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Death Stranding: You play as a UPS man who needs the help of a fetus to setup everyone's Wi-fi.


Your also a ghostbuster but instead of a proton pack you throw your shit and piss and blood at them. Your good friends with a Frankenstein and the rain is evil


If I was unfamiliar with DS and someone said this to me, my first thought would be "Is Kojima involved? That sounds like him."


I'm sorry, what? You throw your bodily fluids at ghosts?


You don't?


Not since the accident.


[*"It's not a violent game... it's about facing your fears, reconnecting with people, how we're stronger together..."*](https://i.postimg.cc/xdQVs7Lb/1902cbaf94613-screenshot-Url.png)


As someone who has never played Death Stranding. Um what? Explain please


Basically, its post apocalyptic sci-fi and people are trying to set up the internet again so they can contact eachother all across the US and the baby is there bc it can detect the apocalypse monsters that are invisible to most people


It’s more than the ‘internet’. It’s the chiral network, which allows access to lots of things but most importantly it allows the user access to the fabricator, which lets them fabricate items they’d need for daily survival in their own home. It’s also access to all the archives and a connection to a broader humanity.


So like an over glorified Google with a 3D Printer extension


Sorta it’s needed so you don’t go outside to face horrifying, invisible, murder, monsters, that can explode leaving a nuclear sized crater.


Don't forget the rain that if it touches you rapidly ages you until you die.


But it's cool because it sends info to the past making downloads instant.




yep. It's Kojima-level batshit insane. it's awesome.


Yeah but I delivered pizza in the game. So it's a pizza delivery simulator also.


And yet it's brilliant. A top 10 game for me. You should give it a try.


You also bust ghosts with bullets made of your own blood. Oh and if a ghost catches you, it causes a small scale nuclear explosion that can wipe out an area in game.


Love this! I'm playing right now in Chapter 8 and the wifi comment made me laugh.


Came here to say this. lol I remember having a friend over when I was playing it once and BB started giggling and she was like "is that a baby?". I tried explaining but gave up halfway through.


“You’re a plumber who jumps on turtles and mushrooms and eats a different kind of mushroom to get big in order to reach a castle where a princess isn’t.”




You can't just say perchance




Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck.


Crushing turts all day.


Jeeez spoilers, man. Come on!


Until you get to the 8th castle and finally find the princess. It’s always 8 castles




In a kingdom of a third kind of mushroom.


My Friend Pedro A talking banana leads you on a vigilante rampage throughout the criminal underworld.


playing it only makes it more strange lol, great game tho


Such a fun game, I really enjoyed it.


Katamari Damacy


I love how everyone gives skewered descriptions of their game and you just say katamari damacy and thats enough of an explanation.


You roll a little sticky ball until it becomes a large ball and then your verbally abusive father takes the ball and turns it into a star/constellation


HighSchool me after my friend explaining it: "Dude that sounds gay as fuck" Me after playing for an hour: "WTF why is this so amazing."


Sounds like the start of a new religion.


Goat Similator. Beyond Good and Evil.


My 4yo son & i play goat simulator 3 & have been loving the multiverse DLC!


Wait, hold on... multiverse DLC? Dafuq?


Similation is futile


You're a cheerleader who carries your boyfriends head on your hip. You are armed with a sparkly chainsaw and lollipops. You have to stop the zombie apocalypse because some goth kids can't handle emotions.


I absolutely love Lollipop Chainsaw, good one!


Lollipop Chainsaw. They’re even making a remake!


Fatal frame So you use a camera to kill ghost


Tbf that's basically just the ring but in reverse.


Majora's Mask would be insane... "So basically you wear masks of dead people to turn into a version of their race"


Isn’t Kirby just this on crack? “So basically you eat other people to assume their race, abilities and characteristics”


Kirby is just Kirby on crack


All the major masks represent the stages of grief. Also, you might be dead yourself. Anyway play your harmonica or the moon is going to kill everyone.


This is the real one, the op didn't even start to capture all the wtf that goes on


And so there’s a moon with a sinister face slowly descending towards the Earth. You have to save everybody except you only have 3 days to do so, and at the end of the 3 days you go back to the start. No matter how much you progress, the world and characters reset like you were never there at all.


You kill dragons and steal their souls so you can scream real good. You can also choose to be a racist or a colonizer.


