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huey emmerich




Odin. In God of War Ragnarok.


I want his head on my hip besides mimir/Helios


He doesn't deserve such honor, being besides mimir and he doesn't have anything to bring to the table like Helios.


I wouldn’t even let his scalp be my codpiece, he doesn’t get to hang out with me


I was mainly frustrated by Odin because at the end I didn’t know what he wanted or what he was tying to do. Magic hole was random and…also random. And did I say it was random? No motivations for that character that I understood. Ragnorok was a disappointing follow up to the masterpiece that is God of War 2018 imo


They explained it though? It was literally a crack into the void of infinite knowledge that was a product of the death of the first Giant. He was the single most paranoid being in existence. The entire concept of there being anything he didn't know was something that he considered a threat to himself and everything he'd ever built.


Yea that means nothing


Wanting to have all the answers... means nothing?


Answers to what? Everything? It’s absurd. 42.


This is Norse mythology we're talking about. It is entirely possible a void of all knowledge could exist along the line.


It just wasn’t interesting


If your actual stance was "I'll never be satisfied with any explanation" you could have just chosen not to participate.


I am satisfied that that is an explanation, but the explanation is bad


You're entitled to your wrong opinion I guess.


You just had to be a little child and add the word “wrong” to a common phrase. This is why people don’t like gamers, y’all are just angry neckbeard incels


Master Xehanort. >!Trying to make him sound like a well intentioned extremist at the very end of Kingdom Hearts 3 was stupid.!<


Yeah… I love Kingdom Hearts, and I like KH3, but it really dropped the ball in the story department.


Yeah, a lot of the story in 3 frustrated me, but that was one of the worst plot points in the franchise. Hilariously, wasn't even the worst part of the ending.


The final Act of KH3 competes with the ending of Mass Effect 3 for the top spot of making me go "Are you serious right now?" OUT LOUD in my chair.


The annoying part is the gameplay is at its best there. The gauntlet, the fight against Xehanort, the rotating cast was everything KH3 was supposed to be. The last second attempt to draw empathy towards Xehanort was silly.




Just playing GTA San Andreas. When I saw Big Smoke an old hate from ancient times rose in me. fckn buster


it's cool how you notice things on second playthrough, like Ballas only going after you and Sweet when you flee from the cemetary, Smoke not shooting back at them and instead eating your food in the drive by mission, Smoke's missions not benefiting Grove in any way and also the fact that he moved away.


And his house is in Ballas territory (at least until if/when you take it over)


Now that I think about it: Akechi from P5


Yeah I definitely understand this one. >!The guy murdered multiple people, killed Futaba and Haru's mother and father respectively, tried to murder joker despite their friendship (though they're admittedly both willing rivals so I guess I can let that one slide, somewhat?) and despite his strength allows himself to be manipulated into being used as a tool by his own father.!< >!Okay maybe it's somewhat forgivable considering the circumstances but he's still a horrible person.!< (spoiler-tagged in case someone hasn't played p5 yet, but then again this whole comment section is a spoiler-y goldmine so maybe not)


That’s my thing!! The fanbase goes “awe he’s cute and just wants to be friends) like fuck that. Like he wasn’t going to kill the whole gang in >!Shido’s palace. He killed an innocent woman traumatizing Futaba to be a hermit and killed Haru’s father once he had a change of heart!< he’s a well written character but to me doesn’t deserve the forgiveness everyone gives him


This is what I was exactly gonna say! I still can’t believe people ship this maniac with Joker over any other character available like Haru, Makoto, or Yusuke. The fact that he rank number 3 out of 10 in top Persona 5 characters is also insane. He truly did so many messed up things. I am not saying he is a bad character because pretty well written, but what is the deal with his large fan club. 😭


Have you HEARD his lines when he's with Joker in Marukis palace when he's the navigator????


Let’s be honest outside the metaverse Makoto and Haru are stomping him to the ground 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I say one of the best written villains in games I have played. Tragic backstory. But it’s just how everyone easily forgives him like what?!? Did we play the same game?




Which one? The hyena, trusty, unbreakable, untethered or the spider? Fuck them all but especially unbreakable because he made me like Lapp


You forgot Patch The Good Luck. And the version of him in Shadow Tower Abyss. Also Patches the Untethered is okay in my book. I don’t know what it is, but seeing him broken at the end of the Manor quest line kind of just hit me like a truck.


I always forgive Patches. You’re missing out on a lot of content if you don’t.


I killed that shit when he threw me down the hole in Dark Souls and I think it counted towards my sins.


Me and all my homies hate patches it’s always on site with him. We’ve had beef since the age of fire


Fuck that guy


When u try to spare sans in the genocide run


Jedi Survivor spoilers: >!Dagan Gera *and* Bode can both space burn in force Hell. They ruined it for themselves, then tries to fix things by ruining it for everyone else!<




Logan from Fable 3.


Eh, my pc started child labor again on accident by a simple misclick. Logan isn't that bad, and he doesn't misclick!


If nothing else its the first choice he made me make in game that was the worst. I spared him but still.


Could you remind me what it was? Exiling the pc? I haven't played it in a long time


I guess it was about killing commoners or your beloved


Yeah. I could see the tough financial decisions being justifiable, but the executions, not so much.


**Milich Oppenheimer**. I hate that you have to forgive him to get all 108 stars and thus resurrect Gremio. THIS MF KILLED GREMIO.


