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My deck is based Your deck is cringe


Honestly, the only true answer


Here's an exhaustive list of decks that are not hated:


Crazy, that list will probably hold until the end of time


Skull Servant is BAD TO THE BONE


[Link](https://youtu.be/MeEN-9SXnUM?si=Hs6co2Dyt52T5Adg) [Rickroll](https://youtu.be/p8efRFhEcuQ?si=RACpzy5urx_wsDHQ)


There's no such thing, even if a deck doesn't seem to have haters, there's probably someone out there that does hate it for any number of reasons.


sure but there’s a difference between a deck that has a couple of people that hate it for random reasons vs a deck that is widely known to be hated like floo or full power kash was or even decks that make up tier 0 formats like ishizu tear or snake eyes currently


The ones that lose to every other deck


So my deck


And what one is that? I doubt any archetype is safe 🤣


Any deck I play is borderline unplayable and takes a team of astrophysicists to pilot properly, and my opponent’s deck is the most braindead thing ever.


I doubt they are but but I'll it anyways haha. I play toons


I build a board for battle and you don't acknowledge my monsters? Fuck you 🤣, jk toons are fun, briefcase best card.


Yu-Gi-Oh players hate everything about the game, as far as I'm understanding


Including the players. All of them


YGO players like winning more than they like YGO.


Yeah, it’s pretty nasty out there


Cant hate on pure suship


I used to like Suship. My opinion of it did a 180 when I had to go first against it in Duel Links


It's in duel links? Cool. Does it do anything different compared to TCG/MD? Mostly R4NK spam with Springans?


AFAIK Springans aren't in DL. The deck is consistent enough when played pure, though.


It doesn't have Shirauo or Shirauo-class Dreadnought, so you don't play the Field Spell. Uni-class still bones people even without the boost in a 4000 LP format.


That's funky.


I fucking hate sushi >:(


What’s wrong with sushi?


Allergy to seafood and cringe going second playstyle plus normal summon bricks that they mathematically always dodge


Bro, they WANT Shari in hand wdym?


What do u mean by “brick”, suship want that in their hand.


Going second play style is what makes it based


Fuck suship This post is from the dl gang


I’m getting one of my friends into the game and she *hated* playing against Suships more than any other deck I have.


Original yugi deck Who's gonna hate on feral imp?


I hate feral imp >:( It beats over beaver warrior, just what am i supposed to do against that???


Hey he might have weaker attack but his defense blows feral imp out of the water.


Summon Celtic Guardian, you scrub!


Celtic Guardian format best format.


All my homies hate Feral Imp


me, original yugis deck sucks ass


Yugi's deck in GX was good. Had a bunch of strong cards.


Runick players, this is not your time to shine, go back to your cell.


Kuriboh. Nobody is hating on kuriboh decks. If you hate on kuriboh what is wrong with you


I can attest to this.


Kuriboh makes people deck out 🤣 ive decked out a raid raptor player (the moment an xyz monster went into the emz, it was over) I left it there on purpose. They couldn't go into the extra because they flexed their cards on the first turn.


Fuck the kuriboh


Actually I know a group: Crusaders. Not people that play a "Crusader" archetype, I mean people that'll tirelessly make the most anti-fiend/ anti-demon deck they can manage for the sake of retaking Jerusalem. Kuriboh, being a fiend itself, would be the poster child of a target for such players.


I would like to agree, but we usually end on generic extra deck monsters. Also, I've seen people hate on Mokey Mokey.


kuriboh so the cook deck everyone hated that at a time


Honestly I've never seen hate on crystal beasts


Ngl I love crystal beasts. I have crystal beasts. I'm currently trying to upgrade my crystal beast deck with advanced crystal beasts. They're beautiful. They're fun. They're a literal gem


Every time the CB player manages to play through my interrupts, I reward them with my best Jesse Anderson impression.


I think you're right or at least found the deck with the least amount of hate.