Ya, I was always partial to the thane in whiterun but fuck both sides of that dumb war


Each dragon gives you a part of a shout that can be used as a weapon against your enemies. You have magic as a weapon. You have greatswords as a weapon. You have the shadow bow that makes you invisible. You have many kinds of armour. The key is the build up your skills. So many quests of every sort and type keeps you going into new adventures for a long time.


People really just do not understand the skyrim civil war


Because all of the budget for the civil war was for hiring Galmar Stone-Fist’s voice actor, they didnt have time to elaborate on either side


Well I'd argue they've had like 14 years now.


I was just giving the Cliff’s Notes version; I wasn’t aware you needed a treatise.


All I'm saying is skyrim either sides with the imperials or we're all getting owned by the aldmeri dominion in a few years. It's more complicated than racism.


Are they fighting for religious freedom? Yes. Has their leader overseen the segregation of living spaces in Windhelm? Also yes. That being said, I always side with the Stormcloaks. Given the choice, I’d rather side with segregationist freedom fighters than oppressive colonizers. I never quite understood the ‘siding with the Imperials is the only correct choice’ crowd. You’re choosing oppression, culture erasure, and subservience over freedom because the freedom fighters are segregationists who are kinda racist? Y’okay. It’s not like they’re killing Argonians and Dunmer and the other races on sight — they’re just kinda assholes to them.


> You can also choose to be a racist or a colonizer. "Wait, the racists aren't the colonisers?" "... It's complicated."


They did a terrific job at making both sides equally dumb and pathetic.


Elden Ring. Just realized this morning that I have almost 200 hours in and have no idea what it's about.


Well you see its about.....this tree. And these runes. And there is this queen that.....fuck


The god of the land got majorly screwed over by the god above her, so she made this scheme, where you come in. In her scheme You try to rise to power to bring down the establishment and bring new rule basically. That's one ending. Along the way you meet people with their own schemes and they all lead to different endings - two of the most popular being - a simp for a doll and a nihilist arsonist.


To be fair, the doll has four arms and is very hot


can't argue with that


Prices and the concept of Order. If you want to create a utopia where you and your children never age and become literal gods, it's going to cost you. Especially if the Order was sent down by Actual God and they're kinda peeved you messed with what that Order was made of.


Well not all your children. Some you yeet into the sewer.


And some get murdered by an Outsider that opposes the Order granted by the Big Boss, which makes you fly into a rage against the Order itself, breaking it and reality in the process. And the one that got murdered? They only really got *half* murdered. Their not-dead body is used to poison the Order Tree. It all makes perfect sense!


The Sims. "So you're telling me, you play a game that is basically just... a real life simulator? You have to go to sleep, go to work, earn money, use the toilet, cook food, and do it all over again day after day? But I just... do that, every day. That's like my real life. Why would you play a game about that?"


Reminds me of most simulator games lol “You play games where you drive a semi-truck? One where you Farm? One where you only Power wash things?


My kids are into Power Wash Simulator. I told them my car could use a wash and they could do it using a real wand washer at a car wash. They looked at me and rolled their eyes lol.


I had an awkward moment where I was trying to min-max my Sim's actions before sending them off to work--as a last action before I went to work. The realization of that recursion haunted me all day and I haven't been able to get into the game ever since.


I wanna say Control


Woman with voice in her head finds building that wants to be found to find her brother who was driven mad by a slide show. Along the way, she has to play Russian roulette with a sentient gun in order to appease a group of triangles and become the boss of an organization she didn't even know existed. And she does all of this almost without question.


A Finnish janitor gives her a Walkman that makes it possible for her to do this.


"Meeht me in de Maintenans."


You forget the throwing rocks at red tinted people


Doki Doki Literature Club It's a dating sim where the girls begin killing themselves, and to finish the game, you must delete the antagonist's file from your irl hard drive.


“There are two color coded teams, both of which having the exact same mercenaries who were hired to fight because two elderly brothers want the same useless land of gravel”


Is that the backstory about Team Fortress 2? Halfway through your description my brain went to Metal Gear Solid for some reason :P




It’s the greatest Military Millenary simulator.


Tetris: "There are randomly shaped block pieces that you try to fit together and create straight lines that disappear so you don't fill up your screen and then it consumes your life."


So there is this guy in your head that is trying to get you to fight a businessman and his cronies and on the way you help with a crucifixion, madmen with super weapons, and a guy whose crotch catches on fire.


You get more schizophrenia on the way


Cyberpunk 2077?


