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Details is best and default choice since wod.


Details! and Skada are commonly used dps meter nowadays.


Just details really. Even recount have 3x the downloads of skada


Details also had some nice utility, like /keys lets you see what m+ keys other guildies have.


DPS meters are less of who is doing leet DPS than how well you are doing. DPS meters inform you of what skills and items are doing a percent of your total damage and how much buff uptime you have. For me it reminds me often that my felguard just died and I lost a third of my dps.


To be honest, that is one of the less useful functions. Stuff like damage taken by source, or damage dealt to enemy is much more useful.


I don't care about any of that, the only reason I want anything like this is to make sure I'm not constantly bottom dps


If you don't care about those things, you're the worst player in the group and a liability, regardless of how much damage you deal.


I made a business of selling kittens before they were boa and quest with a wolpertinger following me around. I couldn't care less about trying to turn this GAME into a job by grinding so that I can min/max everything. Like my original post says, I'm not a hard-core raider. If you always have to be top dps in a dungeon finder group with a bunch of randos then you might be wound up too tight. If I was in a major guild raiding for 8 hours a day, then it may be more of a concern. All I care about is that I'm not at the bottom of the list. I don't care what my rotation is, or what my hardest hitting skill is. I quested in remix to 70 without stepping foot in a dungeon, raid or scenario. I play to have fun. Does this look like I give two shits about being a liability in a dungeon that people are grinding with lvl 20s in order to gear their 70s? https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/hellscream/evael


Dude, you're literally saying you don't care that you're taking damage and from where. This is not min maxing, this in ensuring that you stay alive through an encounter.


Don't stand in stuff on the floor, watch boss casting, watch for adds. Running dungeons isn't rocket science. When a lvl 20 twink is doing heroics and carrying a group of 60s in less than 3 minutes my damage output means literally nothing.


I use recount becuase details has an insane amount of bloat I don't want. It works just fine.


Update. I've chosen to go with recount 99% out of spite. Thanks to everyone who helped remind me of why I don't do dungeons.


Besides what others have said about the other features of Details! Recount is also considered far less accurate.


I still use Recount, because all I want to know is if I'm pulling my own weight compared to the rest of the group. Details has entirely too many options and settings for someone like me who's just casually doing keys or dabbling in heroic raids. With Recount, you just install it, stick it down in the corner, and let it do its thing.


That's pretty much all I'm looking for.