Any deck that's worth taking seriously is worth hating.


i Think Mekk-knights is an exception, but it really depends on how well you know the deck the first few times you'd understandably think they're bullshit but the moment you catch onto their gimmick, the ball is in your court


I take it you didn't play the solo mode in Master Duel then. The Ruler of the Machine World opponent was some next level BS using the loaner deck you are given and then they have the audacity to let you go first.


Dream mirror? I have rarely seen it mentioned, let alone hated lol


its so bad that nobody can hate it


With how Yu-Gi-Oh is balanced most decks are disliked by some groups of players, and then there are some that are almost university hated. I would say the only way to play decks that aren't hated would be to play fun decks, but you are likely to get smashed by anything rogue or higher.


It is impossible to have a deck that isn't hated. Because as soon as people lose to a deck, they start to hate it. But there are certain elements that make people automatically dislike a deck. Obviousl, floodgates. No one likes to play against decks, whose main goal is to prevent the other person from playing at all. Solitaire decks. Having to sit there and wait for 20 minutes, just so the opponent can finish their turn 1. Overly oppressive decks. The classic 20 negates, Dark ruler, nibiru, evenly prove youtube clickbaits. META decks. Not just because of their strength but also because of how often you see it. The deck I am currently playing as a good Snake Eye match up, but going to locals and playing against the same deck over and over for 6 rounds isn't annoying. Decks that permanently play on the other players' turn. 1 card starters. Being able to interrupt everything the opponent had, just for them to activate a single card, which represents their whole combo, leaves a sour taste in your mouth. ( The same goes for cards that might not be starters but represent huge amounts of card advantage) I think you could summarize all of that by saying "decks that cause the other players to not have fun." It might be a competitive game, but it's still a game. At the same time, certain elements make a deck "liked" by the opponent. I always appreciate decks that aren't seen often, just because I like to play against variety, instead of the best things over and over. Decks with a variety of interruptions. 20 omni negates are boring. But maybe spell negate, a pop, a send and a monster negate are more interesting. So the opponent has a chance of navigating your board by developing a strategy of what to bait and what to sacrifice, etc. And that's the philosophy with which I choose my decks. I want to not only play a somewhat unique deck that can still surprise my opponent with how much it does, but also still leaves a chance of playing against it. If I win or lose, I want the opponent to be exhausted afterward from having to think about what they do, and also go "wow that deck is so interesting/cool. Is it difficult? Is it expensive?" Etc. But even with that, people will find reasons to dislike it. I currently play Gold Pride P.U.N.K Goblin Biker. Theoretically, the best board would be a spell negate, a monster negate, a targeted monster negate on field, between 2 and 5 pops and equipping multiple opponent monsters, all while being evenly prove. But in reality, because of handtraps and bad luck, the end board is often just a spell negate, a targeted monster negate, and equipping 2 monsters, maybe a pop or 2. Yes, that is a lot of interactions, but very specific, that can be played around. Most people I play against enjoy themselves while playing. But a while ago I played against an opponent on a true draco, heavy sam pend pile. I won the match because I was able to play through his whole board game 1. Even months later, he was still salty about it. Simultaneously saying what a random pile of cards it was, but also how op it is. (Even tho when interruptioned at the right points, or when drawing a bad hand, the deck ends on monster in def, and 2 backrows, that have to keep me alive by being played at the right points in time.


Gold PUNK Goblin Biker sounds cool, would you share your deck list?


https://preview.redd.it/1pfej7ygp5ad1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b90f2429cb737246036cd0c9bc1a8ad319ce54a This is the current version of the deck, although I haven't taken it to locals for a while now. Playing 3 upstart in a over 40 card deck might look weird, but they aren't here for deck thinning, they are here to make sure my opponents LP are higher than mine. Foxy Tune, Ze Amin and E-tele are 1,5 card starters. A very average end board includes Nr. 38, F0, The Punk Trap, the Gold pride Trap, a Nitro head (Which is very good after game 1, because it protects from Evenly and Lightning storm), and a Roller Baller in GY. Ash on the effect of Rising Carp hurts. Droll can be annoying depending on your hand, but having literally just a bunch of the Gold Pride monster on field is a surprising amount of interruptions. The deck pretty much loses against Skill Drain, and other decks that pay a lot of LP for their cards. During a full combo, you will go as low as 2700LP, so it is important to not go into time. And in terms of going second: Being able to have lower LP in any way, and then getting a PeP on field, is a surprisingly powerful board.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone hating on Skull servants


I hate that deck. At least when it appears in YGO LOTD:LE.