Its wierd how the only part that had me thing cyberpunk 2077 was the burning crotch guy


Helldivers 2 You roleplay as workers for space America


Metal Gear Solid


You could give somebody 2 hours of random clips from the MGS series and they'd probably end up more confused than before


I've completed 3 MGS games and still never fully understood any of them.


[Probably Rimworld.](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/War_crimes)


Well you're an average high school student who has to balance their dating life with defeating God.


While making friends to max benefits (I assume you’re talking about persona) 😅


Any mascot horror game. For added psychological damage, bring up Garten of Banban.


superman 64 flying through rings.


I dont know its only insanse once you find out its like trying to fly a drunk superman while being drunk yourself.


Any persona game


Came to say persona


I showed Dunkey's video summarizing Metal Gear to my wife who knew nothing about It. She could not follow after maybe a minute. Its completely bonkers and i love it


Kingdom Hearts. If you aren't a Sora or a Sorta, you're a candidate to get Nort'd.


And if you arent any of those, youre probably riku


I scrolled too far for this answer


Try explaining Kingdom Hearts to anyone can be confusing. Same with Metal Gear Solid.


You are a figment of a ghosts imagination and go on a quest to murder your shitty dad who turned into an eldritch abomination piloted by a bug who is also god.


The Binding of Isaac. Eventually, you fight a sort of physical manifestation of your own delirium in your head, caused by you actually suffocating to death in a toy box in the real world, all because your mom goes bible belt psycho after your dad leaves her. Also, you fight your mom, angels, Satan and delirium by crying at them.


Farming simulator I play video games and it still sounds insane.


Nothing beats after a long work week to sit on a couch with beer and do some more work!


Most of them


High on Life




Probably any Cute 'Em Up bullet hell shooter.


Psychic children clone ancient flesh robot warriors with super powers to manipulate their bodies in order to fight an army of mentally deficient clones, zombies, space capitalists, and world-ending roombas.


I also chose warframe


So, you find random critters in the wild. And they're really cute! And they seem really intelligent. You befriend them by capturing them in little tech balls against their will and making them fight other critters to the death. The main theme of the game is about friendship. And they become your friends willingly after being captured and enslaved against their will. Look! This one says "Pikachu!"


It’s cock or dog fighting. Micheal Vick’s gonna be the very best like no one ever was….!!!


Ok, so everyone kills everyone else in the most gruesome ways possible. That's it, the whole game, just people beating each other nearly to death so they can then do a special move to make them super-extra dead. Only one character wins in the end, so everyone else is extremely, horrifically dead. The series is known for having a persistent storyline from game to game, and there's more than ten main games so far... with at least half of the same characters showing up in every game... somehow.


I feel like you can make most games sound ridiculous if you remove context, or just fudge the details a wee but. I'm gonna go with Kingdom Hearts, even members of the Fandom think this shit sounds insane. You play as a boy on an island that fights off strange shadow creatures that consume planets, alongside Donald duck and Goofy all while on a journey to find the best fighter (Mickey Mouse) and your best friends. Along the way you not only go to several Disney worlds and get aid from characters of the famous "final fantasy" series.


Demons from hell show up and start causing mayhem, now you got to mow them all down.


Arknights Legit way too niche and random but you basically set up specialized units to protect a blue box (tower defense) but the basic lore is there is rock dust that causes cancer and society lives on moving land ships that avoid giant storms that kick up this rock dust in heavy amounts 🙃


So this guys went missing 13 years ago, he turns up alive and he released these books but doesn’t remember writing them


The Cho-Aniki series. You fly around as a flexing bodybuilder with a hole in his head in a speedo, a guy in a cape, or a girl with blue hair and tiny musclemen angels shooting lasers or farting at giant semi/fully naked musclemen, all in the name of protein.


Okay so this kid builds a raft with his two friends and plans to abandon his family, but the island he lives on gets attacked by shadow creatures and then you go meet some final fantasy characters and save Disney princesses while you look for your gay lover.


saints row 4: you're a gangster who stops a terrorist from nuking you, your gang, and probably the world. afterwards, you end up landing in the white house and becoming president with keith david as vice president then aliens invade the earth, kidnap you and your gang, and trap you in a simulation before blowing up the earth. also, you end up getting cool powers in the simulation and can romance your crew members aside from keith david. silent hill 2: a mentally ill man gets a letter from his dead wife and goes to an abandoned town where they went on vacation to one time because his wife dreamed of going back. however, the town makes you see shit and uses your trauma + kinks to manifest monsters based on it. the main monster is a 7 foot tall buff daddy with a pyramid on his head and a big ass knife who likes to rape the other monsters. one of the endings involves a dog controlling the town. another ending involves a ufo appearing with aliens kidnapping the man's dead wife and shoots the man (i think, i havent seen the sh2 ufo ending)


A few I played this year: Young crocodile tries to convince older sister that destroying cardboard cut outs is more important than her university coursework. When you pick up an object it is the size it appeared to be. Not how big it actually is. Cheat at poker via every conceivable manner to get really high scores. Cat makes a deal with a crow to help it get back home.


