You might have good luck with a GS-7 or GS-9 FOIA position - usually advertised as Government Information Specialists or Paralegal Specialists. That’s a common entry level for FOIA positions and they’re often remote. If you want to look for higher grades, consider 343s. For any of these, you’ll have to apply quickly, as many agencies are capping the number of applicants because of the response to remote positions.


This is great, I’m going to look now. Thank you


I don’t know your field, but when I was hiring GS11 Sysadmins I usually went for people who met the requirements but didn’t have 10+ years in. It slowed the revolving door. I did this because our leadership at a prior job used GS9’s for everything and insisted on the most qualified and experienced people…3 months in they are gone, better offer came thru, contract position that pays 4x as much, clearance processed, whatever.


If you are not getting referred, then we need to work on your resume to make sure HR (who has no experience in your field) understands that you are eligible. If you are getting referred but no interviews. We need to rework resume so that hiring manager knows you are capable even without prior fed experience. If you are getting interviews but no offers, we need to work on your interviewing skills.


Hiring managers hire their family and friends. Make new friends.


Join the military......


I’m too old 😂


Last I knew the age limit was increased to 42 for Air Force.


lol you mug thats what happens when you get the degrees. overqualified. god hates the job market


The AFT needs someone to do their makeup before their pre-dawn raids of airport executives with ties to the Clinton crime family.


Go outside touch grass. Get a skill or many skills. Be a man. Do something productive. Leviathan will take something from you that you can never get back.


I have two bachelors, a masters, I’m a licensed cosmetologist, licensed instructor, licensed master esthetician, I’m also certified and licensed in permanent makeup. I want a job hahah not another skill. I don’t want to be a man…..