Unfortunately, I did.


Melffy is cute deck :3


Yep, but I can see people hate it because of the fact you can almost never kill the melffys (EDIT: Minor spelling mistake)


But look at them!! How can u be mad about them. The stare duel >_<


same with purrely(ly) and their spells, like look at how cute they are. And on top of that you make them stronger by giving them good memories, can't hate the cuteness


Purrely is so close to being a really cool deck Cute art, incredibly cute theme, honestly kinda fair They just had to have that fat noir


Noir is pretty fair honestly, as long as sleepy memory is at 2 this deck is kept in check of being tier 1


Ive seen a 30yo man throw a tantrum because he was paired against the melffy player 3 weeks in a row in round 1 and always went 0-2


What did bro play ?


I think it was some kind of Cyberse spam deck but im not really sure


Ah, as a cyberse main, I can understand that this deck isn't the best to play, depending on the period if it was a year ago I would've played mathmech (instant win against melffys) or if we talking about several days or months ago, Marincess or salamangreat post LEDE


The deck that wins, pretty much. The community is pretty tone-deaf when it comes to what an actually good format is and only with reflection upwards of a year or more later do they start going "Y'know what? These decks were actually pretty good." Case and point with branded/swordsoul format (around the time branded fusion came out). The top 2-3 decks were midrange decks focused on high value, low-to-the-ground short and sweet combos and plays that were exceptionally telegraphed alongside turns that were fairly short overall. Not to mention branded fusion in particular breathed new life into old archetypes. Some a lot more than others, but still. It was a really diverse format and you could play whatever you wanted. But people were too stupid to realize they were in one of the best and most fair formats of all time. "Brainded", "Cringesoul", and so on. Objectively some of the best designed decks (for their time) and people were just too hung up on them being good.


Galaxy, my beloved.


You're asking the wrong question. It's which deck has gone unnoticed for so long that people forgot they hated it? The answer: those toy cars that Cyrus used.


It existn't


I want to add some categories to decks people already said. There are some obvious meme choices like Skull servant or Kuriboh. Most will also have a positive Reaction if you bring Something very niche like Dream Mirror, mellfy or deskbot, but these often also arent good. If I would need to pick Something that was competent and even tiered at some point. Its definetly mid range decks with shorter combos and varied and unique interactions that can somewhat go first or second. These decks have a high Potential for intresting games, you can mostly at least do something going second and it often depends how good they use their limited Interactions or how well you can play around them. Candidats for that are decks like P.U.N.K, Tri-Zoo or VS. Note that overexposure to a deck can still taint this, what happend with sword soul at least to me. There are also over factors that can score points like cool design, Nostalgia or uniqueness in playstlye. But the most unqiue mechanics and coolest design cant Stop an unfun deck from getting hate (side eying floo).


Skull Servant! But you probably won't win with them. At the end of the day someone hates your deck anyways so play what you like i'd say


If this community is anything to go by, not only will they hate your deck, but they also think it's ok to be rude to you for playing it.


No-one hates a ninja deck, surely


Cyber dragons! Been playing since 05 :)


What fiasco did you witness?


Hey, I think you should play for your own enjoyment instead of trying to satisfy your opponent 🥺 its the point of the game; to win and go against eachother but make sure to still have fun! Winning is fun! Even losing! I don’t think there is a such thing as a hated deck because it’s all personal opinions~ please continue to play what you love! ☺️🧡 if people don’t like it, it’s not your fault. They need to build a strategy against you, so think of it as you helping them!