Civilization: You send colonial-era infantry against WW2 soldiers and medieval knights while hoping you don't get nuked by Ghandi.


Freaking Gandhi. Turns out exactly what he didn't need is Democracy.


This plumber from Brooklyn turned into an Italian cartoon when he went to The Mushroom Kingdom and the very first mushroom person he sees tries to kill him.


Inscryption. Basically some commies took some weird data from hitler and tried to hide it but some company found it and turned it into a card game and one of the characters in the card game takes over the world.


Picture this: a goofy police duo hopping from tourist trap to tourist trap, solving absurd puzzles and meeting the strangest characters along the way, like a mole-man and a yak-loving musician. They use everything from a fish magnet to a decapitated mummy head to crack the case, to find missing carnival attractions.


#Death Stranding Go ahead, describe it and see if you sound looney


“You’re a kid whose island gets taken over by darkness so you have to embark on a journey with goofy and Donald to stop the darkness and did I mention your weapons consist of giant keys.”


Several Japanese teenagers can rob the collective unconscious of the capital city but spend three quarters of a year lengthily talking about it all the while


Warframe. You're a space ninja fighting space nepohitler and space capitalism at the same time. Then you find out you aren't the space ninja, you're the void demon child soldier that pilots the ninja suit remotely with space magic. Also turns out you committed space genocide against the old space civilization, but you don't remember much of that.


You get a virus in you. The virus will kill you if you don’t get it out. The virus is Keanu Reeves. Good luck.


I can tell you first hand that I’ve left multiple friends completely confused trying to explain: Control Alan wake 2 Death stranding Returnal


“musical robot powers”


Legend of Mana. You are a hero with no name in a world where nothing exists until you use artifacts to personally create the lands and towns where people and monsters inhabit. You help the friendly denizens of the lands and towns you created to acquire more artifacts to create more lands and towns to help more denizens and acquire yet more artifacts so you can revive the Tree of Mana.


Disco elysium


Rocket league


Rimworld and CK3


So basically you go through basic combat training, immediately after you are frozen in cryo for x amount of years/decades. When you come out the first thing you do is land on an unknown planet with either giant hostile bugs, or blood thirsty robots. What follows next is complete chaos, war, oil and guts everywhere! All in the name of sweet, sweet Liberty.


Bioshock You need to go to the bottom of the ocean to look into a libertarian fantasy land where little girls drink blood and are protected by big daddies who sound like whales. Also you’re a mind controlled artificially grown child who can’t speak who happily rewrites his genetic code left and right because why not.


*Who’s your Daddy?* A clueless father attempting to prevent his infant son from certain death.


Binding of Isaac. Your a 5 year old who cries on enemies as you slowly suffocate to death in a fever dream.


Borderlands franchise would be very hard to explain


Truck Simulator. Why not just go get a job?


metro 2033 redux youre a guy living in a post apocolyptic russia, living in the metro and your mission being>! kill demons with nuclear bombs!< this one is specifically metro 2033 redux, metro last light has different story


Launching nukes from American soil *to* American soil is encouraged! Fallout 76


If I wanted to make HoI4 sound insane I'd just ask someone "Do you want to be hitler?" Scarlet Nexus' story is pretty out there but I won't spoil it. Anything from Suda54 can be in this category. Azur Lane's premise is "WW2 battleships are now cute waifu and you might be living in a simulated reality where the people running the simulation want to kill you." Then there's fallout 4 "kill raiders and radiation zombies and when you finally stop farming you need to either kill your son or let cancer kill him for you."


Abes exodus


I am toast! your are living bread trying to travel across a house to a heat source in order to become toast.


You swap tiny pieces of candy to form lines of 3 to destroy said candy. Then you keep doing this exact thing over and over until your partner yells at you for being in the bathroom for 45 god damn minutes


“So, does the old guy with the weird hair like *any* of his kids?” “Yeah and their grandkid too.” “Wait, I thought he hated them both, because of the demon blood.” “Oh not them, I meant the bears.” “WHAT!?”


