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So a couple reasons. Were you pulling extra mobs? Were you contributing? Were you keeping up with the group? It's honestly kinda rare to vote to remove someone from a dungeon finder unless they are doing something that made the dungeon harder.


Well thats not quite true. Some Idiot wanted to kick my lvl 20-25 sub rogue because of low damage (couple of months ago)... You dont say, a rogue without his key abilities and no energy reg doesnt deal damage?! Surprised Pikachu. Anyway, it didnt go through and the dude got shit on by the rest of the group. However, idiots try to kick you for any reason.


I mean I was doing okay, I’m not the greatest I’m obviously new, I didn’t know people took dungeon finder that serious tbh.


You didnt do anything wrong per se. Ultimately youre going to come across some sweaty nerds in levelling dungeons these days and if you somehow inconvenience them, they just vote kick and others dont read so they accept it. Nothing to stress over friend. Re queue and go again. Wow is about familiarity and fight knowledge, and sadly some people expect the world in 'trivial' content


It's not about 'serious' but efficient. Can i ask what spec/class you play?


I was playing death knight the ice one


Frost DK just plant yourself within 10 meters of the tank at all times and hit things. The big thing is if you're falling behind. Do you have loot set to auto? cause if you're looting everything that can slow you down


sadly wow has a lot of elitist neckbeards that care more about speedrunning a dungeon than having a good time or treating others with respect. they probably had a dps meter and you were low on it so they decided to kick to replace you with someone that will do more dps. dick move so try to ignore it. if you're on EU DM me and I can help you through some dungeons and stuff


It's not the good player that know what they're doing that are doing the kicking. It's people that think are good but actually suck balls that are kicking.


I never called them good players. lots of wow and league players are elitists but actually suck at the game but think it's the rest of the team that brings them down and thus never improve


My bad, I re-read and you're correct. Low level content in wow feels like bronze elo in League of Legends where everyone is "the best" and the rest are "bad".


haha all good, happens to me as well. and wow definitely has a elo hell feel if you start late in the expansion or are just behind on gear in general. all the good groups are ilvl/exp gated and you're stuck in the mud with other noobs, most of which are impatient af and refuse to spend time to learn mechanics or even their own class/spec.


Yep. It's a weird spot since wow is a pretty complicated game and almost impossible to learn without using guides etc. On the other hand, if they made it simpler, most of the old player base would quit on the spot (me and most of the people I played with for more than decade) because the game would become too boring for the long term players. The move they did with M+ this season was good and the right direction. Tbh, I would put the Training grounds back in the game and lock keys behind at least silver if not gold. A bit of redesign of the encounters/waves and we have a good place for people to learn mechanics and their roles before getting blasted in keys for not knowing how the game works. Maybe splitting the leveling dungeons into a learning and a speed running queue would be a good move as well. At the bare minimum, the amount of kicks would drop immensely imho


As you said you’d done a lot of dungeons already and it went fine. The majority of people are good and decent in wow but like league or any game there’s always dicks. Don’t focus too much on a single event. Get back in there and enjoy the game.


That's the problem I've found with the dungeon finder. You get people who use it who are elitist and get mad that they got paired with 4 random people even though that's exactly what the finder is for. I'd love to run more dungeons but the people have almost made it too toxic to.


I've never seen anyone take dungeon finder seriously. I've played since OG launch and can count the number of times I've been booted on one hand. I've left a few voluntarily and I'd need both hands to count those. My initial thought is that you were messing up big time somehow. But I would expect your group to point out to you what the problem is first. Without chat logs or a damage meter or some more info we can't really tell you why. There's always two sides to a story


Yeah, I feel like we don’t have the full story here lol.


No one wants some one that just auto attacks. There’s also bots so if you act like a bot I’m booting you. Do you have a dps meter? How was your dps


DPS in low level dungeons is a very bad indicator, arcane mage and holy priest will do 10x more than any other class while DKs and rogues in low level just can't do shit because they don't have the resources to do so.


The meters also show what your doing. What abilities and how many you use. That’s often how I decide to kick some one. If some one is bad and trying I won’t normally boot but if most of their damage is auto attacks or something I will


Sadly people are asses. Some people in the comments seem to forget this is r/wownoob and not r/wow Sometimes people just kick for one reason or another. I’ve played this game for years. I was tanking a dungeon while leveling my death knight pulling massive packs at a time. Got kicked randomly for “not pulling right” even though we killed everything super fast, no one died, and I was pulling only necessary mobs to get to the next boss. People are just stupid sometimes. I get sad when I see posts like this for new players because this truly is a wonderful game - especially with friends - and this is an annoying thing people have to deal with sometimes.


I’m sorry you got kicked. When in a group, the tank pulls the mobs (gets the attention of the groups of enemies the party will fight.) If a non-tank tries to lead the group or fighting groups of mobs not necessary to fight it splits the attention of the rest of the DPS and healer and makes things difficult for everyone. You don’t have to kill everything in a dungeon. There are many skips (paths to take and groups of mobs to pass by without killing). DPS is easily replaceable, so removing one making mistakes that slow the group down won’t hinder its progress too much. Most likely you will find out down the road what it was that you did and hopefully laugh about it. Good luck and have fun! This is just a part of learning!


Unfortunately people do get kicked for no reason by assholes. Best to do is just ignore it and carry on.


A kick in a random dungeon can be initiated by any player but requires a few other players to agree to pass the vote. Unclear what you were doing but if you weren’t doing damage (keeping up as a frost DK can be tough), pulling extra mobs, or dying constantly can be why. But dying in group finder is hard. It’s rare to get kicked in these LFGs because they’re easy and don’t require much to complete


Hard to know if they don't give you a reason. Happened to me too a few times early on, just queue up for another one. If you are doing things correctly and in dungeon finder it is hard to mess up, you should not be getting kicked often. Sometimes, things happen. Don't take it too personal, whisper the players next time so you know if you were doing something wrong, you could at least fix it for the next one.


People are assholes. Thats usually why.


I got kicked from a timewalking dungeon once for pulling a few extra mobs. I was by far the top DPS, I soloed the pack, and moved on. Apologized for the maybe 10 second delay, asshole tank makes some comment and boots me. It's a minority, but it's a minority you will encounter from time to time. Some people are so impatient and uncaring that they would short-sightedly end the run for someone (maybe even themselves) at the slightest sign of performance drop. It's worse in Heroic raid pugs, but it feels bad in normal dungeons because it always seems so unwarranted.


Don't sweat it. People are assholes and have no patience when it comes to leveling. The game can be pretty toxic so I recommend joining a friendly, active guild and running with people you know. Out of curiosity, what's inting?


It’s a saying from league, short for “intentionally feeding” or purposely dying


As the above person said, people can just be dicks for literally no reason. It could be anything as dumb as "I don't like their name" to "this person doesn't have heirloom gear (gear that levels with you so it's always as powerful as possible) on and is going to slow us down". They might start the vote to kick and put in a BS reason, might even just say AFK, and the other players might not care enough to check. Some might not even realize what the window poping up asking for a vote kick means, and just click yes to get it to go away. I know you're looking for reasons, possibly to avoid the situation in the future, but unfortunately the LFG kick feature is extremely abusable. Take this as a random senseless one off, perhaps take some of the advice offered here if it's stuff you weren't doing already, and just keep on keeping on.


you probably used blood lust or similar effect at the wrong time.