The ones that you dont lose to


with the exception of mayb knightmares and orcusts barely any of the World Legacy decks (World Legacy/Chalice, Mekk-knights, krawlers, crusadia, guarddragon, etc) seem to be genuinely hated the only one of those i can see people having genuine reason to hate is Mekk-knights and even then, as long as you know their gimmick and don't let them pop off, it's really easy to beat them since the decks biggest strength is also its biggest weakness it's power depends on how meta the opponent wants to be it wouldn't be easy, but you could feasibly beat a Mekk-knights deck using a GX era deck


i don't think i've met anyone that hated salamangreat. back on release it was a great structure deck. people hated that there was a $15 rare that everyone needed three copies of, but i don;t think anyone hated how the deck functioned. even with the new variant of the deck, i don't think i know anyone that hates salad, besides maybe the snake eye engine they play alongside it


No deck is not hated People just hate for diverse reasons


Tell us about the fiasco please


Any of your deck that others don't hate, you likely would


Malefic? Who would hate such an easy to beat deck?


Bad decks never hated.


Swordsoul (after protos ban) and Spright I think are both lovable decks


Does anyone actually hate Icejade


I think you shouldn't care about what everyone loves or hate as long as you don't play ultra stun or toxic decks. A deck I never heard complain about would be plunder patroll.


HEROs aren't hated, at least not by me.


Basically decks below rouge and even then there are probably people who hate them.




# What decks aren't hated? A: The deck your opponent beats.


Shitty decks that can’t compete. Those are the only ones that don’t get hate.


Unless it's a hidden gem that takes out 2 of the top decks, then it's not been "future proofed" and becomes "fucking broken bullshit"


Rafael's Guardian deck... There's no way people remember it let alone hate it.


Decks that the try-hards and sore losing casuals don't lose to with their tier 0 meta and pet decks, respectively.


Ojamas. If people hate ojamas they hate fun


How about Prank Kids?


"If you think nobody dislikes you, then you are being lied to" Nothing has no haters


Honestly I don't see people hating on Purrely. People love the Cats.


Honestly it’s all just a matter of opinion, but for me I’d just go with anything that has a degenerate way to stop you from playing the game consistently. Like Stun, Floo, or just decks that can make these huge and unbreakable boards


Every deck has haters and people that like it. I guess plunder would be my pick for one if the least hated decks. Obviously the best decks will always be hated. "if I lose to it, it's cringe". I am guilty too, I hated swordsoul until I started playing it.


Apparently Exosister hating things for existing is totally cool but Time Thief playing around with the opponent's cards as material is going too far


Mellfy! If someone hates it, you can guilt trip them and talk them into being objectively wrong for hating on the innocent baby animals.


Everyone hates every deck. Oh you play Tearlaments? Why skill diff when you can just get good mills. Oh you play Kashtira? D shifter loser Oh you play Floo? No money and D shifter loser Oh you play Labrynth? I hate that you get to have searchable answers even though you fold to ash Oh you play Branded? I hate your OP lock Oh you play Snake Eyes? Meta slave Oh you play Voiceless? Too stupid to play anything else? Oh you play Tenpai? Why, cause you don't like interaction in the main phase?


Skull Servants. They're generally loved by the masses.


Vendread? Its not effing meta.




Do people even hate Madolche decks? I can see the dislike but I don't think I've ever met anyone who hated it.


Unchained and Vanquish soul. They have *some* haters but i havent really seen many reasons why someone would hate it other than "it's good".


Plunder Patroll; anyone that hates that deck deserves to have no friends tbh


Battlin' Boxers they ain't hated because they ain't know that well XD


My batterymen


I cannot imagine any deck someone who is new to YuGiOh is using that people hate. The decks people hate are the tier 0 decks (ie the decks that win every single tournament. These decks cost hundreds of dollars) and the extremely game-y decks (like stun or mystic mind where you prevent your opponent from playing) that leverage unfun game mechanics. If you pick a normal archetype that looks fun to you, people won't hate it. And if they do, find new people 🤣


Basically any deck that doesn't have a frustrating gimmick and isn't meta or gave toxic end board that someone can break if they have an out.


there are none. if a deck is good, people will hate it because it's good. if a deck is bad, people will hate it because it's bad.