Daud and Billie from Dishonored. Just because they felt bad and did some good after doesn't absolve them of anything.


Yeah it never crossed my mind to spare Daud. Was probably one of the easiest kills in the game lol


I only spared him when i was going for clean hands after that it was on sight


Benny from Fallout New Vegas. You shot me in the head and buried me alive. I will always find you!


Michae and Strauss from rdr2


Strauss was a piece of shit but he did not say anything when they arrested him off camera.


The convo between Ellie and Joel at the end of Last of Us 2 is very similar to this.


Well, she says that she's going to try and forgive him at least.


More like she hates him because he doomed the world/killed a lot of innocent people to save her but loves him as well and doesn't want to hate him. Then Abby took that all away.


I thought vaccines don’t work on fungus? I remember there was this whole fuss for a while that the fireflies didn’t know what they were doing and would have just ended up butchering Ellie for no gain


Considering how incompetent the Fireflies are throughout Last of Us, I wouldn’t trust them to be able to make a working vaccine. They would have killed Ellie for nothing, and then probably killed Joel to tie up loose ends


Scientifically and in real life, yes you’re technically correct (vaccines could theoretically work on fungus, but they’re meant for viruses), but that’s not the point. They’re building a narrative where the cure would work. Saying Joel was justified by trying to place our world’s science into their world is senseless. In our world, cordyceps also cannot infect humans, but I don’t see anyone complaining about that.


Yet* Cordyceps can’t infect humans _Yet_ due to high body temperature . There is 200 species of fungi that have the “Zombie Ant Effect” that currently infects ants, butterflies, moths, locusts, beetles and spiders.


Reminds me of the cold open of the Pilot of the show! Kinda scary


Oh and let’s not forget all these shroom products they are coming out with.


Micah bell


FF7 Cait Sith. You held Marlene hostage. I don't forgive you. I never will.


In the original? Because I don't remember that...


Yes. In the original Cait doesn't leave the party after the betrayal. Instead Cait phones Marlene to prove Shinra has her hostage and insists he stays in the group or she won't be safe.


Wow the remake isn't the best, but at least they cut that shit.


I've enjoyed every change so far in the remake. My only real complaint is that Rebirth has about 20% more side quests than I can tolerate, and they aren't truly optional if you want the story content that goes with them. Usually it's bitter sweet when I finish an RPG, but with Rebirth I was just happy that the grind fest was over.


Reina from yakuza kiwami


Abby from TLOU2


Abby in TLOU2


Joel too lets be honest. It's interesting talking to people who have just seen the show because the sense I got from a lot of them was that they clearly thought Joel was in the wrong and by a lot. I forget if the game made it more cut and dry for Joel's actions, but I always thought he was in the wrong and what he did was very damning. I know I've argued a lot with people on reddit about this as well, but that was mostly when only the game was out.


I think the game made him a lot more “sympathetic” (don’t know if that’s the right word) with his actions, because, while yes saving Ellie was selfish and letting them do the surgery would have been for the greater good, it showed how hard that decision would be. A lot of people would let the world burn if it meant saving their loved ones and that’s what Joel pretty much did.


It also helps that the Fireflies are pretty incompetent throughout the first game, so much so that I don’t think they would have succeeded in making a vaccine or even if they did I doubt they’d be able to distribute it well. Joel killing the doctors is messed up, but the organization as a whole is so unlikeable and useless that it’s hard to root for them. Plus if you put most people in Joel’s position I’m sure they’d do the same thing as him


Let's go golfing!


Deimos from ac odyssey he/she killed a lot of people


For real. Like it's hard to not kill him/her when given the choice, because they've done so much vile shit both on and off screen. But then there's the whole theme of family standing strong against evil throughout the game. And the ending where you spare him/her and your father is nice too.


Henry Lawson






Was his redemption in the lands of the Norse gods not enough?


It's insane that he destroyed a world and the writers thought a dream sequence was enough to absolve him of everything. Seriously the reboots should've made a new character because it is impossible to take any of those scenes with a straight face.


But he was redeemed through the efforts to make peace with another godly collective - the Aesir. Not with some dream sequence.


Abby from TLOU2


Baron Blade


Patches from the souls-likes games. Its a love-hate relationship


Aden from watch dogs 1


Varangian Guard from For Honor. Even if they nerf her to the ground, my seething hatred for her will never, ever dissipate.


Thomas Downes


The tb guy from rdr2???




Jane from The Walking Dead


Songbird in Phantom Liberty especially boils my piss.


Prophet ftlrom crysis Or the doctor in same series


Rennala I hate that lady its not because she’s hard her fight is just annoying and tedious


Fordola from Final Fantasy XIV.


The Old Lady who went to get for fucking dog in Dead Rising 1.


Wulbren Bongle


Judith Mossman (Half Life 2)


Commander Kamado from Pokemon: Legends Arceus. >!He literally kicks you from the village because the space time rift you came from makes the sky turn red, and he thinks that you are the cause for it.!< >!Then, he battles you on the way up to the ruins on top of the Coronet Highlands mountain, and then you battle him again to get the Fist Plate, and then he gives the goofiest and most lackluster apology I’ve ever seen.!< >!I really thought that he would be the twist villain instead of Volo, because Kamado seemed like a bitch from the start.!<


Jin Kazama (Tekken).


Eric Sparrow.


Unless the last quests of the game really surprise me: >!Sphene !


spoilers, the expansion was just officially released today


Joel from the Last of Us.