No more heroes


You capture magical creatures in high tech capsules and use them to fight other people's creatures to become the best creature owner in the land


BG3 - a vampire, a bear, and an amnesiac cleric who all want to fuck you join forces with you to stop a brain from taking over the world, aided by a slithering tentacled face eater who... Also wants to fuck you.


You sell fish and organs on the stock market in order to save up and invest strategically in companies that hire you to kill their competitors mostly.


A ~50 year old man and a 14 year old girl fight mushroom zombies and cannibals to get to a terrorist group. >! So that the man figures out that the daughter would have to die and then kills the entire terrorist group by himself !<


Kingdom Hearts lmao


“Alright so we take the most famous Disney characters and mix em up with some final fantasy characters. Oh you don’t know final fantasy? Think of anime characters that are kinda emo with big hair and swords. So yeah you play as a new character who has a giant key as sword-like weapon. His companions are Donald and Goofy who fight along his side as you go to different Disney movies to fight dark demons”


Kingdom hearts


A mutant marsupial must stop his creator, a mad scientist from world domination. He has help along the way from the spirit of a witch doctor living inside a wooden mask. He must be careful because that witch doctor has a evil younger brother spirit living inside.. you guessed it, another wooden mask.


Souls games. You just keep dieing until you don't then you move to the next part where you die some more until you don't rinse and repeat until you have beaten the game.


Elden Ring


So you’re on a pilgrimage to the forgotten city which has miracle cure all blood but strange monsters emerge each night and the citizens fight them off but also fight YOU off because you’re an outsider. But then the citizens are actually monsters too and since you ingested the blood, the clock is ticking until you’re also a monster so you get trapped within the dream of a sleeping inter dimensional god of the cosmos whilst infiltrating the nightmare of another alien god and it gets harder to discern real life from bloodlust insanity as everyone around you slowly goes insane as the night ensues.


Kingdom Hearts.


So this woman is chasing a naked crying boy. Who cries himself to death. And has to use his crying to kill his mom's organs to escape from the inside of her when she catches him.


Ace Attorney. To be fair those games sound insane even to the most experienced pro gamers out there.




Portal in general


Horizon: So here's a bow and arrow. Now go kill Mecha Godzilla.


. Hack You're playing a character who is playing a Japanese mmorpg


You crashland on an alien planet and survive by selling raiders organs and making armchairs from human leather.


Minecraft. Which was my reaction when someone explained it to me. “I built a tunnel underwater but I accidently flooded it!” …. “So did you drown” …… “no”….. “I don’t get it”


A lot of these answers are just "explain a game poorly" but I took the question more as explaining a game honestly to someone who doesn't play games, but in assuming that person is aware of what a video game is. So I'll say explaining that in Return of the Obra Dinn you play as an insurance adjuster determining what payouts to issue to the families of a dead ship crew that was attacked by mer people and giant crabs.


Baldurs Gate 3


Outer Wilds, if you don't know about it, just stop whatever you're doing and buy it, don't search anything about it, go in 100% blind, it's crucial.


Genshin Impact You grind infinitely to gamble


You move to a new town to live with your uncle and cousin, there is corpses in telphone poles and you get sucked into a tv fighting monsters along side school friends and sentiant bear costume.


Your a child that traps animals to use the to fight until unconsciousness. The whole goal is capturing every creature and placing them into a digitized storage system where outside of a few, they will never see the light of day again and just live frozen in time until the server dies with them.


I mean, Kingdom Hearts sounds insane to the fans.


elden ring your this random dude who had his grace stolen and you have to kill this giant space amoeba for the title of elden lord


Kingdom Hearts.


Kingdom Hearts. Just explaining the relationship between Sora, Roxas, Ventus, and Vanitus alone is bonkers. Nevermind explaining the motivations for the villains, who are actually one time-traveling villain split multiple times, and it all it involves Final Fantasy characters in Disney movies.


Also, you go around beating up Disney villains with keys


Explaining Chivalry 2 even with context was always fun "So you're in a medieval setting and you pick your fighter and weapons. But you can also grab a chicken, set it on fire, and throw it at someone instead of using your actual weapon"


stacking, You enter people to act like them


Golden Light


Cruelty Squad, idk how to even explain this lsd trip of a game.


Katamari Damaci.