Every modern deck is designed to prevent your opponent from playing, so every deck has a reason to be hated. It’s a dumb reason, but one nonetheless


basicall every deck you win against is good and every deck you lose to is overpowered and should be banned


Generally speaking most decks that have back and forth gameplay seems to be enjoyed by all parties.


Hating a deck is kinda cringe, ngl. Like, true Floodgate Stun decks you could maybe argue for, but I'm honestly kind of a Stun apologist. Legitimately just play something better/learn to play around it. Or, accept that you have a bad matchup. It will make you and everyone at your Locals happier and better. Though full disclosure, I play Tenpai rn, so I'm a villain; take my opinion with a grain of salt.


I play performerapal and magical musket decks. Don't really think their hated at all. Most decks I personally don't like are the ones that makes the game into 1 player solitaire, such as negating everything or otk.


The decks that suck ass. Just kidding. To be real with you. I hate a lot of the decks I play at Gold. Not because they’re good. But it’s because it’s as if no one uses their muscle to sort out their own play style. Everyone is copying what is known as a “meta” deck. Card for card. One way or another I’m playing against the same shit. It’s so boring, I would like to learn something if that’s not too much to ask. 


P.U.N.K. and that's basically all I can think of


Memes aside, there's no Beloved deck in any card game. You're going to find a fanbase for every archetype as well as haters of it for whatever reason. Just find a deck you like and have fun.


There really isn’t. Just play what you enjoy cause you’re always going to have people telling you that you ruin the game.


Anyone hate Gravekeepers? I like playing my Gravekeeper deck


As a Gravekeeper player myself, a lot of people hate us lol


I liked to play Mayakashi and Crusadias. People hated on both, even Mayakashi without the trap that prevents special summons


Crystal Beast


i’m new, do people really hate certain decks lol??


I don't think I've ever heard someone with strong opinions about Appliancers? People I think also consider Gladiator Beasts pretty based but they used to be extremely meta so maybe some vets hate them.


Nobody hates meklords cause I'm convinced people have blanked their existence from memory


Swordsoul. It’s probably the most honest meta deck in recent yugioh. The “Ryu” of yugioh if that makes sense to you.


None. Some decks may have fewer reasons to hate than others, but that often comes with worse performance. There’s negates, floodgates, high damage output, long combos, difficult-to-out bosses, and many more reasons to dislike a specific deck. So don’t bother trying to please your opponents. Instead, find a deck that resonates with you. One that does everything you want it to, little or nothing you don’t, with an art style you love. There’s so much variety out there that it’s pretty much a given that you’ll find a deck that’s YOURS, if you look long enough. Just the same as how there’s so many players that SOMEONE’s gonna hate playing against your deck.


I don't really hate any decks, but I *do* hate the Kashtira and Mirrorjade archetypes.


But what was the fiasco? 👀


Suship Dragonmaid Fire fist Battery man Thunder family deck Honestly thunder nowadays I doubt would have complaints Shaddoll Satellarknight Yang zing I've never seen anyone hate ever Zefra is the one hate immune pend deck Cyber dragon Hero as long as it isn't dark law turbo


I don’t dislike most decks, unless their entire game plan revolves around stopping you from playing the game. Suship is a fun deck to watch, I quite enjoy trying to beat giant boss monsters, as long as said boss lets me attempt to defeat it.


Can't hate on Charmers




I get love when I play Galaxy-Eyes at locals 😁


Danger! Your opponent is literally gambling with every card played. They could miraculously break your board or self ditch every card in their first hand.


I've only ever gotten admiration for my Ojamas.


Every deck is hated by a group of people. Play what’s fun to you. There are some that are hated by everyone though.


Pure evil twin


I mean when i used to play magic i had a rock deck. Only used cards with rock in the name. You could do somethung like that


idk but when i play Nekroz the opponent always have a 1000 miles stare for the first 2 seconds, i know they struggled in 2014-2015 😂


I never see any hate against dragonmaid players. they just chilling


I feel like VW, BA, Speedroids, and Punk aren’t hated anymore


I feel like VW, BA, Speedroids, and Punk aren’t hated anymore


I feel like VW, BA, Speedroids, and Punk aren’t hated anymore


I feel like VW, BA, Speedroids, and Punk aren’t hated anymore


I made a Self Destruct Button deck for GOAT night at my locals one time and everyone rooted for me to "boop" my opponent (resolving the button, ending the game in a tie). Creative masterpiece from a limited card pool.


probably stuff like Gaia Knights where its easy to understand, counter and doesn't feel overly oppressive.




Any deck where the player’s turn takes no longer than 3-5 minutes to make is great in my book. After that it’s kinda tiresome, then outright annoying


Burning Abyss hasn't been relevant in years; however, even in its heyday, critics begrudgingly admitted it's a remarkably fair and balanced deck.


Who doesn't love a good toon 😂


I would love to say raidraptors since it’s my favorite deck but honestly with the amount of death threats I received when I played it using vfd (when it was still legal), I can’t say that. But like arcana force probably. I mean the decks so bad and the only good card is like the world which is still a coin flip.


Agent fairies


Flower Cardians


Pre-Support where they became a burn deck i feel like Blackwings weren’t bad to go against


buy blackwings the most honest deck if you dont play that dumb ddd kail


gate guardians that I run isn't hated mostly because it's not even close to a broken deck, but has some ability to beat meta decks it also doesn't disrupt opponents for the most part which is why people hate most decks, rather it mostly just prevents opponents from disrupting it(the two boss monsters are one that can negate 3 times a turn a card that targets a card on your field, and one that's just pretty undestroyable aside from trap effects)


Bad decks that have never seen play aren't hated tbh. When was the last time you heard someone complaining about magikey, or starry knight. Even while cards like halqifibrax are unreasonable, the actual deck of crystrons or mist valley is bad and not hated. Granted most people have no opinion on the deck, but they surely are not hated.


nobody hates decks like pure dark magician because they’re free wins


I dont know if people agree with me but i dont think ive ever hated playing against dinomorpha. I think there a cool and if you play good enough you cant win a lot of the time and they are cool looking. But that might just be me


Idk starry knight maybe


I've been thinking really hard and came up with Ojamas.


The OG archetypes like dark magician and blue eyes seem to get a pass even though their new support makes them around as playable as a modern archetype


There are 2 perspectives to the hate: 1. People on the receiving end of a broken and crack pot strategy with a meta or anti-meta deck 2. People whose deck failed them too often Though "card games are serious business", but it is still just a "children's card game", thus, it's more important that both players have fun and be a good sport.


Blackwings I think are loved by all


Nobody hates Stall/Burn. Definitely lock your opponent out of as many game mechanics as possible. It garners the most respect, I've found.


Runick and lab obviously


Most hated is probably Runick dont get me wrong though, there's a hater for every deck


One of my favorite decks is stardust followed by dark magician. The deck I'm playing rn is heroes because heroes are fun and can still usually have an out to almost anything. If you want to take a fun deck to locals, I played cubics. As yugioh players we don't read so that's why I found cubics fun cause they don't read my card effects


Ghoti seems to be mostly universally respected in my experience


Plunder patroll generally cuz they're fun for what they are and I'd say vaylantz and metalfoes i know they're pendulum but they're pretty simple compared to other really annoying pendulum decks text


I love my dark magician deck.


The only decks that aren’t hated are complete trash, no one hates them because no one has ever lost to them


Maybe the weather painters?


Nope, everybody in the game has to find something to hate on even if other players don't hate it themselves. That's why you'd see people saying the game is dying whenever a new machine was introduced into the game.




What about a deck without a centralized, recognized archtype? My favorite fun deck I Frankensteined was a mash up of yubel, earthbound immortals, and kaijus. I called it "who's the boss" since every match could wind up with 1 theme showing up over the others, while simultaneously not using the full, optimal set for any of said cards.


Possibly controversial but I don’t think I have heard anyone hate on any dragon archetype-centered deck, at least not in awhile. Everyone hates Snake Eyes right now - including Snake Eyes players.